Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Description: Patrick's feelings on losing Annie after the series finale. Sort of has a story on the Annie/Ivan relationship attached to his feelings as well. The progression of the relationship and Patrick's feelings about it. Just so you know, not everything in here actually happened, its just my continuation of the series, even though I loved Patrick/Annie.

The Pain

It burns. The pain is a steady burning every time I see her with him.

It pangs. The pain is a steady succession of pangs every time I watch her laugh.

It stings. The pain is a constant sting in my chest as she grabs his hand.

It cracks. The pain causes my heart to crack each time they kiss.

It constricts. The pain constricts my airway and I can't breathe when I see her.

It tears. The pain tears away a little piece of me every time she isn't with me.

It angers. The pain makes me angry that she can't find the same happiness with me.

It squeezes. The pain squeezes in my chest whenever he holds her close.

It rips. The pain rips my heart out of my chest when they dance.

It crushes. The pain crushes my bleeding heart when she flashes her hand for everyone to see.

It reminds. The pain reminds me that I can't have her; that she's gone.

It confuses. The pain confuses me; I don't know how I should feel about her.

It embarrasses. The pain makes me embarrass myself whenever I'm around her.

It bombards. The pain bombards me with a variety of emotions, each different than the last.

It grips. The pain grips me and it won't let go.

It guilts. The pain makes me feel guilty that I wasn't enough.

It numbs. The pain numbs my body and I can't feel anything when I come home and she's not there; when I remember she'll never be there.

It deprives. The pain keeps me awake all night, depriving me of sleep the night before the big day.

It blocks. The pain blocks me off from the world when she walks down the aisle.

It insists. The pain insists that it was supposed to be me.

It fatigues. The pain causes me to never want to move without her there.

It empties. The pain empties me, I have nothing left.

It scars. The pain of losing her scars me, it will never heal.

It settles. The pain settles inside of me as she is wheeled into the delivery room, him by her side, and so I have live with it.

Thanks for reading, hope you liked it. Please R&R!