Pre note: This month is LGBT Pride month and even though is an online billboard of it I decided to add more to it –teehee-

-Whoops . . . I know I posted this an hour ago, but there was an unfinished paragraph at the end, so yeah if you've read it already please read the last part again and once again sorry for the inconvenience.

My Pride on the Line

By the Not So GeniusVampire

The World allowed you to be whatever you wanted to be . . . accept for yourself. Not even The World willingly sheltered those who loved others not quite of the same sex. Interracial relationships were just fine, but relationships of the same sex were seen as a liability to balance. Of course, just like in real life not liking something did not stop people from doing it. And this option was open to anyone . . . anyone at all.

Azure Kite sat on the edge of the fountain in the Alchemy District of Mac Anu, the edges of a two blue envelopes crumpling in his hands. 'It's strange enough for two guys to be together, but three, it's insane . . . We have to keep this quiet but sometimes it feels like we're keeping quiet to ourselves . . .' He scuffled his feet against the concrete and chewed his bottom lip. He looked left then right then he slowly put the envelopes down and walked away. 'This is risky, but I have to get my thoughts across to them before something bad happens . . .'

A young teen with white hair and crimson eyes picked it up, looked around in same manner as Azure Kite then opened it. A few minutes later a tall slender man with shoulder length aqua hair picked up the other one and disappeared.

To Haseo:

There is so much I want to say to you and so much that I feel, but all I ever really wanted to know is whether or not I am alone in my feelings . . .

I've admired you for so long, so long that even I have lost track of how much. When we first met you thought I was your enemy, and when you found out otherwise you thought I held some kind of grudge over you because of your past misjudging. I thought the same, but I've told you this already. However, I still liked you after all you didn't delete my address and once again you did not hate me. I was glad for that, it made it easier for me to watch- err . . . survey you from afar.

I called myself your watcher and acted as though I was content with that, for a while I was, but at the same time I was not. At the time I wanted so much more than your respect. I wanted to be connected with you . . . I wanted to be close to you, but at that time you still did not truly know who I was. I tried so hard to get you to notice me, to respect me, at least to look at me. When I finally got you to notice me, I found it was easier than I believed it to be, as did you.

Afterwards, you trusted me much more than before. Little by little you opened up to me, and I to you. Eventually I began to place that was myself into your hands. Everything in these hands of mine, I gave to you. Even though you already had someone equally important to you someone you wanted to be with for all time. There were times when I wanted the same thing, and the need grew stronger when you began to trust and acknowledge me. However, I was unsure if I was right in my feelings for you if it was right for me to even have feelings . . .

You told me there was nothing wrong with me, that as long as I felt no shame in what I wanted there would be no regret in my actions . . . as long as I did not do anything too outrageous –lol-.

Now that there are three of us, and each of us is perfect yet imperfect in our own way (although I am sure a certain blade brandisher would disagree, he's perfect it's kinda cute, I didn't say that). We are as some would say one entity, one mind, and one . . . spirit?! That's weird I'm technically not supposed to have that, then again, I'm not technically supposed to do or have half the things I do . . . have . . . OH YOU GET IT, DON'T YOU?!

Eheh . . . anyway because of you I've felt so much, done, so much more than ever, and even found that I have things in common with people I probably wouldn't have associated myself with in the past (that includes YOU lol).

What I'm trying to say is thank you Haseo, thank you so much, and ILY kay?

Kite of the Azure Flame

P.S.: What you thought I was going to put something cheesy at the end? This whole letter is cheesy, heck, ILY is cheesy seriously.

P.P.S.: I sent Endrance one too, after all you both belong to ME lol.

P.P.P.S.: lol is dorky . . . unless I say it. See you later Haseo.

Two days later, Azure Kite returned to the fountain. He slipped his hand in the cool water and swished it around. 'He never replied . . .' He thought. 'I never thought he would, but . . . I just want to know that I'm not the only one feeling anything . . .' He clinched his fist and his body shook. He felt someone's hand touch his wrist lightly then another one closed around his free hand. He turned around slowly. Haseo had the hand that was in the water while Endrance lightly grasped both his and Haseo's. Azure Kite was too frozen to even think. He tensed even further when they both leaned closer to him. He relaxed at four simple words:

"You are not alone."

A/N: See? Isn't this much lighter than my usual stuff? Well the letter is lighter than unual anyway. I know it's a bit all over the place and kind of weird, but not bad for something thought up and typed in about an hour. I'll try to do a letter to Endrance next time okay?

Oh yea, and ILY means I Love You if anybody missed it.