Thank you all soooo much for all the great reviews!!
Sorry for all the slow updates, but I've been very busy lately!!
I've joined the schools jazz and marching band, plus I'm already in my churches Cristian band and boy have I been exhausted lately. From both church practice to band camp which is like everyday...O.O...
Oh yah BTW: (YAY) I'm a freshmen this year...and it sucks XD!!
Our band director has been busy, so he's been leaving the seniors in charge of watching us and telling us what us to do during summer band, and well...must I say more??(PURE TORTURE!!)
Anywayyyyys thanks again for all of the reviews, threats, and ideas for other chapters!!D
Quick recap:
Zetsu rolled his eyes in response "well shut up then! if we are going to steal it then they cant know were following them."
Tobi grinned squealing but quickly stopping himself "sorry Zetsu-san."
Zetsu merely rolled his eyes again "Just come on!!"
End of recap:
Tobi asked, whining like a small child.
"Tobi!...for the millionth time, NO WE ARE NOT THERE YET!!"
Zetsu screamed angrily, letting out a dangerous growl and turning his head slightly to give Tobi a death look.
Quickly regretting yelling that loudly, he mentally slapped himself, sighing deeply.
"Also keep your voice down Tobi, were never going to find the scroll if we keep yelling like that!!"
Zetsu snapped turning back around as they continued through the thick mess of tree's.
Zetsu stopped suddenly, standing in the center of a large branch, and looking around at his surrounding.
"Did you hear that Tobi?"
Zetsu asked.
"...Hear something...whats wrong Zetsu-san do you sense something SCARY??"
Tobi asked standing next to him on the same branch.
Without answering Tobi's question Zetsu kneeled down on the branch laying the palm of his right hand down on the tree branch and closing his eyes tightly.
Tobi yelled waving a hand in front of the plant man.
Zetsu suddenly raised himself to his feet staring at Tobi for a minuet, before turning and walking to the trunk of the tree, he stood there for a second, as if pondering something, before holding his hands up and forming an unusual hand sign and walking straight into the tree, leaving no trace behind him.
Tobi began to feel the back of his neck prick up, and sweat form on the palms of his hands.
Tobi screamed panic-ally running up the tree trunk and beating it with both fists, where his partner previously disappeared into.
Tobi screamed frantically pulling at his short black hair with both hands at the thought.
Tobi turned confusedly broken out of his little rant, to see where the noise was coming from.
'Maybe that's Zetsu-san, and he came back to save me from the vegetable monster'
Tobi thought leaning down on the branch, hidden behind the tree trunk staring down at where the noise was coming from.
"Heh, heh, ha, what ever made you think that I would ever let a b like you ever swindle me out of my money!!"
Tobi saw the man from before pant laughing hysterically as he slapped the girl from before harshly across the face, giving her a small gash across her cheek from where he had on his ring.
she let out a small yelp, bowing her head and clenching her lip tightly with her teeth, preventing her from crying.
(And yes, I just found out today that blind people can cry!!)
Tobi watched as then man continually struck the girl, each harder then the last.
"Hmmm...Deidara Calls it tough love when he hurts me...Wow he must love her bunches then !!"
Tobi said laughing quietly at his so called cute moment.
Still continuing to watch the so called couple, Tobi gasped when he noticed a familiar glowing scroll leaning up against a tree behind the man.
Then it all came back to him at once.
'Those are the same criminals from before!!'
Tobi noticed as the girl sat on her knees shaking violently, unable to move due to having her arms and legs were tied behind her.
"Soooo pretty!"
He heard the man purr in her ear.
"Such a shame you have to die!!"
He chuckled yanking the headband that was tied around her eyes off and gentally laying a hand on her cheek.
Tobi watched interestedly as he noticed a gleam of hate a anger shine through her creamy white brown eyes.
"Go to h!!"
She screamed biting as hardly down on his hand as she could refusing to let go."
The man screamed angrily taking his free fist and beating her head trying to shake her off, failing as she continued to bite down harder with each hit that hit her head.
She mentally gaged as she tasted that vile tainted blood of the mans hand, pour into her mouth and onto the side of her face but still she refused to let go unwilling to let death be an option.
'Im not going to die like this, not now NOT BY HIM!!'
She thought, biting harder feeling the skin tear and rip.
The girl suddenly loosened her grip on the hand shocked when she heard the man let out another cry but this time not from anger but terror, and she realized the abuse to her head stopped.
She quickly released the hand, as she heard the body of the man drop to the ground like a ton of weights.
"Hehehehehehehe that was easy enough!"
Tobi giggled pulling his kunia that leader had given him for his birthday out of the mans head and placing it back in his cloak as he ran forward retrieving the scroll and holding it close to his body.
"Hehehe Zetsu-san and the rest of the Akatsuki will be soooo proud of me, I'm sorry Tobi for treating you like cr and saying that you were dumb!! your the best Tobi, WHY DON'T YOU JOIN THE AKATSUKI AS A FULL MEMBER NOW TOBI WE ALL LOVE YOU TOBI...LETS ALL BE BEST FRIENDS FOREVER, LETS ALL GET SOME CANDY TO CELEBRATE HOW AWESOME YOU ARE TOBI..."
Tobi smiled as he mimicked his thoughts of how the Akatsuki would react to his achievement.
"Wh-who's there??"
The girl asked as she listened to the strange man continue on.
Tobi turned around quickly looking at the girl through his orange mask.
"OHHHHH HIIII, LADYYYY, sorry but I think you boyfriends dead"
Tobi said kicking the man in the side to check.
"Yup he's dead"
Tobi said nodding his head, as if the girl could ever see him.
The girl shook angrily about to burst in to tears and start cussing at the thought of ever being with that vile man.
She screamed angrily,voice full of hatred.
Tobi gulped, shifting his weight uncomfortably.
"Oh well ok, lady...ummmm yah well I gotta go bye!!"
Tobi said waving about to take off running from the scary lady.
She screamed desperately, struggling to try to loosen the ropes, with no luck.
"Hmmmm...should I help the scary women who yelled at me??"
Tobi thought aloud, holding his thumb up to his chin, thinking of his decisions.
The women gulped thinking that he would just decide to leave.
"W-W-Wait i-I'm sorry please don't go I-I didn't mean to yell at you I you I just well really hate that man!!"
She pleaded willing to do anything to change his mind.
"Well that doesn't give you a right to yell at Tobi you meanie lady!!"
Tobi said crossing his arms and sticking out his tongue from under his mask.
"Yo-your right, uhhhh Tobi, I'm sorry!!"
Tobi said walking slowly over to her and kneeling down on one knee next to her to untie the ropes.
"Well ok lady, but you know you really shouldn't date people that you hate!!"
Tobi scolded in a rather disapproving voice.
She grumbled trying to control her patience and anger.
Tobi helped her up as soon as he finished uniting her.
She stuttered trying to keep her balance from falling onto the floor.
A familiar voice called.
Tobi immediately spun around to see his Zetsu-san walking toward them.
Zetsu stopped as he noticed the dead man.
"Did you kill this man Tobi??"
Zetsu asked grabbing the man by the arm and slinging the limp corpse over his shoulder.
"Yeah I...EWWWWWW Zetsue-san your not going to eat him are you??"
Tobi asked out in a grossed out voice.
The girl shuttered at the thought.
The girl was cut off in mid sentence when she felt her head spin and she blacked out suddenly collapsing on the ground,
"hmmm, well why would I let it go to waste!!"
Zetsu said, licking at the mans bloody hand.
"But he is a human being"
The other half of his face said forcing the body to put the hand down.
(OK when ever the heads talk again im going to use W for white and B for Black...easy enough right??"
B-"It's part of our mission, what would you suppose we do give it a have a funeral for the criminal!!"
It said forcing the hand back up to it's face.
W-"Well noooo, and you don't have to be smart with me...I'm you!!"
Pulling it back down.
B-"Oh so now I'm SMART NOW!!"
W-"OK don't use that tone with me!!"
The two half's of the head carried on.
Tobi ignored the argument picking the girl up into his arms and cradling her close to his chest as he walked through the thick Forrest.
He stopped suddenly under the biggest shadiest trees he could find, Zetsu not noticing their absence.
Tobi sighed gently laying her down on the soft damp grass.
He then stood hovering over her and staring for a few minuets before turning and walking a few feet slowly back.
The girl mumbled still half asleep.
Tobi turned to look at her surprised, she was still awake.
He asked.
She smiled slightly at his semi at their semi normal conversation.
"My names Hanabi"
She said falling back into a deep sleep.
Tobi giggled to himself.
"Tobi's a good boy...Tobi saved Hanabi!!"
Tobi found himself absent mindedly repeatingthe name out loud as he walked back to where Zetsu was, as if not to forget.
He stopped suddenly as he saw Zetsu half leaning against a tree with the scroll under his arm and his other hand picking at his teeth, Tobi immediately noticed Zetsu's slightly bulging stomach.
"Zetsu-san wheres the man??"
Tobi asked looking around confused.
Zetsubelched suddenly as the black part of his face spoke proudly.
"I won!!"
Ok hope you liked it, I wasn't soooo sure of this chapter, hope I didn't gross anyone out.
Oh and I know I said that they would be turned into chibis by this chapter but well as you can see this was pretty long and it would be hard to fit in and still be good.
I know the Hanabi and Tobi sounded like a romance but it wasn't intended to be trust me Tobi wont be with her...or will he tell me what you think...I would say the Akatsuki would be turned into chibis by the next chapter but I cant make promises.
Please review and tell me what you thought or if you have any ideas...again thanks for the reviews, hope you like it!!(.\\)