YO!! How are you guys? Yeah…I'm back! I had a really BIG writers block…BUT I SURVIVED!! And now… a word from Kanako
Kanako: This pathetic excuse of an author doesn't own ANYTHING! She's too poor.
Me: Thanks…for nothing…
Kanako: No problem grins widely. And its not my fault that you keep using the wrong honorifics. Example one: Lenalee calls Tamaki with -kun. When its suppose to be -sempai because he's a year older than she is. Example two: Kyouya also calls Lavi and Kanda with -kun when its suppose to be -sempai because they are his upperclassmen.
Me: ………………………………...HOLY JESUS, MARY and JOSPEH !! For once in your life…you're right!! Where's Lavi when you need him?! He needs to record this!
Kanako: HEY!
Thanks to my OCD Japanese best friend for pointing this out.
Chapter 5
"Kana-chan, there's Yamapon" said Lenalee, pointing to the huge back of the brown-haired teen.
"Thanks Young'in…OI YAMAPON!! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!!" screamed the blue-eyed girl at the other teen, who took off running from the banshee.
"Damn……Tamaki! Its time to pay a visit to Class 2D." said Kanako, grinning evilly.
"Why am I roped into doing your evil deeds?" whined Tamaki.
"Because." Kanako said, with an evil grin spreading across her face.
"B-Because is not an answer…" Tamaki shuttered.
"Because I said so!" Kanako punched the air excitedly and dragged the blonde teen off.
Class 2D
" S'cuse us! But I need to talk to Tatsuya Yamada a.k.a Yamapon. Is he in here?" demanded Kanako
"You need to be more gentler with girls" said Tamaki
"Are you implying that I am a guy?" threatened Kanako as she narrowed her eyes
"No way, I would never do that." he said nervously, as he tried to get away from the crazy, homicidal teen.
"Yes, he is here. Please wait one moment." said a girl. She wanted to break up the fight before it happened. The girl had brown hair, and her eyes were the color of the prettiest blue. However, her eyes showed sorrow beyond her age instead of happiness, as with most people. The young lady's name is Ayaka Suzuki. She wasn't very tall, but she wasn't short either. Her father is in the hotel business. Although it wasn't very successful, they had enough to send her to Ouran. She looked like a kind sister with a small, soft smile. However, the moment that Kanako saw her, she turned pale.
"Uh-uh-uh…y-y-you know what? Just t-tell him that I-I-I will have my r-revenge." Kanako stuttered out nervously, with Tamaki sending her a bemused look before she turned and bolted down the hall.
"Princess, I am sorry for my companion's behavior. To make it up to you, you are welcome to the Host Club for a free visit." said Tamaki, with an apologetic smile
"Oh…umm, thank you I suppose…" she said, glancing down the hallway as Kanako rounded the corner and dashed out of sight.
-Class 1A-
"Class! The results are in! Cinderella will be…Allen Walker!" said Mr. Tamuramaro, smiling sympathetically.
The white haired boy sat in shock for a moment before leaping up, slamming his mismatched fists onto his desk, tears in the corner of his eyes "WHAT, WHAT, WHAT!? WHY ME?! I'm a guy for gods sake!! Why sensei? Why!?"
"The majority voted for you, Allen. Deal with it the best that you can." said Tamuramaro kindly, feeling sorry for the kid.Secretly, Lenalee was to be Cinderella. But Komui heard of the idea and nearly declared war on the entire school. The idea was dismissed and Tamuramaro had to pick the new Cinderella out a the hat. "Besides, you aren't the only cross dresser in this play at all." said Tamuramaro with an apologetic smile on his face.
"The rest of the cast are as follows:
Prince Charming- Haruhi Fujioka
Stepmother- Renge Hoshakuji
Stepsisters- Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin
Fairy Godmother - Lenalee Lee (courtesy of Komui)
Animals/extras/techies/- rest of the class
"Take your scripts, memorize your lines and have fun with this play!" said Tamuramaro (1)
"Everyone! Call your finest costume designers and set producers! We want to make this the best play there is!!" said a male student. As every student in class were talking to their cell phones to various artisans, Allen and Lenalee took the time to talk privately with each other.
"I wonder if the earl really is here? Its so peaceful…We haven't gone into battle with the Noahs or the Akumas in a while. I want to be out there, trying to save their souls." said Allen, smiling sadly.
"Yes, its wonderful to not have to worry about fighting all the time. School is actually more fun than I thought it would be." said Lenalee.
"Its just that…this has been a dream. We wake up, go to school, hang out, have fun, and participate with people in our age. Its like we are normal teenagers. I miss our old lives, when we were trying to find the earl." said Allen with a wistful smile.
"But…its nice just not having to fight in a war anymore. I don't have to be constantly worried about my friends
"Are you guys looking for someone?" asked Haruhi as she walked by.
"Uh…not really…" said Allen, smiling.
-Class 3A-
"Where did Kandie-chan go?" asked Hunny.
"He went to go see a friend of ours. The one with the sister-complex, drill, and malfunctioning robots. I think that Yuu-chan wanted to get more manly. That way, he'll have more fan girls in his fan club! " said Lavi, with a carefree grin.
"Get ready rabbit." said the blue haired samurai, holding up Mugen across Lavi's throat. He had stepped into the room, just as Lavi said that he went to the mad scientist to get more manly
"W-w-wait just a second!! How did you get Mugen-hime back?" asked the terrified rabbit.
"STOP GIVING ME AND MY SWORD FUCKING NICKNAMES!!" roared the Japanese teen. lunging at the red head, murder on his mind. 'threats work wonders with Koumi' Kanda thought with a smirk as he attempted to behead the annoying rabbit.
"WAHHH!! MORI!! PLEASE! SAVE ME!!" cried out the rabbit, in an unmanly way, as he dashed behind the tall, silent boy.
"Kandie-Chan, you can't kill him yet! We need him for the festival!" said Hunny.
"Che" with that, Kanda put Mugen back into his sheath.
"Wait a sec! Why does he get to call you nick names?" cried out Lavi, who was currently hiding behind Mori's back.
"I don't hurt women or children"
'Whatever, now get over here you damn rabbit.' said Kanda, brandishing Mugen.
"If I was America…THEN YOU ARE A TERRORIST!! We should put in jail!!" Lavi screamed as Kanda twitched in annoyance.
-Class 2A-
"Kanako-san, would you please come over here? We need you to get measured for the waiter uniform. I think that we also need your opinion on table cloth." said Eriko, with a grin
"Yeah…coming…" mumbled Kanako. She just wasn't acting like her annoying self, everyone could see something was bothering her, but most brushed it off as her being tired from preparing for the festival, or staying up too late. Tamaki wondered if it had anything to do with meeting that girl, Ayaka.
"Tamaki, Do you know what is the matter with Kanako? If this affects her work as a Host Club member, we can't have her around." said Kyouya, with a frown.
"No, I don't know why she's depressed. What should I do about it?" asked Tamaki with a stupid, blank look on his face.
"I want you to figure out what is the matter with the damn girl!" yelled out the demon lord as he glared down at the idiot 'king' of the host club.
"FINE! PLEASE! DON'T HURT ME!" screamed Tamaki. Running away form the demon lord, he turned to the ladies that are writing down their classmates measurements. "Excuse me ladies, but may I borrow Kanako for a moment? I must chat with her."
"Anything you want Tamaki-sama, but we need you for measurements as well." said Eriko. Tamaki nodded and took Kanako outside to the courtyard for their private talk.
"Kanako, is something wrong? You seem depressed, you just seem to be walking about like a zombie. Do you want to talk about it?" asked Tamaki with a worried look on his face.
"Its nothing. I really don't want to talk about it. I don't even know you that well…how can I even trust you with my secrets?" Kanako said, while glaring at the blonde haired teen.
"You…can't…but if you every need an ear for you to listen to…I'm here for you." said Tamaki, with a soft smile on his handsome face.
"I don't believe you. I bet you say that to ALL girls. Just take your lies and shove 'em up your ass." Kanako glared once more at the blonde teen as he blink owlishly in surprise, before she stormed off, leaving a confused Tamaki behind.
The day had flown by. Classes had been done without any incidents, although Kanda tried to kill Lavi about a thousand times during rehearsal for their mystery game. (He had fun with it too, much to Lavi's horror). During each one, Kanda claims that he need more practice, just to make it prefect.
Ayaka had come to the Host Club with Eriko and was waited upon by Tamaki. He tried asking her what was her connection with Kanako, but Ayaka never met Kanako in her life until that morning. After Host Club activities had ended, Eriko tricked Kanako into walking Ayaka and herself home. As they left (Kanako was reluctant) Tamaki sprang into action.
"Anyone…can someone tell us about Kanako and her connection with a woman named Ayaka Suzuki? Kanako has been acting strange ever since this morning when she met her." Tamaki announced with a grand sweep of his hands, "I want to know if you know why."
"I met Kanako about 7 months ago. She hasn't told me anything about her life yet." said Allen.
"Why the hell should I care?" asked Kanda with a small 'che'
"Actually…she hasn't mentioned anybody named 'Ayaka' or 'Suzuki'. Are you sure that she isn't just PMSing or anything?" asked Lavi
"She's been at our 'Academy' for about…11 years. I've known her for 10 years and she hasn't told me anything about her life before she came to the 'Academy'. Sorry Tamaki-sempai." said Lenalee, with an apologetic smile.
"Didn't she have to crawl through the vents just to meet you?" asked Lavi
"Okay…since we've basically got no information about her…do you know anybody that does?" asked Tamaki.
"What about Lenalee-Chan's brother…the crazy guy with the robot?" asked Hikaru.
"But where is he right now?" asked Kaoru.
"HEY EVERYONE!! DID YOU HEAR THE NEWS?? LENALEE'S GETTING MARRIED!! TO TAMAKI!! LETS GO CONGRATULATE THEM IN THE THIRD FLOOR MUSIC ROOM!!" bellowed Lavi. The sounds of angry footsteps could now be heard as Komui came in wailing.
"WHAT?! WHY ARE YOU MARRYING THAT OCTUPUS?? TAMAKI, I'LL KILL YOU FOR EVER THINKING ABOUT MARRYING MY DEAREST LENALEE!!" Everyone sweat dropped as Koumi launched himself on Lenalee weeping as he held her in a death grip.
"Brother…calm down…I'm not getting married" Lenalee sighed as the twins laughed at Tamaki, who was turning paler by the second.
"Lee-sensei, we just want information about Kanako and Ayaka Suzuki. What is their connection?" asked Kyouya.
"I don't know." lied Komui, as he straightened his jacket. Truth is…he interrogated Kanako for hours on parts of her past, but on the condition that he was to never reveal it to anyone. "Getting the information from the source of your problems is the best way to find what you are looking for."
-With Kanako-
"Ayaka-san, I knew your sister very well." said Eriko with a sinister smile.
"Y-you know her?" asked Ayaka, surprised.
"Yes. We use to play the piano together, we pretended that our dolls were best friends like we were, and we close as sisters. When she ran away from your house, I did my best so that we could find her, but I was 5 or 6 at that time, and I didn't have enough power. It broke my heart everyday to see you cry over your beloved sister. Your mother also left you on the same day Karin left…it made me work harder to try and find Karin."
"D-do you know where she is?! I really must see her! I miss her and mother so much…being alone with papa is too much!" said Ayaka, almost in tears
"Wow…sounds like you sister means the world to you, Ayaka-san…" said Kanako.
"I…I wasn't the best of sisters to my younger twin…I was always mean to her because I use to think that she was better than me at everything. However, I realized that nobody was perfect, but it was too late…because of me, Karin ran away, along with mama…I wish that I could meet with them again." Ayaka said sadly as she wiped at her teary eyes
"About that…Ayaka-san…I'm so sorry, but…Karin died about 5 months ago." said Eriko, a creepy glint in her eyes, even though her face seemed sad and sympathetic.
"What? No…that can't be! I haven't even said I'm sorry yet!" cried Ayaka, tears sliding down her cheek as she shook, not wanting to accept what her friend was saying).
"Ayaka! Its alright, listen, I know someone that can bring her back! I can take you to him, I--"
"What are you talking about? You can't bring the dead back to life!" shouted Kanako.
"But this man could! He has shown it to me!" said Eriko, smiling crazily.
"You…you are a broker for the Millennium Earl aren't you! AYAKA! LETS GO!! WE HAVE TO RUN!!" cried out Kanako. Grabbing her arm, Kanako and Ayaka ran as fast as they could. After a quarter of a mile, Ayaka stopped.
"How…HOW COULD YOU!! Eriko is a dear friend of mine…as well as Karin's…she gave me the light in that tunnel, but you just had to drag me back into the dark tunnel didn't you?! DIDN'T YOU?!" screamed Ayaka.
"Sometimes…the light at the end of the tunnel is just a train." stated Kanako. Staring at Ayaka, Kanako noticed that something was strange in the background. Guys wearing black, carrying guns and staying in groups of at least 6 were never a good sign, right? Looking around, Kanako discovered a good place to hide, an unused bakery. "Hurry, act like nothing is wrong"
"What's going on now?!" asked Ayaka, terrified that a strange girl was dragging her to unknown parts of town. "Are you hungry? Is that why you are going to that bakery?" But then Ayaka looked behind her and saw the six men closing in on them. ('Geez this girl is an airhead.' Kanako thought with a frown.)
"Damn it! Its locked!" After pulling it on a couple of times, Kanako was getting desperate. "Ok…option 1: Break the windows. Option 2: Break down the door. Option 3: Break everything. Choose wisely."
"WHY ARE THOSE THE ONLY OPTIONS!?" screamed out Ayaka
"FINE! Then how do we get inside peacefully?" asked Kanako. Ayaka held up an item, a tiny, gold hairpin. "Oh…"
"I hate people without common sense"
"I see, so in this situation, I'm being tested on my common sense." After wiggling the hairpin around the keyhole, Ayaka finally heard a distinguished click!
"Ok, we're in." Kanako pulled the frightened girl into the empty building and locked the door behind them.
'There are six enemies with guns…they probably had proper fighting training. There's now way I can win without Innocence.'
"We need to hurry!" screamed Ayaka
"It's also true that we can't outrun them. Hey Aya? Can you trust me?"
"Great! Its time for a fun science experiment!" said Kanako, looking around. "Grab all the powdery things. Stuff like flour, sugar and cocoa!"
"Got it! But what are you going with it? Are you going to bake a cake? Do you need butter too?" Kanako face-palmed and sighed, 'airhead…' she sighed and shook her head. Working very quickly, the two of them spread the powdery substances around the room, making it rather dusty. Switching off the lights, Kanako and Ayaka ran downstairs and hid in the cellar.
"THE DOOR'S LOCKED!" yelled man from the gang
"Break it down!" screamed another
"I'm sure they are hiding in here somewhere…!" said a guy as he kicked the door down.
"Cough cough …It's so dusty in here! Do they EVER clean this dump?" Suddenly, a sound could be heard. Kanako rapped her hand against the cellar's ceiling.
"I GOT THEM!" said a gang member.
BOOM!! The entire store was blown to smithereens. The men went flying in every directions. Fires were starting and debris was everywhere.
"Wh-What happened?" asked Ayaka
"Ever hear of a dust explosion?"
"When fine particles of a flammable substance fill the air and a spark occurs, it causes a flash fire chain reaction. In other words: things go boom" Kanako explained with a grin
"I guess I understand that, but I can't get the door to open."
"…Damn. If we get stuck here, we'll get roasted like turkeys!" said Kanako
"Isn't there a way out?" asked Ayaka, Kanako shrugged as she moved around, looking for a way out.
"Hey Aya, why did you trust me?" Ayaka looked over at the other girl who seemed to be absorbed in searching for an exit.
"…Because you aren't trying to kill me."
"Other than this?"
"Other than this. Do you have some sort of magic powers that can get us out?"
"I know that having magical powers are extremely beneficial, and I would be lying if I said that I wouldn't rely on it. But I know that I can go anywhere, because my friends will extend their hands out, even if they have a grumpy look on their face."
"You damn girl, the damage on this entire property is entirely your fault" yelled Kanda.
"Thanks for offering to pay, Kanda."
"Like hell!"
"Kanako! Are you alright?" asked Lenalee.
"Yea, but there's a ringing in my head. Where's Allen and Rabbit?"
"They're cleaning up your mess" said Komui. "The rest of the Ouran students are at school…where its safe."
"Yeah right, I bet they're making out right now." Kanako said, grinning at the mental thought of her two dear friends making out. 'Excellent threat materials, I must use them later.' she thought, grinning evilly.
"Really, you have to stop implying that they are gay." said Lenalee
"I just want to see someone else's unhappiness to make my heart warmer and recognize my own happiness." said Kanako with a far off look mixed together with an evil grin.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" screamed Komui. "Besides, how is implying Lavi and Allen gay going to make them unhappy?"
"I don't know…OH! By the way seems that we can't trust a certain Miss. Eriko Nagashima."
"Why not?" asked Ayaka.
"Uh…BECAUSE!" said Komui
"I trust her! I don't believe that those men that tried to kill us were Eriko's men!" screamed Ayaka, "I'm going home!" and with that, she stormed off. 'Airhead….' Kanako sighed and rolled her eyes.
"A thousand yen, she's to try to bring her sister back!." said Lavi, appearing out of nowhere.
"Where did you come from?!" shouted Lenalee
"The door of course, milady."
"Do you have to bet with people's lives, Lavi?" asked Allen, behind Lavi while supporting a bruised eye.
"OH MY GOD ALLEN!! What happened to your eye? It looked like someone chucked apples at you!" cried out Kanako.
"Oh this? This is the product --" said Allen, before he was rudely interrupted by Kanako.
"The product of when you two have eye sex? Goddammit Lavi, next time you want to have eye sex, use glasses!" shrieked Kanako, enjoying the pale faces of her dear friends.
"But I have only one eye…" stated Lavi, nervously.
"So use a monocle!!"
"Is that why Eriko targeted her? Because Ayaka lost someone?" asked Komui, turning away from the heated argument of the two largest idiots.
"In any case, we have to keep a close eye on her." said Kanda.
Thanks for reading my story so much. I'm glad that you people took the time to read it. I'm really sorry to my beta reader Nella-from-the-batcave, formerly known as Nella333. I'm not really good at writing descriptively and you've prolly had a headache reading this. GOMEN! But thank you sooo much!