This came to my head randomly. I hope that you enjoy!

Disclaimer- I own nothing. Duh...

Dedication- To my imagination. It's fun!

Otter sat on the river-bank the next morning, all traces of nightmares passed away. Shen Li stood in the New Moon position in the river, on a flat rock in the middle of the currents. Otter sighed slightly.

"Master, what are you showing-"

"Never enter your Water State when your heart is full of rage. When you can control your emotions, when your blood is cool, is the best time for you to control your Water State. Otherwise, all will be chaos, such as rapids are out of control when they head for a waterfall. You will in no doubt, abuse the powers that the water has given you. If you abuse the water, you may never be able to control it again. I shall be teaching you the incantation for the Sacred Waterfall of Redemption in a few moments. Never use this move in your Water State. It's power will kill your opponent. You may use the motions when you are not in your Water State, it will still be powerful." Shen Li explained. "Now watch me..." he entoned.

Otter dutifully watched as Shen Li went to the Cresent Moon position. He closed his eyes, breathed in...and was suddenly twenty feet in the air, arms whirling, eyes glaring. He chanted in the ancient language.

"Mighty river hear my plea,
Come thou power to me,
Mighty waters fast and strong,
Come to me to right this wrong!
SACRED WATERFALL OF REDEMPTION!" His paws blazing with chi, he was heading straight for her! She screamed and ducked, throwing her paws up above her head, covering her ears. There was a thunderous crash and all was silent. Otter remained on the ground, quivering. A few more seconds passed. She cracked an eye open, gazing about her.

Shen Li stood in front of her, looking down on her huddled form in bemusement. "Are you going to get up?" he chuckled. Otter looked about, wondering what had been his target.

An old dead trump trunk had been sticking out of the ground next to her. It had been an oak tree, and now it's trunk was as hard as a rock from it's exposure to the elements. Shen Li's Waterfall of Redemption had split the ancient oak in half, a large gouge in the earth before it.

"" she gasped, staring in total amazement. She looked eagerly up at Shen Li. "Can I try it?!"

"No." said Shen Li, shaking his head. Otter's mouth dropped open.

"Why?" she didn't mean to sound whiny, but she did.

"Your stamina, strength and amount of chineed to be built up, so you can use the Sacred Waterfall of Redemption and still be able to fight. It uses up an extraoridinary amount of chi and requires quite a bit of concentration. So far..." He chucked her chin fondly. "Your concentration is easily distracted."

"No it's not." she said, confused to what he meant. He smiled.

"We shall see." he said, pointing across the river with his cane. "Go get that small boulder," he said, pointing to a rock about the size of a small tree stump, "And carry it across the river to me."

She nodded, then dived into the river. She surveyed the river bottom. It was rather shallow, she should be able to walk across with the boulder. She might have to swim in one spot, but that wouldn't be a problem. She pulled herself out of the river, shaking the excess water off her paws. She gripped the boulder, it was almost too heavy, but she finally managed to lift it. She carried it into the river, carefully stepping into the river. Soft river mud encased her ankles, she softly pulled her feet out and out and out. She started to walk. She was about half-way, almost to the point where she would need to swim, when Shen Li looked behind her.

"Oh, look. Tigress."

"WHAT?!" she shouted, turning about forcefully, entangleing her feet in river-weed, mud and fell. The boulder fell into the middle of the river and she surfaced, spluttering.

"Concentration." said Shen Li, smiling at Otter. She blushed in embarrassment.

"Guess I have to work on that..."

Nearly a week later, Otter was able to carry the boulder all the way across the river while Shen Li was making a host of distracting noises and actions. She was almost distracted when Shen Li started talking about what they were to have for dinner that night. Hey, she was hungry!!

She set the boulder down next to Shen Li and pulled herself out of the river. Her muscles ached all over. "Can I try the Sacred Waterfall of Redemption now?" she asked, panting slightly.

"No. You are tired. You must rest right now. I've got a surprise for you." Shen Li responded, leading the way back to the house. She followed, silently agreeing with him. She was tired. She really wanted to sleep. When she entered the house, her nose was assailed by a familiar scent...

"MR. PING'S NOODLES!!" she shrieked with joy, seeing the two take-out containers. Shen Li chuckled as she attacked her shrimp with miso order. He took up his shrimp and water chestnuts. They ate together, talking and laughing.

She almost forgot about Tigress and the upcoming battle...almost.

Thank you for reading! The next chapter is the battle, I promise!!