A/N: Just so we're clear, I own nothing Not the characters, titles or anything else for that matter!

Quotes of the week:

- That's like saying "Ooh good I've got syphilis, the BEST of the sexually transmitted diseases." – Jeremy Clarkson from Top Gear (because I love him)

- Cordelia: I came by to tell Buffy to stop all of this craziness and found you all unconscious... again. How many times have you been knocked out, anyway? I swear, one of these times, you're gonna wake up in a coma.

Giles: Wake up in a c... ? Oh, never mind. We need to save Buffy from Hansel and Gretel.

Cordelia: Now, let's be clear. The brain damage happened before I hit you.

From 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer' in case you were wondering

Chapter 1: Thanks for the memories

This was not happening – it couldn't be happening. Not now, not to her, not ever. She sighed and looked at the test again. When did her whole life go so wrong? It had started out pretty good, but now…

She felt like crying, but for some reason the tears wouldn't come. It didn't help that her mom wasn't answering her phone at the moment. She really needed to talk to her. She found her cell and tried again. It rang a few times and then finally someone picked up.


"Mom?" Tears started falling down her cheeks.


Rory had told her mom the basics on the phone: how she had attended some stupid party and had had way too much to drink. And how she had meet some guy she sort of knew and they had had a one-night stand. And that she was sitting on her bathroom floor holding a positive pregnancy test. It sounded so stupid to her and she felt ridiculous.

It felt good to be home. Lorelai had tucked her in and now Rory was sound asleep in her own bed. Lorelai sighed. It wasn't like Rory to just get drunk and have some sleazy one-night stand with a guy she hardly knew, but she had changed a lot during her time at Yale, especially after she had met Logan and the Limo Boys. Lorelai decided to just let Rory sleep and then try to bring up the subject again tomorrow. She had a feeling Rory was not telling her everything.

Rory woke up felling somewhat better. She looked around at the familiar room and couldn't help a smile. It felt good to be home, safe. But she also knew that her mother would press the subject of the pregnancy thing and what would happen next. She groaned and got up, realizing she just as well get it over with.

"Good morning sunshine" Lorelai said and motioned for Rory to sit down at the table.

"Coffee" Rory groaned.

"Well, story time first, then coffee. Well, actually, story time, doctors appointment and then perhaps coffee" Lorelai answered, trying to sound chipper, but not quite getting there.

"What, why?"

"Because I really don't trust some cheap pregnancy test, so we are taking you to the doctor's to get a real test."

"Yeah. Great" Rory said, sinking down on a chair.

"SO" Lorelai began. ,Tell your proud mother how you get yourself into this fine predicament."

It was the last month before she graduated. Logan was still in London and to be honest she didn't miss him all that much anymore. She still hung out with the Limo Boys and partied with them in the weekends. Colin and Stephanie were taking baby steps towards a real relationship and Finn… Well, he was Finn: Fun, charming, Australian and drunk. She liked him a lot, even though his heavy drinking concerned her somewhat. She had asked Stephanie about it, but she had just shrugged and said he came from Australia some years ago, like that.

Rory was also concerned with herself. She had noticed him a lot more these last couple of weeks, hating it when some girl came on to him or he went home with a redhead. It bothered her that she thought he was hot and blushed when he made some sexual remark to her.

Rory and Logan's relationship had hit a standstill. He called sometimes and they talked but the real relationship was gone. And the further and further they got from each other, the closer she grew to Finn. They would meet for coffee sometimes or go for a walk in the park. She had offered to help him with some of his homework only to find out he was very much on top of it and it had turned into him helping her with some of her homework and Yale Daily News stuff.

Rory felt like they could talk about anything, except Logan. He was the one subject they never touched. It was like he didn't exist in their little world. Rory didn't know how she felt about that. She had tried to talk to Paris about it, but she had recently been very tied up in her on again/off again relationship with Doyle. She had however offered her opinion about what she liked to call "the situation from down under" which basically was a rip off from Nike: "Just do it!"

They had kissed not so long after the talk with Paris. At a party at the local pub, things had gotten out of hand when some guy became to obtrusive at Rory, Finn had stepped in and made the guy back off. Rory had been relieved and they had shared a kiss. The same thing had happened a couple of nights later, when Finn had walked her home from his dorm. In the beginning it had seemed innocent enough, just a quick peck on the lips, but soon it evolved into a kiss and then into a full-fledged make out scene on her couch one night. They had stopped before things got out of control, well; more out of control, but it had left Rory with a weird feeling. And then they graduated and there had been all those parties and she had been upset about Logan not even calling her to say congratulation and she had been drinking heavily. And then there was Finn, looking sexy and talking to some girl. Rory instantly felt jealous and had rudely interrupted their conversation. Finn had allowed it and they went outside to talk. Rory had yelled a little and he had defended himself, saying that if she didn't have feelings for him she shouldn't come between him and a decent shag, as he called it.

Feeling completely confused she had kissed him and the rest was sort of a blur to her. She had woken up in a bed she didn't really recall knowing next to a guy who claimed to be her boyfriend's best friend. Everything about it felt wrong and she had tried to leave without him noticing, but of course that was impossible. He had woken up and they had argued about what had happened. He thought she had feelings for him and they had something, she just thought about how wrong the whole damn thing was. In the end they had ended up yelling at each other and Finn had slammed the door to his room, leaving her alone and half naked in the dorm's common room. She picked up her discarded clothes from the floor and left.

Three weeks later she found herself sitting at her bathroom floor with a positive pregnancy test in front of her and desperately hoping her mother would pick up her phone.

"So do you have feelings for this guy" Lorelai asked.

Rory shrugged. "I don't know. I mean, he's Finn. He's not really boyfriend materiel and certainly not parent materiel."

"What about Logan?"

"Oh yeah" Rory said and sounded less than happy. "I called him when I got home and told him about it. Well, more like crying my heart out. And he just said 'Oh' like it was no big deal."

"What?" Lorelai almost yelled.

"I know, right? So I say, what do you mean 'oh' and he actually admit that he has been sleeping with this girl in London since he got there!"


"YES! And the worst part is that I feel so guilty and he just dismisses me like that! I was so angry and started yelling at him and then we ended it. I moved all of my stuff out of the apartment the next day and moved back in with Paris."

"So you are officially over with Logan Huntzberger" Lorelai asked.

"I am most definitely officially over with Logan Huntzberger" Rory replied. ,Shira most be throwing a party as we speak."

"One thing honey."

Rory looked at her mother. "What?"

"Can I be there when you tell my mother?"

Lorelai had taken Rory to the doctor who had confirmed what they already knew: Rory was indeed pregnant.

"So, what happens now" Lorelai asked.

"I don't know mom" Rory had replied honestly. "I guess I should tell Finn, try to work something out. I have some job interviews next week, but I guess I'll stay here until then. And I should probably also call Paris and let her know I'm okay."

Lorelai nodded. It sounded like the right thing to do.

Rory walked into her old room and took out her cell and called Stephanie. She didn't want to talk to Finn over the phone; this was definitely something she needed to do in person.

"Talk fast" Stephanie said into the phone.

Rory smiled. "Hey Steph, it's me Rory."

"Oh, well in that case, take your time. I thought you were like my mother or something."

"I was just wondering what you guys were up to" Rory said, trying to sound too desperate.

"Oh my god, you haven't heard?"

"Heard what?"

"Well" Stephanie said, taking her time. "Finn left!"

"What" Rory almost shouted into the phone.

"Yeah, he went back home a week ago" Stephanie answered.

"Like back home to his apartment, or like back home to Australia?" Rory asked, afraid of what the answer might be.

"Like back home to Australia. His dad had a stroke and his mother called and asked him to come home. So he went. Colin talked to him a couple of nights ago, apparently it's really bad with his dad."

"Wow, poor Finn" Rory said. She felt really bad for him.

"Yeah it sucks. So, what's up with you, Reporter Girl?"

"Oh well not much" Rory lied. "I got a couple of job interviews next week, so I'm just trying to prepare for that."

"Oh that sounds really cool. Me and Colin are doing the whole society scene this week. It's totally boring without all of you guys." Rory could almost hear the pout over the phone. ,By the way, have you heard from Logan?"

"Oh, yeah, actually I have. We, um…" Rory pondered how to break the news to Stephanie. "We broke up a month ago."


"Yeah, I got really drunk at a party and slept with a guy (Rory decided not to tell Stephanie that it was Finn. She hadn't told Logan either, it was up to Finn if he wanted to be honest)."

"You did WHAT?"

"There's more" Rory said, trying not to lose her courage. "I called him and confessed and he just said oh. And then he told me that he had been sleeping with this girl in London, so… We broke up."

"Wauw" Stephanie said. And then there was silence.

"It's okay" Rory said. She had a feeling this would happen. "You were Logan's friends first, I'm not gonna ask you to pick sides or anything like that. I totally understand that we can't see each other anymore."

"Have you been smoking something funny" Stephanie suddenly said. "'Cause the way I see it, Logan's the real jerk here. Sure, sleeping with some guy when you have a boyfriend is a bad idea, but him admitting he's been screwing some British Tart (she said it with an accent) is just tacky and downright mean! So in my book that makes you the good guy. Or girl. Whatever. What I'm trying to say is, that I still want to be friends with you Gilmore. So stop talking nonsense!"

"Yes Ma'am" Rory laughed.

"So beside one-night stands and break-ups, what's new?"

Rory thought about telling Stephanie about her pregnancy, but decided against it. This was not the right time or way to tell something like that.

"Oh you know, not much. Just staying with my mom until the first job interview."

"Sounds cool. So, I have to go now, I have to go torture Colin by dragging him around Rodeo Drive. We'll talk later?"

"Sure" Rory replied. "Have fun."

"So, you talked to him" Lorelai asked when Rory re-entered the living room.

"No I called Stephanie to see if she knew where he was so I could talk to him in person. Looks like I'm gonna need some plane tickets."

"Elaborate for mommy" Lorelai said.

"Finn's dad had a heart attack last week so he went home. Stephanie said that it's really serious."

"Oh. So how far do you have to go to see him?"

"Pretty much around the world" Rory muttered.

"Didn't quite catch that."

"Finn's from Australia, so of course he went back home to Australia."

"Oh you bagged yourself an Aussie. Nice" Lorelai snickered.

"Mom, please take this serious. I can't go half way around the world to tell some guy that I'm pregnant. I won't. Besides he's probably really busy dealing with his father's heart attack."

Lorelai returned to serious in an instant. "So you are just going to keep the baby and not let him know about it?"

Rory looked a little anxious. She knew it was wrong, but it really felt like the only choice.

"Yeah, I suppose so."

"Rory that's wrong" Lorelai said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I know mom, I know, but what do you want me to do?"

"Tell him!"

"I can't. He's one of Logan's friends, he's a Limo Boy and he's half way around the world. I can deal with this on my own. You did."

"Honey please don't compare yourself to me. You have so many options and you'll have help." Lorelai hugged her daughter. "I'll help you get through this, okay? Luke will too. And your father. And my mom and dad will come around eventually."

Rory nodded and had to fight back her tears.

Friday night dinner was a nightmare. Emily went on and on about how Rory and Logan should come with them to Martha's Vineyard for the summer, until Rory almost yelled at her that they had broken up. Emily looked completely flabbergasted.

"What do you mean broke up?" She asked, sitting down.

"I mean that he cheated on me, then I cheated on him and then we broke up" Rory said bluntly.

"Mom" Lorelai said in a soothing voice. "Try to calm down and let Rory explain."

"It happened over a month ago, I've just been busy with…. Something else" Rory said.

"Well I just don't understand this at all" Emily interrupted. "You were such a perfect couple, he was to come home from London in a couple of months, you couldn't have waited for him?"

"Mom!" Lorelai said indignant.

"There's more" Rory said. She felt that she might as well break the news now and get it over with. "I'm pregnant!"

Silence. For a long time all that was heard through the Gilmore household was the sound of a maid doing god knows what in the kitchen.

"I beg your pardon" Emily finally said.

"I'm pregnant" Rory repeated. She was beginning to feel annoyed.

"You are serious?"

"Mom do you really think Rory would joke about something like this" Lorelai asked, also starting to get annoyed.

"Well I really don't know what to expect anymore" she said looking more pale than a ghost. And then suddenly: "Who's the father?"

"Just a guy" Rory answered evasively. She didn't know if her grandparents knew Finn and his family. She actually didn't know that much about Finn except he was from a fairly wealthy family from Australia and had been living in the states since he was seventeen. Come to think about it, she didn't even know what part of Australia he was from.

"Just a guy?" Emily almost screamed and got up and left the room. Richard just sat there, looking oddly grey in the face.

"Dad, say something" Lorelai said, sounding concerned.

"Do you plan to keep this child?"

Rory nodded. "Yeah. But I still have a plan for my future, I just need to change a couple of things now."

Richard nodded. "And the father, is he in the picture?"

"Um, no. He doesn't know and I kinda want to keep it that way. He is not the commitment type of guy and he has some things to deal with on his own" Rory answered truthfully. She had a really hard time picturing Finn as someone's boyfriend, let alone a parent.

Richard nodded again. "We will of course help you find an apartment or a small house and get you settled once you find a job."

Rory felt so overwhelmed by his words that she got up and hugged her grandfather. This was such a huge gesture from his side that Rory couldn't even express her gratitude.

Emily came back some timer later, yelling some more, but finally calming down enough to rejoice the fact she was going to be a great grandmother.

A/N: That was it. Tell me if it's totally crab (put try to be nice about it), there's no point in continuing if it sucks.