Actually, I've seen a lot of these in, like, every fanfiction topic except for Ouran High, so I decided to try it. n.n This should be interesting...

Disclaimer: I don't own this, and I really don't know who does...oh well.

Haruhi: head...

Tamaki: (gosp) Haruhi, my daughter! Are you okay? How are you feeling? Do you have a fever?

Kyouya: Shut the heck up, baka.

Haruhi: Which one are you talking to?

Kyouya: The blond one.

Tamaki: Mother! Why are you so mean to-

Kyouya: (pimp slaps Tamaki)

Tamaki: (goes into emo corner)

Honey: (pokes black aura around emo corner)

Mori: (pulls Honey away from emo corner)

Twin #1: ...This is boring.

Twin #2: ...Can we do something?

Kasumi: You are doing something.

Twin #2: Ah! Who's that?!

Twin #1: Obviously, Kasumi.

Twin #2: Who's Kasumi?

Twin #1: ...I haven't the faintest idea.

Kasumi: ...Which twin is Kaoru? Which is Hikaru?

Haruhi: Twin #1 is Kaoru. The other is Hikaru. And Kasumi is the author.

Tamaki: (uses speedy recovery skills) Oh, my beautiful daughter! How smart are you!

Haruhi: Tamaki-sempai, go back into your emo corner.

Tamaki: (shrinks into emo corner...again...)

Kasumi: Okay! Now down to-

Hikaru: Buisness?

Kasumi: Yes-

Kaoru: Buisness?

Kasumi: (twitch) Yes-

Kaoru&Hikaru: BUISNESS!! n.n

Kasumi: (duct tapes Kaoru and Hikaru's mouths and ties them togeather.)

Everyone: O.O

Kasumi: AS I WAS SAYING...down to-

Hikaru: Mumphiph!

Kasumi: (Gives him death glare) This is a fanfiction! So you guys, as hosts, should make the readers feel welcome!

Haruhi: (looks around) I don't see any readers.

Kyouya: That means you're blind. (A/N: He was woken rudely and is still cranky.)

Haruhi: And this is coming from someone who wears glasses.

Kyouya: (glare of death) And you're wearing contacts.

Honey: Ah, Kyo-chan! That just reminded me! I always wanted to ask you, who don't you switch to contacts?

Kyouya: ...

Haruhi: That's because you can't wear them, right? (smirk) (She's so mean! XD)

Kyouya: Shut it, bitch.

Tamaki: (gosp) How dare you talk to your daughter like that, mother?!

Kyouya: Sorry, I forgot she was posing as a boy. Son of a bitch. There. (smiles evilly)


Kasumi: Oh, dear god...

Honey: (found cake and is eating it)

Mori: (looking over Honey)

Kasumi: ANYWAYS, you can submit your questions by sending reviews! No questions about things that might happen in the series, but you can ask questions like, "Did you ever get laid?"

Kaoru: (somehow ripped off the duct tape) Yes.

Tamaki: No.

Kyouya: Yes.

Honey: (looks up from cake) Yes!

Hikaru: (ripped off the tape himself) Yes.

Mori: Yes.

Haruhi: Yes. n.n

Everyone: O.O

Kaoru: ...H-Haruhi...?

Haruhi: Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I don't get any.

Everyone: O.O

Tamaki: Waaa! Mother! All of our children have gotten busy!

Kyouya: As I have noticed, you're the only one that didn't.

Hikaru: What about that time with Eclair? It looked like she was going to rape you.

Kasumi: -.-; Guys, that wasn't an actual question. I just made it up to set an example.

Haruhi: (ignores Kasumi) Seriously, people. DON'T MENTION THAT DEVIL WOMAN ANYMORE!

Hikaru&Kaoru: Haruhi...jealous?

Haruhi: I'd be jealous of you face right now because it's about to become mutilated! (leaps on Hikaru and Kaoru and startes punching them)

Honey: Haru-chan! You're punching wrong! Keep your fist forward and make sure all of your fingers are tight!

Mori: Ah.

Haruhi: Thanks, Honey-sempai.

Kasumi: ...sigh...

Kyouya: Haruhi, if you don't get off them, I'm doubling your debt.

Haruhi: (freezes) W-W-What?

Kyouya: You heard me. Get off them now or I'm doubling your debt.

Haruhi: Why are you siding with them?

Kyouya: Because profits will go down if their faces are 'mutilated', as you called it.

Everyone: -.-; Figures.

Haruhi: (get's off from Hikaru) 'Effing whore.

Hikaru: EXCUSE ME?!

Kasumi: ...We're getting nowhere...sigh...

Honey: Aww...don't be sad, Kasu-chan! Here, have some cake!

Kasumi: (takes cake and goes into Tamaki's emo corner)

Tamaki: Hey! That's my...never mind...

Honey: Want another cake? Another? How about two more? Three?! WAAAA! Kasu-chan, don't be sad! WAAA!

Kasumi: It's fine...Honey...I'm not that sad...(black aura gets bigger)

Kyoko: (slams open door that just appears) Sorry I'm la...woah. What happened here? (looks over broken furniture that Haruhi, Hikaru, and Kaoru broke, the twin's bleeding faces, Kasumi in the emo corner, and Kyouya writing like nothing's happening)


Kyoko: Character traffic. Did you know that Orihime from Bleach actually drives a porche?

Kasumi: ...I wouldn't trust her with one.

Kyoko: ...Since when did you talk so much?!

(A/N: I'm writing another fanfiction I want to post on , and Kasumi hardly talkes at all. BUT! This is an exception, since Kasumi kind of needs to talk. -.-;)

Kasumi: Since the author ordered it.

Tamaki: Wait...I thought you were the author.

Kasumi: I am.

Tamaki: Then...who's Kyoko?

Kyoko: I'm the person who shares the account with Kasumi.

Tamaki: WOAH! What a revolutionary commoner's logic! To save a login,!

Kyoko&Kasumi: Now you're the smart one aren't you?

Hikaru&Kaoru: Hey! We're the only ones that are supposed to talk at the same time!

Kyoko&Kasumi: And we really don't care.

Kasumi: By the way, Kaoru, I can't promounce your name. .

Kaoru: ...That's fine. Most people can't.

Kasumi: Really! Then can I call you Kitty? It's sooo much easier than saying Karuo...

Kaoru: ...It's Kaoru. Not Karuo or Kitty.

Hikaru: Aww, KITTY! (glomp)

Kaoru: Get off me, man!

Haruhi: ...Did you notice that like half the fanfiction was about us, but now it's only about the twins and the authors?

Kyouya: Yes, I have. They regard us like a piece of meat.

Hehe! So review, please!