And As For The Marauders...
Sequel to: A Summer With The Marauders
A/N: 3 years late, but in the making, I have finally decided to write a sequel to my first complete story on ffdotnet, A Summer With The Marauders. So first and foremost, I strongly suggest reading SWTM before reading this fanfic so you can understand the characters and get some more background as well as insight.
This fic will be a bit darker than the last, but I will try my hardest to get the humorous moments in as well. I'm really hoping some of my old readers will run across this fanfic, so if you have read my previous story feel free to review and let me know!
Summary: Sequel to A Summer With The Marauders. It's their seventh and final year at Hogwarts. Lily and Kay have found new love, but in this time of darkness and growing power of Lord Voldemort not all will end happily. This is a story of love and hate, truth and lies, jealousy and compassion. It's a journey of eight people who will finally learn who exactly they can trust.
Rating: T - Teen (13+)
So without any further ado... I give you, And As For The Marauders...
Read. Enjoy. Review.
Lily looked at the steaming Hogwarts Express waiting steadily in front of them. This was the last time she'd be leaving home to take the train to school as a student. Despite the fact that she still had an entire year ahead of her, she became quite sad at the thought of not returning after then.
James walked up beside her, standing with his hands in his pockets. "You alright?" He asked quietly as they stood close to one another.
"Yeah," She replied looking up at him. "It's just sad you know? It's our last year" James let her words sink in before removing his hand from his pocket, and wrapping it securely around her body, pulling her into him, and gently kissing the top of her head.
"It is sad," He said, keeping her close to him. "But at the same time it's going to be one of our best years, and to be honest, I can't wait to be able to have an entire common room to ourselves. I can kiss you whenever I want." He smiled cheekily down at her.
Lily laughed softly, "You make it sound so romantic," She said sarcastically. "I don't know Mr. Potter, if all you think of me is a person to go and have your way with then I don't know if this is going to work out." Her eyes twinkled as she looked at him, and he knew she was just playing around with him. But nonetheless he needed her to know.
"You're not that at all Lily Evans," He said taking hold of both of her hands. "There's so much about you I want to know, and learn. And this year is going to be the time to do so. I love you so much, and I can't wait to spend my life with you."
Lily stared at him wide eyed. "Your life?" She asked.
James's smile faltered and he quickly ran a hand through his already messy hair. "I meant… this year. Yeah, this year." He said with a nervous laugh.
Lily couldn't help but smile at his boyish nervousness. She leaned up kissing him soundly before whispering, "I love you."
He smiled stupidly back at her, and she slipped her hand into his as they walked toward the train.
James slid open a compartment door with the words 'Head Boy' and 'Head Girl' stenciled neatly on the smoky glass. He did a quick look around of the Prefects sitting in the compartment, making a mental note of who he'd get a long with and who would not be on his good side. His stomach turned as he noticed Severus Snape sitting next to a girl looking just as vile and unpleasant.
"Alright everyone," Lily called out gaining the room's attention. "As you probably know or have found out from other students, James and I are the Head Boy and Girl this year." There was a murmur of acknowledgement with a few 'congratulations' thrown in. "As such, we expect you to take orders without a quibble, and as long as you respect us," she pointedly looked over at the two Slytherins, "we will certainly respect you."
"Why don't you tell that to Potter and make him live by his own rules then," came the snide voice of the Slytherin girl sitting next to Severus.
James had seen her before, but he couldn't remember where…
Lily looked slightly taken aback and was about to respond when James intruded on her thought.
"What's your name?" He inquired checking his roster of prefects.
"Really Potter?" The girl glared up at him, "What was it you called me back in third year potions?" She tilted her head up with her finger tapping her chin as if in thought. "Oh that's right. Screwy-Seriana."
And it clicked. James remembered quite vividly now his joking around with Sirius during their potions class. Seriana Black. "That was three years ago. I'm not the same as before."
"Whatever," Seriana snapped back. "I don't mind Evans, but you Marauders are about as childish as they come. I don't know what Dumbledore was thinking when he decided to make you Head Boy." She let out a laugh. "Although he seems a bit off his rocker these days with all the shit coming from his mouth. I can't wait until they finally fire that old toad. Or better yet, maybe he'll die in the next –"
"Shut up."
James' expression was lethal. He had subconsciously pulled his wand from his pocket and was now pointing it threateningly at Seriana. She smiled knowingly up at him.
"You won't do anything to me. You can't. Not without Dumbledore here to save your sorry ass." She glanced over at Evans. "Wouldn't want to upset your girlfriend either would you."
Lily, however, didn't seem to care if James had hexed her a thousand times over. She was glaring daggers at the Slytherin girl in front of her.
"Sit down and be quiet," She said softly, yet managing to get her point across through the sheer intensity of her voice. "Unless you want to be removed from your position." She added.
Seriana sent a sharp look at Lily before taking her seat once again.
"Now as I was saying before being rudely interrupted," Lily said continuing from where she had left off. The students around her seemed distracted however as James strode from the compartment. Lily turned only to see the glass door slide shut beside her with a loud click. Her heart sank. She wanted to go after James but knew she had to do her duty and instead turned back to the students in front of her. She let out a sigh as she looked over at Seriana.
This was going to be a long train ride…
The door slammed behind James as he entered the Marauders usual compartment.
"What are you doing back so soon?" Sirius asked sitting up quickly as James stormed in.
"Why are Slytherins such bitches?" James said pounding his fist against the window. The glass shuddered from the force of the hit.
"What'd Snape do this time?" Peter asked from the corner he was sitting in.
"It wasn't Snivelus. It was Seriana," James explained taking a seat next to Remus while letting out an exasperated sigh. His head dropped back against the wall as his eyes closed.
Remus let out a sound of discontentment. "I know what you mean with her."
"She's already gotten in trouble?" Sirius asked astonished. "We've only been on the train for…" He glanced at his watch, "a little over an hour."
"No," James replied shortly.
"Enlighten us James. Why else would you be associating your handsome self with Screwy-Seriana?" James opened his eyes and peered down at Sirius. Maybe they hadn't matured as much as he thought.
"She's a Prefect."
"What?!" Remus, Sirius, and Peter all carried the same expression on their face: wide eyes, jaw dropped, and looking at James as if he had just sprouted an extra head.
"Yeah," James replied standing up. "I'm sure we can thank Professor Spindler for that. You know how he adores her." James ruffled his hair. "I need to get back. I sort of left Lily for bait back there. I just had to get out before I did something I'd regret."
"I'll walk you back down there if you'd like." Sirius stood up, opening the door for James as he did, and gestured for James to go first.
"Thanks, mate."
Brief first chapter but I will hopefully have more soon!
Please review