This is my second story. Please Review and let me know what you think. Should I continue with it? Also, check out my other story "Whatever It Takes" and my oneshot, "No Air".

Quick Summary: Bella's beautiful, and even though she doesn't see it, everyone else does. She just graduated from her small town high school and is off to Richmond, CA with her friend Angela. There they attend Richmond University and meet new friends such as Alice and Rosalie, and their boyfriends. While attending school Bella meets the most gorgeous green-eyed, bronze-hair boy, named EDWARD CULLEN. Bella's not the only who notices Edwards looks but she's the only girl on campus who's not running after him. Now she's met the nice guy, Vince. What happens when Edward and Vince have their sights on Bella? How will they interact? And who from Bella's past keeps calling her? Will she fall for the Adonis player or the good looking "nice guy"? Or will she keep her distance and guard her heart? When Bella left high school she thought she was leaving all the drama behind. She didn't know how wrong she was.

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight or any of the saga's books. If you look on the cover the authors name is "Stephenie Meyer".

College Life

Moving In and Meeting Friends – Chapter 1

Song – The Great Escape, by Boys Like Girls

I love the sun, the shine. I love the feeling of the sand between my toes and the sound of the waves crashing into the beach. It was my favorite thing in the world. Now as I packed my bags, I felt my excitement flare. I was going to Richmond University in Richmond, California.

Today was the day I would drive the fourteen hours to get there with my best friend Angela. We went to school at Forks High in Forks Washington. It's a small little town, about forty minutes from real civilization but I never hated it. I was however excited to go somewhere warm, somewhere it was wasn't always overcast or raining. Somewhere new.

"Your ready?" My friend, Angela, yawned.

"As much as I'll ever be," My words came out in a yawn, too.

I probably wouldn't have had the courage to go without Angela. I didn't mind starting over but I didn't necessarily want to do it alone. Angela was driving along with me for the long fourteen hour drive there and we planned to drive straight through. We already had our dorms all set up but we were in separate ones.

I didn't know who my roommate was, just that it was a freshman girl named Alice Cullen, and we were in Meyer Hall, room 332. I was slightly nervous for my upcoming meetings but it was buried under all my excitement.

By now, all of my and Angela's belongings were packed in a rental SUV we acquired. I just recently sold my truck and Angela used her parents cars. I planned on getting a new car and some furniture for my room as did Angela when we got there.

"One the road again..." Angela started yawn-singing. I giggled.

I told my parents, Charlie and Renee, goodbye last night. Angela spent the night so we could wake up at four, as we did, and we had all our things packed except for the essentials we needed this morning. I was the first to drive and Angela would take over when I needed to rest.

We both got in the SUV and I began driving down Forks Ave/US 101. We would be on this road for a while so I popped in a CD randomly and pressed play. It was my OneRepublic CD, Dreaming Out Loud, my favorite. We sang along with the first song, Say (All I Need), because it helped keep us awake.

My CD was almost over by the time I had to turn left onto E Hoquiam Road, almost two hours later. After that we had to drive on about six more Indian roads before I pulled over at a rest stop and switched with Angela.

"Let's go, baby!" I was impatient to get to Richmond. Angela agreed.

She continued the driving after changing the CD to Chris Daughtry's newest album. We sang along with It's Not Over until I fell asleep. I didn't know how much longer we had been driving when I woke up but we were in Oregon now. Angela had to go to the bathroom and wanted me to take over driving for her, which I happily accepted.

This next interstate was the longest route of the trip, six hundred and forty miles, or so mapquest said. It was about eight in the morning now so we stopped to get food. We didn't want to stop at a restaurant so we stopped at Wendy's, the lesser of the evil fast food restaurants.

We went through the drive-through before we got back on the interstate. I drove for another four hours before Angela wanted to take over. Around one o'clock we went to for another food break and she continued to drive until three and I took over until we finally made it to Richmond at five thirty; we made good time. We figured we would eat after we, somewhat, unpacked.

"So how excited are you for Richmond University?" Angela yelled over the music.

"Woo whoo!" I yelled back. We pulled into the parking lot and began looking for the dorms.

Angela was in the same hall as myself, Meyer Hall, but she was in room 303. We pulled onto campus and looked for our dorms. This place was a sight to see. The college was on Richmond Parkway, right on the beach. The college itself had several pools, hot tubs, weight rooms, libraries, and cafeterias.

We were about half hour from San Fransisco and Golden Gate Bridge. Everywhere you looked you saw palm trees and people in swimming trunks and surf boards. I just couldn't wait.

We had already driven over to the Administration Office and gotten our keys a map of campus so we finally found our hall, parked, and grabbed some bags. We hauled half our stuff up the steps and into the elevators. I was on the third floor and so was she.

"Finally we're here! I don't think I can take much more driving," Angela was just as much tired as me, but my excitement outweighed my exhaustion.

The elevator clicked and we kicked our stuff out and down the halls. Angela's was the closet dorm so we parted ways as I walked down to my room. I could feel my heart pounding, the adrenaline running through my veins. I was scared and excited to meet my new roommate. It was my newest adventure. I dropped my stuff at the door and knocked twice before the door was pulled open, swiftly, for me.

On the other side stood a petite four foot ten inches tall pixie. She had pale skin with short black hair that was spiked in all different directions. I looked her over once before my self-confidence dropped. She was beautiful.

I was your normal girl. I had long dull brown hair that never worked with me when I wanted to do something with it, brown eyes and was about five feet two inches. I wasn't anything special. As I thought through all these things I heard a loud squeal. I realized it came from the pixie.

She startled me, "Hi. Are you Alice Cullen?" I spoke softly.

She nodded her head and pulled me into a hug. I found her excitement contagious and soon found myself hugging her back. She pulled back and walked into the room, ushering me inside before speaking for the first time, "You must to Bella Swan."

She smiled brightly at me with her clear blue eyes. I looked are the room and for being a college dorm it was pretty big. There were two full beds, both in the corner at ninety degrees from each other with a huge table in the space at the head boards.

There were two desk on the wall opposite me and a huge closet to my left. Next to the empty desk was a huge fifty inch LCD TV and a window seat just right of that. After the window seat ends a tall dresser begins and in between the dresser and bed is the door to the bath left ajar.

I nodded my head as she had done and she continued, "I just so excited to be here."

"I know." I smiled back at her, a genuine smile. "Me too. I just love being in the warm sun, in the heart of a city, near the beach. It's amazing."

"Yeah, it is." I had my bad turned to her now, putting my stuff away, but I could hear the smile in her voice.

I began unpacking some of my things. "How long have you been here?"

"I just moved in here from Chicago with my siblings yesterday."

I looked around the room as she spoke. There was my side, still empty with not many things, and then there was hers, full and packed with all her things and more. I had my bags organized so I didn't take me long to unpack my clothes though I would need to go shopping and get some more.

I, also, brought up my backpack full of my bathroom things so I just set them at the foot of the uncovered bed. "Siblings?" I liked talking to Alice, the conversation was easy and flowing.

"My two brothers. I'm sure you'll meet them later." She spoke cheerfully. All of my things I brought up were safely tucked away.

"Okay, well I have to go back down to my car and get the rest of my things." Hopefully it wouldn't take much longer. It was already seven at night and I wanted to get some food.

"How about I help you finish packing and then we can go grab some food," She suggested. It was like she read my mind. Or heard my stomach. "I can show you around campus and you can meet my friends." I didn't think anyone could refuse such a kind offer or such a wonderful face.

"Sure." So we walked back down to the rental SUV and grabbed the rest of my belongings which wasn't much. I had some clothes left along with some other personal items. I really need to go shopping, I thought.

I had a large box and a bag. I let Alice carry the smaller box because she insisted on doing something. We walked back up to the dorm and when we got to our hall and stepped out of the elevator the first thing I noticed was a beautiful bronze haired boy in a lip lock with blond haired girl. I felt nauseated and when I looked to Alice to ask her only response was, "That's Edward, my brother."

Throw it away
Forget yesterday
We'll make the great escape
We won't hear a word they say
They don't know us anyway
Watch it burn, Let it die

Cause we are finally free tonight
The Great Escape, by Boys Like Girls

Let me know what you think. Should I continue? If you read it you might as well review so I know! kthanksbye.