A/N: This is a present for my friend, laredo tornado, whose birthday is tomorrow. I thought I should write him a one-shot story as a present. Then he remember me mentioning a "Challenge" thing I wanted to do about challenging people to writing one-shots. He challenged me to write a horror/suspense story about a character named Anton Chigurh from the book/film No Country for Old Men for his present.

I think I did okay. I sucked, but it's okay. And I chose this title, because writing is not for young men like me, lol.

No Country for Young Men

I walked through the dark and cold hallway in my socks, eyes staring straight ahead for my objective at hand. Actually, a cattlegun and a shotgun with a silencer were in my hands, but that was beside the point. In this world there are winners and losers. One can't exist without the other; like a coin. You can't have heads without tails. And, just like life, if you make the correct call, you're a winner. That's lucky. Mix it with the others then you're just another coin. Make sense, friend-o? I hope you think so.

Who am I? What am I doing here with a gun and a device usually used to kill barn animals? What business is that of yours? But I'll tell you my name. My name is Anton Chigurh. Anton Chigurh with the Beatles haircut. Care to make something of it? Thought as much.

I arrived at my destination. I adjusted the valve on my cattlegun, building the pressure, and held up the end of my cattlegun. I placed its head in the center of a door's knob, where it was locked. I clicked its release, completely destroying the lock system, and kicked the door open. The room was dark, obviously meant to try and hide him by fooling others into thinking no one was there. A cheap attempt.

The room was a dingy motel room; the bed sheets ruffled and pillows ready to slip off the bed. I held up my shotgun, positioned ready to shoot my target upon sight. My feet silently crept through the supposedly empty room. My blue eyes carefully probed around. I flicked on the lights. I peeped into the bathroom. I searched a closet. I even look under the beds. They really weren't here.

I lowered my weapon and turned to exit, and flipped the switch to the lights off again. He can't keep running. I will find him. But I think now is a good time to catch a midnight snack.

I closed the door.