This was a new beginning.

After years of fighting an uphill battle against gang created chaos, Castle decided to take a page from the book of super-geeks.

He created a team.

More exactly an army.

No headquarters. No secret passwords. But a group of vigilantes willing to pool their resources together to give the streets back to the people of New York City. A network of shadow warriors.

A guerrilla.

That was what he asked to his allies before leaving for Sicily.

Firearm declined. He longed for boring infidelity cases after this gig. He wished Castle luck and went back to Pasadena.

Americop declined. Said it was both an honour and a pleasure to work with The Punisher. But Houston had plenty of scum to keep him busy. And fewer vigilantes to do it. Castle understood.

Black Widow declined. She said she was more spy than vigilante. She wanted to help out Fury and SHIELD rebuild their New York branches.

The rest accepted.

Solitaire said that New York was as good a place as any to settle and do what he was destined to do. Smash evil and hope to rid himself of his father's karma.

Night Thrasher-who'd lost Silhouette, his girlfriend in the One Police Plaza blast-also accepted.

Moon Knight as well.

Tarantula as well.

And so did Elektra, much to everyone's surprise. Daredevil was one of the best men she'd ever met. He saw the good in her despite everything. He believed in justice and fairness. Perhaps being a guardian instead of an assassin would bring her closer to truly understanding him. And honouring him as well.

The Punisher suggested they each took a section of the city. That neighbourhood or borough would be under their watch, much like the late Daredevil watched over Hell's Kitchen.

Elektra decided to watch over Hell's Kitchen.

Solitaire, Night Thrasher and Moon Knight would split Manhattan.

Tarantula would take the Bronx.

And The Punisher would cover mostly Brooklyn.

They would all work together should a larger threat arrive. But for small fry, they could each keep to their "assigned" sector.

No handshake. No oath. No battle cry. Just the promise to protect or avenge the innocent.

And Punisher the guilty.

And they quickly got to work.