Hey guys!! You have no idea how happy I am that so many of you liked The Hunters Who Cried Werewolf. Thanks to HuntressofDarkness91, Mazkeraide, supernaturalloverrr, and Tysoular (for your wonderful reviews); I am now writing the sequel. If you haven't read my story yet, I'm advising you to read it before starting this one so you understand what's going on in this story. I hope you enjoy this one as much as the first. As always, please review. Thanks so much!!
The Hunters Become the Hunted
Chapter One
It was closed to midnight and the streets of Los Vegas were lit up by the beautiful lights of the casinos and clubs. It was a Friday night, so most of the casinos were jumping with tourists and gamblers trying to make a couple of bucks by morning. At the Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino, one tourist was getting herself ready for her first night in Vegas. She made sure she had her room key and plenty of money for the craps tables and went out to enjoy the fine evening.
A few hours later, she was getting very lucky at the tables. After winning almost four hundred dollars, she decided to call it a night. Going to leave the casino, she noticed a man watching her from across the room. He was tall and had black hair which covered his eyes. She turned away from him and went outside to phone out of her friends.
"Oh come on, pick up." She said in irritation when the phone just rang and rang.
"Something the matter?" A voice behind her asked.
The girl turned around to see the man that was watching her inside. "No, my friend just said she'd meet me here, but she's running late and now she won't pick up her phone." She explained to him.
"Well, how about I wait with you. There are a lot of crazy people on the streets this time of night." The man said with a smile.
"Are there? Well, be sure to point them out." She said just before her phone rang. "Hey, where are you?" She said into her phone. "Alright, I'll be right there."
"Was that you're friend?" The man asked politely.
"Yeah, she's at the Luxor and she wants to meet there." The girl told him, "Well, thanks for waiting with me."
"Hey, how about I walk you there?" The man asked, "Unless you were gonna take a cab."
"No, that sounds nice. Thank you." The girls said and they started off down the street.
They walked silently for a little while until the man grabbed her hand and said, "I know a short cut. This way."
He led the girl into a dark alleyway. There was no body there, but the girl seemed strangely calm. Then, they stopped far enough in so that no one from the street could see or hear them.
"What are we doing here?" The girl asked putting her hand into her pocket.
"I'm kinda hungry." The man said as a second set of teeth descended from his mouth.
The girl turned to run out of the alley, but the vampire had a friend follow them into that alley trapping her. Any one in this situation would have panicked, but the girl simply drew out a knife from her pocket and cut off one of the vampire's head.
"Sorry, but I'm not on the menu." The girl said keeping her hazel eyes fixed on the other vampire.
The vampire which had led her into the alley drew back a couple of steps and said, "You're a hunter?"
"Yeah, and she's got a partner." A male voice behind him said.
The vampire turned around and barely had time to see who it was before Sam Winchester sliced off his head.
Sam looked down at the dead body, and then looked at his girlfriend Amanda, "Are you alright?"
"Absolutely. Good job." Amanda said cleaning her knife.
"You too." Sam said, "Let's burn these bodies before they start to smell."
Sam and Amanda dragged both men farther into the alley and then dumped them into an empty dumpster. Sam then covered the bodies with lighter fluid and tossed in a lighted match. After the fire died down, the two hunters went back to their hotel room at the Aladdin Hotel.
"I better call Dean and see if they've had any luck." Sam said once they were locked away in the room.
Amanda and Hannah have been with the Winchesters now for a little over a year. Since their ordeal with the werewolves, the four hunters had proven to be a very spectacular team. They've hunted demons, spirits, and anything else you could possibly think of and have been successful every time. Their most recent hunt is a pack of vampires running loose in Vegas. So far, they've found the nest and have killed any that come out into the open. While Sam and Amanda were taking care of business out in the streets, Dean and Hannah were on their way to the nest to get the leaders of the pack.
"Where are you guys?" Dean asked when he picked up his phone.
"We're at the hotel. Are you almost at the nest?" Sam asked sitting on his and Amanda's king sized bed.
"Yeah, almost. How many have you killed tonight?" Dean asked.
"Two. Besides the leaders, there should only be two more for you to handle." Sam said, "Are you sure you don't want me and Amanda to come and help out?"
"Yeah, we'll be fine." Dean said, "We'll be back in about an hour."
"Okay, just be careful." Sam said and hung up the phone.
They had had a long day of hunting, so they both took a shower and went to bed. Sam tried to stay awake to hear Hannah and Dean get back. At about three in the morning, he finally heard movement and the door open to the room next to them. A few seconds later, he got a text from Dean saying that they were back and the leaders were taken care of.
The next morning, the hunters were packing up to leave Vegas and find another hunt. The Winchesters were at the Impala making sure they had all of their weapons when Dean's cell phone started to ring. It was Ellen.
"If you boys are interested, I have a hunt for you." She said, "None of my other friends want to go after it."
"Why won't any of your other friends take the case?" Dean asked after putting the cell phone on speaker so Sam could hear as well.
"Because this is something no one has ever seen before." Ellen said, "If you come by and take a look at the information we have, it's unlike anything I or Ash have seen. Maybe the four of you can figure it out."
"We'll be there." Dean said hanging up the phone. "Well, looks like we've got another job."
"Dean, let's not commit to anything before we've seen the information Ellen has." Sam said as the girls came out with their bags.
"So, where are we off to now?" Hannah asked putting her bag in the trunk.
"Ellen just called." Dean said, "I guess it's time you met her and Ash."
"And she has a case that she wants us to look at." Sam said, "Si how about it?"
"Let's go." Amanda said getting into the back seat with Hannah.
After a ten hour drive, the hunters pulled up in front of the road house which was closed at the time of day it was. They went inside and the Winchesters introduced Ellen and Ash to Hannah and Amanda.
"So Ellen, where's that information?" Dean asked sitting down at the bar.
The other hunters sat down too just as Ellen handed Dean a folder full of newspaper articles.
"Local woman, Diana Churchill dies after living in a vegetated state for six months." Dean read an article out loud. He looked through all the other ones handing them back to Sam after he read them. "These all seem relatively the same. A woman dies after being a vegetable for a long period of time."
"They all died in the same city." Amanda pointed out, "Helena, Montana."
"Ellen, are you sure this isn't just a medical issue?" Hannah asked after reading the articles.
"Pretty sure. My friend Dan went to check it out a few weeks ago." Ellen said, "He told me that the women that died we're in a vegetated state. They were able to move around and make sounds, but they couldn't speak. He said it was almost like they were having an out of body experience."
"Did he have a theory as to what made them that way?" Sam asked double checking the articles.
"No, he said he'd never seen anything like it before." Ellen said, "And the newspaper came today. Another woman is in the hospital. If you want to check it out yourselves feel free."
"Thanks Ellen, we will." Dean said getting up with the articles.
"So what do you think this is?" Sam asked Dean once they all were in the car.
"Probably nothing, but we'll find out when we get there." Dean said, "All the victims were female is that the only similarity between them."
"That's all I could tell." Amanda said, "They just lived and died in Helena."
"What hospital?" Dean asked starting up the car and driving away from the road house.
Amanda flipped through all of the articles. "The first three all died at a hospital called Memorial Hospital. The other two died at Helena Community Hospital."
"Did they all die around the same time?" Sam asked.
"Well, one died and then another one would be in the hospital. Then that one would die and then another." Amanda said, "Seems like what ever it is, there's only one of it."
"Let's just get there and see for ourselves what's going on." Hannah said, "I know none of us thinks this is our kind of problem at the moment."
The others simply rolled their eyes at Hannah. She still had her ability to read people's minds and liked to show off all the time. It was true though, none of the hunters believed that this was their type of problem. They thought it was just medical, but the sooner they got to Helena, the sooner they could see the most recent victim of whatever was going on in that city.