Sorry for the lack of updates my friends but I do have a peace offering! A MegsScreamer smut RP that will have you guys wanting more… I hope. I played Megatron and my bro Kd Zeal played Starscream, you should read his fics they're great! (pokes him) Anyway let me know what you think and I WILL update soon… I hope. Oh and for any one who hasn't figured it out this is a slash smut RP so I don't want any fragging reviews about the horrors of slash smut because I don't have a warning posted in a RP ficcy…

Oh and Disclaimer: we dont own you dont sue!!


Starscream onlined looking at a rather familiar wall. After all, he'd seen the brig wall often... Granted, he'd usually not been looking at the wall while hanging in chains from the ceiling, but the point remained, he'd seen the brig wall often. His back was too the door, so he had no idea if anyone was out there, or who they were if there was. Hum, maybe insulting Megatron for loosing to the Autobots, AGAIN, really wasn't the smartest idea. In fact, given the situation, no, it HADN'T been a smart idea. But then, it wasn't HIS fault that Megatron was so pathetic, always following glitched plans and getting his aft handed to him by the 'bots.

Next to silently, Megatron snuck into the brig, strolling up to his second-in-command with a evil grin plastered across his face. Starscream looked so… delicious, unmarred and chained to the ceiling… but that would soon change! The Decepticon leader had been insulted by the seeker for the last time.

Someone was behind him. Air pressure, faint breezes, small changes that only seekers could feel, passed information to Starscream. Someone was behind him. But as long as they stayed behind him, he couldn't turn his head far enough to see WHO it was. And pit if he was actually going to ASK who was there.

"Oh dear, you look SO uncomfortable… so uncomfortable indeed…" Tracing across Starscream's wings with one finger, Megatron chuckled to himself, enjoying the shiver his touch caused. He kept his voice a low barely heard whisper, making sure that his second-in-command couldn't figure out who it was…

"What's it to you, glitch?" Starscream snarled back, twisting and trying to figure out just who that was. Nobody come to help him, that much was clear from the words, from the touch. If someone had come to help, they would have simply freed him, and not spent any time gloating.

"Well, maybe I just wanted your company… or maybe I just wanted you, little seeker… your wings are so tantalizing…" Taking a small lick of the wing nearest him, Megatron started tracing figure eights on the other wing. Hopefully his low voice and the misdirection would keep Starscream panicked long enough to have a little fun with it, but if not, oh well… he'd just find fun in other ways.

Starscream jerked at the unexpected touch of glossa against his wing. It usually wasn't a good thing when someone called his wings tantalizing, except for the few times when it was said by whatever lover he'd chosen for that night. He couldn't help but relax slowly as a gentle digit traced against his wing. Even if he was chained in the brig and unsure who he was speaking to... That at least felt good. His processor ran with ideas, possibilities. Maybe this was some random, low ranking soldier, taking advantage of an opportunity to interface with someone far beyond his reach. Or maybe it was a random soldier that Megatron had sent in to embarrass the seeker while everyone watched. It might be Megatron himself, but then why was he gentle, and why hadn't he taken offense at the insult? "So you had to wait until I was chained up?"

"Of course! That makes it so much more enjoyable…" Good… very, very good, Starscream was playing right in, relaxing, obviously unaware of the agony he would soon be in. Biting down on the wing, Megatron smiled to himself. Maybe he could use gentle teasing touches on the seeker's wings until he either overloaded or was incredibly charged… make him ready to beg for more before he revealed himself and started the real fun, the real pain.

"Ng!" Starscream jerked again as dermaplates pressed against his wing, but it didn't hurt. No, it was... good. Someone who knew fliers, then, and who didn't want him retaliating. Well, okay, he could work with that. "Hum... I suppose it can, at times... Though I've been told I'm good with my hands." He would rather not interface like this, but if it got his hands free and him out of here... well, he'd do what he had to.

Purring, the Decepticon leader continued his biting and licking, making sure to rub at the places he knew were sensitive on a seeker. "Good with your hands, hm? How good is good, little seeker?" Megatron asked, he couldn't believe that his plan was going so well! Starscream was so accepting of his touch as a stranger, what would he do when he realized that the one pleasuring him was his leader...? Megatron hoped that his 'little seeker' would not be happy, would struggle, making it all the more fun to torture him.

Someone bigger than him, the way they kept calling him 'little'. But Starscream couldn't really focus, because whomever it was REALLY knew fliers, and was making him feel so good... With a low moan, he pressed lightly into the touches. "I've brought Thundercracker to overload in a breem flat with only my hands," Starscream admitted pridefully. Granted, the other seeker had already been charged before Starscream had even started to touch him, but this unknown mech didn't need all the details, did he?

"Oh really...?" Biting down hard enough to cause pain, Megatron grinned evilly, claws digging into the thin metal plating just slightly. "You shouldn't boast you know, it just makes you all the more… tempting." And it truly did, though not in the way or impression that he was giving Starscream…

Starscream yelped and jerked as pain cut through pleasure. "Unchain me, and you'll find out just how warranted my boast was," and though he tried to sound strong, there was a note of weakness and pleading. Anyone could free him, if nothing else it would only take a small shot to break through the chains. And he would make good on his promise, he was perfectly willing to overload anyone who spared him from Megatron's wrath, because this wasn't Megatron, the tyrant would have started the pain earlier and harder.

"No there'd be no fun in that… no fun at all." Chuckling lightly the Decepticon leader dug his fingers into the joints that connected Starscream's delicate wings to his body. He made sure to keep the touch light to keep the seeker from figuring out who he was, besides he'd be causing pain quickly enough, pain and pleasure in a mix… a toxic mix.

Torn between pleasure and fear, Starscream had no real answer to the mech's statement. He pulled against the chain, searching for just a little slack, arching into the frighteningly good touches with breathy gasping moans. He wasn't going to get free from this, but it seemed he'd at least get a little enjoyment out of his time in the brig for once.

"You like that?" Speeding up his stroking of wings and wires, Megatron slyly licked his second-in-command's audio, enjoying the soft needy whimper his actions caused. "I think you do… I think you like this, being chained, being helpless… don't you? Don't you like it...?" As he spoke, Megatron squeezed his grip on wire bundles tighter and sped up his stroking even more, loving the choked and strangled sounds that it caused.

Did he? No, he didn... "Aaaa... 'gain..." That was not what he had meant to say, the thought floated rather resentfully in Starscream's processor as he twitched and hung from the chains. He had meant to say... 'absolutely not', maybe. Or, "Oh, yes, again!" Starscream whimpered, squirming into the skilled hands.

"I thought so… I knew you did, it was so obvious by the way you act, little seeker…" Licking his second-in-command's audio again, Megatron repeated his actions as requested. It was such a thrill to have Starscream begging for his touch! Too bad that thrill would be gone but at least it would be replaced by an even better one… the thrill that came from causing pain and agony…

He didn't bother denying it, denial would be useless at this point. "Oh... yes..." the seeker moaned, he couldn't arch any further while bound. He was going to overload soon, overload with no idea who was bringing him to that point. "Oh please..." the moan modulated into a shriek.

Smirking Megatron stepped around to stand in front of the seeker, still playing with Starscream's wing joints. "See, I did know it," he growled, loosing the whisper he'd been using before. The Decepticon leader was going to make his subordinate overload even knowing that soon he was going to be in pain… wonderful pain. Using his free hand Megatron grabbed the back of Starscream's head and forced him into a heated kiss. He smiled cruelly at the seeker's newfound struggles even while he overloaded in a screaming, horrified way.

Even the dead, flat terror that Starscream felt as Megatron revealed himself was not enough to stop the overload that tore through the seeker. The fear added a knife edge to the pleasure, and Starscream could only screech helplessly into his leader's mouth. Screams died into frightened whimpers as pleasure faded, leaving Starscream shaking and hanging in the chains.

Laughing cruelly, Megatron continued kissing the seeker in his grasp, pulling away after a few minutes. "So, you're good with your hands, little seeker?" he asked, using the term of endearment in a almost insulting way. "What if I crush your hands? Or what if I rip off these wonderfully beautiful wings of yours?" Leaning in he licked Starscream's audio again, loving the quaver it caused. "Or maybe I'll use some of my toys… or you know what? I'll do it all! You love being chained up and I love chaining you up, it'll be FUN, my little seeker."

"You... twisted... slagger," Starscream spat out. He couldn't stop his shaking, though, couldn't manage to get his legs under him enough to stand. Megatron's words painted too-vivid pictures across his CPU, and he knew now just how skilled Megatron was. What caused pleasure could easily cause pain, and Megatron wasn't one for idle threats. And deep down, buried so far that Starscream could almost ignore it, was the bare fact that the seeker was desperately grateful for any attention from the tyrant.

"A few seconds ago you loved my touch! Now what ever happened to that?" Keeping Starscream's head cupped in his hands, Megatron was truly in ecstatic enjoyment. He'd wanted to torment his little seeker for so long and now his dream was coming true!

"A few seconds ago you weren't threatening to maim me!" Starscream yelled back, trying to jerk his head away. It was a futile effort, of course. Megatron wasn't about to let Starscream go so easily. It would have disappointed both of them if he had.

Laughter bubbling through the Decepticon leader started rubbing Starscream's wings again, tenderly, while letting the seeker know he could yank and crush the one in his hand anytime. "Who said I was going to maim you already? I still want to have a little fun… and besides if you had known it was me and I started hurting you, you would have loved it."

He was NOT going to fall for this again. He was NOT going to relax into that indulgent stroking, was not going to find his vulnerability exciting, and was most certainly not going to admit that... Megatron was right. "Like there's a difference between 'fun' and 'maim' in your vocabulary?" it was supposed to be an angry snap... but Starscream's voice was breathy, betraying him.

"Oh, of course there is, my little seeker!" Megatron said, "But I do think maiming IS fun… especially on you and your wondrous little wings." Continuing his stroking of one of the wings with a finger, the Decepticon shook his head, knowing full well that his second-in-command would both enjoy and hate it. "And you do like pain, I KNOW you like pain…"

Starscream snarled, lunging at Megatron. Chains rattled and energon started leaking from where he'd stressed the wrist-joints. "You sick glitch. You're afraid of what I'd do if I were free, aren't you? You should be, I'd tear you apart!" Aggression transparently masked fear in the same response Starscream had used a hundred times before.

"Why would I fear, my little seeker?" Megatron asked, keeping his voice calm even as his touches became rough, claws digging into the seeker's wing. "You're staying tied up because I know that you like it. If I really feared you, after I'm through I'd kill you, but I'm not…" Smiling evilly, Megatron attacked the seeker's neck in a frenzy, biting at the sensitive wiring.

He froze at the sudden attack, the rapid switch from tender to rough too much for him to keep up with. It was just as well, if he jerked or moved too much, Megatron might wind up killing him after all, though it wouldn't be intentional. "I don't..." the Seeker protested in a small, tight voice. "I don't like... pain. Restraint... helpless... I don't... like to be..." Fans hitched before whirling higher, and Starscream gave out a low hiss.

"Yes, you do," Megatron whispered fiercely, claws digging deeper into the metal wings. "You know you love it, deep down, you love it, and you want me to do it." The startled look in Starscream's optics was priceless…

"Noo..." It was a protestation without any real force. How could he put force into it, when the accusation... But he didn't want PAIN! Starscream only wanted... attention. Megatron's attention. In any form. Why else would he go to such lengths to insult and belittle the tyrant? "I... don't!" a ghost of sound, a last protest.

"Yes… yes you do." The edge of a delicate seeker wing crumbled under Megatron's assault and he smiled cruelly. "Admit it Starscream, my little seeker, you DO want it, and I won't let you ever forget it!" Primus, repeating the same thing over and over in such wonderful ways was making the Decepticon leader so charged… and of course the denial helped a lot!

Starscream shrieked as part of his wing crumbled and delicate wires were exposed... and tormented. "No... I'll never..." Enjoying the pain was one thing, admitting it quite another. Energon from leaking wrists began to trickle slowly down his arms as the red and white Seeker shivered, Megatron raking his fingers against his wings.

"Hm…" Moving from his spot, the Decepticon leader eyed the energon leaking from Starscream's numerous small cuts and the large one on his wing. A small smile formed as he licked at the energon covering the wing's surface. "Admit it and I'll sooth away these little pains… give you another sweet overload…" he said, hoping to entice his little seeker into biting for the bait.

He couldn't help it, he moaned as Megatron licked so softly at him. He knew his leader well enough to know he could be trusted to keep his word... But admitting to such a thing! Starscream whimpered, the glossa against his wing, the knowledge it was MEGATRON willing to give him such a thing... "A... attention?" the seeker gasped, unintentionally.

"Oh yes, my dear little seeker, lots and lots of attention if that's what you want… all for a few little words of admittance…" Oh, it was going better than expected! And if all Starscream wanted was attention… that opened up so many possibilities! Pulling away he made his next touches light and teasing, hoping to push his little seeker past the point of rational thought.

The chain was rattling from the force of Starscream's shaking. It... felt so good, Megatron's touches, being the sole focus of the tyrant's attentions... Attentions he would loose if he failed to give what Megatron wanted... The flier dropped his head, moaning in want and shame. "I... do..."

"You do... what?" Maybe he could get a real admission out of Starscream… Megatron hoped so, he'd love to hear his little seeker truly admit to loving pain and helplessness then he could use it against him even more… "Come on little seeker, tell me what you enjoy… tell me what you know you love…" Being careful to keep his touches light the Decepticon leader started nibbling at exposed wires on Starscream's wing, the taste of energon filling his mouth with a wonderful sweetness.

If he had still been capable of planning and thought, Starscream would have bit his glossa clean off before he could say the damning words. "I want..." a shudder of delight interrupted him, "I want... this... F-forced..." He screeched as teeth scraped against a particularly sensitive wire. "Hurt me, caress me... Anything, just don't IGNORE ME," words he had longed to say for vorns finally came spilling out.

"Don't worry, my little seeker. I won't ignore you EVER again…" Pressing harder Megatron cleaned every drop of energon from his second-in-command's wing. Sucking at the wires until they stopped leaking, he switched to licking and sucking Starscream's wrists, still grinning.

Starscream gave a moan of pure need and want and CONTENTMENT, vents hitching in a sob. There was nothing to say to that, and the Seeker didn't even try, just moaned and trembled as Megatron continued licking the energon from him, soaking up the attention desperately.

Completely finished with cleaning Starscream of his leaking energon, the Decepticon leader roughly yanked him into a kiss. His hand fell against the seekers unmarred wing, petting it fondly as his glossa caressed the others. "Your wings are so sensitive, and I think they need more attention, don't you?" he asked into the kiss, fond, gentle petting turning rough and painful.

He whimpered again, flinched as Megatron, once again, went for the wings. "Y... yes... Please...?" Starscream answered, even though he KNEW what form that attention would take. But... maybe... And anyway, this wasn't the first time the tyrant had beaten him, marred his wings... and then gone back to ignoring him. But this time... Megatron had said he wouldn't ignore him...

Rumbling in pleasure at Starscream's answer, the Decepticon leader smiled and went back to his gentle caresses, moving to stand behind his little seeker. "Your wings belong to me, don't they? I could easily ground you by ripping them off, or just keep you locked down here. I know how crazy seekers get when they're kept from the sky…" Tracing the Decepticon symbols painted on Starscream's wings with his glossa Megatron was delighted to find that his words made the seeker in front of him start shaking, though whether it was in fear or want he wasn't sure.

No... not the sky, he wouldn't take that... not the one thing that Starscream craved, NEEDED, almost as badly as he needed Megatron's attention. The one thing that had always been there, always accepted him and comforted him after his leader rejected him. But Megatron had said... he wouldn't ignore him... "Th-they're..." Starscream had to pause, giving a soft moan as Megatron traced the purple symbol. "My wings... are... are... yours," he agreed, still almost unnaturally quiet.

"Good… very good, my little seeker…" Something was wrong… well not really WRONG, wrong but… Starscream was known to be vocal, very, very vocal, it was how he got his name in the first place… Megatron enjoyed the screams of his second-in-command, and was willing to do anything to get them. Gripping the edge of the wing he'd been licking he pulled slightly, just enough to stress the metal under his fingers. The Decepticon in command didn't want to really just rip the fragile appendages off, no, they were MUCH too much fun to play with… but Starscream didn't know that.

The action gained a short, choked cry, Starscream buckling forward in the chains in an attempt to ease the pain. "P-please... Please don't ground me." Humm... Maybe if he actually tried being polite, for once... "S... sir. My Lord... My wings are yours, but please... don't ground me..." He couldn't scream, he was being too earnest, too serious, to scream.

"But if you were grounded then you couldn't run away and I could keep giving you attention…" Megatron said, dangling what he knew Starscream wanted right in front of the seeker. Taking another section of wing in his hand he squeezed, bending it to match the other section. "Would you really want to loose my attentions, my little seeker?"

He would go mad if he were grounded. He would go mad if he were ignored. It seemed either way that he was doomed to go mad. "No... no..." The sky, or Megatron's attention... Of course, the tyrant could easily take both from him. "Even if I... pr-promise not to run...?" It wouldn't work. Everyone thought Starscream's promises were meaningless, and so they had slowly taken on that character. Offlining his optics, the Seeker made his choice. "G-ground me if... if it... is your wish..." This entire time, he had spoken quietly, choked and serious.

Pushing back surprise at how… subdued Starscream was, Megatron continued crushing parts of the seeker's wing, switching to the other wing when he was through. He didn't intend leave his little seeker grounded for long, just enough to make him worry and be afraid… after all, even the Decepticon leader wasn't cruel enough to take away Starscream's wings for a extended period of time. Maybe the fear would force the seeker into more vocalizations but if not… well, Megatron could live with the sobriety for a little while.

Starscream let himself whimper, but he couldn't seem to work up the needed... arrogance for a scream. After all, he had agreed to let Megatron ground him. Who was he to scream in protest, or even in pain? He stood in the chains, moaning and shaking, occasionally able to work up a short cry.

Ok, now the Decepticon leader was worried. Starscream was just too quiet, even though he had to have been in a measurable amount of pain. Pressing his chest to Starscream's back Megatron nibbled lightly at the seeker's neck while his hands wrapped themselves around the smaller mech's sides to rub at Starscream's cockpit and chest plates. Something was wrong with his little seeker, and because said seeker seemed to need contact… well, why not give it if it could coax a few screams or louder cries out of him.

The sudden... tenderness drew a confused, gasping wail from the captive as he melted into the hold. Oh, he had been, was, so tired of hiding... why had it taken Megatron so long to notice him, to notice how he would do anything to draw the tyrant's attention? He had needed this... needed it more than the sky, needed the mech to whom he had pledged his life to actually NOTICE him...

With a light nip at Starscream's audio Megatron spoke, voice almost worried in its tone. "What's wrong, my little seeker? I thought you liked the pain, I thought you liked my touch… you do, don't you?" Rubbing soft circles in the metal plating under his hands, the Decepticon leader had a thought. Maybe he would fix his little seeker up, after he was done, himself, not just take Starscream to a medic. No, he wanted to take repairs into his own hands, even though he wasn't sure why.

Why was he asking that? Wasn't his every action clearly stating just how much he liked this? "I do, I do, both! Why... why do you have to ask... don't I make it clear?" A note of panic, or something, raised Starscream's voice to its normal screech. He didn't even notice as he freely admitted what he had kept secret only a breem ago.

"Crystal clear, my little seeker… crystal clear," Megatron whispered, gently pushing his fingers under seams to nudge wires he found there. And it was, but… he couldn't help but ask, and why not? He needed something that would make Starscream be his normal self after all… and it did work, but the something that wasn't right sprang up again. Had Starscream been trying to really get his attention, any attention, even painful, from the Decepticon leader? That would explain all the insults and the attempts to get in trouble, that would explain EVERYTHING... and Megatron wasn't sure on how to take it.

Starscream gave a cry and jerked in the chains as sudden pleasure from Megatron's actions warred with the pain from his wings. Emotions and needs long ignored were being picked at, noticed, MET, and Starscream needed to do something to release the tension he had lived with so long. Giving up and enjoying Megatron's attention seemed like a good place to start.

Pressing his fingers deeper into the seams, the Decepticon leader pinched at the sensitive wires he found, returning to his earlier task of biting at Starscream's neck. "I'll never neglect you again, my little seeker… never again…" He whispered, "You're mine forever and always…"

The seeker lived up to his name then, screaming for the simple need of doing something, letting the world know how he felt. Normally, he did this in the sky, the wind caressing him, holding him and healing him from another instance of being ignored. It was rare indeed to hear this particular type of screaming from him while he was grounded, and never before had he voiced it while bound and literally incapable of flight.

Megatron blinked back the surprise he felt at hearing the… different type of scream than he was used to coming from Starscream. He'd heard screams of anger, screams of pain and even screams of sorrow from his little seeker, but never a scream of such longing. Taking Starscream's head in one of his hands the Decepticon leader pulled him into a kiss, cutting off the scream that was tearing at his spark so horribly.

The release of screaming was suddenly denied him. Starscream decided he didn't really care, since the denial brought forth such a nice kiss. The flier put his energy into kissing back instead, hazily thinking that he might need to explain just what he had done at some point.

While Starscream was distracted by kissing him back the Decepticon leader gently pulled his seeker's cockpit open, brushing against the wiring and mechanics inside. He knew how delicate Starscream was there and normally he would have just torn it open, but after finding that his second-in-command was so in need... he just couldn't help but be careful, especially if it would hold off another one of those horrible screams…

It was a more normal cry that Starscream voiced, one of surprise, as Megatron lifted the glass and brushed carefully against wonderfully sensitive components. "Megatron..." he muttered, voice a little more raw than usual, arching into the touch.

"Yes, my little seeker?" Megatron asked optics bright with lust. His hands continued their touches while he rubbed against Starscream's injured wings, it was wonderful to have the seeker say his name… but it would be more wonderful when Starscream was moaning his name in abstract lust and pleasure.

"I screamed... like you were the sky..." he explained dreamily. Then he smiled, a happier variant on his arrogant smirk. "But the sky never kissed me." Starscream's mental balance was returning, but he didn't want to do anything to stop the tyrant.

What in Primus' name was his second-in-command on? Megatron made a mental note to check on the energon supply Starscream was using, along with making sure no one was contaminating it out of spite or hate… Unless, of course, his little seeker was just THAT turned on? "Starscream?" the Decepticon leader asked, never stopping the massaging of his little seeker's internal controls. If Starscream considered him as wonderful as he considered the sky then… Primus, was his second-in-command that infatuated by him? "My little seeker, do you mean that?" he asked.

Starscream trembled under the pleasurable touch, moaning lowly. "Chose you... over the sky... did I not?" he answered in that same earnestly quiet voice that had show up earlier, though this time he wasn't choking and stuttering over his words.

Instead of immediately responding, Megatron pulled his second-in-command into another kiss. When he did finally pull away, the Decepticon leader's voice was commanding but almost playful. "You will scream when you overload then, my little seeker, and when I make you mine, you will scream in lust, showing me that you want me like you want the sky," he said, right before he started massaging Starscream's wing joints.

He liked that tone in his leader's voice, Starscream decided. With a shaky, pleasured cry, he agreed, "Yes... Yes, I'll show you... Everyone will hear, when I am yours." Megatron's hands felt so good... he really did know seekers, knew how to hurt them... knew how to please...

"Good." Without warning Megatron used his glossa to replace his hands, running his glossa along the expanse of Starscream's entire back. The Decepticon leader smirked when he heard the moans and cries of his little seeker's pleasure, biting down to add minuscule amounts of pain and heighten Starscream's experience.

Perhaps he was truly insane. He might have gone insane while staring at that wall. That would certainly explain why Megatron was here and pleasuring him so nicely, so gently, speaking promises of never again ignoring him, of making him HIS... If this was insanity, Starscream embraced it, joyously, vocally. Megatron knew just how much pain he could add before it consumed the pleasure instead of augmenting it, knew just how to drive the pleasure to the very limit of what was possible.

Noticing that one of his seeker's wing wounds had reopened, Megatron centered his attentions on it with his glossa, while his freed hands moved to play with the bent metal around it. He smiled devilishly to himself as he worked, it wouldn't take much more to make Starscream overload…

He was giving half-panting cries, and then Megatron moved his hand just THERE, and Starscream realized this truly WAS better than flying, he had never thought that such a statement would be true, he threw his head back with a screech, ALMOST...

Biting down on one of the energon tubes in his mouth, the Decepticon leader licked up the energon spilled from them, keeping the cut open while at the same time continuing his soothing of the wound. "Overload for me, NOW," Megatron commanded, one of his hands moving to stroke Starscream's wing and the other to dig into his wing joint.

It wasn't a conscious obedience that Starscream gave. He heard the voice, not the words, he felt the hands, the glossa and dermaplates, the light pain, the ECSTASY... and he screamed, abandoning himself to the overload.

Megatron closed his eyes and moaned in pleasure from the seeker's screams, never stopping his sucking and licking. Instead he moved and continued on the other parts of Starscream's injured wings, where the Decepticon leader himself had crushed the thin metal plating. He wasn't through with Starscream… no, not by a long shot…

He was shaking again, never letting up on the screams as Megatron continued the stimulation, the tyrant was relentless, freely giving him pleasure with the perfect line of pain... Starscream couldn't get the leverage to writhe, but that didn't stop him from trying.

"Your screams are so wonderful, my little seeker… I never want them to stop!" Megatron moaned, in a frenzy he moved around so he could press his chest plates to Starscream's and kiss him forcefully. He needed to… he needed to swallow the screams of bliss as he caused more…

Megatron liked his screams? Then he would give more, give until his vocalizer shorted out, especially if Megatron kept kissing him like that... The tyrant was embracing him, tenderly, and Starscream didn't feel imprisoned at all, though he usually did...

Mmmm, he was still screaming… and Megatron moaned as he continued swallowing the wonderful screams. It felt so good to have some one actually NEED him, and it was even better for the needy one to be Starscream, his smart-aleck second-in-command…

He stopped, finally, had to stop, had no more emotions that needed to be screamed, none that even could be. Utter and complete contentment, after all, didn't lend itself very well to screaming. It did, however, lend itself fairly well to light moaning hums.

Even though Starscream quieted down from screaming and living up to his name, the Decepticon leader still loved the sounds that came from his little seeker's mouth. Stroking both wings at the same time Megatron continued kissing his second-in-command, gently dominating the kiss while trying to get Starscream to kiss back with more force.

A complete non-sequitur of a thought occurred to Starscream. If they were human, they would have had to break this kiss quite a bit ago, before he had run out of screams. Just further proof that the fleshbags were pathetic, they couldn't even hope to match this kiss. He gave a light suck on Megatron's gloss, moaned again when the tyrant gave a pleased growl at his boldness. Starscream tried again, pressing dermaplates more firmly against Megatron.

When the seeker actually kissed back like he wanted, Megatron pressed himself even closer, needing more… Growling again he started searching for the clasps that would open Starscream's chest plates, wondering how many times more he could get his little seeker to overload.

The utter and deep contentment began to give way to renewed arousal as Megatron responded to Starscream's hesitant kissing. He hadn't know they physically COULD get any closer... Starscream gave a howl as Megatron found the clasps, the contentment now fueling the strongest arousal he had ever felt.

Breaking away from their kiss, the Decepticon leader finished opening Starscream's chest plates, staring at the bared spark of his second-in-command with lust he never knew he had. To Megatron, Starscream's spark was one of the most wonderful things he'd ever seen… it was so beautiful. "My little seeker… MINE," he purred, right before taking a small teasing lick of the seeker's opened chest plating.

It was the words more than the actions that sent Starscream's already powerful arousal spiraling out of control. "MegaTRON..." He was going to make him his... oh, maybe not quite yet, but he was going to, or possibly already had, Starscream couldn't really think clearly, only feel that sense of anticipation that meant SOMETHING good was going to happen. "M- Mega... tron..."

Starscream moaning his name was almost as delicious as the seeker's screams… petting his sparkcasing, Megatron kept going on his licking, making sure to tweak the wires and tubing that he knew would make his second-in-command moan even louder… if that was possible. "Do you realize how much you mean to me, my little seeker? My little Starscream. Do you know how delicious you are, how wonderful your moans and screams are… and how much I regret not doing this sooner…"

He heard the words, they soothed the pain that still lingered, but Starscream couldn't FOCUS on the words, couldn't process them. Megatron was making him feel too good, an overload rocked him but only took the smallest edge off his arousal, his need, and he was screaming again.

That was it. Megatron needed his little seeker and he needed him right then and there. Opening his own chest plates, he pressed against Starscream again, moaning and crying out in abstract pleasure. It felt too good! Who knew his second-in-command could feel so good! On impulse, Megatron yanked him into another deep and lust ridden kiss, swallowing more screams.

The screams Megatron took were, for a brief moment, that same wail of loneliness that Starscream gave to the sky. It morphed almost immediately, though, into a shriek of pleasure, joy, ecstasy, contentment, OVERLOAD. Starscream gave himself unreservedly to his leader, his tyrant, and finally believed that he would truly never again be ignored or forgotten. The world went white, and the black as the dissipating overload took Starscream's consciousness with it.

Leaning on the seeker in front of him Megatron tried to compose himself. His own overload had hit him hard, and it was difficult to stay upright at first. Standing straight, he gently wrapped an arm around Starscream while his other untied the seeker, picking him up and carrying him to the Decepticon leader's own personal quarters.

Setting his little seeker on the berth, Megatron had to search to find his small repair kit, taking out what was needed to fix Starscream's wings and wrists and carefully started the needed repairs.

Starscream onlined with a low moan. He was laying down, arms free... Someone was repairing him. Not Hook, the hands were far to tender against his sensitive wings and raw wrists. Felt good. Safe. He shifted a little, and one of the gentle hands pressed against his cockpit, holding him still without a word. He onlined his optics and watched blankly as Megatron continued working on him. Starscream wasn't really sure how to take that.

"Move and I tie you down again," said the Decepticon leader when his second-in-command stayed miraculously silent, watching him work. "And I'd rather you not mess up these patches…" Megatron added, petting one of Starscream's wings tenderly.

Starscream hummed a little at the stroking. "Um... okay," he agreed uncertainly. Memory began returning, and Starscream wondered how much was real. "Did... Did I really..." admit all my secrets, the words went unsaid.

"Did you what? Scream as you overloaded oh… I think it was four times…" Megatron chuckled, "Or are you asking what you did while in a rather mind numbing bout of pleasure?" It wasn't really surprising that Starscream was so… scared but the Decepticon leader figured he'd cure that fear… even if it took some work.

Red optics dimmed as Megatron confirmed the memories. "I know I... screamed." The word was said stiffly, an odd emphasis hinting that he was referring to the sky screams he had given to Megatron. "You... gave such pleasure... Promised not... not to... ignore... me..." He couldn't ask if he'd admitted, but he could ask about the results of his admission.

Setting his tools down Megatron rubbed the hand holding Starscream down against the seeker's cockpit. "Yes, I promised not to ignore you. You're my little seeker, Starscream, why would I ignore you ever again?" It was… disconcerting to see his second-in-command stutter and not use his normal arrogant, loud demanding tone… and Megatron missed that arrogant, loud demanding tone…

So he had admitted... "You always have before," he snapped in response, even while squirming ever-so-slightly under the soft touch. Primus, he couldn't decide if should just trust what Megatron was saying, or assume it was only another way to hurt him. Megatron was always hurting him. But... he hadn't know how Starscream needed attention... hadn't know how his dismissals hurt... Starscream offlined his optics with a groan, he wasn't ready to think about this yet.

Ahhh there it was… With a shake of his head Megatron leaned toward his second-in-command until he could effectively whisper in the seekers audio. "Is there something you want me to do to prove that I won't ignore you anymore, my little seeker?"

Once again, Starscream deflated, once again he used that quite, serious voice. "There's nothing you can do. Only time..." He shuddered, onlined his optics and turned his head to look at Megatron, so close to him... "Kiss me again," back to his normal tone as he tried to rebuild his walls.

"Time? I can do time… although…" The Decepticon leader kissed his second-in-command, smirking before speaking again. "I want to do something more for my little seeker." He deepened the kiss, hands roaming over the wounds he'd just patched.

He was shaking again, Starscream was shaking as Megatron followed what had been very close to an order, granted a request... and more, called him 'mine', this entire conversation Megatron had used the possessive pronoun. "Say... my name? Call me yours?"

Chuckling outwardly while finding the comment almost… cut inwardly, Megatron pulled away from the kiss and gripped Starscream's helm in his hands, forcing him to look right at the Decepticon leader. "You are MY little seeker, Starscream, MINE and no one will take you away without suffering permanent damage and or death. Especially since I want YOU and no other."

Staring at Megatron, searching his face, Starscream began to notice how... serious the tyrant was. As serious as he was when talking about reviving Cybertron, a goal he was actually pretty far along on. He was keeping that promise... "Even when I'm an arrogant glitch?" he asked with a faint sneer.

Growling, Megatron's optics burned with lust and possessive anger before dimming back to their normal blood red. "Then you're MY arrogant glitch and I'll… I'll punish you; make you scream over and over again in blissful pain…" Snapping the mech attacked Starscream's neck biting at the smooth metal in a domineering and lusty yet gentle way…

OH. Starscream arched up, baring his neck to Megatron's attack. He wasn't passive this time, though, reaching for Megatron and running his hands along the tyrant. It didn't sound that bad. ...Sounded a lot like his current life, actually, only he didn't currently get the 'blissful' part, so that would be an improvement.

Megatron purred in pleasure when his second-in-command started touching him, climbing up to straddle the seeker. Starscream had said that his hands were great at making mechs overload… and Primus, was he right! It felt so good… moaning softly Megatron bit down slightly harder, licking at the seekers neck plates.

That sound, that purr... his moans... Starscream squirmed against the body above him, deliberately searching across seams and plates for the places that would make Megatron moan, make him gasp and stutter. The seeker moaned as well, modulating into a keen every couple of seconds.

"My little seeker…" Megatron moaned, loving the feeling of a body pressing itself against his own. A thought of letting Starscream take over and be in charge one day entered the Decepticon leader's mind and he grinned at it. Why not? Why couldn't he relinquish control? It was taxing being in charge all the time… and with the way Starscream talked, he liked being in control sometimes…

Starscream smirked privately, just for a moment, as Megatron continued to MOAN for him. He liked it, liked how powerful and desired it made him feel, and Starscream voiced his pleasure in gasping cries. He dragged his hands against seams, turned his head just that little bit to run his glossa against his leader. Starscream was determined to overload Megatron.

Starscream's touches cemented Megatron's idea and with one swoop he flipped them over, raising his arms above his head in a mimic of the way he'd tied the seeker's hands up before in the brig. "I told you, my little seeker; I want to do more than just give you time… if I let you do with me as you want, will that prove to you my promise? That I will never ignore you again…"

The seeker looked down at the body now displayed beneath him with shock. "Megatron..." he murmured, a prayer of worship as he stroked lightly at the silver chassis. He wasn't stopped, Megatron actually arched against his hands with another moan. Something snapped in the slender seeker, and he began digging and clawing at Megatron, actively trying to hurt him while still causing pleasure. "Megatron!" and this time his voice was a snarl of hurt and satisfaction and longing.

Surprised, Megatron cried out, hands automatically jerking as he forced himself to hold still. Who knew that his second-in-command had so much pent up lust and rage? Or that he could say Megatron's name in such ways…

He barely noticed Megatron's automatic attempted to defend himself, only enough to growl at it, and then purr as the silver mech remained unresisting. "I am UGLY, Megatron..." the Seeker hissed, raking a claw against the tyrant's side before licking at the energon that rose in the wake of his hand. "See my ugliness?" It was a test, he knew quite well that Megatron could stop him any time he wished. But if the Decepticon leader stopped Starscream before he was finished, then his promise was shattered.

Panting and moaning, Megatron sat up slightly, optics dark with lust and a promise of punishment for his little seeker's words. "You're not ugly, little seeker, you're beautiful and you're MINE," he growled, treacherous body moving against Starscream's and rubbing against him even as he tried to hold still.

Starscream knew he would pay for his actions later. That didn't matter, added an edge of excitement. The point was the he wasn't stopped NOW. And Megatron was enjoying this... He snarled wordlessly as Megatron squirmed under him, hands never stopping their quest to bring pleasure to the tyrant.

The Decepticon leader moaned and cried out, his mental coherence going down the proverbial drain as Starscream's fingers touched him in ways he hadn't been touched in… in he couldn't remember how long. And as embarrassing as it was Megatron was ready to beg if the seeker on him stopped touching him.

He could have Megatron begging, he knew from the way his leader moved and cried. Starscream didn't want Megatron to beg, it was enough that he had been allowed to drive him to this point. "I believe you, Megatron. You won't ignore me again," the Seeker said in the quiet voice. And then back to the snarl, he rubbed his body against his leader's, pinched some wires and kissed his throat, he wanted to hear this, not muffled it... "Overload for me, Megatron."

Now he knew why Starscream liked his attentions… and now he knew the need to scream… Megatron arched up as he overloaded, a low needy cry of bliss escaping his mouth before he collapsed back panting.

Quieter than his own needy cries... Starscream wasn't surprised, he liked the sound, and rather expected never to hear it again. After all, Megatron wasn't likely to let him repeat these actions, and sounds were different when one was in control compared to when one was not. He slipped off the berth, aroused but willing to ignore it, knelt on the ground holding Megatron's hand to his forehead. "Thank you."

"Shhhh now…" Sitting up the larger mech pulled his second-in-command back onto the berth with him, "Don't thank me yet… we're not through." Flipping their bodies back over Megatron nuzzled the seeker making Starscream whimper. "I enjoyed that more than you could ever realize…"

Removing himself from the berth had been removing himself from power. Now, he was letting Megatron lead again. "Good," he answered with a moan, letting his hands roam, wincing slightly as he felt dried energon under his fingers. It wasn't guilt that he felt, it was... surprise, that he had marred Megatron so, that he had been allowed to.

"Do you know how much you make me want to make you scream those wonderful screams when you're in charge, my little seeker?" Megatron gripped the seekers head in his hands and kissed him. "And the next time you call yourself ugly, you won't leave this room until you 'learn' how beautiful you are and how you are MINE." To cement his promise the Decepticon leader ground his body against Starscream's and deepened the kiss.

Megatron had seen and accepted the worst part of him... had enjoyed it. Starscream stretched himself against his leader's pressing form, keened softly into Megatron's demanding mouth, and made a mental note not to call himself ugly again. He was beautiful and desirable in Megatron's optics, after all.

"Now… for your punishment for calling yourself ugly in the first place…" Trailing a light touch across the seekers wing Megatron smiled an almost cruel looking smile. "Overload yourself for me… touch yourself like you want me to touch you." He pulled away and got off the berth, sitting at his desk chair after moving it closer. The Decepticon leader could have moaned at the surprised but charged look on Starscream's face as the seeker sat up to stare wide opticked at him.

Megatron's smile was dangerous, sharp, and incredibly sexy. Starscream gave a whimper as he realized that the tyrant was completely serious. Well, he could do this... he'd fantasied about Megatron's touch before, after all. Up across the cockpit glass, one hand exploring the vents on his shoulders, and Starscream buckled against his own touch with a quiet wail. Overloading alone, with Megatron RIGHT THERE and refusing to help... but he was watching... learning, maybe, how to touch...? But he already knew how to touch... But not how Starscream WANTED it...

Oh Primus, watching his second-in-command touch himself was so charging… Nodding in approval, Megatron committed the spots and the way Starscream was touching himself to memory. In the back of his mind the Decepticon imagined that it was himself touching Starscream and causing the moans and sighs coming from the seeker's mouth.

Away from the vents, across his shoulder, hesitating, teasing before he touched the top of his wing with a strangled shriek... Starscream's other hand moved between his cockpit and side seams roughly, in contrast to the hand on his wing. Locking flickering optics on Megatron's red gaze, Starscream arched again, gasping the tyrant's name.

At the sound of his name Megatron had to grip the armrests of his seat to keep from jumping up and forcing himself onto his little seeker. It was so hard to hold himself back… so hard to not moan as his imaginings became so vivid…

He only lifted his cockpit a little, just enough to force his hand inside, brush it against the delicate instruments inside, wring a scream from his vocalizer. Starscream let the hand on his wing grow harsher, pressing hard enough that the metal flexed, springing back to shape as his hand moved elsewhere. Squirming against the berth, he moaned and cried, pressing harder against his instrumentation, never looking away from Megatron.

The Decepticon leader finally lost it and moaned, he couldn't believe it but he himself felt close to a overload! "Starscream…" he cried begging, "My little seeker… do it!"

Starscream arched, pressing into his wing hard enough to leave dents. He screamed, hand scraping in his cockpit, optics blazing and focused on Megatron. And then the Seeker fell back against the berth with a slight clang, vents on high.

Without giving him any real warning Megatron overloaded with a short cry, jerking up then back against the chair he was in. He listened to the sound of Starscream's vents as he calmed his own before somehow standing and walking over. "My little seeker…" the Decepticon commander muttered, climbing up to lay next to his second-in-command's prone and still panting form.

Starscream's hand fell out of his cockpit as he carefully scooted over to be closer to Megatron. Megatron had overload just from WATCHING him, and only shortly after overloading from touches. It was almost enough to stall his processor. Starscream knew his frame was attractive, but the Decepticon lord wouldn't react so strongly to mere physical beauty... "My Lord," he answered, with neither skepticism or desperation coloring his voice, only adoration.

"Starscream…" Megatron started, something very important and very unpleasant coming to mind. "We can't change the way we act in front of the troops…" He winced, looking away. "If they saw us… it could hurt you my little seeker, as any other seen 'with' me has been." Anyone seen as the Decepticon leader's lover or even friend was often tormented, mentally, emotionally and even physically… and for the first time Megatron didn't want his lover to go through it.

With his own wince, the Seeker nodded. He knew this very well, had lead and instigated his own share of the attacks, furiously jealous of anyone who had Megatron's attentions when he so desperately wanted them. "I know that quite well," he admitted quietly. "The good news is, only my wingmates really know the difference between my screams of pain and pleasure."

"Oh, do they now?" Smirking devilishly Megatron cupped the seeker's head in his hand, a gesture that was becoming so very familiar. "And do I get to watch you… interact with your trine members? I'm sure they can be trusted no? With the fact that their leader is my little seeker…" His optics became half lidded at the thought of what wonders could come of that fun…

Studying the silver face so close to his, Starscream smiled back and laid a brief kiss against Megatron's lips. "If you want to," he agreed. He hadn't expected that request, had honestly expected to be forbidden from that contact. "They can be trusted, and I'm sure they'll be quite pleased." They'd be pleased with anything that made him less moody, and if they no longer had to worry about Megatron slagging him... Starscream made a mental note not to let Skywarp take advantage of presumed safety and get out of hand with his pranks.

Chuckling, Megatron pulled his second-in-command closer, resting his chin on the seeker's helm. "Recharge, my little seeker, you need it," he said, wrapping his arms around the slender form in front of him. "We can plan our… actions in front of the others when we both have more rest and can think better." In truth the Decepticon leader didn't want to give up the comfort holding Starscream gave him.

"Yes, my lord," the flier drowsily agreed, shifting around just a little until he found a comfortable position, feeling safe and warm in Megatron's arms. He'd never thought this day would come... With a quiet little hum, Starscream obeyed the order and slipped into recharge.

As his second-in-command's face relaxed, the Decepticon leader smiled to himself and settled down, ready to watch and make sure Starscream did actually stay in his recharge cycle. It was a well known fact that Starscream didn't recharge well at times, being found all hours of the night at work in his lab. But it wasn't going to happen anymore Megatron decided, he'd make sure of it… besides Starscream was his little seeker and his responsibility, which was just how he liked it.