Cherry Blossom Destiny
Chapter Eight
~Selene Serenity~
Disclaimer: I don't own CCS it is property of CLAMP. (Though I do wish I own Yue ...anyways... *blushes*) This story does belong to me so please don't steal it!

Author's notes: Me back again! This'll be an interesting chapter. He he he. So much to write, so much Y+S to write about. What's a girl to do? Well anyways...this is going to be a rather interesting chapter so if you don't have a good sense of humor I suggest that you leave. Lets get to the story.
~Chapter Eight~

A week passed and Sakura had caught a few more cards. There had only been a couple more sightings of Shatano and he had stopped attending classes. Yue had gone to his cold, no laughing ways, much to Sakura's dismay.
That day she sat in the living room, contemplating ways of making him smile on again. 'He's so much better when he's happy.' She thought. 'And cuter.' Her subconscious reminded her. Sakura mentally slapped herself. 'I did NOT just think of that!' She told herself.
Touya sat on the couch across from where Sakura sat and starred at her. Kero on the other hand was sitting next to Sakura, enjoying his first pudding since the bet.
Suddenly it came to her. Sakura knew how to make him laugh. She jumped out of her seat. Kero and Touya jumped up as well at her sudden movement. "What is it Sakura?" Kero asked.
"I know how to make Yue laugh again!" Sakura shouted and dashed out of the house.
"I don't believe it." Touya sighed as he flopped back on his chair when Sakura left.
"What don't you believe?" Kero asked.
"Sakura loves Yue." Touya stuttered.
"What?" Kero choked on his pudding. "Then that means..." He started, but paused.
"That means what?" Touya demanded.
"It means that Yue's efforts weren't that useless." Kero finished.
"Huh?" Touya blinked.
"Yue's the one who's been giving Sakura all those gifts." Kero explained himself. "But how can you tell Sakura loves him?" He asked.
"Do you notice how she's been going out of her way to make Yue happy, or to not let him think she's a wimp?" Touya pointed out.
"That's true." Kero agreed. "This should be interesting." He said under his breath.
Touya just sighed.
Sakura was lucky and bumped into Yuki at the park.
"Hey Sakura!" Yuki smiled. "So, do you want to see my new watch?" He asked.
"Sure!" Sakura smiled. Yuki showed her. "That's cool." She said in awe.
"Thanks." Yuki replied. "Was there something you needed though?"
"Yuki, may I please talk to Yue." She told him.
"All right Sakura." Yuki nodded and changed into Yue.
"Yes Mistress?" Yue asked.
"What was that?" Sakura put her hand to her ear and leaned closer to him.
"Yes...Sakura?" He rolled his eyes.
"I think something's going on over there!" Sakura said, pointing to the other end of the park. "Could you check it out for me?" She asked.
"I suppose so." Yue agreed and walked ahead of Sakura.
Sakura silently walked behind Yue until she was inches away. Then she went in for the kill. She pounced on him and tickled him on the sides. "Wha?" Yue cried as he was toppled over by Sakura. He laughed as Sakura tickled him. Sakura jumped back after hearing him laugh.
"Ha! I made you laugh again!" She said triumphantly.
"I don't think so!" Yue grinned slyly. He leaped at her and tickled her until both of them were in an all out tickle war. Yue went in for the final blow and tickled Sakura on her back. She laughed and fell to the ground, but brought Yue down with her. She lay on her back with Yue just above her. They were so close that Sakura could feel Yue's breath on her face. So close that they could ki....
A light glowed around Yue. It was so bright that Sakura had to close her eyes. She could feel the light slowly die away so she opened her eyes again to see Yue still so close to her but...
Sakura cracked up laughing when she saw Yue. "What is it?" Yue asked. "What's so funny?
She continued to laugh and rolled on to her side. She pointed to the pond. "Look, pond, reflection. She choked.
Yue crawled over to the pond and peered in to see his reflection. Only he was 15 years old! "What!?" Yue gasped. "This can't be happening!" He looked back at Sakura. "I haven't been 15 in about a thousand years! I am NOT going through it again!"
"Yue, something has got to be going on. It has to be a shadow card." Sakura said, calming him. "We better find the others." They both stood up and began to walk to Sakura's house.
"Sakura!" They heard Meling and Syaoran behind them. Sakura and Yue turned around to find Syaoran and Meling; only they were both ten years old.
"Not you guys too!" Sakura gasped.
"What do you mean us too?" Syaoran asked. "I thought we were the only ones like this."
Sakura could only try to hold in her laughter and point at Yue. Syaoran and Meling starred at Yue for a moment and gawked at him. They then closed their mouths and threw their heads back with laughter. "Oh shut up." Yue grumbled. "Can we just get going?" He sighed.
"Ya, we should get over to my house and call the others." Sakura agreed.
"Hold it!" Meling cried.
"What's wrong?" Syaoran wondered.
"How come Sakura's still the same!? She's still 15!" Meling demanded. She marched over to Sakura. "Well Kinomoto, what's the deal? Why haven't you de-aged!?"
"Um...uh." Sakura stuttered with a nervous smile on. As soon as Meling shouted at her, a light began to glow over her. When the light faded she was 10 as well.
"Never mind..." Meling sweat-dropped.
They all started back to Sakura's place. By the time they got there Sakura, Meling and Syaoran were 6 and Yue was 11. "This is just perfect." Yue snarled. As they reached the door they heard someone thumping their way to the door from inside.
Touya swung the door open. Touya was now 11 as well. "Sakura! What is going on!?" He demanded. Suddenly he froze and saw Yue. A sly grin slid across his face and then he burst out laughing. "That's hilarious! Yue's 11! Just like me!"
Yue flung his arms up into the air in frustration. "I can't take this anymore!"
"Oh calm down Yue, would you." Sakura sighed. She ran inside and called Tomoyo. Sonomi picked up.
"Oh hello, this is Sakura."
"Why hello Sakura!"
"Is Tomoyo home?"
"No she went her friend Eriol's house."
"Oh all right." Sakura snickered when she said friend for Sakura knew Tomoyo and Eriol were much more than friends. "Thank-you. Good-bye." She hung up.
"Tomoyo's at Eriol's house so we should get over there now!" Sakura told the others. She dashed to the stairs. "KERO! Get down here we have to go to Eriol's house!" She called.
Kero fluttered downstairs. He was still the same stuffed animal size. Syaoran had also walked to the stairs. "Hey! How come he's the same?" He asked.
"Kero please change into your true form." Sakura stated. Kero did so and he was merely a small cub.
"What in the world!? I'm a baby for crying out loud!" Kero cried.
Syaoran and Sakura only snickered in reply.
"We're going to have to fly you know." Yue pointed out. "If we just walk we'll never make it in time. We'll all be taken out of existence."
"Then let's get going." Sakura agreed. She pulled out the fly card. Her staff seemed a little heavy though... Her wings appeared. Kero managed to carry Syaoran and Yue carried Meling.
"Touya, what about you?" Sakura asked. "Your too big for me to carry."
"Don't worry. I'll stay here." Touya assured her. "But you better find a way to fix this." He winked.
Sakura smiled and nodded and they all took off.
Halfway through their journey over Yue became a little slower. "What's wrong?" Meling asked him.
"These robes are getting awfully heavy." He announced.
"Well then why don't you take some of them off?" Everyone starred at her after that comment. Sakura blushed. "Oh! I didn't mean it like that! I mean just take off some of the outer layers. Oh jease! I'm so sorry. I can't believe I even suggested that. I, uh, um...."
"Sakura! Just stop..." Kero sweatdropped.
Yue took Sakura's advice and took a few pieces of his robes off. "Your right Sakura. This is much lighter.
Innocent bystanders were walking down the road and pieces of robes fell on their head. "What is going on!?" They shouted.
For some reason Yue kept changing faster than the others. Just as they walked into Eriol's house he became and toddler. He tried to talk but nothing came out. Kero started laughing hysterically. "That's great. We better get Yue some diapers! He might just need them!" Kero rolled over laughing.
Out of now where some of Yue's crystals shot at Kero. "OW!" He screamed in pain and gave Yue an evil glare.
You found a marker and a piece of paper and began scribbling something down. When he finished he handed it to Kero. It read....Just because I can't talk doesn't mean I still can't clobber you! Yue gave him and evil smile.
"Eriol! What's going on?" Sakura asked.
"Well it's obviously either the time or return card...but which one?" Eriol pondered.
Sakura thought back on the day from the very beginning. 'I talked to Touya and Kero. Left to find Yuki. Yuki showed me his new watch. I asked for Yue. I tickled him. We...well forget about that.' She blushed. 'He de-aged....wait! Why was it Yue who de-aged first?'
"That's it!" Sakura shouted. She walked over to Yue. Yue, please I need to talk to Yukito." She told him. Yue nodded and his little baby wings wrapped around him and he changed into Yuki. Yuki was a baby as well. He looked very confused. "I'll explain later." Sakura sighed. "May I see you watch?" She asked. Yuki handed her the watch. Sakura examined it more closely this time. On the face of the watch was the picture of the return card. "HA!" Sakura laughed triumphantly. She placed the watch on the ground. She held up her staff. (Which was REALLY heavy now.) "Shadow return! Return to your powers confined! Shadow return!" The return figure flew out of the watch and immediately turned into a card.
A bright light shined in the entire room and it soon disappeared. When it did everyone was his or her proper age. "Sakura! You did it!" Kero cried happily. He was very glad to be big again.
Sakura flopped on to her bed the next day after school, exhausted. From the corner of her eye she swore she saw Kyle at her window. She turned to have a good look but no one was there. Sakura shook her head. 'Great...I'm hallucinating.' She thought. "I'll just put on some music." She announced to absolutely no one. She placed a CD in her boom box and turned it on. She then went back to her bed and started doing her homework.
About five minutes later, Sakura suddenly got the urge to dance. She shot off the bed and started dancing around the room. 'What am I doing?' She thought. 'Why can't I stop dancing?' Ten minutes later she was exhausted. She could barely speak at the moment. 'Someone...please help...'
Yukito was on his way over to Sakura and Touya's house to have dinner with them. (AGAIN! lol) Suddenly Sakura's voice rang through his and Yue's mind. "Someone...please help..." Her voice faded away.
'I take it I'll be leaving now." Yuki grinned as he mind-spoke to Yue.
'Yes...shut up.' Yue replied. He and Yue changed and Yue flew to Sakura's bedroom window. When he got there Sakura was twirling all around the room.
"What are you doing Sakura?" He asked.
At that moment Sakura turned around so she saw Yue at her balcony window. "Yue! I can't stop dancing! I think it's the song card!" Sakura cried.
Yue walked in and right over to Sakura. He put his hands on her shoulders to stop her but instead his feet started in the same movement as Sakura's. Now they were holding hands and dancing around Sakura's room together.
"What's going on?" Yue asked.
"I told you already. And you touched me so the spell must have affected you as well." Sakura explained.
Kero burst into the room holding a cup of pudding. "What are you two doing!????" He gasped.
"Kero! It's not what it looks like!" Sakura blushed. "The song card is MAKING us dance."
"Well then stop!" Kero laughed he began to fly over to them.
"I wouldn't do..." Yue started. Kero landed right on Sakura's shoulder. "That..." He sighed. Kero flopped on to the bed and started dancing in circles.
"I think I'm going to barf up my pudding!" He groaned.
"Not on my bed you're not!" Sakura shouted.
"Well hurry up and break the spell!" Kero retorted.
"How do I do that?" Sakura wondered. "Well I'm assuming the card has possessed my CD player. So if I had my key I could use a card on it!"
"Where's your key?" Yue asked.
Sakura sweatdropped. "Um...On the kitchen table downstairs."
"Oh brother..." Kero and Yue sighed.
"Hey Sakura! You can move the CD player easily can't you?" Kero wondered. Sakura nodded. "Then we can carry downstairs, seeing as I doubt it will just let us leave..." He explained.
"That's a great idea!" Sakura smiled at Kero. Yue and Sakura danced over to the CD player. Sakura picked it up and tried shutting it off first but it didn't work. The three of them all started downstairs next. They waltz right into the kitchen where Touya and Fujitaka sat talking.
"What in the world!?" The two of them cried, Touya louder than Fujitaka.
Sakura grabbed her key from the table. As they danced back upstairs Sakura called back. "Shadow card! I'll explain later!"
When they got back in the room Sakura managed to dance and call out her staff at the same time. "Oh key that gathers powers from the sun, the moon and star, release the staff that I may use against the cards that he will chose!" She then grabbed the shield card from out of the Clow book. "The shadow of night is upon us now so I call upon the cards of Clow! Shield card release your powers now!" A shield formed around the CD player and the three all collapsed to the floor, breathless.
"I've never been so dizzy in my life..." Kero heaved. He now had the dizzy spiral eyes.
Sakura stood up. She held her staff foreword. "Shadow Song! Return to your powers confined! Shadow Song!" The shadow song card floated over to Sakura as well as the shield card.
Author's notes: End of chapter! What did you think? Did you like it? Hm.........? Well the last chapter shall hold the last card for Sakura to capture...and it's not a usual card. Its one I made up! Mwahahahahahahahahahaha! Byiiiie!