Chests heaving from effort, the two swordsmen lay on the cold ground of the Ravine Trail, grins wider than Yuffie's plastered on their faces. Gunblade and Buster still in their hands but their grips on it slack. Too lazy, way too lazy to move.

Finally, Leon turned his head slightly and chuckled.

"You're slipping, old man." he said, giving Cloud a slight punch in the arm just for good measure.

Cloud gave a bark of laughter at that. "I thought you were so fond of calling Cid that?"

"I do, but he threatened to castrate me if I kept doing that."

"Now, we can't have that, can we?"

"Certainly not. I'm rather fond of it, actually."

Rolling over with a slight grunt, Cloud placed his arms and legs on either side of Leon and the brunette found his face suddenly very close to that of the blond.

"So am I, actually." said blond whispered huskily, closing the distance between them.

Leon let his eyes slip closed and for once, allowed the blond to slightly dominate him. The kiss was slow and heated and hands were roaming everywhere as Cloud lowered his body to mold it together with Leon's.

"Hey, you two! Aerith send me to fetch you for dinner!"

At the sound of Yuffie's voice, the two men reluctantly broke their kiss to glare at the girl who was peeking around the corner of the Bailey wall. Dinner was certainly the least thing on their minds right now. A frown marred Yuffie's young face as she pointed an accusing finger at the two men.

"And don't tell me you're not coming because I'll get the scolding if you skip again!"

Suddenly, a grin found its way onto Leon's face. Propping himself up on his elbows, he reached in his pocket and flung a fair amount of munny to the ninja. Flailing her arms, she managed to catch it all, but couldn't help from sending Leon a confused look.

Pulling Cloud down again, Leon made one last comment and a dismissive gesture at Yuffie.

"Tell her we're busy."

Even Sephiroth looked up at the sound of Aerith's exasperated scream.

A/N: Somehow I feel obliged to make a Yuffie-reference in everything I write. She's just too spunky to ignore. Plus I like the idea of her seeing Leon as her big brother. Review? Please? Pretty please?