Guardians of Aura Chapter 1

Keep in mind this is an epic story and not purely about shipping. Figure out the pairings as you go along. You shippers like a challenge don't you?

This is rated T for partialy frequent language throughout, mild suggestive themes, and violence.

Introduction: this is the story taking place in modern-day Japan in the world of Pokemon about a young Pokemon trainer without a father named Ash Ketchum and his quest to become a Guardian of Aura. But we shall begin our tale not with him, but rather on a more humble note.

A lonely Houndour was digging through a few littered candy rappers discarded in a small metal trash can in a large deserted building probing for even the smallest source of nourishment. It was male Houndour who had been struggling to survive after losing sight of his owner many years ago. The black, dog-like Pokémon's fur and face were dirty and beaten up from scuffles with other Pokemon over food and territory. He had not usually been on the winning end of these fights. His dry, cracked throat had lost the drive to breathe fire due to lack of water and his jaw muscles could not compete with other Houndour because of his lack of winning experience. His ribs were almost visible on the outside of his fat-less body and a crippling rumple reminded him how starving he was every few minutes.

As the Houndour's futile rummaging continued his ear picked up on a subtle noise. He turned his head ever so slightly to notice a large collection of figures approaching from the distance. His brittle paws could feel the tapping of footsteps approaching getting stronger and louder with each passing moment. The Houndour turned his head around completely to see a large crowd of people thundering towards him.

In his solitude Houndour had learned to fear humans. He would receive as severe beating if he ever tried to steal food from one of them or sleep in their homes. He remembered horrible recollections of humans kicking him, throwing rocks at him, or hitting him with whatever was in their hands. Needless to say this contributed to his rather pitiful physical condition. Houndour turned around and ran for cover, leaving the empty trashcan and the few discarded rappers forgotten.

Releasing what little strength he had remaining, Houndour scrambled through an unlocked door in an attempt to escape the possibly threatening humans. Behind the door was a strange room lined with tiled floors that had white sinks and mirrors on the wall and stalls with white chairs in them. Houndour knew that the humans called these places "bathrooms" but he did not know what they were for. Hearing the chatter of people walking by, he hid behind a plastic waste basket.

Houndour's heart stopped as he heard the creaking of the door reopening. Premonitions of a painful pounding nearly brought tears to his eyes as he braced for what lied next. Houndour gritted his teeth as he heard the pit patter of a human walking into the bathroom. He prayed that the human would not notice him, but the tapping of it walking around the waste basket to him became obvious. As he came face to face with the dangerous human not having the strength or courage to bark, he whimpered, begging for mercy.

"It's okay I'm not going to hurt you" the human said in a gentle, caring voice. Houndour looked up and saw the person's face. She was a young, thin, redheaded girl wearing a yellow pair of shorts and top and a red shirt covering her midriff with a cheery smile on her face. "My name is Misty" she said putting her right hand over her heart. "If you're alone I can help you." The fearful Houndour stayed shivering in his place. Noticing the frightened Pokemon's ribs the girl reached into her backpack and pulled out a ham sandwich. Misty knelt down and held out the sandwich with her left hand. "You look hungry, go on take it."

Houndour's ravenous hunger overpowering his fear he timidly stepped towards the food. Slowly he took a bite of the sandwich. He quickly snapped his eyes shut and expected to feel a blow to the head. One didn't come. Unhurriedly, by surely he continued to nibble at the sandwich until he had finished it.

Houndour cranked his head up at Misty who was still smiling sweetly. "I'm your friend. I only want to help you. Do you understand?" Misty calmly asked once again placing her hand over her heart. Houndour's distrust of humans had somehow been lowered for her. By hook or by crook he knew that she was different than the cruel humans he had come to fear. Houndour jumped on Misty and began licking her face affectionately. "I'll take that as a 'yes' I guess" Misty laughed as Houndour's tongue lashed at her.

Misty picked up the scraggly Houndour, cradling him in her gentle arms and walked out of the bathroom. There were more people clamoring around but in Misty's arms he felt safe. They walked through a strange hallway with dozens of more people until they came to the sunlit end. Rather than a room, they came to a large stadium with long, blue benches surrounding a monumentally large battlefield. Misty took her seat on one of the benches with Houndour sitting next to her. Misty reached into her backpack with Houndour anticipating more food. In answer to Houndour's prayers, she pulled out a large tin can of Pokémon food. A faint pop was heard as she opened the lid off of it revealing the savory surplus inside. "Eat up" Misty said as she set the tin in front of Houndour. "It may not taste as good as the sandwich" she warned. As Houndour slowly dug into his small banquet he didn't care about taste, just that he was finally eating.

The stadium suddenly erupted in thunderous cheering as the voice of an announcer was heard coming from a large intercom. "Welcome one and all to the annual Sinnoh Pokémon League battling competition!" The starving Houndour continued devouring his food, having no interest in anything else at the moment. "Now if our first competitors will please make their way to the center field!" A large muscular man in what looked to be a karate gi and a short, black-haired boy wearing a black jacket and blue jeans walked out onto parallel sides on the field. "Let's hear a big hand for our first competitors! In one corner we have Ash of Pallet town and in the other corner we have Kaz of Eterna City!" The crowded exploded in cheering. Houndour didn't even pretend to be paying attention to what was going on as he continued gnawing on his sustenance. "Let the battle begin!" the intercom voice declared.

As Houndour continued raptly eating the sounds of what could only be interpreted as Pokémon being released from Pokéballs and fighting faded in the background. After about ten minutes of sounds of the thuds of collision and the thunder of explosions being forced through Houndour's ears there was a small moment of silence. Houndour kept his jaw inside of the tin and continued chewing to make the most of this peace. Before long, the announcer's voice came on again proclaiming, "Ash of Pallet Town is the winner!" Cheering once again boomed from the engrossed spectators.

"Way to go Ash!" Misty yelled proudly. Having finished his meal Houndour tilted his head towards Misty in slight surprise to this outburst. "He's my friend" Misty shrugged noticing Houndour's curiosity. "Now let's get ready for round two!" the announcer roared.

As Ash and his defeated opponent disappeared behind parallel arched doorways Houndour felt a rush of drowsiness overpower him. He was very sleep deprived since he had usually spent his nights scavenging for food. Uninterested in whatever was going on in the stadium, Houndour laid down and cradled himself into a comfortable position. In spite of his ears Houndour let any noise that was in the background fade away as he slowly drifted into unconsciousness.

As an earsplitting noise pierced through Houndour's drums he abruptly woke to hear the crowd in a complete frenzy of excitement. Tiredly lifting his head towards the sky Houndour noticed that the sun was just about to set, he had been asleep for hours. As his blurred eyes came into focus he looked toward the battlefield. On some manner of a scoreboard there was a picture of Ash and one of a purple haired boy with a malicious scowl on his face. The pictures divided the board in half and underneath them were photos of Pokémon. On both sides each of the pictures of Pokémon was grey, save for one. On Ash's side a Pikachu was the colored-in Pokemon. On the purple-haired boy's side a Torterra retained its shine. As Houndour looked down he noticed that both of these Pokemon were on the battlefield. The scoreboard had, in big flashing letters, on it the words, "Final round."

Both Pikachu and Torterra looked like their battle had taken a toll on them. They both were covered in bruises and dirt while panting to keep calm. There was a small pool of blood hanging from Torterra's lip and Pikachu's left eye was having trouble staying open. The reason that the crowd had been loud enough to wake Houndour was obviously because this battle couldn't last much longer.

The crowd grew silent as it seemed that a very apprehensive Ash was preparing to give out his next command.

"Pikachu use Thunderbolt!"

A jet of lightning shot from the electric mouse's body as it shouted out in effort.

Ash's opponent stayed calm as he readied his defense.

"Torterra, wipe it out with Leaf Storm!"

A flurry of glowing leafs fell from the grass turtle's back and launched forward as it roared in rage.

The lightning bolts and leafs collided in the center of the filed, resulting in a huge explosion that spread a plume of dust through the entire stadium. "Neither Pikachu or Torterra had very much left in them. This could be the end!" the announcer pointed out.

"Come on Pikachu" Misty urged. As the airborne dirt began to subside the results of the battle became clear. Torterra was exhausted beyond ability to use another attack, but still standing. Pikachu however, was lying face-flat on the ground, unconscious.

"Pikachu can no longer continue Paul is the winner!" the announcer declared.

The crowd once again began cheering (though seemingly quieter than before) as Misty quietly remarked, "Oh no."

After the battle Misty and Houndour took a walk around the stadium to calm down after the excitement of the battle. Misty had tried to find her friend Ash before to see if he was okay, but to no effect. Subsequent to his defeat Ash was nowhere to be found.

Houndour suddenly spotted something in the distance and ran off. What he had noticed was a drinking fountain with a puddle of cool water formed on the ground below it due to a leak. As he arrived at the fountain he heard Misty panting directly behind him. "You should warn me when you're going to take of like that" Misty gasped. Abruptly, Misty turned around to hear a thud in the distance. As Houndour began lapping up the water to satisfy his dry throat, Misty saw the shadow of Ash about 15 feet into the distance. She was about to walk towards him when she noticed, he was beating the ground with his fist.

Under his breath he was mumbling, "Of all people why did I have to lose to him? No. No. No!" Inside of Ash a burning rage greater than anything he had ever felt before grew until it became unbearable for the defeated Pokémon trainer.

"DAMN IT!" Ash hollered for the whole world to hear.

As Misty heard her friends furious outburst of anger, all she could think of to say was, "Poor guy…"

Out of apparently nowhere a voice remarked, "Talk about sore losers."

Misty began to reply," Well he's just…wait a second." Misty moved her head around to see if anyone else was there. "Houndour did you here something?" Misty asked confusedly.

"No but I said something" that same voice answered. Misty looked down and gasped at the unbelievable sight; Houndour was in fact talking.


"Your friend over there, he's taking this too seriously."