Yay! I guess yall like this one? Maybe. (: but yah. California was fun fun! Heehee. Umm yah. I didn't write like I promised, but I'l try to make this chapter magnificent! Haha. Enjooooy!

Disclaimer: Yah yah, I don't own Code Lyoko! But if I did, the show wouldn't be over :p

Chapter Two: I Wanna Join You!

Some Things You Couldn't Imagine...

"Randy... I think we need to talk..." Demi said quietly.

"Your damn STRAIGHT we need to talk! Why weren't you in school today!? Chelsea said you left... to France! What was that all about?!" Randy yelled into the phone.

"...I left because my parents made me! They wanted me to join Ulrich here." Demi explained softly. The guy puffed into the phone.

"Ha. Yah right, you think I believe that?! Yer just a little liar, is all you are." Randy laughed.

"Whatever. Think what you want. Plus, I broke up with you. So what does it matter?" Demi asked him.

"...you did not break up with me! I don't know what you're talking about." Randy said confused.

"Randy. We're through." She hung up the phone. It rang a few seconds later but she just turned it off. "Stupid asshole." She scowled and walked out of her room. She ran into the black haired beauty.

"Oww! Oh sorry! Yumi...right?" Demi asked.

"Yeah." She smiled. "You're Demi.. Ulrich's sister.. what's it like being the sister, of the most wanted male in Kadic?" Yumi asked her. Demi laughed.

"Girls- even guys have been asking me all sorts of things about him today. Its tiring! I just couldn't imagine my brother.. being so popular!" She smiled.

"What do you mean you can't imagine him being so popular?" Yumi asked her again.

"Oh...well he wasn't really popular in Germany.. I'm just gonna say that much. But I'm glad to see him so happy. And to have great friends like you guys," she smiled. "He deserves it. Even if mom and dad think he's a slacker." She laughed. "I'll see ya later, kay Yumi? Or at least.. I'm sure I will seeing as your my brothers friend." Demi gave a last smiled and walked down the hall. Yumi watched her leave.

'She's really nice.. I wonder why Ulrich never mentioned her earlier.' Yumi smiled and then walked to the bench where the rest of them were meeting at. (A/N: OKAY! I just had the most amazing idea ever! They shut down Lyoko okay! But not forevers. Ooooh! Why am I explaining?! Yu'll see!)

"So Jeremy.. it's kinda boring here. Since Xana died." Odd said.

"What? Our lives were fine before Lyoko happened. Why should it matter afterward?" Jeremie sighed.

"Well I'm just saying! Now I have nothing to look forward to!" Odd complained.

"You actually looked forward to those attacks?" Ulrich asked him.

"Well...I got to show off my moves! And hey! I'm not talking to you until you tell me what happened with your sister." Odd pouted again. Ulrich sighed.

"Why's Odd being a baby?" Yumi came up behind them and leaned on the bench.

"Yumi? Aren't you s'posed to be at home?" Ulrich asked her. She gave him a look. "Eh heh.. not that we don't want you here."

"Well.. I talked to my parents.. and I'm getting a boarding room here!" She smiled.

"No way!?" Odd jumped up.

"I thought you were being a baby..." Ulrich teased him.

"Still not talking to you!" Odd stuck his tongue out at Ulrich. "What made your parents pull the sticks out of their asses?"

"Hey! And I told them that I'm a junior and I need to stay at school, to help me with my studies." She smiled.

"Oh that's so cool!" Ulrich smiled.

"I know. I didn't want to tell you.. but I guess I had to. So Odd.. what was wrong?" Yumi asked him.

"Ulrich over here won't tell me what happened to Demi." Odd grumbled.

"What happened..?" Yumi looked at Ulrich.

"Look.. you guys are my buddies and all.. but that's really personal to Demi. And I don't think she'd like it very much for me to tell. If she wants people to know, then she'll tell you." Ulrich sighed.

"But it's not like I'm going to tell anyone!" Odd exclaimed.

"Oh please." Ulrich, Jeremy, and Yumi said at the same time.

"You have the biggest mouth in the world!" Yumi rolled her eyes.

"Shows by how much you eat." Ulrich said between fake coughs.

"Hey! Why is it gang up on Odd time?" He got up and walked away with his hands in his pockets. His foots led him, his mind not even caring where he went. He walked by a room with a piano, and an amazing voice along with it.

Demi walked through the campus, looking all around at how beautiful it was. The wind picked up and tickled her skin with the cold. She shivered and walked into the nearest room.

'Oooh. A piano!' She walked fast over to the instrument and touched the keys. She started playing it.

Odd looked through the window, and saw Demi playing.

"I've been looking in the mirror for so long,

That I've come to believe my souls on the other side.

All the little pieces falling shattered.

Shards of me to sharp to put back together

Too small to matter.

But big enough to cut me into so many little pieces if I try to touch her.

And I bleed. I bleed.

And I breathe. I breathe, no more."

"...Woooow. She's good! I wonder..if we started up a band again, if she'd join!" Odd said excitedly, still watching.

"I take a breath and I try to draw from my spirit's well.

Yet again you refuse to drink like a stubborn child.

Lie to me convince me that I've been sick forever.

And all of this will make sense when I get better.

But I know the difference between myself and my reflection.

I just can't help to wonder which of us do you love?

So I bleed. I bleed.

And I breath.

I breath no,

Bleed. I bleed.

And I breathe. I breathe. I breathe. I breathe, no more." Demi sighed. "Why do I keep feeling like this!? If it wasn't for that stupid Randy, and what he did... I could be a normal teenager!" She slammed her hands down on the piano and made a violent sound. Odd gasped. Demi got up and turned around and saw him. They both stared at each other in...'what the hell are you doing here'ness and embarrassment. Odd turned away and ran. Demi watched him leave, and looked at the ground in worry.

"I wonder what he thinks I meant." She walked to her room and was out for the night.

A whole three weeks had gone by, and Odd had completely forgot about the whole Demi thing, so he was no longer mad at Ulrich. Demi had slowly entered herself into the group and became friends with all of them...and, Aelita was back!

"Demi Demi Demi Demi Demi!" Aelita said in a sing-song voice.

"What what what what what?" Demi replied.

"There's going to be a dance...ball thing!" Aelita squealed excitedly.

"No way! Seriously?! Awesome! I can show off my amazing dance moves!" Odd butted in.

"Ha.. you dancing? I think I'd rather see Kiwi go poo." Demi raised her eyebrow.

"Really now? I mean, I can totally arrange it seeing as Kiwi is my dog!" Odd smiled.

"Eh, I'll pass. See, dogs pooping isn't really... attractive to me. Sorry short-stuff." Demi smiled and walked to her seat.

"Hey! I thought we agreed you wouldn't call me that anymore." Odd yelled turning to Demi's desk.

"We agreed, but we never promised." Demi smiled. Odd grumbled.

"Aaah! Whatever. But anyway, what makes you think you know dancing?" Odd asked her.

"Uh, hello! Do you not remember? I'm in friggin' Dance III if you don't recall! Plus, you've walked me everyday since I started this school." She smiled. Odd's face turned a slight pink at that comment and he walked to his seat. The bell rang, and Ulrich and Jeremy ran in at the last minute.

"Well well well, look who it is!" Odd smiled.

"Yeah yeah. Hush." Ulrich said as he sat down.

"Yeah. Be quiet." Jeremie sat down and wiped the sweat from his brow.

"Jeez, where were you guys?" Aelita asked.

"EX EH EN EH." Jeremie said quietly. Ulrich nodded.

"Why are we spelling it out? Why can't we just say Xa-" Ulrich covered his mouth.

"Be quiet! Demi knows about Lyoko!" Ulrich whispered.

"What?!" Odd and Aelita yelled quietly.

"But she doesn't believe me. So it doesn't matter. If she hears all of us talk about it, she'll start to wonder, and follow us there. I don't want her caught in all of this mess!" Ulrich shook his head.

"...But you'd rather have the rest of us in it?" Odd asked.

"No! I can't control what you guys do.. but I can at least control what she knows.." Ulrich said quietly.
"You mean, your sister doesn't believe us? I mean won't she get suspicious if we go off running all the time?" Jeremie whispered.

"...that's true.." Ulrich frowned.

"But anyway, what was it you wanted to tell us Jeremie?" Aelita asked him.

"...Xana's back." he said quietly.

"Well obviously I mean if you're talking about Lyoko, then it has to do with Xana being back." Odd rolled his eyes. Aelita, Ulrich, and Jeremie looked at him. "What? It's true!"

"Well, what's the verdict?" Ulrich asked Jeremie. He pulled out his laptop and showed them a news page.

"'Hello I'm Ellen from Kadic, France. Weird things have started to happen again after the short period of time when they did not. Holes in the water tank have appeared out of, well, nowhere. Investigation is on the case trying to find out who did it. As of now, we know a short of nothing of what has-" Jeremie closed his laptop.

"So what? How do we know it's not that someone shot a gun into it or something?" Odd asked.

"If it were a gunshot they would've told us that." Aelita said quietly.

"Hmmm. I guess we're gonna have to go back to Lyoko and check this out.." Jeremie said quietly. "If we all go at seperate times, Hertz probably won't suspect anything." He raised his hand.

"Hm.. yes Jeremie..?" She asked him. He smiled.

"May I please go to the restroom?" He asked.

"Yes. But hurry back. We have a big test tomorrow." She turned back toward the chalkboard. And soon the rest of them were gone. Demi watched her brother leave and blinked slowly.

'Why would they all leave like that? Hmm.. are they going to do drugs or something? No.. Aelita and Jeremy don't seem to do that.. but Odd on the other hand.. hmm what could it be..?' Demi thought hard. "Oh!" She accidentally said it out loud.

"Yes Demi? Do you know the answer?" Mrs. Hertz asked her.

"Uuh... beetles?" She said confused.

"No... I'm sorry that's not the answer." Mrs. Hertz sighed. Demi looked down at her desk.


Demi was sitting in her bed with a blue school-girl skirt on, and a top that matched it, reading a German version of The Rolling Stone. Ulrich knocked on her door.

"What is it, Ulrich." She said in a bored tone.

"Demi.. I need to tell you something you can't tell anyone else. Not even mom or dad." Ulrich told her as he closed his door.

"What? Did you get someone preggo?!" Demi shot up in her bed.

"Noo! Ssh! Okay...at Kadic.."

"You sell drugs!" Demi yelled.

"No! Demi, be quiet!" Ulrich glared at her.

"Sorry sorry. Continue." She smiled. He rolled his eyes.

"At Kadic.. my friends and I have this thing we do.." He looked at her, and he could tell she was resisting from yelling out something. "we go to this virtual world and fight monsters, and this guy named William, who also goes there. Well actually he's stuck there helping out our enemy, Xana. The virtual world's called Lyoko..."

"Uh-huh. When you actually have to tell me something that doesn't have to do with you and your wild dreams..then come talk to me." She rolled her eyes and continued flipping through her magazine.

!End Flashback!

'Oh my llama! He wasn't lying..I need to tell him sorry.' She got a scalpel and sliced her finger. She raised her hand. "Mrs. Hertz!"

"Yes, Ms. Stern?" The woman asked.

"Can I please please please go to the nurse? I cut my finger..." Demi innocently held up her cut finger. Mrs. Hertz sighed.

"Yes yes. Go ahead.. why don't you just take your stuff with you?" Demi grabbed her stuff and ran outside.

"Now.. which way did he say he went...?" She closed her eyes.

'There were two ways we went.. we ran to the factory or went through a sewer in the forest.' Her brothers voice rang in her head. Demi opened her eyes.

"Ew.. I really don't wanna go through a sewer.. but since I don't know how to get to the factory.. I have no choice." So she ran... and ran some more until she got to the forest. "Now now now... where are you sewer-hole?... Ah ha! There you are." She opened the top and looked down. "Oh jee. That's great. Smells disgusting." She took a deep breath and jumped in barely missing the river of who knows what. She looked around.

"Now didn't he say there were skateboards and a scooter..?" She shrugged and started running. 'Thank god I wore converse..' She eventually found a rope and swung across it to a platform and kept running. "An elevator?" She asked confused. She pressed the up button and it took her up to a room with a huge computer system. "Jeremie...?" He turned around in his seat wide-eyed.

"...U-ulrich..." He stuttered staring at Demi.

"Yeah Jeremie?" Ulrich asked.

"Are you sure...positive that Demi didn't believe you?" Jeremie asked him.

"Yeah.. why?" Ulrich said worried.

"She's standing right in front of me." Jeremy said, then all the other in Lyoko could hear was some fumbling.

"Hey that's mine!" Jeremy said in the background.

"Ulrich! I thought you were kidding!" Demi said into the microphone.

"No! Demi, you need to go back to class. Now!" Ulrich yelled.

"No! I wanna help you guys. You said your fighting something right. Well what could be better help than your sister?" Demi asked. Ulrich got hit by a beam of one of the Krabbs.

"It's too much of a risk Demi! You can't come here! Plus you'd just be in the way." Ulrich said.

"..." Demi took off the earphones.

"Jeremy. I want you to put me in Lyoko." She said quietly.

"You heard what your brother said. It'd be too much of a risk. Plus you don't know how to fight or anything. I don't think you know what you're getting yourself into." Jeremy tried to reason with her.

"I'm already in it aren't I!? And plus, I can handle myself! Please..I need to prove to Ulrich that I'm not some little girl still... please." Demi said quietly. Jeremie sighed.

"Alright.. but there's no guarantee you'll make it through.." Jeremie sat down on the computer.

"Okay how do I get there?" Demi asked him.

"Go to the elevator and it should take you to the scanning room." Jeremie started typing.

"Alright!" Demi ran to the elevator. "See you on the other side."

yay! Now that that's done, I get to go to colorado !cheers! Heehee. Umm I hope yu guys enjoyed this chapper. (: uumm... if yu have

any comments or questions chuu can ask me. Oh! Btw the song in this chappie was 'Breathe No More' By Evanescence. I love that song so much! Haha. Oh! Did any of yall see the last Tila Episode? That was crazziness, yo! :p So R/R & I shall update soon! :D