043 Square- A Ring, A Symbol of Stability

Narcissa looked at her new wedding ring in the flickering light of the Drawing Room. It was not a modest ring by any stretch of the imagination. A five carat clear gray diamond sat on a platinum band ingrained with pearls and emeralds. It was a beautiful replacement for her original ring, which she had given to Draco and Astoria for their own wedding. It had a beautiful shine to it and if she caught it in the right light it cast prisms across her hand. She didn't think it was too extravagant; it was just right. True, she had gotten used to the finest things in life but it hadn't been what she had expected. The diamond was Princess cut, unlike her previous colorless Marquis and it had the emeralds and pearls instead of more diamonds. She turned her hand in the light admiring it from every angle. Lucius looked up from his book and caught a glimpse of her admiring it and smirked a bit. She hadn't stopped looking at it since he brought it home for her. He returned to his book, still smirking.

"Lucius," Narcissa called after a few moments of silence. "Why did you choose a square diamond? I'm not complaining… just wondering."

He peered up over his reading glasses. "The square is a symbol of stability, integrity and security. It seemed fitting."

He tried to say all of this like he hadn't done a great deal of research, but Narcissa knew otherwise. She was grateful that after all these years of marriage he had learned to give her gifts that held meaning. While they were dating she had trained him to give her things that could tell a story. She had learned this from her grandmother who had a long and loving marriage with her grandfather, unlike her parents. Lucius had caught on and had stopped sending her ten dozen red roses and exchanged them with hydrangeas from his mother's garden. He dusted off his old cello to play for her rather than hiring a quartet to serenade her. Her mother always told her if she kept testing him he wouldn't stay but his constant endurance let her know he would never leave.

She smiled coyly and questioned him further, "The pearls?"

He sighed and removed his glasses, seeing the direction she was taking with the conversation. He answered, "Beauty, femininity, perfection, and wisdom. Care to know what the emeralds are for?"

"You know me too well, Darling," Narcissa replied, leaning back in her chair.

"I looked emeralds up and first got that they are primarily associated with fertility and wealth," he mused, resting his chin on tented fingers. "But I think the more appropriate meaning for those stones comes from eternal hope, eloquence, intelligence… and love."

"I see," she said in a mock serious tone. "I think it will do."

"It will do," Lucius repeated. "You're a tough customer, Mrs. Malfoy."

"You've made me that way, Lucius," she replied. "If you didn't listen so well I wouldn't expect so much."

"I wouldn't listen at all if I didn't like you," he chuckled.

"Good thing you love me, then. I don't know who would put up with me," she leaned over and kissed him.

"I don't think else would," he commented and received a playful smack on the shoulder.

I know it's pretty strange that the prompt was square and it's all about a ring but square is a pretty tough prompt to fill. Thanks for reading! Please review. :3