Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha...if i did...well I wouldn't be here would I?

Note: This randomly came up in my head and I really dislike Kouga.

He's So Excited

Kouga walked through the school hall with a huge grin. Today was going to be a good day.

He's so excited...

Kouga smirked and winked at a group of girls walking by. They rolled their eyes and giggled at him.

And he just can't hide it...

Ginta and Hakkaku followed Kouga with a look of confusion. What the hell is he so excited about?

He's about to lose control and he thinks he likes it...

Kouga was confident that today was the day he would get Kagome away from that blasted hanyou. She was going to be his and nothing would stop him!

He's so excited...

He was going to smile and smoothly tell her he was in love with her and that she was the beautifulest creature he had eve laid eys upon and unlike Inuyasha, he only had eyes for her. Then she would swoon and tell him that she was a fool for loving anyone other than him. Then they kiss and leave muttface there to fume and sulk. Yep, that was exactly how it was going to happen. He was going to have that beautiful, hot miko all for himself.

And he knows, he knows, he knows, he knows he wants her

Nothing was stopping him, he was filled with confidence until... he noticed something. Kagome and that other girl she seemed to be friends with, had averted their gazes. That monk was giggling his head off. And for some reason Inuyasha looked especially peeved at Kouga like he had kisssed his mother or something.

"What?" Kouga wondered.

Inuyasha glared at Kouga, "You dolt, can't you cover that up better?"

"What?" Kouga was completely and utterly confused, "What?"

He's so excited..

The monk managed between giggles, "Your boner!"

Kouga looked down and was mortified. He began to back away.

"You're such a freak," Inuyasha muttered and looked away, "Complete and utter freak."

"Uh...Kagome, sorry about-" Kouga began.

Kagome shook her head. "Don't worry about it!" Her voice was rushed and nervous. "Please, just go, please!" Then she buried her face in Inuyasha's chest.

Today, Kouga had definitely lost. Kouga realized this as Inuyasha smirked triumphantly and held Kagome tightly, his chest completely covering her red face.

"Damn," Kouga muttered.

Inuyasha grinned, "Fool."

Ginta and Hakkaku sighed, "And he was so excited..."

Hehehe...I have another one like this only with Kagome. Sorry for the disgusting humour but KOUGA MUST SUFFER! MWA HA HA HA!

Sorry for that, I can be a total freak sometimes... Review!