Hello fair readers of fan fiction! I'm back writing up random things that pop into my head. Please enjoy the latest creation from yours truly, Lunar'sWolf. Please give me some feedback. If no one reviews, I'll assume no one wants to read it and it'll will never be finished. As long as there's some people who like it, I will complete it. So what are you waiting for, read!

Disclaimer- I do not own X-men. I'm a girl not an old guy named Stan Lee.

Blood Lust

"Today class, you will be learning about the muscle system. And how do you think I will be teaching you that today?"

'Who cares?' Thought a young girl of 15 in the back of the room.

He looked expectantly at the class full of teenagers. All he got in return was blank bored looks. He sighed.

'I think if we listen hard enough we can hear the cricket project in the next room.' The girl had black hair with blue highlights in random strands of hair. 'Just get to the point teach.'

"First hand! From the thigh of a pig!"

'Okay, so half of the class is gonna faint because of a little pig blood. Sounds a little more interesting now.' Her green eyes swept over her classmates at the showed how they felt on the matter.

This time the class responded. But with groans and sighs.

The teacher ignored this and went on with what he had been saying. He seemed not affected by the unenthusiastic last hour class.

"I will being pairing you up with a partner and the two you can just explore the thigh however you best think it will help you to understand the muscles."

'So in other words we get an A for doing whatever-the-hell-we-want to this slap of swine. Sounds easy enough.' She allowed her shoulder length hair to cover her eyes as she waited for the teacher to say who her partner would be.

"Okay when you hear your name, please go over to a desk and wait until I come around with the thigh and cutting instruments."

'Yeah, yeah. We've heard it a million and one times. Get on with it already!'

"We will be starting with Kurt Wagner and Megan Losky, Even Daniels and Thomas Paleas…"

The girl in the back shot a glance at the clock. 'Great. Only 40 minutes of hell left to endure.'

"Larka Vibes and Todd Tolensky …"

The girl with the black and blue hair looked up when her name was called. Now she searched the room for her partner. 'Todd? Hmm, he's not as bad as the others. At least I didn't get the hotshot Pietro. I might have committed murder if he was my partner.' She stood up when she saw Todd across the room, heading for an unused lab desk. Larka made her way over, pulling up a chair as she went. She sat down as he did and propped her elbow on the desk; resting her chin on the palm of her hand.

"So…are you about to go crazy in here or is it just me?" Her bright green eyes bore into his, demanding and answer. Her face broke into a smile. "Try to ignore my eyes, they're a little scary sometimes."

To her surprise Todd's own face broke into a smile. "Yeah, school ain't really my forte."

Larka nodded. "You're telling me."

At that time the teacher came by and dropped off the thigh and instruments. "Now, just remember to be careful with the-" His gaze wandered across the room and quickly turned into an angry frown. "Lance! What are you doing to tha - STOP!" He left Todd and Larka without finishing. The pair watched him yell at Lance for a moment before turning back to the project.

"Anyway…lets get this over with." Todd said picking up the sharp knives and scissors. "Would you like to start?"

Larka paused with her mouth slightly open. "Umm, sure…"

'Lets hope I came keep the other side of me under control. That smell of blood gets me every time…'

She took the knife from his hands, which were clammy can cold, and sliced a cut into the thigh. Almost immediately blood oozed out.

'That smell.'

Larka froze. Todd's face turned from bored to worried. "Yo, are you okay?"

'Cold, like metal.'

"Larka? Hello?" He waved his hand in front of her face. No reaction.

'Delicious meat.'

Todd was staring at her intently, waiting for her to snap out of it. He reached forward to take the knife.

Larka snarled. The sound made Todd stop dead. "Larka?" He asked much softer.

'I could do with a good hunt. My fangs have long since brought down prey …'

Her eyes flashed brightly, and then they were a deep golden color. Todd said nothing, only stared in surprise.

Suddenly Larka convulsed. Her hands twitched as if with pain. Her face was still set in a deadly snarl. Her back arched forward, her nails gripping the desk. The sound of snapping bones filled the class, and everyone went silent. The girl snarled in pain. A sound that made most of the class yell or scream in surprise. The teacher ran to the girl, but as he did her back seemed to spit open. A blinding white light filled the room. The students and teacher alike shielded their eyes and waited for it to dim. When it did they looked to Larka. Screams rent the air and everyone ran to the door. The teacher led everyone out, dragging Todd along with them. Where Larka had been seated, stood a large white wolf.

It/she was bigger than the average wolf. At least twice as big, maybe three times the size. Claws flexed and inflexed on the cool floor. Claws that were more like talons of an eagle than any normal wolf. Her thick fur rippled as she stretched the long ago used muscles.

'Perfect. Turning into a giant wolf won't make anyone think you're a mutant. Nice going Larka. How are you gonna get yourself out of this mess?'

She looked at the empty room, not understanding how she had lost control so quickly. It all happened so fast. The scent of blood, Todd asking if she was okay, and now to this.

She sighed, the sound sounding more like a growl, and made her way to the door.

'Why even bother changing back? They know what I am now. They will still shy away from me. They all know that I'm a mutant.

The world's hatred of mutants was no different in a high school. It was perhaps even worse.

From the floor she could feel many fleeing students as they evacuated the science building.

Larka stepped into the hallway cautiously, listening for any who were like her. Any who may have stayed behind to help. Or at least meet her.

'Maybe, just maybe other mutants can help me. If they stayed…' Her thoughts drifted to a stop.

The hallway was deserted, and her heart fell.

Larka shook her large white head to rid her mind of being sad. Sadness could be used against her. Make her weak.

'Humans are fools!' She thought heatidly. 'Scared of what they don't know, afraid of what they don't understand. Instead of staying or stopping to think "Maybe we could figure this out and not live in fear." But no! They flee like a flock of birds scared of a ripple in the trees!'

Opening her jaw as wide she roared in the emptiness. Anger went with the roar and she was calm again. Even so, the walls seemed to shake in fear the wolf's bellow.

She shook off the remaining tension and continued down the hall. Never had she seen it so empty. Usually it was filled with teachers and students alike, each fighting to get to their classes on time. Larka used to be one of them. She doubted that they would be so keen as to push her around any more.

'Why do humans have to be like this?' The wolf-girl asked herself. 'I'm different, big deal. So is everyone else in the messed up place.' She padded down a different hall now, but she hardly even noticed. 'Is this how it's always gonna be, or will they finally realize that we're not all monsters…not all mutants are bad…'

"Yo, Larka?"

The white wolf froze and sniffed the air. Someone was standing behind her.

'It's…Todd. Surely he's not…'

"I'm not here to start a fight," he said cutting off Larka's thoughts. His voice sounded like he was trying to be strong. But the wolf could detect a hint of fear.

Larka turned around to face him. Again he had trouble holding her gaze, just like in the classroom. She held back a smile that would have sent him running. Wolf smiles just don't have the same effect as human smiles.

"You're a…" he started and looked away. "I'm one too. Just like you, we are…different…"

Larka's ears perked up and she took a curious step closer.

He smiled toothily. "I live with others like me," he paused, "like…us…"

'More? Larka's thoughts couldn't help but asked the unheard questions the popped into her head. 'Who? Do I know them? Do they go to this school?'

Before Todd could say any more, ten security guards that were usually seen around the school, jumped out of a classroom and surrounded Larka.

She could no longer see her friend, but his cries still reached her pointed wolf ears.

"Yo, wait! She ain't doin' nothing wrong! Sto-"

Abruptly he was pulled away by one of the guards, leaving a gap in the circle. Larka took the chance and dashed through. She leapt at the man, wanting to help her new found friend.

She kept her jaws closed, not wanting to harm him and bring more attention to her name, and slammed her body into his legs.

The man's grip on Todd loosened enough that he was able to get away. He pulled himself up on the man's arms and balanced on them with both feet and hands. He leapt in a high arc and landed in a crouch, safely away from his captor.

Larka gave him a curious look before dashing for the nearest exit. Todd ran behind, hopping many feet more times than he jogged. The group of guards tailed them closely, but never came close enough to make a catch.

One leap and Larka jumped out of an open window 20 feet from the ground. A moment's paused and she was soaring out. She landed safely on the other side, scattering the few students that were still lingering on school grounds. She looked up as Todd landed lightly beside her.

He looked quickly over his shoulder then back to the she-wolf. "Follow me, I can take ya back to where I live."

He took off hopping and jogging across the street. Larka took a spit second to decide to follow him.

'Maybe he can help. If there are others, I'll finally fit in.' She continued an easy lope after Todd.

Todd came to a stop outside of a beat up looking house in a run down neighborhood. Many broken hinges and cracked boards made up the house. He opened the front door and motioned for her to come in. She quickly did so and he came in right after, shutting the door quickly.

The wolf girl found herself in a trashy looking living room. From where she stood she could make out a kitchen to the back of the house. IT didn't fair any better than the room she stood in. To her right a staircase led to some rooms upstairs, including the bathroom.

Todd watched her golden wolf eyes surveyed the shabby house. "We're safe now. If ya want, you can…change back…"

The snapping of bones breaking back into human shape rang through out the empty house. A white glow surrounded her and then she was back. Clothes and all.

"You don't have to ask me twice," she smiled brightly. "Thanks Todd. You're a life saver. There's no telling what they would have done if they caught me. I'm sure they wouldn't have killed me, but still yet…" She stopped and changed subject. "So this is where ya live?" Her voice was gentle, not wanting to offend.

'How do you ask that without offending someone?'

Todd laughed. "Yeah, I know what you're thinking. Piece of shit, ain't it?" Larka smiled kindly, not sure on how to answer or reply.

"So…to avoid that subject…let me ask you this. What mutant are you?" Her eyes were soft and curious.

He laughed. "Imma toad. It's what I'm called too: Toad," he looked at her expectantly. "Aren't ya gonna start laughin' now?"

Larka shook her head. "I don't think it's weird or dumb or anything of the sort."

Todd let out a sigh of relief. "Good, I can't even begin to tell ya how many people just think it's the funniest thing in the world." Todd led her away from the door and into the kitchen as he finished his sentence.

"So who exactly-"

The living room door slammed open, cutting off Larka's question. "Home sweet home!!" A male voice yelled.

"Looks like the guys are back. Yo! Guys in the kitchen, there's someone I want ya to meet!"