Hey guys, if you are reading this now, I just want to say thank you for sticking with this story for so long. I also wanted to say I'm sorry for leaving you hanging like that, but your waiting will soon be over! Why, you ask? Becauz I have made a vow to finish this story no matter what it takez!!! I have the last chapter in my head right now, and I really wanna type it up, but before I do that I've got to get the rest up. So here is your proof of me promising that I WILL update this story soon! I'm having a very bad case of writers block, but this has been put off long enough!
P.S. to all of you who didn't like the way some of the things are going in this story, I plan on re-writing the first 4 chapters, but only after I get the rest done. For example, a couple people didn't like Danny's reunion with his parents, and I agree with you. Just wanted to get that out in the clear.