A/N: Naruto and Star Wars aren't owned by me, you should at least have an inkling to who they belong to.

Just an experiment, and something to give you all to read until I get my writer's block removed. Though, I'm gonna take it down if too many disapprove. Obviously, it needs some work, btw, Naruto's like 17-18 ish in here… A poll's up in my profile, vote yes or no to continue this

The landing of an extraterrestrial ship to the Elemental Countries changes the life of one young man.

"Kakashi-sensei! Look! I sense…something." A blonde hair boy pointed at a streak coming closer in the sky. "Something…powerful."

"Let's go check it out." Kakashi and his team scrambled.

Hisss A door behind the vessel opened, revealing two, cloaked men. "Greetings, I am Qui-Gon Jinn, and this is my apprentice, Obi-Wan." The taller gestured to his partner.

"What? You're gonna take Naruto?" Tsunade jumped up her chair, surprising the two.

"Yes," the elder looking man began, "we have sensed his unusual affinity towards the Force. It is quite powerful, yet disturbing."

"Should we tell 'em baa-chan?" Naruto suddenly put on a serious face. The two men noticed that the silver-haired man and the pink-haired girl also began to look serious.

"It's your choice…." Tsunade sighed.

"I am a container for a demon named Kyuubi…."

A meeting between two boys instigate an unforeseen change.

4 Years later.

"Hi! My name's Naruto!" Naruto greeted the younger boy, "What's your name?"

"I'm Anakin Skywalker."

"Well Anakin, I'm padawan Naruto, nice to meet ya."

A New Knight, A New Padawan, a New Senator.

8 Years Later

"Calm yourself Anakin. I haven't seen you this nervous since we fell into that nest of gundarks." A spiky haired man admonished the nervous teen next to him.

"Sorry master, I haven't seen her in a long time, and may I remind you that you fell into that nest. Then Obi-Wan and I had to rescue you." The teen corrected.

"Ah." When they reached the elevator, it opened to reveal a pink-haired woman in regal clothing.



A brotherhood is formed….

"I retransmitted the message like you ordered Obi-Wan." Naruto grumbled as a Geonosian tethered him into a pillar.

"Then we decided to rescue you…" Anakin added.

Obi-Wan looked at the 4 people next to him and sarcastically said, "Good job."

"We take him together, you take the left…" Obi-Wan was interrupted as Anakin rushed forward

"No, I'm taking him now!" only to be met by a barrage of lightning. Naruto groaned at the lack of discipline as Obi-Wan looked at him disapprovingly. "Oh well, Kage Bushin no Jutsu!"

And a different ending is forged.

"It's over Anakin, I have the high ground!" Naruto announced to the jedi at the platform below him.

"You underestimate my power!" The man raged.

"Don't try it…." Naruto warned, raising his lightsaber.

The man ignored the warning and jumped, only for his leg to be grabbed and was sent crashing down to the ground next to Naruto, who proceeded to pummel him with his fists.

"You were the fucking Chosen One! You were to bring balance to the fucking Force, not leave it in darkness!"

A woman lay dying at the Medical Center, but the quiet atmosphere was broken when a shout was heard, "Padme! What the hell's wrong with you! Think of your children!" as the Naruto made his way inside the room.

"Dobe, you're as loud as ever…." An onyx haired man commented from outside the room dressed in Senatorial robes.

And the Empire faces a different Alliance.

"Hell yeah! These X-Wings rock!" Luke cried out as he flew down the trench.

"Be careful son, mind your surroundings…." His wingman warned, a dirty blonde man with a scar on his right eye. "But enjoy yourself nonetheless!" The serious pilot's voice switched from cautious to excitement.

"Oh blast this is why I hate flying…." The other wingman sighed.

"Hey guys, ready for the awesomest example of chakra control?" Another blonde man said to his own teammates.

"What the hell, show it idiot…." Sasuke sighed, echoing Obi-Wan's remark.

"Hey, don't get yourself killed, or Sakura'll kill me!" Wedge Antilles warned, "She's….scary when angry…very scary." Strangely, all three men shivered at the same time.

The Galaxy Far Far Away

Coming soon.