Author's note: Wow, another fic complete. It seems to go so fast! This is one of my shorter ones though. Although this fic is finished, as of now, please do review however many years later you find it. Each review is treasured; and they are so useful. I also need to go back and correct a few blinding errors, seriously, I needed sunglasses at some points while re-reading it!

Thanks so much for all of the support; hope you all have an amazing summer!

And just in case of confusion, here's a key:






This is not the same in all of the chapters, only this one, so please don't try to use it for those because you will get so confused!

Transfiguration (again)

It was three weeks since the Marauders had passed notes; no, the lessons had not suddenly got fascinating, no, they had not turned over a new leaf. James had simply been trying extraordinarily hard to impress Lily and show his maturity, by actually listening (to Sirius' horror.) Peter had become more withdrawn than ever, Remus was taking advantage of James' attempts to woo Lily to actually do what he had always wanted anyway and take notes and Sirius; well, he simply had no one to talk to.

It wasn't as an impressive a feat as it sounded, two of those three weeks had been taken up by the Easter holidays and this was actually the first week back; but for the Marauders it was a feat and a half.

James had remained sitting with his Lily-flower, who was surprisingly less cutting and cynical than before Easter, Remus was still with Frank and Peter was with the poor victim McGonagall had inflicted him on. Sirius…well, Sirius…

"Snivelly, get off my side of the table!" Sirius snapped. "I need a protective suit sitting next to you."

"You are the one taking up my share of the table, Black, if you didn't slump across the table there would be more room!"

"I can't help but slump, I'm passing out from all the fumes coming off you!"

"That's you, Black, you probably smell of drool from the way half the female population dribble over you."

"You're just jealous…and a hundred percent drool over me, thank you very much!"

"Then a hundred percent of Hogwarts need glasses!" Snape growled, attempting to shove Sirius' arm off the desk where he had thrown it straight across Snape's book just to annoy him.

"What's that I smell?" Sirius said loudly, sitting up suddenly. The class looked around in interest. "It smells like rotting vegetables, or sewage, or…oh, wait. It's just Snivelly!"

The class dissolved into giggles (with the exception of a scowling Lily Evans) and Sirius looked around proudly as Snape blushed deep red and attempted, once again, to detach Sirius' arm from across his book.

"Detention, Mr Black! I will not have bullying in my classroom." McGonagall cut in quickly, her lips thin.

"But that's not fair! I was stating a fact, and I've had to sit next to him for so long!" Sirius whined.

"I'll make it a week's worth if you don't hold your tongue, Mr Black."

Sirius scowled, but shut his mouth. He waited for McGonagall to continue before ripping out a piece of parchment (moving his arm in the process, to Snape's relief; he immediately began to scribble notes) and scribbling a note down which went straight to James (who seemed to be whispering with Lily somewhat urgently.)

I cannot believe I still have to sit here; it should be banned! It's a form of torture!

Awww, still trying to hide your TRUE feelings?

Shut it, Prongs. I'm not in the mood. I can't believe she gave me a detention.

You deserved it, Sirius.

You aren't in this conversation, Lily, you Snape supporter!

You leave her alone!

Chill, Prongs, just joking!

Wormtail is getting more and more distant

Moony, my man!

I am not your man, Sirius.

He is getting really distant, what do you reckon we should do?

Nothing, just leave him.

He's not even your friend, Lily. Shut up!

I swear, Sirius, you have one more dig at her and-

Okay, okay, give me a break. I just got a detention for Merlin's sake!

You always get detention.

Be quiet, Moony.

My parents will write and have a go at you when they get the detention letter, you know.

Really? My parents never bothered.

Oh yeah, I forgot you moved in with James over Easter!

How could you forget that? It's the best thing that's ever happened to me!

Awww, I'll tell my mum you said so. She'll go all teary and then you'll get all the embarrassing wet kisses on the platform and-



"Five minutes left, class, summarise your notes quickly." McGonagall told the class who groaned as they looked at their parchment gloomily; some having written a few words (or nothing in Sirius' case) while others had written rolls of parchment. No one was sure which was worse, having too little material to work with or having so much it took forever!

You haven't got round to what you were going to say yet, James

Lily looked at the boy beside her meanfully as she wrote.

Oh right, yeah.

Ohhh tell us!

Yes, I want to know!

And me!

How did you get hold of the parchment, Wormy?

Hey Wormy-how's it going over-



Tell them!!!!

Tell them what?

Our news

Our? I think you do have something to tell us, Prongs!

Lily and I…we're going out.