It had been slightly over two weeks since the final renovations had been made to the mansion that only he and guardian had shared until this point. He'd known about his aging mentor's plans to make the house an orphanage for a little more than a year now and he was still having great misgivings; he hadn't met too many people other than Wammy and now he was expected to be just fine in an orphanage full of annoying children who wanted nothing more than to talk to him? It wasn't necessarily his idea of a great time. The young man continued to stare blankly out of the window and took time relishing in his last few minutes of real peace he'd have for a long time.
"L!" Wammy called in a dignified manner up to him. "Can you please come down for a moment? You haven't eaten anything all day and it's worrying me."
L lifted his face from off of his open palm and looked at his door. He gloomily got up and proceeded down three stories or so of stairs, looking at the many eerie paintings that passed by his down pointed head. He'd never really liked them much, but now that he finally took the time to look at them he realized that they were quite pretty. L only wished he could have gotten more familiar with them while he was alone and able to concentrate harder. It almost made him angry that these ignorant children would probably just ignore them like he had all these years until now.
Wammy's voice once again brought him out of his fantasy and into the harsh world of reality. He glanced over at the kitchen to see him holding a large slice of vanilla cake with three strawberries crammed on the top, just how he liked it.
"Thank you, Wammy," L said as he relieved his adoptive father of his lunch. He made his way to a chair in the now enormous dining room and ate what seemed to him like his last meal. He shoved an entire strawberry into his mouth and sighed. This will be a hell of a day.
"Tiffany! Please sit down and cease that foolish behavior! Mail, get that out of your mouth— and Mihael, stop encouraging him!" Roger Ruvie said tiredly. "Claire, stop blowing that bubble before it—pops…"
How could children that were supposed to be geniuses be so unruly and improper? They were even worse than the normal children he'd worked with in the private school he used to teach at! He had expected a school full of super-genius children would be even easier to maintain, but no. Wammy had to find the most screwed up and quirky 'geniuses' he could possibly get his hand on because that's what his precious L was like. He shuddered at the thought of meeting the undoubtedly spoiled child these kids were going to be raised to be like.
Though after about an hour of driving, the children eventually began to calm down. Well, all of them except for Mail and Mihael. In just an hours time they had managed to make Roger fall flat on his face, squeeze a dead frog to the point that its belly exploded, and pantsed one of the older children when he wasn't looking. Due to the frog incident, poor little Aaron McDermott threw up everywhere resulting in the bus having to be stopped at a gas station to get him cleaned up. The two were separated, but somehow they managed to continue their plotting through this unusual sign language they'd invented in the three day period they'd known each other.
Roger had briefly contemplated suicide, but it wasn't worth it.
"Mihael, Mail! You are forbidden to move, speak, or even look at each other until we arrive. And don't think I didn't see that little gesture, Mr. Jeevas."
"We just want to have a little fun, Roger! You're so unfair!"
"Yeah! It could be hours until we get to the orphanage!"
Roger glared daggers at them and they quieted. Mihael scowled at his feet as he listened to the children around him giggle and snicker at him, but one hard look from him and they immediately ceased what they were doing and looked highly uncomfortable.
Mail was also busily scowling at his feet, but being the pushover that he was did nothing about those teasing him and his best friend. Without Mihael, Mail simply reverted to his calm, reserved self. He was actually a decently well-behaved kid; he was just under a bad influence is all. Plus, he'd not had any real fun in a long time and being with him was a little refreshing.
Suddenly, Roger stood up. "Okay children, we are about three miles away from Wammy's House. At this time Mr. Wammy has asked me to ask you to please remain quiet so it will be easier to get you all into the dining room so you can receive your new names."
One little girl's hand shot up immediately.
"What do you mean 'new names'?"
"They are names used to protect your identity. A lot of the best detectives do not expose their true names to the public so they can not be tracked down. They use aliases."
Roger observed their uncertainty and decided to use his secret weapon when it came to controlling them.
"Like L."
The mention of L's name sent an anxious muttering throughout the entire bus. They'd heard so much about the man they'd be training so hard to some day replace, and he'd already become quite an idol to the children. Even the two troublemakers began to look around in excitement and were submerged into fantasies about meeting L. About becoming L.
After all, he was the reason they'd finally found a home.
L consumed his last bit of cake sadly, knowing he'd probably be forced to greet the children soon. Wammy had gotten a phone call from Roger saying that he was less than a mile away at this point, which did nothing to improve upon his depression.
The sullen teenager could think of nothing better to do besides sit by the window and wait for the bus to arrive. Sometimes he wondered if he enjoyed torturing himself like this.
After less than a three minutes wait he saw the yellow school bus turn into the mansion's gates. He watched it pull into the driveway and start being unloaded with young children. Very young children at that. The oldest ones he saw can't have been too much older than 11 years of age.
"L, the children are here. Don't you want to go and meet them?"
L was very close to simply saying 'no' but he held his tongue. He didn't want to make Wammy feel bad about this. He knew how important this was to him and he intended to keep respectful of his wishes.
"Yes, I suppose," L responded simply, rising up from the floor. His first instinct was to immediately put his thumb nail in his mouth; what he always did when he was thinking harder than usual.
"Remember to be patient with your new siblings. They're just children and they've talked of nothing except meeting you since I had them adopted."
His head immediately jerked out of its relaxed position and directly at Wammy. Siblings?
Ignoring his reaction, his guardian pulled open the door and stepped out. He looked over his shoulder to make sure L was following.
I guess I'd better go meet the brats.
AN: I'm finally done with the first chapter. ; I don't think it was horrible, but I guess that's up to you guys to decide.
I had no idea what to write about for about a month, but in one day I got about seven chapters planned out and a sequel. X3 Hopefully I won't just throw those down in five minutes like my other fan-fic. Which I need to delete by the way.
All reviews welcome! Especially constructive criticism!