I'm back baby!

I actually have a sequel to El Batido that I'm working on but I kinda left it on my other computer without sending it to my email so I could keep working on it. Yeah, I'm on vacation. Hehehe. Anyway…..

I've noticed there are not yet any erotic El tigre fics. So I decided 'Hey, what the hell? I've done everything once.' Lol. This one doesn't go all the way, but I thought it was still M rated worthy.

By the way, could the author ViperSwan please pm me. I totally love your story and I want to know if you still have writers block.


Frida danced around in her seat while secretly listening to music in class. Everyone else was talking amongst themselves, anxiously awaiting the end of the school day. Manny, not seeing the earphones she hid under her hair was unaware that she couldn't hear a word he was saying.

"So then, Zoe started to get all uncomfortable and I was like 'what the hell?' and then she actually asked me out!! Can you fucking believe that?! Obviously, I said no and ran away, and…Frida? Are you even listening?" He poked her arm. She turned toward him, taking the headphones out of her ears. "Huh?" she asked.

Manny sighed. "Zoe asked me out." He said again.

Frida's eyes widened. "Seriously?! What'd you say?"

"I said no and ran away!" he said, secretly smiling at her shocked tone. "That girl creeps me out!" Frida laughed. After a few moments, the school bell rang, releasing the students to their weekend. Manny and Frida walked home together as always, talking about the events that happened earlier involving a certain Zoe Aves. "You know, she started a rumor last week that you were gay because you never seem to have a novia." Frida said.

"WHAT?!" Manny exclaimed. "Why didn't you tell me?!"

"I just found out in the girls locker room today. I was gonna tell you, but I kinda forgot. Hehehe." She said.

Manny sighed. "I hate rumors."

"Well, that's why they call 'em rumors! They ain't true!" she said happily.

"She started a rumor 'bout you too, didn't she?" Manny said, knowingly.

"She said that I sent sexual pictures of myself to this one guy in my gym class." She said, sourly.

Manny looked at her, like 'whoa!'. "Damn! Just when you think Zoe can't get any lower."

"I know, right?" They arrived at Manny's house. Both of their families were away (ironic!) for the weekend , so they decided that Frida would stay with Manny. Frida had already dropped off her bags the night before.

"So, what do we do now?" Frida asked, setting her backpack down on the floor of Manny's bedroom.

"Why don't we get some sun in while it's still high?" He suggested. Quickly changing into their bathing suits, they headed up to the deck. They leaned their chairs back and lay down, soaking in the rays of the sun. Manny opened one eye and stole a glance at Frida. Her eyes were closed, the sun reflecting off her exposed skin, giving her an angelic-like glow. When she grew out of her red, one-piece a few months ago, she replaced it with a new, red, bikini, which Manny couldn't help but find particularly…sexy. He hated her new swim suit, and yet loved it at the same time. He hated it because it awakened emotions in him that made his whole friendship with Frida feel different. He hated it because it made him have to work twice as hard to control himself. He hated it because it drove his instincts crazy. He loved it for all the reasons a teenage boy would love a teenage girl in a bikini. He had developed strong, new urges that he wouldn't dare act on. Urges that he had never experienced before. His instincts were going crazy now just looking at her. He had to stop looking at her before he lost all self control, but he couldn't bring himself to break his gaze. He had to get away from her.

Frida's stomach suddenly gurgled. "Hungry?" Manny asked, being snapped out of his thoughts. This offered the perfect opportunity to get away from her so he could think clearly. "I'll be right back!" he said, and ran inside. He went into his bathroom where he turned on the water and splashed himself in the face. "C'mon, Manny!" he said to himself. "I know she's hot, but get a hold of yourself!" He knew what would happen if his instincts got the better of him. All self control lost, he'd take her right there. The thought thrilled him, and scared him too. He wanted her so damn bad, but she was, after all, his best friend and had been since kindergarten. And then there was the one thing that scared him the most.

Would she except him?

Did she love him too?

Of course she loved him. She had told him so on more than one occasion. But did she love him the way he had grown to love her? Was she in love with him?

Remembering the errand that brought him inside in the first place, he grabbed two chocolate bars that he had bought for them earlier and returned outside. Unfortunately, no one had bothered to put them in the fridge so they were melted. "Yeah, they're kinda melted." he said, sitting back down.

Frida laughed. "Whatever, we can still lick the chocolate off the wrapper." she said. Excitement boiled up in Manny's gut when she leaned over to take the melted chocolate bar from his hand, giving him a rather clear view of her chest, which had increased in size since they were children. He couldn't help but stare, mouth slightly agape. Frida saw his expression and followed his gaze, meeting her own body. She could have said something, a simple "My eyes are up here." or possibly a "I see you've met the twins." But she didn't. Instead, she just ripped open the wrapper and began licking the chocolate away, only half aware the torture she was causing him.

Every stroke of her tongue caused a flare up inside Manny. His instincts were going crazy, desperately wanting to act upon the urges he felt. He struggled with all his will power to maintain control of himself. It did however amaze, and scare the hell out of him how such a simply action could provoke such a violent response. He was only half aware of it, but he was purring. Frida sure was aware of it though. And she knew that purr. That was his delight purr.

And his luck just kept getting better and better. At that moment, a breeze quite randomly appear and blew the still chocolaty wrapper out of Frida's hands…

Right onto her chest, just above her cleavage.

That did it for Manny. Before he even knew what he was doing, he found himself as El Tigre, on top of Frida, legs on either side of her, hands on her shoulders, pining her down. He glared at her, eyes clouded with lust and desire, as opposed to hers, which were wide with shock. Slowly, he peeled the wrapper off and lowered his mouth down to the base of her throat and pressed his lips against it. A small gasp escaped her lips, which only escapade when his tongue flicked out to lick up the chocolate below her collar bone. His ears perked up at the sound. He continued to slowly lick up the chocolate, and with each flick of his tongue, a sound of ecstasy arose from Frida. Little by little, he inched his way downwards. Frida began breathing faster and Manny could feel her heart beat increase as well. Upon meeting her breast line and clearing it of it's chocolaty residue, he rose and met her gaze. Her eyes were no longer wide with surprise. They were now glazed over with a desire similar to the one in Manny's eyes. He did however see a small layer of blush played across her features. His hand crept from her shoulder, down her arm, and took her hand, interlacing their fingers.

Manny then leaned forward and gently placed his lips on Frida's. He leaned her back further, moving his other hand from her shoulder to the chair-back beside it to hold his weight as he went from a crouching position to a laying position on top of her. She made a small noise of surprise at his boldness and could've sworn she felt him chuckle in response. She loosely draped her free arm around his neck. He felt her body twitching beneath him and could smell a change in her scent. He pulled away from her and looked her in the eye.

"Frida," he said, softly. "I love you."


I will update once I get at least one review. I already have the next chapter written.


Novia- girlfriend