(random reappearance after five years)

I'm working on something else, but while my beta rips it apart, I wanted to tackle my writing weaknesses like a good writer should. My trouble is I'm too wordy, so I gave myself the challenge of writing a complete story no longer than a double drabble in length. Word count: 150. I win! Anyone with drabble challenges they'd like to see could send them along, I need the exercise.

THIS FIC IS SPOILERTASTIC FOR HOUSE OF MANY WAYS. If you haven't read it, keep out. Calcifersgrl, THIS MEANS YOU. :-P

Disclaimer: Own nothing, and for people who are sensitive or offended by the subject matter, which I GUESS could happen, it was just a connection I made between HMC and Howl's behavior in HoMW. No hate. Opinions on HoMW, by the way? I found it… eh. So-so.

Sophie looked down at her husband, aged five, kicking and thrashing on the floor, his screams loud enough to reach Ingary.

"NO! I want the thirt with the WACE, and the THOETH with the thiney BUCKLES!"

The nurse just wrung her hands and said "That's enough, Master Twinkle," over and over.

Sophie thought of all the tantrums she had dealt with over the years, and how she had imagined handling the green slime incident, but hadn't dared.

"I WAAANT—"she quickly scooped him up and delivered a firm swat to the backside. He stopped and stared, wide eyed.


"Little boys who throw tantrums are disciplined, Twinkle." she explained aloud, then whispered, "especially when they're actually grown men indulging in a second childhood. Set an example for your son, would you?"

Howl glared, then pouted. Sophie ignored it, feeling like she'd won for the first time since this circus began.