Disclaimer: If D.Gray Man were mine, Kanda would have found himself in Lavi's pants the number of times he so happened to be taller than Allen. It's not mine.
Pair: Kanda/Lavi
(Pss, if you can't stand the thought of the boys of D.GRAY MAN touching each other, now would be a good time to flame I mean leave.)
I thank the internet and the random word generator! Lavida love spreads that way.
'Coming up!'
'Jerrry, I want chops!'
'Right, Lavi kins! Chops coming up!'
'Ahhh Yuuu, what are you doing on the floor?' He reached out to help Kanda up.
Kanda swatted his hand away and glared at him.
' Idiot' he muttered as Lavi patted him on the back.
'I'll pay it back to you in double later' he whispered.
'Come on.'
'Shut up.'
'Hi ban...'
Kanda releases his grip to fall, along with his pride into Lavi's open arms.
Lavi grins and drops his arms to his side, allowing the both of them to land in a crumpled heap on the ground.
If it was a matter of position, he wouldn't have minded either; carrying Yuu in his arms, or lying supine and vulnerable under him, but Yuu was a proud creature.
Yuu preferred dominance.
Yes I agree, it's nothing much. I was bored. I found the ramdom word generator. I thought of Lavi. I thought of Kanda. Basically, I cheated. It's a drabble. It's dialogue drabble. I realised that Lavi's almost always dominant, where's Seme Kanda?! It appeals to me. Seme Kanda is schweet!