I have the complete story posted on DLS, so I thought I'd post it on here too. Hope you enjoy! This takes place in IS3, minus the last episode. Tell me what you think.

What happens when the man you've loved since you were 15, the man who swore he would never hurt you, breaks your heart... again. You stand on stage at your 18th birthday party, singing the song he wrote for you, singing the song that declares to the world how you both feel. When the music ends he denies the relationship saying you've had too much to drink. Even then, you go after him, only to find him and his ex-girlfriend, your sister, kissing in a hotel room. What do you do? You run. And what if the one that catches you, isn't who you expected? He holds out his hand and asks if you need to go. What do you? You take it and you run. Only later, as the hotel lights fade away, do you turn and ask his name.

Chapter One

When a tall, dark blond haired god stands in front of you, even if you are in love with someone else, you have to look. His hair was a little too long, with streaks of lighter blond, his cheeks were chiseled and his eyes were a 'melt into them' dark chocolate. Something about him seemed familiar though, Sadie puzzled.

"Hi." He gave her a smile showing his dimple. "I'm looking for Jude Harrison." He holds up a pair of silver stiletto heels, dangling from his fingers.

"Let me page her." She said in dread, since her little sister was still not talking to her. She reached for the phone and made the call.

"I'm Sadie by the way." Giving him one of her killer smiles. His dark brown eyes grew a shade colder as he heard this.

"Jude's sister. I'm Ty."

"How do you know Jude?" Sadie said uncomfortably, noticing the change in him.

"I..." He never got out an answer as he saw her walking out of a room. The smile he gave her, made Sadie's heart skip a beat and it hadn't even been aimed at her.

"Hey." She gave him a small grin. Her hair was tousled and she looked pale and tired, but at least a little happier since he had shown up.

"Hey Cinderella. You left these." He lifted the heels in front of her, but when she reached for them he drew back. "Isn't the traditional reward a kiss?" She rolled her eyes at him and turned to walk away. "Wait! Geez Harrison you're tough. How about I buy you lunch instead?" As she was about to answer she saw her producer walking out of the hallway, Tommy, the man she had broken up with just yesterday. She grabbed Ty's arm quickly, panic showing through.

"So where are you taking me?" She started to hurry him out the door.

"Anywhere you want to go baby." He held the door for her as they headed out into the sunshine.

"Who was that?" Tommy had walked up to the desk with his famous Tommy scowl on display. She picked up the morning paper she'd been reading and threw it in front of him. She hadn't recognized him at first, since he was wearing a ball cap in the picture.


"How does she...?" Sadie did not want to answer this since a pissed off Tommy intimidated her a little and she should not have had to deal with it since she wasn't his girlfriend anymore. Jude was the only one who had ever been able to handle 'angry' Tommy, which really didn't help at the moment.

"I think she was with him last night after...um... you know. She never did come home."

"How do you know she was with him?" Tommy was barely holding on as the memories of last night assaulted him. He hadn't gone after her and the guilt was killing him, even though the reason had been a good one.

"He had the heels she was wearing?" Sadie grimaced as Tommy stomped his way out of the building, practically ripping the glass door out of its hinge. She put her head in hands and sighed. What had she done by kissing Tommy last night. Kwest, the man she now knew she loved, wasn't speaking to her and neither was Jude. How was she supposed to know Jude and Tommy had finally gotten together? Not that it surprised her. The looks they always gave each other, even before she and Tommy had broken up, should have warned her. Everything was such a mess and now a new man was in Jude's life, a man who got her brokenhearted sister to smile.

They were sitting at a cafe table, Jude sipping at her soda playing with her straw when she looked up to find his dark eyes on hers.

"What?" He smiled at her.

"You're beautiful." She looked down at herself and rolled her eyes. She was wearing jeans and a loose sweatshirt. Her hair had been brushed quickly and all she had put on this morning was a little mascara and eyeliner.

"I haven't slept in 26 hours." He grinned.

"I haven't slept since I met you."

"Wow, do girls really buy those lines?"

"Usually I have no need for lines." She chuckled.

"Yeah the girls are probably standing in line waiting for you to speak to them." He shrugged, because strangely enough that was pretty accurate. " So why come looking for me?"

"I know this will sound cheesy, but you aren't like any of the women I've met."

"Right..." Jude said sarcastically.

"I'm serious rock star."

"Ty you know I'm a mess right now. Hell you were living in that mess with me last night."

"Your point?"

"What do you want from me?"

" I just want to hang out with you. I leave for Spring training in a few weeks and I really don't know anyone here. I think you need the distraction too. No strings alright?" She looked at him, blue eyes considering.
