A/N- So… thank you so much for the reviews! I've definitely surpassed my number. YAY! So, here is the next chapter. It may not explain everything yet- like I know the whole Edward changing her is a little confusing- Have no fear it will be explained… eventually. Lol. But any-who, on with the next chapter.

Disclaimer: Still don't own Twilight. I saw an ad on TV that looked promising.

I lay there crying, whether for the pain or him leaving, I wasn't sure. Hours passed. I didn't pass out exactly, but it was more like the pain became so much that I became disjointed from my consciousness. When I was aware of my surroundings, I wished for death every second.

There were no sounds but the sporadic forest life, though they kept their distance from me. I was surprised that I had come so far as to not be able to hear the sounds from the highway. The sun rose after a long night and then set after an even longer day. Screaming did me no good, so I gave that up. At some point, the tears, that had been flowing freely, abated and eventually stopped altogether. The ripping sobs wracking my frame, however, did not. Every subtle movement I made caused the fiery torture to flare once more. I couldn't focus on any one pain specifically, only my body as a whole shutting down.

The pain continued, time not registering in my mind, until I realized that the pain should have subsided at that point. I tried to move, sending a shooting pain down my spine.

Why is this happening to me? I screamed in my head. I began to question the severity of everything. Maybe I really am dying? I began to hyperventilate; my heart racing and the strain of my labored breathing caused an explosion of pain in my chest. I was sure that this was not supposed to happen. That I was truly dying not just becoming one of the undead. Surprisingly, the pain had not stolen my consciousness.

That was when my heart stopped.

I opened my eyes that I hadn't even realized were closed, and began to search around frantically for anyone or anything familiar. I was surprised at the clarity of everything I saw. I could see an ant on the base of a tree, almost 50 meters away.

A burning sensation was present in the back of my throat. I tried to ease it by swallowing, and realized that this was my thirst.

Is this what the-Swallow-Cullens felt all the time? I wondered. Just thinking about it made me become conscious of how thirsty I really was. Though I tried to ignore it, soon that one thought consumed me. I crouched low, giving into my animalistic instincts. I was the predator, in search of my prey.

I sniffed the slight breeze, closing my eyes to better comprehend what I was smelling.

Wood from the trees… Flowers…Moss…and something almost unbearably sweet. Somehow, and I didn't know how, I knew that whatever the smell was, that it would satiate my thirst. I didn't pay attention to anything but that smell as I nearly flew through the forest at impossible speeds. The speed was invigorating, even more so than when I ran with… I stopped myself, almost breaking out of my thirst-fueled stupor. My mind instinctively didn't want to go in that direction; almost completely shutting down, letting the instincts take over.

I maintained enough control to understand that the smell was getting more potent as I continued. I finally located the source as I stood stealthily behind a large oak, peering towards a small stream. There, unaware of his impending doom, was a large black bear, lapping water from the cool stream. Satisfying his thirst, what an idea. It was at that point that I lost all power over my impulses. The next thing I was aware of I was crouched over the lifeless animal, my clothes covered in dirt and mud, and the burning in my throat had subsided into a dull throb.

I was suddenly appalled at myself. Now that I had come to my senses, I couldn't believe that I had taken the life of an innocent animal. The lack of control made me feel so helpless. I started to cry, tearless incapacitating sobs that shook my frame. I collapsed onto my knees, my face buried into my hands.

"At least it was an animal and not a human," a small voice said as a petite blond stepped from the shadows.

A/N- I know, I know. I'm sorry. You're like "Who is she!?" and yes, you'll find soon. I'm sorry for the short chapter again. I'm really going to try to make them longer soon, but I had a swim meet today and then a soccer game, so things were a little hectic. I just really wanted to get this out because you guys were amazing with the reviews!! Which remind me you should do it again: ReviewCandy which yields a sugar high of writing! (it makes sense in my head) Thanks R&R please!