Baten Kaitos: Origins
Spoilers: None
Ratings: K+
Genre: Humor
Type: Drabble
Location: Pherkad, Sadal Suud
Background: In the ancient capital, Sagi and friends find that their arrival is less than welcome. Milly in particular is upset to find that her wanted poster makes her out to be a classless, make-up-smeared hussy. So, of course, Guillo must comment tactfully on the portrait.

Cleaning Up

"I think it suits her well. You can practically see the evil oozing out of every pore."

"Let's see you make fun of my face now," Milly grumbled, leaning over a bowl of water, scrubbing her skin. Beside her Guillo stood and observed her, eyes glinting with amusement. Aware of the paramachina's gaze, Milly had to valiantly restrain herself, settling on scowling instead.

"Evil is not something that can be washed off that easily, Milliarde," her companion quipped from beside the laundry pool.

"So says the tin can. I'd like to see you even try washing up, rusty."

"...In regards to your evilness, I rest my case."

Milly fought to keep from chucking her bar of soap.

A/N: After many, many moons, I've finally found a quote with which to update this thing! Had some trouble finishing this one, but here it is, good or bad. I'm not too confident about my ability to write Milly/Guillo, so hopefully this doesn't make you want to go out and break your Origins discs. At any rate, lemme know what you think!