*bows down immediately upon sight of readers* SORRY SORRY SORRY!!! I CANNOT believe I took a WHOLE (how much months was it?...)
LOT of months to put up this chapter. I mean it's not to say it wasn't finished , it was...it was due to my lazyness. And to top it all off it isn't even all that long. But hey , what can I do about that now? Anywhoosles this chapter is not a complete waste of time as it goes into Yuna's character a bit and I'll say now : the next couple of chapters will do so , but not entirely , and the story also goes into my two OC's but not really (as they could have existed.) Makia and Ruki who shall be examined more closely along with Yuna. Ooh, get ready for next chapter cuz something INTERESTING is gonna happen , can't tell you what though , you'll have to read and see. Anyway I leave you now to enjoy DAN DAN DAN ~~~~~~Chapter 10 ~~~~~~
Kushina ran up with a note in her hand panting and with her eyes wide as if she saw some unimaginable terror. Yuna startled in the position she was in froze. Her beautiful face , identical to the one before her twisted into a deer caught in headlights expression.
Kushina slowed down to a slow walk when she saw Naruto. Yuna not wanting the boy to do anything more that could hurt Kushina , chopped him in the back of his neck , successfully knocking him out and completely stopping the effects of his bloodline.
Kushina just stared. Yuna didn't care about Naruto at that moment or whether or not the guard was okay. For now , her thoughts focused on her one and only sister.
'She saw. I know she did. Now , what is her reaction ?'
As if moving in slow motion , Kushina just dragged her feet along the cool , hard wooden floor until she reached her destination which was Naruto , who was currently out cold , sprawled upon the floor. She dropped to her knees in front of the boy and looked up to her sister who was fixed in a shocked stance and who looked at her with nervous , anxious eyes but at the same time the eyes were so bitterly cold that they were white hot. Kushina gestured around Naruto a bit before speaking.
"W-what is going on?"
"Who exactly i-is this?"
"Well , he's a pri-
"I saw him before you know , in the trapping room , I h-had lost something there earlier and went back to find it and he arrived."
'WHAT?! She met him before?! This sleazy , repulsive little boy feels that he can play games with me?! He shall learn a good lesson from me before he even thinks about leaving early.'
"Sister , if you know who he is or why he is here , tell me! Is he an enemy?"
Yuna didn't know exactly what to say. She could say he was an enemy , that would explain why she hit him. The question is , what would Kushina do if she thought that?
Would she lock him up? Would she take care of him? If Kushina thought Naruto was an enemy and locked him up , it would put a stop to her previous plans. Yuna couldn't tell Kushina what she was about to do because Kushina would definitely disagree.
" Y-yes. This boy is an enemy. We were going to proceed to the questioning room but he suddenly attacked! I had to defend myself! He has an unidentified bloodline ability that is quite dangerous! Do you see that state of the guard?!"
'Yes , this sort of story will work on Kushina , she won't reject to 'questioning' if she thought he attacked us.'
Kushina looked at Yuna and nodded slightly , as if processing the information to her understanding. As Yuna was looking at Kushina she relaxed her body stance and shifted to tell the conscious guard to move the unconscious one aside and to the hospital wing. She was still inspecting Kushina seeing how ruffled she looked , now noticing her state. Her disheveled hair , her tousled clothes and noticing that she was all around disordered. She was about to comment on it but was interrupted.
"Lady Yuna , Mistress Kushina! There's an uprise in sector 4! Mistress..." The young man turned to look at Kushina sympathetically.
" Mistress...It's main source is from...Lord Takai. He , and the rebellious ones from the Elites and Commoners...they are planning a coup d'etat. A rebellion. They plan to take over the clan."
Yuna was absolutely furious. "What!!"
'He-he....how could he?! We trusted him! I trusted him!! I entrusted my sister to him and this is what he does?!!'
Kushina , suddenly sad and forlorn , looked down to a paper in her hands.
Crumpled and slightly torn , it read 'Good-bye.'
Kushina showed it to them and looked up at them. "I know..."
Yuna , after finding out about the 'about the be an uprising' , had sent Naruto to a cell and chained him to a wall. Left alone , Naruto just sat there , drained of most of his energy , thanks to his yet to be controlled bloodline abilities. He looked up when he heard the multiple footsteps coming towards his door and he froze , thinking about what they could possibly want with him even now as he was chained and couldn't move about freely.
The door opened and three persons stepped in the dim room , lit only by a dingy bulb hanging down from the ceiling in the center of the room. Naruto could make out the shadows of a young girl , who judging from her height was about eight or nine. The other two were the obvious outlines of young men , preferably around the ages of eighteen to maybe twenty or so. They were guards , he figured , by the way they stood next to the young girl ; in an overprotective way , like their lives depended on nothing to happen to her , which , by how warped this place felt to him , they probably did.
She stepped further into the room with the two guards not far behind. Now that Naruto could see them more clearly he saw that , as expected they had the same features as the rest of the clan , marking them as one whole clan.
She kept waking closer to him with her two bodyguards following , her emerald green eyes shining from the dim light the dingy bulb provided. She stopped in front of him and looked at him disgusted , as if he was some lowly creature she had no business with , but then , why was she here?
"Oi , Prisoner..."
She stooped to Naruto's level and looked at him with her cold , sinister emerald eyes and spoke again.
"Do you wish to leave?"
Naruto's eyes widened in shock and his mouth fell open and he spluttered like a fish.
The girl rolled her eyes and asked again as if she was speaking to a two year old or something of the like.
"Do you...wish...to leave. Here. Right now."
Naruto was doubtful , and he had to be sure to be very cautious. He couldn't trust anybody. Here or in any place. Such was the life of a ninja.
"Why do you want to help me? Isn't it your next of kin that placed me here in chains in the first place , anyhow?!"
She stood up and appeared more cold than before.
"Listen. None of that matters right now. At this moment , right now , there's a big fiasco going on. A coup d'etat. At this very second someone is trying to uprise the clan. This is a grand moment for you to escape. Another chance like this may never present itself before this mess cools down. Nobody will notice you escaped in the middle of this confusion."
"But what about-"
"If you're worried about Aunt Yuna , don't be. Not even she is skilled enough to ignore the problems at hand and focus on just you. Don't think so highly of yourself."
He opened his mouth to protest once more , but shut it , seeing that no matter what opposition points he brought across , she still only had two options for him. Stay here and let who knows what be done to him or...or he could go with her and have a chance of escape. No matter what could have been said , the second choice was more appealing.
'Damn it!! What do I have to lose ?!! It's better than sitting her till I rot!!'
He had determination shining in his eyes when he looked her directly in the face ,smirking and said , "I'll go. Just get me out of these chains and we can be on our way."
The young girl looked slightly taken aback as if she wasn't expecting him to go with her but she quickly reassembled herself and motioned to the two young guards and they walked up to her silently. They were waiting patiently for exact commands they had to follow , nothing more , nothing less and apparently with no emotions attached.
"Unlock him."
And they did just that. Naruto helped himself up and used the wall for balance as his legs had fallen asleep on him.
The girl eyed him warily as if asking herself if he was even worth helping. Like others in the Uzumaki clan , she was cold.
"Help him." , was commanded and like before the guards obeyed. They held him roughly by his upper arms and led him all the way to the hallway he was in previously. It could have been the same one , maybe , because he didn't know if the hallways and rooms in the vast place were all the same.
They walked down the hallway a little before the young girl stopped abruptly. She got down on all fours and began feeling all around the floor with her fingers spread wide. She did this for about three minutes until she apparently found what she was looking for and pulled back the carpet accordingly. She opened up a sort of door in the ground and led Naruto and the two guards down. She pulled back the carpet and closed the door as she slipped in skillfully. It was apparent that she had done this many times before.
Below , was a cave like tunnel path that kept getting lower as they walked , leading them further underground. As they got lower the sounds above them started to get louder , and they really heard what all the ruckus was , screaming and thumping feet and the sounds of many fights. Naruto glared up at the guards defiantly as they literally dragged him down the rough , rocky dirt path. There were some jagged edged rocks too , and Naruto thought his feet were more then awake when he felt the sharp pain of being cut on the feet , even if he tried to avoid them. The young girl and the guards didn't seem to mind though , it seemed as they had been down paths like this many times before , as cliché as it may sound.
'Seems like they were anticipating something like this to happen for a while...' Naruto thought , because it all seemed so planned. He looked around the dark cave like passageway enveloped in darkness. The only light was from a glowing gem that the young girl wore. Naruto wondered what justu they did on that. It was creeping him out , seeing as he could very well be walking into a trap , but since he decided that it was all or nothing , he couldn't think that.
"Makia , Makia! Where are you coming from?!"
Naruto focused his eyes on the spot in the darkness where he heard the voice come from. Analyzing , it was a soft , sort of gentle voice but the natural effect it might have had was ruined due to the evident anxiousness and worry coating it. Sooner rather than later he made out light in the shape of a staff and the figure of a highly developed young woman , around his age or older. She bearing the same features of the rest of the clan , came up and hugged the younger girl suddenly.
He had previously thought the young girl to be cold , uncaring and a bit controlling.
Oh how he was wrong.
She transformed right before his eyes. Her eyes got bigger and wider , her mouth curved upwards in a big toothy smile , her cheeks flushed a little and her whole face was like that of a incredibly happy ten year old. She was like a completely different person.
"Big sister Ruki! I thought you fled long ago!"
The girl Naruto assumed was Ruki enveloped the little girl now identified as Makia in a tight hug , pulled back smiled and pulled her into her chest once more , and Makia seemed to have no rejections.
"Well I'm here now , nothing else matt-...wait , who is he? Is he one of us?"
Makia shook her head and for a second Naruto could see a little sliver of the person she was before.
"No , he is a prisoner."
Ruki nodded. "I assume he has something valuable to offer us , as you brought him with you." And Makia smirked. Naruto didn't like that. "Yes , very valuable,"
"Let's be on our way , Ladies Makia-sama and Ruki-sama , we can't linger if we do not wish to be found."
The guard on Naruto's right said this and the one on the left nodded in agreement. Makia and Ruki repeated the action to each other as if they had some secret plan. Either way , Naruto wasn't very comfortable. As they all began to walk forward , the guards lightening up on Naruto possibly due to fatigue , Makia and Ruki slowly drifted off to the side and behind together leaving the guards to lead the way.
"Hey , Maki-chan ," Ruki whispered. "Tell me more about this prisoner guy."
Makia looked a little unsure of herself. "W-what do you want to know?", she replied softly. Makia trusted Ruki , really , she did , but she just wasn't sure she wanted to reveal who he was because ultimately , it would reveal what their Aunt Yuna was planning to do or what she had tried and failed to do , in this case being the latter. Ruki loved their foster sister just as much as she did , but Makia was younger and as said in the legends , young children and animals can sense evil and bad intentions.
Aunt Yuna was good , yes , but she was also bad , very very bad. A mix of vengeful hate and loneliness stirring for many years had manifested into something horrid that couldn't be controlled. It boiled for years and overflowed one day when the jealousy and loneliness became too much , really becoming the force of today's build up.(1)
"Hey , " Ruki knocked Makia out of her deep thoughts and replied to her previous question , "Anything is fine , I just know he's not just any prisoner , as I've said before , why did you bring him with us?"
Makia fidgeted and looked up nervously. "He isn't just any prisoner...he's-"
They both turned sharply to look at whoever spoke. Their eyes narrowed when they saw that it was Naruto , not only because he had interrupted them but also because they thought he overheard their conversation , of course it was about him but they didn't want him to know that.
Naruto looked back and forth between the two with a irritated look on his face.
"My name is Uzumaki Naruto! What are yours?" (2)
Ruki's eyes widened and she gasped. She covered her mouth with her hands and she started to shake. "What?!"
If Naruto was here right now...that meant...that meant that Aunt Yuna's initial plan failed or else would be confined with her.
"Makia! What happened to Aun- Lady Yuna?! Why is he here and not with her?!"
Makia looked ashamed and avoided Ruki's eyes. "I...took him." , she said in something that was barely a whisper.
"You what?!"
Makia looked Ruki straight in the eyes and said again this time louder , "I took him."
Ruki looked like she was just about ready to pull her hair out in exasperation.
"W-what?! Why?"
Makia looked off to the side. "He met with his mother and Aunt Yuna was going to...do that other thing and he would have died so I-"
Naruto's eyes widened. "Wait a second. Are you talking about me?! She was gonna kill- I mean … I was gonna die?! All because I met with my mother?!"
Ruki looked at him. "There's more to it than that , but basically , you can never know Aunt Yuna;s true intentions. She may not have killed you but that would have been in the place of something far worse."
Naruto gulped and said nothing else.
Just as they were moving off again , a sound echoed through the cave , it's source behind them. The deep rumbling sound became louder and louder until it was impossible to ignore. Something was coming and it was either a lot of little somethings or a really big something. Either way it was coming and approaching fast.
"W-Wha...What the hell?" Ruki gasped.
"So they found out he was missing , huh? …Didn't think they cared..." Makia remarked in a tone that implied that she could care less.
Ruki glared at Makia , angry and bewildered. "What? You sound as if you thought this wouldn't happen sooner or later. Of course they care!" Ruki blew her fuse. ", It's the frickin' Mistress' son for Kami-sama's sake!!"
The two guards called to the arguing relatives. "Ladies Makia and Ruki, Let's make haste , they mustn't catch up with us."
Ruki and Makia nodded with them in agreement and took off ahead , the three young men following.
Yuna sat in her large and very quiet office filled with bookshelves and chairs. The only sound in the room being the ticking of the exquisitely detailed clock on the wall and the tapping of Yuna's foot as she thought , long and hard , as she had been doing in the past hour or two.
'There is something going on here that no one is telling me...What the hell does Takai think he is doing , for Kami-sama's sake , I cannot believe he would deceive us right under our noses!...after all these years of trust and support , this is how he repays us?!"
Yuna sighed in exasperation , her feet up on her desk. She was angry , annoyed and very tired.
'And to make matters worse , of all the times Takai would put his plans into action , when Kushina would probably need him the most...'
Yuna's thoughts were cut short when one of the many guards in the clan burst through the door , panting. "Lady Yuna...that boy , that prisoner you wanted , has escaped!"
Yuna sat up straight , her feet off the table immediately. Her eyes wide she said , "What?"
The guard , unsure of himself , repeated his message.
"What? What?! WHAT?!! What the hell?!"
Yuna stood up and panted in fury. "Why , why , why does everything have to go wrong all at once?!"
She turned to the guard and yelled , "What are you still doing here?! Go! Go and get him!..No...no wait , stay. D-don't go , don't do anything do you hear me? Let him go , and alert the other guards of my decision as well. It would be foolish to chase after a runaway dog...he has won. For now....so just assemble all higher ranked ninjas and the guards with an active status. All we should even think about now is fixing the problem Takai has caused!"
Yuna watched as the guard nodded and went to do as he was told. She resumed her position at her desk and thought again.
'Uzumaki Naruto , you have won only the battle not the war , I shan't let you go if you fall into my grasp again , if , you truly are like your mother , I believe you will. But now ,I must focus on that backstabbing blood-traitor Takai!!"
Ooh , how was THAT for interesting? My little duckies , I hope you enjoyed! Weeeeell, I guess I want reviews and the like but maybe you guys are so upset with your failure of an author you shouldn't review............AWW SHUCKS , just kidding! Still read and review and stuff. Oh and btw I'm looking for a Beta , just a little advertisement put out...
(1) - meaning that if she didn't feel that way and argued with Kushina , she wouldn't have gone to Konoha and Naruto wouldn't have been born and really there would be no problem. So basicaly this whole mess is just all her fault. :)
(2) - just to say : Way to be Naruto , butting into a conversation like that....poo. :)
anyway , hope you enjoyed and keep reading and look forward to the next chapter AND review. :) Or Orochimaru eats a bunny. Many bunnies in fact.