Wow, it's been so long since I've had the internet! This is in celebration of finally getting it back!
This was inspired but watching waaaaaaay too many episodes of Law and Order: SVU. (Special Victims Unit) HEHE. -Huggles Elliot- I've had this idea floating around in my head and it's finally coming out. I decided to turn it into a fan fiction because I thought it would be interesting to see the characters of Naruto being so... different... Well, anyway, I hope you enjoy! (By the way, this isn't a One-Shot!)
Title: Forgotten Children
Rating: M for language, Sex, Violence, Blood... and all that wonderful stuff
Pairings: DeidaraXSasori, NarutoXGaara, and maybe some others.
Full Summery: Deidara and Naruto are complete opposites but they are all each other have. But when Deidara's lover is suddenly found dead the blonde is blamed for the death. Their friendship is challenged as is their hearts when two red headed detectives appear to investigate the death.
Warning: Let's see... it's rated M for a reason. Death, Sex, YAOI! Umm... yea the list goes on. But mainly, if you don't like Yaoi then I beg of you to not read this story. I don't want mean reviews about this cause its yaoi.
DISCLAIMER: SO you guys know i don't own Naruto right? of course. And i don't own Law & Order either... but i DO own this story and the idea. Nor do i own the songs either. Alright then...
Just a normal day
Streets turn into graves
Traces have been removed
The search was disapproved
So cold the night
The weak ones lose the fight
Too many of them out there
No one seems to care
Lost and so alone
Born but never known
Left all on their own
Forgotten children
We'll never hear a name
They carry all the blame
Too young to break the chains
Forgotten children
They see, they feel, believe
Just like we do
They're laughing, and crying
Wanna live here
Like me and you
Eyes without light
Too tired of good-byes
Never felt embraced
And frightened of every face
A life in disguise
Hope forever died
Lost and so alone
Born but never known
Left all on their own
Forgotten children
We'll never hear a name
They carry all the blame
Too young to break the chains
Forgotten children
They see, they feel, believe
Just like we do
They're laughing and crying
Wanna live here
Like me and you
It shouldn't really be that way
It shouldn't really be that way
We see, we feel, believe
Just like you
We're laughing and crying
Wanna live here
We see, we feel, believe
Just like you
We're laughing and crying
Wanna live here
Just like you
It had always been hard for Deidara. The blonde looked so much like a girl that he was hit on constantly. Though his looks benefited his job, he still got annoyed. His past wasn't something he liked to talk about and avoided. He was only 19 but had the heart and mind of someone much older.
He was alone most of his life until he moved to New York City. There he met his best friend and only friend, Naruto Uzumaki. The other blonde was quite enthusiastic and bubbly, the complete opposite of Dei, but he knew he needed someone like that in his life. It turned out that Naruto needed him just as much as he did.
The blonde was defiantly his opposite. In every way. Naruto was taller then him by only a few inches, but he was tan. Unlike Dei, who could almost pass as a ghost. Naruto's eyes were blue like his but a different blue. More ocean colored while Dei's were like the sky. Naruto was more friendly and talkative then Dei. Dei wasn't rude, he just preferred to keep to himself.
Both boys met in an unusual way. Sai introduced them. Sai was their boss and landlord. The blondes lived together in a rather nice apartment. Sai found them at their worst possible times. He found Naruto first then Dei a few weeks later. Both boys were only 16 at the time and began to work for Sai. Though the work was hard and quite illegal both blondes were grateful for finally having a home and a friend.
Their lives weren't that complicated. Of course, that was until Deidara fell in love. That started everything.
Deidara stared up at the cream colored ceiling in thought. He's late. Deidara rolled over in the silk covered bed to his stomach. He stared at the hotel door, waiting for it to open. He rested his head in his arms, folded in front of him. His feet kicked behind him causing the white sheet to make a swish noise.
He was only half naked, still in his black boxers. Though his lover enjoyed removing the blonde's clothes himself, Deidara was anxious. It had been two weeks since he last saw his lover. He was horny and ready. He smiled at the thought of finally being with his lover again. His long blonde hair was pulled out of its usual half pony tail. His lover loved it when he wore his hair down. Half of the blonde silky hair covered his left eye, which he was almost blind in from an accident long ago.
He sat up, excited, when he heard the door's lock click. He sat up on his knees and waited patiently for the older man to enter the room. He couldn't help but let a grin cross his face when he finally saw him.
The man was much older then Dei though he didn't look his age. His long black hair was pulled back into a high pony tail and his face was pale as usual. He was dressed in a nice black suit, covered by an elegant black trench coat.
The man's tired gold eyes finally rose to meet Deidara's after he shut the door behind him. His golden eyes lit up when he spotted the blonde. He stared at the blonde for a moment before his eyes narrowed only slightly.
"How did you know I would be here?"
Dei grinned and stayed in his spot. "A little birdie told me."
"Sai." The man breathed the word with slight distaste.
Dei nodded slightly. "Are you not... happy to see me?" He could feel his heart began to constrict. Their relationship was not set and stone and never would be. Thus Deidara was always worried one day the man would just leave him.
The older man's eyes widened. "Oh No! I am!" He quickly made his way over to Deidara and took his face in his hands. "I'm always happy to see you." He said softly, pecking Deidara's lips with his own.
Deidara smiled and the empty feeling went away. "Good. Cause I couldn't wait any longer."
The man smiled and stood up straight, releasing Deidara's face. "Neither could I." He walked over to the black leather sofa and removed his coat, laying it there. "I was just surprised to see you. I wasn't expecting you. But I'm glad you're here." He turned back to Dei with a smile on his face.
Dei's heart began to beat faster at the man's words. He was head over heels and he knew it. "You have a trial in the morning, right?"
"Around 10, yes. But I could handle a night with you." The man's eyes flashed, and his smile became a smirk.
Dei crossed his arms over his bare chest. "Well, I have to warn you, it has been two weeks."
"Since we have, yes. But not you."
Dei's heart dropped a bit and his eyes narrowed. "It's my job."
His lover shook his head. "I know, Love." He walked over to him and sat next to him on the big bed. "Doesn't make me love you any less."
He could feel the heat rise to his cheeks at the words. "I..."
The man laughed softly and pulled Deidara closer to him. "You're so adorable when you blush like that."
His blush deepened and he raised his head to meet his lovers golden eyes. Their eyes locked for a moment before his lover bent his head down a little and their lips met. Deidara couldn't help the reaction he gave.
His eyes slide shut and he wrapped his arms around his lover's neck tightly. His lover smiled against his lips and wrapped his arms tightly around the smaller blonde. Deidara pressed against his lips harder, begging for more. The man obliged by sliding his long tongue into the younger male's mouth. Dei let a moan escape his lips. He crawled onto the man's lap, straddling him. Then they froze.
The door clicked, and then opened. In their position both had a view of the door. Deidara had to hold back a gasp at the woman that stood in the door way. She was glaring at both of them, tears streaming down her face.
"So... it's true." Her voice was shaky and soft but both men heard it.
Deidara's lover carefully pushed him off him and stood up slowly. "Shina... I... Didn't want you to find out like this."
His wife only continued to glare. "Oh, so it's better then I hear it from our lawyer!"
"Shina please-" He took a step forward.
"Don't you come any closer!" In flash, she was suddenly holding a gun in her hand.
Deidara's eyes widened and he couldn't move. The gun was pointed at him. His lover glanced at him in concern before carefully stepping to the side, putting himself in front of the gun. "Shina please. Calm down. We can talk about this."
Her hands gripped the gun tightly. "Talk?! Are you insane?! What's there to talk about? You're cheating on me with some underage boy! Our son is his age! Are you suddenly a pedophile now?!" Her words stung both men.
Deidara's lover carefully raised his hands in defense. "Shina. Just put the gun away. We can work this out."
She glanced from her husband to Deidara. Slowly, she calmed down and lowered the gun. "How could you?"
"I'm sorry... I was going to tell you... I... Just didn't know how." He stayed in his spot. She still had the gun in her hand.
"I love you. And you loved me. How could this happen? Why couldn't you..." Her face became red. "Why him?!" She yelled, pointing her finger at Deidara. "Of all things you could have done! A Boy!" Deidara flinched and tried to lean as far away from her as he could. He'd seen this kind of anger before, and she was holding a gun. He was terrified. But more for his lover then himself.
The older man just shook his head. "I don't know... It just happened." He slowly took a step forward. "I'm sorry."
Her eyes narrowed and flashed with something Deidara couldn't read. "You'll be sorry. You've killed our family."
Then, without any warning, she raised the gun and pulled the trigger. The loud noise rang through Deidara's ears and he was unable to move or speak. He thought he had heard someone yell but he wasn't sure. At first, he thought he had been shot. But the pain in his heart wasn't from that.
He stared down at the man he called his lover. He was lying, lifeless now, on the cream colored carpet. A red pool was beginning to surround him. Deidara slowly raised his eyes to Shina. The woman's eyes were red from crying and she was still holding the gun. Her black eyes met Deidara's and he swore she was going to kill him too.
She searched the boy's eyes for a moment before spinning around and taking off. Deidara stared after her for a moment. He didn't know what to do.
Then it suddenly hit him. He jumped off the bed and ran over to his lover. He grabbed him and pulled him up into his lap. The man was still breathing slowly. Deidara took in a ragged breath when those golden eyes met his.
"I didn't... I'm Sorry Dei..." He chocked out.
Deidara was on auto. He reached over and grabbed his lover's cell phone from his pocket. He dialed the number, sure that someone else had already called form the gun shot. When he hung up the phone he heard voices from the door. His mind was blank as he held the almost lifeless body to him.
"I love you Dei..." His lover spoke to him softly before closing his eyes.
Deidara didn't know when he had started to cry. Maybe it was when the shot of fired. Or maybe he just started. He didn't know. But all he knew was that the one man he loved, the only man that ever understood him was gone. He wouldn't let go of the lifeless body even if it killed him.
So, what'd you think? This is only the first part. I'll probably put up the next part pretty soon. Can you guess who Deidara's lover is?? Took me a while to pick someone... I think it fits though... oddly enough. -Smiles- Anyway, please review and let me know what you think! I know you might be confused on a few things... but don't worry! It'll be explained!
Thanks for reading!!
Forgotten Children by Tokio Hotel