I know, I know. The last chapter sucked...srry i was a bit stressed out.. but i promise this ones better. :P

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

Sasuke: When am I going to be in the story!!


Sasuke: So in the end am I going to get the girl..? (talking about Sakura)

Sakura and Me: HELL NO!!

Naruto: I'm going to be with Sakura-chan, Teme!

Gaara: In your dreams...

Srry if I haven't update lately, I am such an lazy-ass. LolZ ... / Thanx so much 4 reviewing on the other chapters, I really appreciated it./



Beneath the scars..

Chapter 2: "Accidentally" Meet

A lone girl was walking though the crowed halls, she heard many whispers around her and many students kept glaring at her, she ignored them. She walked past a group of girls, fangirls to be exact. Before she could even get a foot away from them, something grabbed hold of her backpack, bringing her with it. Sakura turned around, and figured out that, that "something" was actually a someone.

She raised an eyebrow, what did "The" Ino Yamanaka, want from her..? Make fun of her..? Check. Tease her about her hood..? Check. Bulled her..? Check. Threatened her..? Nope.

" Freak, how could you sit next to Gaara-kun?! Don't you know that ALL the cute, hot, sexy guys here belong to me.!?," Ino shrieked. 'Of course' Sakura thought as she rolled her green eyes.

You see Ino is the major bitch in school, surprisingly she is the most popular girl in school. In Sakura's point of view, she a whore... I mean come on the girl lost her virginity at age of 12 and willingly,and she had boyfriends at the start of age of 4. She (Ino) made Sakura's school life hell, but Sakura could care less, seriously she has it worst at home.

" Freak, aren't you even listening to me?!" Ino yelled. Sakura winced, man this girl could be loud. Ino let go of the black backpack, Sakura took the opportunity to make a run.

As she ran, she can still hear the awful voice of the blond through the hall, " YOU'LL REGRET THAT, YOU BITCH!!"

'Dammit, she's planning something!' Sakura thought.

' Yea, you better watch yourself.' Inner Sakura said.

' Aww...Just great your here!'

' You know I'm gonna stay with ya forever, right?'

' Unfortunately, yes.'

' Aren't you happy?'

' Hell no.'


" Neji-kun, wanna go out sometime?!"


"Neji-kun, lets go to my house to do something private."

" Neji-kun! Neji-kun! Please have my babies!!"

"Neji! Neji! Let's have sex !!" (A/N: LolZ, I think I tortured Neji enough already.)

Neji shivered in disgust. What the hell are this girls thinking?! Neji ignored them and went to his locker were his friends greeting him.

"Hey, Neji how come you and Sasuke get all the girls, but I can't..!"complained a very frustrated Inuzuka.

" Because, you smell like dog breath." mumbled an cocky Uchiha.

A lousy blond-headed teen laugh so hard that you could practically start seeing tears in his eyes.

" SHUT UP, BAKA!!" yelled a furious looking Kiba.

" Ughh...just what I needed." said Neji, sarcastically.

" Geez, Neji why such a bad mood..?" asked the intelligent Nara.

" Despite the fact that fangirls are following me around all day, my uncle told me to help out in his cafe." Neji said gloomy.

" Huh? What's so bad about that..?" asked Naruto, while scratching the back of his head.

" In other word it means, Neji has to work in the cafe, baka." an dark-headed chicken hair, Sasuke said with disgust from the word work.

" Oh." mumble both two idiots. (Naruto, Kiba)

" Hey!! Hey!! Have you heard of the transfer student?!" Naruto grinned.

" Yea, I heard that guy was creepy." Kiba responded.

" New kid, huh?" Sasuke seem to be interested in this piece of information.

" Whatever." said an stoic Neji, as he walked away from the group.

" Troublesome."


Hiashi Hyuuga was said to be an emotionless man with great pride, but even he would have some emotions in his soul. Hiashi wasn't the one who can smile easily, it took most of his will power to do so, but who knew a pink-headed girl can make him smile so easily..? Hiashi is a very calm man, but even he can be angered with impatientness..

Hiashi looked at the girl in front of him, she was very fragile looking but deep inside she is a girl with the determination that can put her in many places. He would never be caught saying this out loud, but he care for her deeply, like a father would.

Hiashi notice the struggle the has girl been through in school, and how she was always quiet and lonely. He was well aware of her social reject from her school.

He decide putting her loneliness away, by sending his nephew to work in the cafe. You see Sakura works in " The Hyuuga Cafe", which is own by him of course. He knew for the fact Neji would make friends with her in a matter of time, and she would finally be Un-lonely.

Before he could put his plan together, he heard the bell of the cafe ring, signing someone was here. Turing around, he find him self staring at a pink-headed, green eyed skater.

" Konnichiwa, Hiashi-san." Sakura greeting softly. (A/N: If your wondering, no Sakura isn't wearing her hood up. So if she see some one from school, they won't recognize her.)

" Konnichiwa, Sakura." replied the white-eyed adult.

" So..after I finished can I use the piano..?" the green-eyed skater asked rather timidly.

" Of course you can, Sakura. You don't have to ask you know.?" Hiashi smiled warmly at her.

" Um..I don't feel conformable with out asking."

" It's alright.. Sakura if you don't mind, someone going to come over and help out in the cafe today." Hiashi asked carefully,watching her reaction.

" Hai, it's fine." but she thought ' So much for the piano.'

" Oh, well I have to get going, I'll see ya tomorrow Sakura." he said with a smile, while walking out of the cafe. Sakura waved, " Bye, Hiashi-san have a nice day."

When Hiashi was out of view, Sakura sighed, ' Guess I better get started, but first I gotta check the piano' With that she left to find a very fine piece of art, that played beautifully.(Piano)


"See ya later, Neji." replied an overly happy Naruto.

" Good Luck, Man." Kiba said.

" May youth be with you, Neji-san!" Bushy brows said in his ' Good Guy' pose.


"Tch, What a drag."

Neji left before his friends make other comments. He walked out of school into the streets, when he finally got there he notice someone has started to open already. He got inside with a heave sigh, ready to get this over with. He notice there was a black and red skateboarded with a big skull and the words 'Danger' in front of it, up against the wall.'Well at least I'm working with a boy, No fangirls.'

He looked around the small cafe inspecting every single detail. It is a nice place, the walls were painted lovely with trees and the children playing around them, couples enjoying a stroke to the park. The paintings were breathtaking, it made Neji think who was the artist of this beautiful painting. He then looked at the corner of the walls to find an initials in them, S.H.

"Itaji mema shite? (How do you do?)" a soft voice that can rival Hinata's asked.

" Desu, Arigatou. (Fine, Thanks.)" he replied with the same equal politeness.

" So I'm guessing your going to help out today, huh?" asked the same voice. Neji turned to get a good look at the owner of the voice, and found out it was a girl with unique hair. Pink Hair.

" Yes."

" Well, you could put this on, and I'll get you started." She handed him a uniform, she was still with her back turned around, not facing him.

" Sure." Then that's when she turned around.

Neji froze.

Neji couldn't believe his eyes, he would've sworn his heart had stopped beating for a second. There in front of his was his long timed crush, Sakura Haruno. She looked as beautiful as ever, with bright green eyes, that can trap him forever in there hold. ' Where was she all this time? Does she remember me? Does she live here? Does she still remember the gang? Why does she work here?' Thoughts like this raced thought his head as he manged to shutter,

" Sa-Sak-u-ra?"

She looked up to him.

After all this years, Neji still couldn't believe she was here, with him, in the same city, looking at him with those beautiful green orbs. He still remember his childhood days, when she used to play with him and the others, her curiosity in those eyes, wanting to learned more of the world. He wanted to tell the guys that, he found her, after 10 years, he finally found her.


Meanwhile, Sakura found herself looking at familiar white eyes. 'Hiashi-san?' 'I don't think that's Hiashi, Saku-chan' But they look so familiar, she saw them before. She looked at the teen, he was handsome she'll admit. He had long, soft looking brown hair that girls would kill for, a built body too.

But why did he looked so familiar? She only meet 3 person's with white eyes, first is of course Hiashi, seconded was Hinata a childhood friend. Thrid was also a childhood friend, but she doubt it that he live here.

Unless it really is him..? Could it be..?


He nodded slowly. Sakura's eyes widen.

Srry it was short...(Smiles sheepishly) I'm really lazy when it comes to vacations...XD

Well I'll try to update soon...haHA...

Oh...I'm starting a new story...it's a crossover.. BleachNaruto.

Naruto: Yay! A new story!!

Sasuke: Shut-up, Dope!



Review! Plz! (Puppy eyes) No flames!

