Like most ninja Naruto's body awoke all at once. The smell of antiseptic and death weighed heavily on his senses. Naruto became aware of the slight dripping sound of the I.V. as it was drowned out by the sound of an EKG beeping at his side. Naruto's body jump-started however when he sensed a hand slowly approach him. Reacting on instinct Naruto's hand shot out and grabbed the wrist of the offender. Opening his single blue eye Naruto smiled.

"Something you wanted Hana-san?" Naruto asked making the feral girl sigh.

"You couldn't have stayed asleep for another thirty-seconds could you?" Hana asked while drooping her head. Naruto chuckled at the dejected look the feral woman had.

"Oh? And why is that Hana-san?" Naruto asked making Hana growl.

"So that I can see what's behind that mask of yours!" Hana yelled making Naruto chuckle.

"Hana-san if you wanted to know what's behind my mask all you had to do was ask." Naruto responded making Hana's eyes widen.

"Really?" Hana asked making Naruto nod. Hana waited expectantly while Naruto looked around the room. Hana sat patiently for about two minutes until she lost it.

"Well?" Hana said making Naruto turn to her confused.

"Well what?" Naruto asked making Hana grit her teeth.

"What's behind your mask?" Hana said through gritted teeth.

"My face…what else would there be?" Naruto said with a 'Duh' look in his eye. Hana growled angrily at this.

"If you weren't in a hospital I would kick your ass!" Hana yelled drawing a chuckle from the blond haired boy. Naruto smiled as he saw the feral girl storm out the door to his left. Taking a quick look around the room Naruto took notice of several things. First was the fact that the curtain separating the two beds was drawn meaning there was another person in here. Second was that his cloths were folded neatly on a chair across the room sitting next to another pair of cloths. The final thing Naruto noticed was the slight undertone of wet dog the smell to the room had meaning only one thing to the blond haired boy.

"Hey mutt you awake?" Naruto asked.

"Fuck you Kemuri!" Was the response Kiba gave making Naruto laugh.

"Yep you're fine." Naruto said pulling back the privacy curtain to see Kiba in a chest cast with his leg propped up with a cast covering his foot up to the knee.

"Man you look like shit mutt." Naruto said making Kiba chuckle.

"Yeah well not all of us are freakishly strong you smoke bastard." Kiba said drawing a chuckle from the blond. Naruto stood from his bed and popped his back.

"This is true. All well think of it this way at least now you have the next month to woo Haku." Naruto said making Kiba chuckle.

"Yes but if you want to live I wouldn't stay here long." Kiba said making Naruto raise an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked making Kiba snicker again and point behind the blond haired boy. Turning around Naruto went pale. There standing in a white doctors coat was the brown haired beauty herself. Rubbing his head lightly Naruto chuckled nervously.

"Hello Haku how are things?" Naruto said gaining a smile that seemed a little too sweet.

"Oh I'm just fine Naruto-kun. However I do have a question?" Haku said making Naruto slowly back towards his clothing.

"And what would that be Haku-san?" Naruto asked making Haku's smile into a sinisterly sweet one.

"What are you doing outside of the bed before the doctor said it was alright?" Haku asked and slowly inched her way towards Naruto. Naruto smiled behind his mask at that.

"Oh come on Haku-san I'm fine. I believe I know a lot more about my eye then any little lab rat." Naruto said only to have to duck as three Senbon were sent towards his neck. Quickly spinning around Naruto grabbed his cloths and sprinted towards the open door.

"See ya Kiba hope you get better!" Naruto yelled dodging more Senbon. Kiba sat in his bed laughing his ass off at the sight of one of the most powerful men he's ever met ran away from his crush.

Hana walked back into the room to see Kiba laughing in his bed. Quickly looking around the room Hana asked.

"Where's Naruto-san?" Hana asked making Kiba laugh harder.

"Kemuri just ran away from the Hospital! While Haku…" Kiba couldn't get any more out as he busted out laughing again. Kiba drew silent however when he felt the massive amount of Killing Intent rolling off of his eldest sister.

"He did what!" Hana yelled showing an angry fire in her eyes. Kiba watched as his sister paced back and forth muttering to herself.

"Why that little shit! How dare he sneak out! And here I was worried about him! When I find him I'm slapping a leash on his cute little ass! That'll teach the little prick! And then I'll…" Kiba listened to her sister's rant and couldn't help but chuckle.

"Hana what did you just say!" Kiba asked with a big smile on his face. Hana stopped her pacing and looked at her brother.

"What that'll teach the little prick?" Hana asked making Kiba shake his head.

"No a little further back." Kiba said making Hana think.

"How dare he sneak out?" Again Kiba shook his head at the question.

"No a little after that." Kiba responded making Hana think.

"And here I was worried about him?" Hana asked making Kiba smile and shake his head.

"Close but just a little bit further." Kiba said making Hana think about it and then go slightly red.

"…slap a leash on his cute little ass…" Hana muttered quietly making Kiba smile and laugh.

"Ha! You think Kemuri's cute! Man I can't wait to get out of here to find him. Maybe I'll give him that leash for you!" Kiba said making Hana grow redder and glare at the boy.

"Fine I think he's cute so what? It's not like I can't admire a guy Kiba! If I hear you breathed a word of this to anyone I'll make sure you're never able to have pups of your own do I make myself clear?" Hana growled out while pressing her forehead into his own making Kiba smirk.

"Calm down sis I won't say anything. I just think it's funny. I mean the one boy I've ever heard you ever call cute or threaten to put a leash on is the one boy that hates our clan." Kiba said making Hana's face fall. Seeing the look on his sister's face Kiba's smile turned sad.

"Hey sis what's with the face?" Kiba asked making Hana smile lightly at the boy.

"Nothing Kiba it's just no matter how much I try I can't help but feel as if Naruto-san will always refuse to work with us." Hana said making Kiba slightly scoff her on the back of the head. Turning towards the injured boy Hana was about to admonish him when she saw a slight smile on his face.

"You know for as much of a baka as you take me for you've got to be at least twice as bad if you haven't noticed it yet." Kiba said drawing a confused look from the feral woman.

"Noticed what?" Hana asked making Kiba look towards the ceiling and smile softly.

"How much Kemuri has changed in the last two months." Kiba said making Hana raise an eyebrow.

"What do you mean Kiba? Naruto-san hasn't changed at all!" Hana said making Kiba chuckle and raise an eyebrow.

"Oh? Really sis? Kemuri is a Tokubetsu Genin so tell me this sis what does he specialize in?" Kiba asked making Hana give him an 'are you serious' look.

"Naruto-san specializes in Fuuinjtusu, Ninjutsu, and Kenjutsu Kiba but what does…" Hana said only to be cut off.

"Okay has Kemuri ever been with a woman?" Kiba asked making Hana glare.

"No Naruto-san has only been kissed once by a slave that he freed. Again Kiba this doesn't prove anything!" Hana said making Kiba smile.

"Really Hana? Tell me how do you know all of this?" Kiba asked making Hana glare angrily at him.

"Naruto-san told me but I don't see what this proves Kiba?" Hana said making Kiba sigh.

"Hana it proves everything. Maybe you don't remember his introduction, but I do. 'My name is Kemuri Naruto, I enjoy watching the sky, fighting, Enmaku, and playing around with smoke jutsu, I dislike those who judge people before getting to know them, people who peep on women, those who disrespect women, and revenge, and my dream for the future…well I'm still not telling you that.' Those were the exact words he said to us Hana. He did exactly as was asked without give us any real information. Now however Hana he's told you what he specializes in, he's told you about that freakin' fox of his, hell he even told you about his first and only kiss. You see what I mean here Hana?" Kiba said making Hana cross her arms over her chest.

"Okay so he's opened up to us some…" Hana was short by a quick laugh from Kiba.

"Us? There is no 'us' sis he's opening up to you and you alone. While I'm his comrade and he tolerates me I highly doubt it's because he liked me that my ass isn't six feet under ground right now." Kiba said making Hana look at the ground.

"But Naruto-san…" Kiba cut the feral girl off again.

"And there's another thing. He actually let's you call him Naruto. Last time I tried that I was trying to outrun that damn fox of his for a fucking hour." Kiba said making Hana laugh at the image at Enmaku chasing after a frightened Kiba. Smiling at his sister Kiba laid a hand lightly on her shoulder.

"What I'm trying to say sis is that if you want this little montage of powers and mood swings to work then it's you bringing Kemuri out of that little shell he has that's going to do it." Kiba said making Hana stand from her spot beside her brother. Turning to look at her brother she smiled.

"Kiba…thanks." Hana said making Kiba look away from the girl and smirk.

"No problem, but don't tell anyone I've got a reputation to keep." Kiba said making Hana laugh lightly.

"Yes your reputation of being Naruto-san's punching bag is so hard to ruin." Hana said making Kiba glare at her retreating back. As Hana turned the corner out the door Kiba smiled.

"I think this team may just work…what do you think Shino?" Kiba asked making the trench coat wearing boy step out of the shadows he was hiding in.

"I agree Kiba-san. I think this team will work just fine." Shino responded Drawing a smile from the feral boy along with himself. Naruto sat relaxing on his favorite branch when a light buzzing noise made it's way into his ear.

"Hello Aburama-sama, is there something you would like?" Naruto said with a light smirk. The high collard woman appeared in the clearing in front of the boy.

"Hello Naruto-kun. I have to thank you for keeping my little Shino safe so far." The woman said making Naruto chuckle.

"I think you give Shino-san to little credit Aburama-sama. He was able to beat Sasuke rather easily by himself during the second exam." Naruto said making the collard woman smile in pride.

"My son seemed to omit that part of his story." The woman replied making Naruto chuckle.

"Yes the boy is far to humble for his own good." Naruto said making the woman gain a troubled look. Naruto raised an eyebrow at the collard woman.

"Is there a problem Aburama-sama?" Naruto asked making the woman sigh.

"It seems that my little Shino has taken a liking to the young Namikaze." The woman said making Naruto chuckle.

"Yes so I've noticed. Is that all?" Naruto asked making the woman shake her head.

"I'm afraid that someone may get hurt in his pursuit of the girl." The woman explained making Naruto sigh.

"Aburama-sama." Naruto said making the woman look up at him.

"I can't say that I understand how you feel about Shino-san because quite frankly I don't have children. However I would have to imagine that maybe it's time that you allow Shino to make his own mistakes. I'm not saying that you should allow the boy to take on a suicide mission, but maybe it's time to start treating him as if he were the Shinobi he wishes to be." Naruto said making the high collard woman hum. Naruto looked down at the woman and smiled.

"Shino is extraordinarily strong and a tactical genius I think he'll be able to handle any mistakes he may make." Naruto said making the woman smile.

"I think you may be right Naruto-kun…thank you." The female Aburama said making Naruto raise an eyebrow.

"Is that all you wanted Aburama-sama?" Naruto said making the woman perk up.

"Oh yes I was sent to tell you of your next opponent." The woman said making Naruto raise an eyebrow.

"Oh and who am I facing next?" Naruto asked with curiosity showing in his voice.

"In one months time you are going to face Namikaze Aiko." The woman said making Naruto sigh and lean the back of his head against the bark of the tree.

"Of course I am…" Naruto said in a bored voice. The female Aburama chuckled and turned away from the boy. Just as she started walking away from the boy a voice stopped her.

"Aburama-sama! Who is Shino facing?" The smoke user asked making the woman smile.

"Shino is facing one Uchiha Sasuke in his next match." The woman responded making Naruto smirk. Naruto reached into one of the pockets of his pants and pulled out a scroll. Catching the scroll that the blond threw at her the woman raised an eyebrow.

"What is this Naruto-kun?" The woman asked making Naruto smile.

"That Aburama-sama is the key to Shino turning your clans greatest weakness into one of its greatest strengths." Naruto explained making the woman smile and disappear.

One week had passed since Naruto had given that scroll to the Aburama Matriarch and Shino had been progressing exceedingly well.

"Katon: Hibashiri!" Shino whispered and blew out a stream of fire. Shino watched as the fire curved slightly but not much else. Shino sighed and looked back at the scroll.

Katon: Hibashiri- This technique will create jets of fire that can be manipulated by the user into a variety of forms.

Shino read this description over and over again trying to find out what he was doing wrong.

"Why is it I can't get this to work?" Shino asked himself only for a gruff female voice to reply.

"Get what to work?" Shino turned towards the voice to see his Sensei Inuzuka Tsume standing there with a raised eyebrow.

"Greeting's Tsume-san. If you are looking for my mother she is inside helping Father tend to the new hive." Shino explained making Tsume smile.

"Yeah I was originally here to see your mother, however seeing one of my student's having trouble with something is something I can't ignore." Tsume said making Shino nod.

"It's this technique. Kemuri-san has written that it can be made into a variety of forms, however he did not write down on how to do so." Shino explained making Tsume nod.

"Oh so shape manipulation. Have you asked the brat how to do it?" Tsume asked gaining a nod from the high collard boy.

"Yes I have approached Kemuri-san about how to form this technique however when ever I ask he always smiles and replies. 'Tell me Shino why come to me when you have the will to form your own burning future?' And yet I still can't figure out this simple technique." Shino explained making Tsume smirk.

"Yes that brat is quite a riddle." Tsume said and couldn't help but chuckle when she saw the boy's eyes widen behind his glasses.

"Of course. Why didn't I see it before!" Shino mumbled making Tsume laugh.

"Finally figure it out did you?" Tsume asked making Shino nod and quickly roll up the scroll.

"How could I have been so foolish? Kemuri-san never speaks like that, of course it was a riddle." Quickly bringing his hand into the Tora sign Shino gathered chakra to his lungs and pictured a circle firmly in his mind. With a look of pure concentration Shino quickly blew out the long jet of fire. Tsume watched with pride as the flame blow out of her student's mouth at amazing speeds. Shino couldn't help but mentally smile when he saw the flame take a wide turn and head back towards him. This quick lapse in concentration however made Shino loose his grip on the technique and made the flame stop before it could complete the circle. Tsume smiled and slapped a hand onto the boy's shoulder.

"Well that's really good for a first timer." Tsume said making Shino nod.

"Yes however I would have been a lot farther along if Kemuri-san would have simply told me the secret." Shino said making Tsume sigh. Stepping in front of the boy Tsume leaned down and looked into the boy's glass covered eyes.

"Listen Shino believe it or not what that brat did was for your best interest. I may not like the blond little shit but he knows what he's doing when it comes to being a Shinobi. You Shino are going up against an Uchiha in the next fight. The Uchiha are known for being able to steal techniques in the middle of battle and turn them against the opponent. What the brat knew and was trying to get you to realize was that unlike the Uchiha you don't have the luxury of instantly knowing a technique." Tsume explained making Shino nod.

"Yes however since the Uchiha can just steal the Techniques I'm going to use. Then why use them? I mean if he has the same techniques as I do then what is the purpose?" Shino asked drawing a chuckle from Tsume. The woman was about to respond; however a light and wispy voice cut her off.

"Because the Uchiha are copycat's and nothing more." Turning towards the voice Shino raised an eyebrow as he saw a very familiar smoke user lying on a nearby branch.

"Yes so we've determined Kemuri-san however I still don't understand?" Shino responded making Naruto and Tsume both smirk.

"What the brat is trying to say is that although the Uchiha can steal your techniques he can't steal your skill with it." Tsume explained making Shino's eyes widen.

"There was only one technique in that scroll for a reason Shino. That technique is extremely versatile. It can take any form and shape that the user desires. The reason I gave it to you was because by the end of this month I want you to be a master of that single technique. I want you to know every strength and every weakness. I want you to be able to control that fire as if it was a part of you. Most importantly by the end of the month I want you to have used that technique enough that you don't need its single hand sign. If you can do that then no matter if the Uchiha steals the technique or not he will never be able to beat you with it." Naruto explained making Tsume smirk and Shino smile.

"I understand now Kemuri-san, thank you." Shino explained making Naruto smirk and then disappear. Tsume chuckled at the boy's sudden disappearance and then turned towards the high collared boy.

"Hey why don't you go take a break and get something to eat? If you pass out due to lack of energy then you'll be set back a day or two and we can't have that now can we?" Tsume asked gaining a nod from the boy. Shino walked through the streets of Konoha his eyes flicking from sign to sign looking for something that catches his interest.

"Hey Shino-kun! Over here!" A familiar female voice said making Shino turn. Finding the owner Shino smiled lightly. Walking over to the owner of the voice Shino tipped his head slightly.

"Greeting's Namikaze-sama and Namikaze-san." Shino said making the two red haired women smile.

"Now, now Shino-san there is no reason to be formal. After all you did save my daughter from the bastard of an Uchiha." The older of the two said.

"Mom! He didn't save me! I could have handled the Uchiha, he just got there first!" The younger of the two said making Shino smile lightly.

"Yes well I'm glad I did as now I'm going up against him in my next match." Shino said making Aiko smile.

"Oh yeah! I bet you are going to kick his ass to!" Aiko said with excitement making Kushina smile.

"So Shino-san do you have a way of beating the Uchiha's fire?" Kushina asked making Shino nod.

"Yes Namikaze-sama, I have acquired a way to overcome Sasuke's fire techniques, and match them should the need arise." Shino explained making the red haired woman raise an eyebrow.

"Oh? Please do tell?" Kushina asked making Shino shake his head.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you Namikaze-sama as I plan for it to be my trump card." Shino explained making Kushina smile and nod.

"I understand, but I can't wait to see my daughters new hero in action." Kushina said with a laugh. Aiko glared angrily at her mother.

"Mom! I told you it's not like that!" Aiko yelled making Kushina chuckle.

"Of course it's not Hun. Now then why don't you stay and hang out with Shino-san for a while as I have a meeting to attend to." Kushina said making her daughter smile widely.

"Really? Can I Shino-kun?" Aiko asked making Shino smile at the fiery haired beauty.

"I don't have a problem with it Namikaze-san." Shino said making the young woman groan.

"Ah come on Shino-kun! The least you could do is call me Aiko or even better Aiko-chan! Yeah from now on you'll call me Aiko-chan okay?" The red head said making Shino blush lightly.

"So be it…Aiko-chan." Shino said making the girl smile and jump onto the boys back. Shino stumbled slightly but quickly braced himself and straitened himself. Aiko giggled slightly into Shino's ear as he straitened himself.

"Come on Shino-kun! Show me around the village!" Aiko said making Shino chuckle.

"Yes Aiko-chan." Shino responded drawing a blush from the girl. As Shino carried Aiko around the village having fun, Kushina couldn't say the same in her council meeting.

"No, I refuse!" Kushina said making the members of the council frown at her.

"Come now Kushina surly you would want your daughter to be married to a strong Shinobi like her father." One of the council elders, Koharu, said make Kushina glare.

"No I'd prefer my daughter married someone she loved like me and her father did." Kushina said in anger. Another of the council elders, Danzo, smiled evilly at this.

"Oh Kushina? Then tell me would you rather your daughter be safe or married to someone she doesn't love?" The man asked making Kushina glare angrily at the man.

"What are you talking about scum?" Kushina asked drawing an evil smile from the one armed man.

"I just so happen to know that a certain red head is traveling around the village with a young Aburama, and should they 'accidentally' walk into a protected area…well." Danzo said manically. A light and wispy chuckle made it's way through everyone's ears.

"Wow you know I knew that you were stupid you one armed bastard, but I didn't think you were this stupid." Everyone turned towards the voice only to glare.

"Demon!" Danzo said making Naruto chuckle.

"So I've been told. However your fight isn't with me. Your fight is with…five…four…three…two…one…" Just as Naruto finished saying one the door to the council chambers came flying off of its hinges, and in walked one pissed off Sarutobi Hiruzen. Looking at the people in the room Sarutobi smiled a little to sweetly.

"So does anyone want to tell me exactly why? I was not only not informed of this little meeting to pass a marriage contract, but also the one to pardon one Uchiha Sasuke on the act of attempted rape?" Sarutobi asked with killing intent laced in his voice. Many on the council coward back at the feeling of an angry professor. Koharu was one of the first to gain their wits.

"We thought it would be best not to bother you on such trivial matters." She replied making Sarutobi release a blast of killing intent.

"Are you telling me that one of my subordinates attempting rape is a trivial matter?" Sarutobi thundered making Danzo smirk.

"Calm down Sarutobi it was the Chunin exams these things are allowed so we pardoned the boy don't get so worked up." Danzo said making Sarutobi give him a glacier like glare.

"It may be permitted by the rules of the exam, however I refuse to allow a Shinobi of Konoha to do such a despicable act!" Sarutobi said icily. Danzo shrugged his shoulders at that.

"It's to late now. The pardon is already administered." The old war-hawk said making Sarutobi smirk evilly and chuckle.

"Apparently I didn't get it through your heads last time. I am the Hokage! I can do as I wish to anyone in this village and no one will say a damn thing! Do you know why? Because this place is Monarchy! I rule not the people! Not the Clans! And certainly not you! So I'm nullifying any and all contracts you have made today as well as placing one Uchiha Sasuke under house arrest for the rest of the month! Do I make myself clear!" Sarutobi thundered, his voice showing his power. This had the council in an uproar.

"You can't do that! What about training for the exams!" One member of the council yelled making Sarutobi chuckle.

"Well then I hope for the Uchiha's sake that the young Aburama has become a pushover in the last week. Now get the hell out!" Sarutobi said making all the members to scatter. As the last member of the council evacuated the hall Naruto started chuckling.

"You realize that Shino's going to kick his ass right?" Naruto asked making the Hokage smirk.

"Well then that is Sasuke's problem now isn't it?" Sarutobi responded making Naruto chuckle and then leave the room. Kushina walked up to the old man and smiled.

"Thanks for that old man I owe you one." Kushina said making Sarutobi raise an eyebrow.

"You owe me nothing Kushina-chan because unless a sudden tip came across my desk when it did your daughter may have been married to the young Uchiha." Sarutobi said making Kushina raise an eyebrow.

"Oh? So who left you that tip so that I can go thank them?" Kushina asked making Sarutobi smile.

"The person who just saved your daughter from a loveless marriage was the same one you condemned to a loveless childhood…poetic really." Sarutobi said and then walked away from the stunned woman.

The next day we find Naruto relaxing at the local hot springs. As Naruto tried to relax he couldn't help but gain a tick mark as a man giggle broke through his relaxed state. Standing up and wrapping a towel around his waist Naruto walked towards the source of the sound. Finding it Naruto couldn't help but growl.

"Hey pervert? Do you mind keeping it down? I'm trying to relax?" Naruto asked only to be shooed away. Naruto growled at that.

"I'll ask nicely once more before I become a prick. Will you keep it down?" Naruto asked only to receive another giggle. Reacting quicker then the eye could follow Naruto snapped a kick into the man's head, sending him face first through the wall into the woman's side of the hot springs. Naruto chuckled as he saw the white haired pervert getting the shit kicked out of him. Naruto stopped chuckling however when he felt him self surrounded. Naruto smirked at the women who had him surrounded leaking killer intent.

"Now, now ladies I can honestly say it wouldn't be in your best interest to attack me." Naruto said making the women glare at him.

"Oh? And why is that? Are you going to fight us?" One of the women asked making Naruto chuckle.

"Dear lord no. I'm just saying that one, I'm the one who sent that pervert in there to get his punishment, and two I would really hate for this to get out." Naruto said making the women raise their eyebrows.

"What to get out?" One of the women asked making Naruto smile.

"Well I mean how would it look for your all's anti perversion act if people heard about you all…naked…surrounding a minor…who is also naked…on the men's side of the hot springs?" Naruto explained drawing a blush from the women who then rushed over towards their side of the springs. Naruto chuckled as he saw them rush away. As Naruto turned to get back to his spring, he ran into the white haired pervert from earlier.

"You kid what's your name?" The man asked making Naruto raise his eyebrow.

"I really don't think it's any of your damn business pervert." Naruto responded making the white haired man growl.

"Kid I'm not a pervert!" The man yelled making Naruto raise his eyebrow.

"Really? And the peaking on women was what? Sex ed?" Naruto responded making the white haired man growl.

"I am no ordinary pervert. I am the one and only Super pervert! Jiraiya the Gama Sennin!" The man said making Naruto raise an eyebrow.

"Right and I actually care less now then I did when I didn't know your name." Naruto responded making Jiraiya face fault.

"What's your problem kid! Don't you know who I am?" Jiraiya asked making Naruto roll his eye.

"Yes I know who you are Ero-sennin. You were one of the three students of Sarutobi Hiruzen, you were the one who trained Namikaze Minato as well as his daughter, you are the godfather of Minato's children, and you are also the author of Icha Icha paradise. Did I leave anything out?" Naruto asked making Jiraiya give a wide smile.

"You forgot ultimate ladies man!" Jiraiya said making Naruto raise an eyebrow.

"Right I seemed to have forgotten senile…my apologies." Naruto responded making Jiraiya face fault again. Jiraiya grabbed Naruto and glared right into the boys eye.

"Who the hell do you think you are brat!" Jiraiya said making Naruto raise an eyebrow.

"I would like to think of my self as Kemuri Naruto. However if that name is already taken please notify me so that I can change it or kill the guy using my name." Naruto responded making Jiraiya go slack jawed.

"Wait a minute your Minato's kid?" Jiraiya asked making Naruto break free from his grip. Turning away from the white haired man Naruto started walking.

"Apparently you didn't hear me. My name is Kemuri Naruto not Namikaze you stupid twit." Naruto responded making Jiraiya grab his shoulder again.

"Cool it kid the old man told me that's what you were going by now a days. I hear your fighting your sister at the end of the month she's really good do you think you can beat her?" Jiraiya asked making Naruto break his hold again.

"Now give me one logical reason I should tell her sensei if I think I can beat her? I'm not stupid Ero-sennin so go away and tell Namikaze-san that if she wants to try and send a spy after me pretty women or an intelligent conversation work better then old perverts." Naruto said making Jiraiya's eyes go wide.

"Woah kid chill. What's with the hostility towards your mom and sis?" Jiraiya asked making Naruto glare at him.

"Let's get one thing strait Jiraiya of the Sannin. My name is Kemuri Naruto. Any and all family I had died in the kyuubi attack so if you would kindly stop this foolishness and leave me be then I think we would get along a lot better." Naruto said making Jiraiya stare at him in confusion. Calming himself Jiraiya straitened himself.

"I'm sorry then Kemuri-san I'll not bother you again. I thought you were some one else." Jiraiya said and then turned and walked away. As the man walked away Naruto heard him mumble.

"Maybe Kushina was right. Whether she was or not I know one thing. That was definitely not Minato's kid." At those words a small tear escaped Naruto's eye.

It had been two days since that day and now we find our dark hearted hero sitting in a small ramen shop with a real smile on his face for once.

"Hey old man can I get another one?" Naruto asked holding up his bowl. Teuchi smiled at the blond and nodded.

"Sure thing kid. Another miso ramen coming up!" Teuchi said.

"Make that two old man!" A sickly voice said from behind Naruto. Naruto smiled under his mask at the voice.

"Gekkou-san, I see you are still coming here as well?" Naruto said making the sickly voice chuckle.

"I guess I deserved that, huh?" Hayate said making Naruto chuckle.

"Yep." Naruto responded making Hayate chuckle. Sitting down besides the blond Hayate smiled.

"I see you incorporated my attack into your style. That was really cool." Hayate said making Naruto smirk.

"Of course. Whether we were on speaking terms or not, it is still a very powerful move." Naruto responded making Hayate snort.

"Weren't on speaking terms? Last time I tried to get near you that fox of yours almost bit my throat out." Hayate responded making Naruto laugh.

"Yes, I do remember telling Enmaku to do that." Naruto replied making Hayate's jaw drop.

"You ordered that? You little prick!" Hayate yelled making Naruto laugh out at that.

"Hey you couldn't afford Uzuki-san to see you with me, so I made sure you didn't have a choice in the matter." Naruto said making Hayate sigh and smack his head against the counter.

"You know Yugao-chan doesn't have a problem with you anymore?" Hayate said making Naruto snort.

"Don't be foolish of course she does. She just wants you to return to the way you were before you seemed to sit on your sword sheath." Naruto said making Hayate raise an eyebrow.

"What are you talking about? I didn't sit on my sword sheath?" Hayate said making Naruto raise his eyebrow in turn.

"Oh? If you didn't sit on your sheath, then what is it that seemed to be stuck up your ass to make you act like the Uchiha?" Naruto asked making Hayate to grit his teeth.

"You're just begging for an ass kicking Naruto." Hayate said in aggravation. Naruto smirked condescendingly.

"You think you can beat me bubble boy?" Naruto asked causing Hayate to tackle him to the ground. As the two shinobi wrestled around on the floor of the little ramen stand a young brunet with a white bandana wrapped in her hair gained a tick mark on the back of the head. Reaching under the counter the woman grabbed the handle of a large object. Quickly blowing the dust off of the object the woman turned her attention back to the two rolling around on the floor.

"Stop fighting in the restaurant!" The woman yelled and brought down the object onto the back of the two shinobi's heads. Both of the males grabbed where the woman had hit them and whined.

"But Ayame-chan he started it! Why did you hit me?" Naruto said making Hayate glare at him.

"I started it? Bull shit! You want another ass kicking!" Hayate said making Naruto glare. Just as the two males were about to jump at each other again Ayame raised the object into the air again, stopping them. Quietly sitting down in their seats Naruto mumbled.

"Why did we even get her that frying pan?" Naruto asked making Hayate shrug his shoulders. Both of these actions were met with frying pans to the back of the head again. Quickly gaining his senses again Hayate couldn't help but start laughing.

"Just like old times huh Naruto?" Hayate asked making Naruto pull his head up from its place on the counter. Rubbing the knot on his head Naruto sighed.

"A little to much like old times I'm afraid." Naruto replied making Hayate chuckle. Ayame chuckled and set down the two bowls of miso ramen as the two shinobi made up after years of not talking. After drinking the broth of his ramen Hayate turned towards the blond and smirked.

"Hey Naruto." Hayate said making Naruto look at the sickly man from the corner of his eye.

"Yes Hayate?" Naruto asked making Hayate smile.

"I have a mission tonight want to join me? For old times sake?" Hayate asked with slight hope showing in his voice. Naruto finished the broth of his noodles and eye smiled.

"What the hell, why not. What are we doing?" Naruto asked making Hayate smile.

"Oh it's a simple infiltration mission, and I don't know anyone more at home in the dark then you so this should be right up your alley." Hayate said with a chuckle. Naruto rolled his eye and flick the sickly man off.

"When and where?" Naruto asked making Hayate smirk.

"Better idea. Let's see how good your information gathering has gotten over the years. If you can find me I'll give you half the pay for this mission." Hayate said and then disappeared, leaving enough money to pay for his ramen. Naruto smirked at that repeated Hayate's action. Ayame looked at the empty stand and the money lying on the counter.

"It's good to see Naruto-kun with a smile on his face again." Ayame said making Teuchi raise an eyebrow.

"A smile? How the hell could you see that? He was wearing a mask?" Teuchi said only to receive a frying pan to the head.

"Any other comment's dad?" Ayame asked making Teuchi shake his head frantically. Ayame smiled and went back to her work.

"Good." Was the only thing that Ayame said making Teuchi sweat drop. 'She is exactly like her mother…scary.' Teuchi thought and then got back to work.

Naruto sat in the darkness of the alleyway between a Barbeque place and the 'Swirling Leaves' hotel. He has been sitting there for the last thirty minutes and was starting to get anxious.

"Damn it Hayate where the hell are you?" Naruto mumbled to himself. Naruto's eyes went wide however when he heard a cry of 'Mikadzuki no Mai' enter his ears. Looking towards the cry Naruto couldn't help but growl.

"Damn it Hayate!" Naruto said and then disappeared in a tornado of smoke. Hayate was in deep shit. His mission was supposed to be simple. Sneak into the Sand Jounin's room and look for any suspicious activity. Getting in and staying hidden was easy. However after he gained his information he made the mistake of trying to get out there. This was when he was caught. After having his Mikadzuki no Mai dodged the Sand Jounin sent a Kaze no Yaiba (Blade of Wind) at him. Time seemed to slow for the sickly Jounin. 'Is this really my time to die? Why? Damn just when things started going good. Naruto…Yugao…I'm sorry…' Just as that thought passed through his mind a spinning vortex of smoke and ash appeared before him absorbing the blade of wind into it's vacuum like center. As the blade of wind was sucked into the vortex a wispy voice whispered.

"Hijutsu: Kadou no Kake Sairai (Secret Technique: Vortex of Splintered Return)" Those words were followed shortly by the sound of a loud scream. The scream was shortly followed by the door to the room being flung open and a tall blond woman with her hair held up in four ponytails entering.

"Baki-sensei!" The woman yelled as she saw the sight of her mangled sensei. As the woman found the body of her sensei, on the opposite side of the village a masked blond was unceremoniously dropping a sickly man into a chair. The blond glared at the sickly man.

"What the fuck have I told you about getting that watch of yours fixed!" Naruto yelled making Hayate glare at the blond.

"Hey don't blame me! I haven't had time!" Hayate said making Naruto sweat drop.

"You haven't found time in the last four years to buy a new watch?" Naruto asked making Hayate turn his head away from the boy.

"I've been busy." Hayate said making Naruto sigh.

"You know I would believe that if it weren't for one simple thing." Naruto said making Hayate raise an eyebrow.

"And what's that?" Hayate asked making Naruto glare and point out the window of Hayate's apartment.

"You live next door to the fucking watch maker!" Naruto yelled making Hayate rub the back of his head nervously.

"Okay fine you got me." Hayate said making Naruto sigh and lean against the wall.

"Sometimes I have to wonder what the hell goes through your mind half the time, Hayate. I mean…" Naruto was cut off at the sound of the door opening.

"Hayate-kun! What are you doing back?" A voice said making Naruto's single blue eye go icy. Pushing off the wall Naruto walked towards the window.

"It was good working with you again Gekkou-san. Have a good evening." Naruto said and then disappeared out the window. Hayate reached out to stop him only for him to disappear before Hayate could say anything.

"That was him wasn't it?" The voice said making Hayate nod his head solemnly. Turning towards the owner of the voice Hayate smiled.

"It's alright though." Hayate said making the owner of the voice to frown.

"No it's not Hayate! It's because of me that you lost your best friend! Don't try to pretend it's okay!" The voice said and hugged the sickly man tightly. Hayate smiled sweetly.

"Yugao-chan, it's fine. For the first time in four years I got to talk to Naruto again, all because of you. I'm happy Yugao-chan. I really am." Hayate said making the purple haired woman nuzzle her head into the mans chest.

It was evening of the following day. We find the young smoke user resting against the trunk of a tree with sweat pouring down his chest. Across the clearing sat a blood red fox with piercing blue eyes. Naruto smiled at the fox.

"Damn it Enmaku if you weren't on my side I might worry." Naruto said gaining a chuckle from the fox.

"Thank you, sir. You are stronger then ever as well, and without your eye." Enmaku replied making Naruto smile and laugh. The light mood was broken however when a presence appeared in the clearing. Looking over at the presence Naruto raised an eyebrow. Standing there at the entrance to clearing stood a gorgeous violet haired woman in a low-cut cocktail dress that held her figure beautifully.

"Uzuki-san? What is it you wish of me now?" Naruto asked making the woman look at the ground.

"I would like to apologize about the way I've acted to you for all these years. Hayate and I are going to a nice little place for dinner tonight and we would like it if you joined us." Yugao said making Naruto raise his eyebrow in confusion.

"So wait a minute. You are telling me that after all these years of hating me you actually expect me to believe that you suddenly don't any more? Do I really look that stupid?" Naruto asked making Yugao step forward.

"What? Why won't you believe me!" Yugao asked making Naruto chuckle.

"Uzuki-san I'm not a fool I know you would rather eat shit then say what you are right now. I can see it in your eyes, so the real question is 'Why?' Why are you doing it if it pains you so much?" Naruto asked making the sorrow filled violet eyes return to their normal anger filled ones.

"I'm impressed kid! To see through my lie is quite impressive. Listen kid I could care less about you. Hayate-kun has been able to convince me that you, your self, aren't the Kyuubi, but you still hold the bastard and for that I can hardly stand being around you." Yugao said making Naruto chuckle.

"So the truth comes out. So the question again is 'why?' Why are you acting like this?" Naruto asked making Yugao sigh.

"Because brat, whether I like you or not Hayate-kun feels like shit without you around. And as much as I hate you I love Hayate-kun more. So I'm asking you completely truthful this time. Will you join Hayate-kun and I tonight for dinner so that I can have my Hayate-kun back?" Yugao asked making Naruto chuckle. Yugao watched as the blond disappeared and a firm hand appeared on her shoulder.

"I'll be at Hayate's apartment in an hour and a half." Naruto responded and then disappeared again. Naruto appeared in his apartment, after taking a quick shower Naruto put on a nice set of clothing. Instead of his usual training Gi and denim pants, Naruto now stood in a nice pair of solid black slacks, a white button up shirt with a black jacket over his shirt. The right arm of his jacket and shirt was rolled up to about mid forearm and on that hand he had on a single fingerless glove. Slipping off his battle mask Naruto replaced it with a white silk mask. Standing in the middle of his living room Naruto started thinking.

"With just the three of us it's going to get really uncomfortable, but who do I know that could…would she…well nothing to loose." Naruto said and then disappeared. Naruto reappeared in front of a large house surrounded by a large amount of smaller houses and heavy scent of dogs. Lightly knocking on the door Naruto couldn't help but roll his eyes as he heard a massive amount of dogs start barking. He smirked however when he heard a light. 'I'm coming. I'm coming hold on.' From inside the house. The door opened to show Inuzuka Hana in civilian cloths.

"Yes wha…" Hana couldn't go any farther at the sight of Naruto in dress clothing. Naruto chuckled and raised his hand. Using two fingers Naruto clicked her jaw closed.

"I can't look that bad, Hana-san, can I?" Naruto asked making Hana shake her head wildly.

"No not at all! It just surprised me that's all! So what are you here for Naruto-san?" Hana asked making Naruto chuckle nervously and scratch the back of his head.

"Yes about that. You see I have agreed to have dinner tonight with a friend and his girlfriend tonight however I feel it would be rather uncomfortable if it were just us three, and if I were to bring one of my male friends then my friend's girlfriend might get offended so…I was hoping you would help me out!" Naruto explained making Hana give him a feral smile.

"Oh? Naruto-san are you asking me out to dinner?" Hana asked with face that showed slight excitement. Naruto chuckled at the question.

"I guess I am huh?" Naruto said making Hana smile. Quickly grabbing the boy Hana drug him into the house. Dragging him over towards the couch Hana shoved the boy down onto it and smiled that feral smile that would make any lesser man melt.

"You wait here while I get ready. I'll be right back!" Hana said and then disappeared up the stairs to the second floor. Once Hana was out of sight Naruto stood up and walked towards the door. Upon reaching it Naruto turned and leaned against the wall next to it.

"Although I'm giving you a chance Hana-san. I'm afraid I don't quite trust the rest of your family." Naruto whispered to himself.

"Smart choice Demon. After what you did to my mother you have no right to be here." A gruff female voice said from the entrance to the room. Looking towards the voice Naruto glared his single blue eye slightly. There standing in the doorway to the, from what he could tell, kitchen was a young fifteen year old Inuzuka girl. She had slit like pupils and straight brown hair. She was wearing a white vest over a dark-blue sleeveless shirt as well as shorts that stopped around mid-calf. At her side was a small brown and white Akita puppy.

"I don't believe we've met? And after said introduction I think it would be in your best interest to keep it that way." Naruto said in his usual wispy voice. The girl glared icily at the blond.

"Oh? Or what demon? Are you going to attack the village again?" The girl said condescendingly. Naruto chuckled at those words.

"Why must you people be so stupid? Listen Inuzuka I don't care what happened to you seeing as I don't know your name, nor do I want to know it, but until you've lived my life I suggest you pull your head out of your ass and grow up." Naruto said making the woman growl at him. Naruto chuckled at the sight of the woman as she tried to look intimidating. Naruto smirked when he heard a feral voice and three deep growls come from the staircase.

"Kimiko if you were smart I would uncurl your lip!" The voice said startling the younger Inuzuka. Looking at the owner of the voice Naruto's eyes went wide. There standing at the base of the staircase was Inuzuka Hana dressed in a red dress that ended right above her knees and had a slit running up the side and a small diamond cut out of the bust showing a little cleavage. Seeing the stunned look on the blond smoke user's face Hana giggled. Naruto blushed behind his mask as the feral woman sashayed her way over to him. Hana giggled and, acting quickly, grabbed the mask from Naruto's face. Both the Inuzuka women jaw dropped and blushed a vibrant red at the sight of Naruto's face. Hana could only force out one word before all conscious thought left her.

"Damn…" Hana said as she stared at Naruto's face. Under his mask Naruto held a surprisingly tan face. He had lower cheekbones, a square chin, with a sharp jaw, his canines were slightly elongated, and he had three indentations on each cheek that looked like whisker marks. Hana, acting on impulse, slowly raised her hands and ran a finger across the center whisker mark on his right cheek. Naruto shivered in pleasure as he felt her stroke his whisker marks. Reaching up Naruto grabbed Hana's hand, stopping her action.

"Please stop that." Naruto asked making Hana blush and her mind to jumpstart.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry about that! It's just that I've been so curious and…" Hana said only to be stopped by a Naruto placing two fingers to her lips. Naruto smiled, making Hana go weak in the knees, and chuckled.

"It's alright, but I do have to ask you to give me my mask back." Naruto said making Hana go wide eyed and hold up his mask. Naruto chuckled and took his mask back. Quickly placing it back in place Naruto smiled.

"Now then are you ready to go?" Naruto asked making Hana smile and nod. As the pair stepped through the door Naruto sensed they were being followed. Nudging the woman beside him Naruto whispered.

"We have a visitor." Hana cocked her head backward slightly at his words and chuckled. Stopping and turning around Hana smiled.

"Gedokuyaku, why are you following us?" Hana asked making the dog droop its ears and whine. Hana sighed.

"I don't care how boring it is at home you can't come with us." Hana said making the dog bark. Hana glared hard at the dog.

"I don't care you can't follow us!" Hana yelled making the dog growl. Naruto watched this little back and forth with amusement. Quickly stepping between the two Naruto smiled.

"Before this becomes physical, and Hana-san's dress gets ruined. How about I propose a deal?" Naruto said making both bitches (A.N. Haha word play) perk up at that.

"What did you have in mind?" Hana asked making Naruto smirk.

"It's simple really while you and I are at dinner with Hayate and Uzuki-san Gedokuyaku can be shown around my territory by Enmaku." Naruto explained making Gedokuyaku perk up at the mention of Naruto's fox. Hana smiled and nodded.

Fifteen minutes later we find the pair standing at the door to Hayate's apartment. Knocking on the door Naruto chuckled when he heard two bodies fall to the floor and a quick 'I'm coming!' from Hayate. As Hayate opened the door Naruto smirked.

"You know when expecting company you really shouldn't dirty up the sofa cushion's." Naruto said making Hayate blush and glare slightly.

"Watch it shorty I can still kick your ass!" Hayate said making Naruto chuckle.

"Really? I doubt you can kick my ass when you can't even get around to getting your watch fixed." Naruto said making Hayate growl.

"I'm telling you I was busy!" Hayate said making Naruto chuckle.

"Like you were when I knocked earlier?" Naruto said making Hayate blush. Hana giggled at the little back and forth between the two. Hearing the giggle Hayate turned towards the sound and raised an eyebrow.

"Hana-san? What are you doing here?" Hayate asked making Hana smile at him.

"Oh Naruto-kun asked me to come so that it wouldn't be uncomfortable." Hana explained making Hayate smirk.

"So Naruto-kun asked you huh?" Hayate asked with mischief in his voice. Naruto glared at his tone.

"You say one word Hayate, One word, and you'll find out exactly what my eye can do. Do I make myself clear?" Naruto said threateningly. Hayate smiled innocently and nodded.

"Of course Naruto what do you take me for?" Hayate said making Naruto glare.

"Is that a rhetorical question?" Naruto asked making Hayate glare at him. Shaking his head at the glare Naruto asked.

"Are we going or not?" Hayate nodded at his question and quickly went to get Yugao. They quartet walked in silence for about fifteen minutes before Naruto wanted to bang his head against a wall at the sound of Hayate's voice.

"So Naruto…when did you start liking older women?" At those words the blond went flying at the sickly looking man. The two kunoichi watched as their respected males wrestled around on the ground.

"Do you think we should break them up?" Hana asked making Yugao shake her head.

"No according to Hayate-kun they use to do this all the time. Give it a minute and they'll be done." Yugao said and watched as the two trained killers rolled around like civilian children. Hana giggled as she saw Naruto pin the older man beneath him.

"Naruto-kun if you would rather roll around on the floor with another guy then I don't see the reason you wanted me to come?" Hana said making both guys go wide-eyed. Quickly separating the two glared at their respected women. Quickly smirking however Naruto got an idea.

"Well Hana-san I brought you in hopes you and Uzuki-san might get the same idea!" Naruto said making both women blush. Hayate chuckled and high-fived the masked boy. The rest of the night continued in a similar manner, with Naruto and Hayate getting into stupid little fights only to make Yugao and Hana laugh. After eating dinner Naruto was now in the process of walking Hana home, a light smile on both of their faces. As they approached main house in the Inuzuka compound Naruto smiled.

"I do have to thank you for coming tonight Hana-san. If you weren't there then I'm afraid it would have been rather…boring." Naruto said making Hana raise an eyebrow.

"Oh I don't know I think you and Hayate-san kept the evening rather interesting." Hana said making Naruto chuckle and scratch the back of his head.

"Yeah sorry about that. It's just that old habit's die hard you know." Naruto said making Hana smile.

"Oh don't think anything of it. I thought it was kind of cute. It's kinda like what Kiba and I do only rougher." Hana explained making Naruto chuckle. As they reached the doorway Naruto was met with a sight that would have any lesser man pissing himself. Standing in the doorway of the main house stood Inuzuka Tsume and Kuromaru and both held very pissed of glares.

"What the hell do you think you are doing with my daughter Brat!" Tsume yelled making Naruto sigh and Hana worry.

"Mother it's…" Hana started only for a deep growl to cut her off.

"Shut up Hana and get in the house!" Tsume yelled making Hana flinch.

"No." Hana said making Tsume go wide eyed.

"What did you just say?" Tsume asked making Hana glare at her.

"I said no mother. I'm done behaving like a child. You go around hating Naruto-kun for no reason other then the fact that he holds the Kyuubi and I'm done having to listen to it. I know you hate the Kyuubi for taking Aunty 'Kida but Naruto-kun isn't the Kyuubi!" Hana said making Tsume sigh.

"Hana just get into the house. I'm just going to talk to the brat okay? I promise you that I won't do anything drastic." Tsume said making Hana glare for a minute. Not sensing any deception in her mother's voice Hana nodded and walked into the house. Tsume watched as Hana disappeared and then turned toward the blond.

"Hey brat, take a seat." Tsume said making Naruto raise an eyebrow.

"I'd prefer to stand if it's all the same to you Inuzuka-sama." Naruto said making Tsume sigh and then sit down on one of the steps leading towards the door.

"Thirteen years ago my sister, Akida, died fighting the Kyuubi. She left behind a two year old daughter and nothing else. As the years passed I watched her daughter grow into a spitting image of my sister I couldn't help but hold a hatred for the Kyuubi. When a mob came to me and said they were going to kill the Kyuubi my rage reached its peak. I chased it, my anger and my loss until I had it cornered. As I tried to attack the beast something stopped me. Two angelic eyes stared out from the beast's body. As I saw that I couldn't help but feel angry. 'Why should this beast hold such eyes?' I remember thinking…so I took one. I have regretted doing that single act ever since it happened. I hate myself for taking your eye brat I'm not going to ask for forgiveness because I don't deserve it, but I do want to thank you because, even though I've passed my hatred onto them, you haven't punished my clan for my stupidity. Hell you even saved my pup and brought back my daughters partner." Tsume said with regret. Naruto raised an eyebrow at that. Naruto turned his back on the feral woman.

"You know at first I wanted to leave Kiba there." Naruto said making Tsume look up him in surprise. Naruto sighed sadly and looked at the stars.

"I was jealous of him. I stood there watching as you Hana-san worried about him, shed tears for him, and loved him. I couldn't help but hate Kiba for that, because no matter how much stronger I get, no matter how much faster, no matter who I beat, or what position I get as a Shinobi…I'll never know that feeling. My mother and sister wish for my death, my godfather denies me being my fathers child…I'm alone in this village, and I hated Kiba because he had a family." Naruto explained making Tsume hug her knees to her chest and lay her head on her knees.

"Inuzuka-sama? I know you don't like me, but…I have a request I would like of you…" Naruto asked making Tsume look at him in confusion.

"Ask brat and we'll see if I'll do it or not." Tsume said making Naruto smile lightly under his mask.

"When your pup gets out of the hospital…I want you to train him…train him and Shino like you've never trained anybody before. Make them the best make them better then you are…better then the sannin…better then the Yondaime…make those two a legend like the world has never seen." Naruto said gaining a confused look from Tsume.

"What about you brat? You act like you aren't going to be there?" Tsume said drawing a light chuckle from the blond.

"The past is there for a reason, never forget it, but don't let it rule you, because I get the feeling that soon hope will be returned to this village." Naruto said and then disappeared leaving Tsume alone on the stoop of her house in confusion.

Two and a half weeks had passed since that day and many things have happened. Through out the month Shino and Aiko continued to grow closer while both trained for their separate battles. Despite everyone's best effort's Naruto was not to be seen until the tournament. As Naruto stood on the floor of the arena with the rest of the participants he couldn't help but look up at all the feudal lords and high class business men and women who had shown up to watch these fights. Naruto turned his head forward at the sound of a sickly voice.

"Welcome to the final round of the Chunin exam! In this round you be fighting in a tournament style. You will be judged on the Chunin like qualities you show by our board of five judges. Now then first up to fight is Aburama Shino V.S. Uchiha Sasuke. All contestants that aren't those two please leave the arena and wait in the stands." All other Chunin hopefuls left the arena floor. As Aiko passed by the high collard Shino she gave him a confident smile.

"Kick his ass huh?" The girl said making Shino smile and nod. The girl giggled and gave the boy a quick kiss on the cheek. Shino blushed and watched as the girl rushed towards the stairs. Sasuke glared as he saw the scene.

"What the hell bug-boy trying to seduce my woman?" Sasuke said conceitedly. Shino glared at those words and pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose.

"Aiko-chan isn't your woman nor is she anybodies. She is her own person who has a right to choose who she's with…and that person doesn't seem to be you Uchiha." Shino said stoically making Sasuke grit his teeth in anger.

"No she's a worthless bitch! After I beat you I'm going to take her and make her help revive my clan!" Sasuke growled angrily making Shino glare behind his glasses. Everyone watched as Shino slowly raised his arm and unclipped the sleeves of his jacket. Naruto smirked as he saw this action.

"The Uchiha just signed his own death warrant." Naruto said making the genin raise an eyebrow. A pink haired girl glared at the blond.

"Surly you don't expect that creepy bug-boy to beat Sasuke-kun do you?" The girl asked making Naruto chuckle.

"No I don't think Shino is going to beat Sasuke…" Naruto said making the pink haired genin smile. Naruto gained a dark look in his single blue eye as he saw the girls smile.

"…I think he's going to destroy him! By the time Shino is done with the Uchiha there won't be enough of him to pick up with a shovel." Naruto said making a lot of the gennin gasp. Down in the arena Shino smiled as he heard this declaration.

"He's right you know." Shino said making Sasuke raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah right I'll kill you no problem." Sasuke said making Shino sigh. Hayate looked at the two genin and sighed.

"Aburama Shino V.S. Uchiha Sasuke…Hajime!" Hayate yelled sending the two genin into motion. Shino quickly raised his right hand.

"Devour." With that single word thousands of small black beetles shot towards Sasuke. Sasuke quickly started dodging the beetles around the arena floor. As Sasuke dodged he couldn't help but glare in anger. 'Damn it… there are to many…there!' Sasuke thought as he saw a small opening in the insects attack. Quickly jumping through it Sasuke came out on the other side in front of Shino. Shino's eyes went wide as Sasuke mule kicked him into the air. Jumping up after the insect user Sasuke quickly axe kicked the boy. His eyes went wide however when the boy exploded into millions of tiny insects. Seeing the insects start to swarm him Sasuke started to do hand signs.

"Katon: Gokuyaku no jutsu!" Sasuke yelled sending a giant ball of fire at the swarm of insects. Sasuke landed with a smirk as he saw the bodies of hundreds of dead insects fall to ground. His smirk was short lived however as his leg erupted in pain. Looking down Sasuke glared as he saw his leg covered in small black insects.

"Hijutsu: Yuudoku Bunshin (Secret Technique: Toxic Clone)" Shino's voice said from behind Sasuke. Sasuke turned and glared at the coat-wearing boy. Sasuke rushed the boy in anger. Quickly drawing back his arm Sasuke punched with all his might only for him to miss. Going for Shino again Sasuke continued to try to hit the boy. In his rage Sasuke failed to notice that with every swing the small black insects on his body seemed to spread. Sasuke smirked when he felt his fist finally make a connection with Shino, only for it to fall when the boy exploded into more insects. Sasuke fell to his knees in pain as the small black beetles swarmed his body and started secreting their toxin.

"Are you ready to surrender Uchiha?" The usually stoic voice of Shino asked. Slowly getting to his feet Sasuke smirked.

"No…no…I won't loose…not to you…not to anyone!" With that Sasuke started to perform hand seals and quickly grabbed his wrist. Shino's eyes widened when he saw a glowing ball appear in Sasuke's hand and the screeching of one thousand birds entered the arena. Sasuke laughed manically as he saw the insects fall from his body as it turned into a large bug zapper. Quickly jumping away from the fallen bugs Sasuke smirked. Shino stood there silently and stared at the fallen forms of his Kemuri Kikai. Sasuke smiled as he saw Shino just standing there.

"Are you going to give up? Without your little bugs you're useless." Sasuke asked making Shino turn his eyes towards the Uchiha. Everyone watched in confusion as Shino slowly raised his hand and gripped the frames of his sunglasses. This action however brought a smile and hysterical laughing from Naruto.

"Yes! Finally!" Naruto yelled and then broke out into laughs again. Finally having enough of his laughing Kiba yelled.

"What the hell is so funny!" That statement made Naruto calm his laughing.

"Be quiet Kiba. It's about to finally show it self." Naruto explained making everyone raise an eyebrow. Everyone's eyes were drawn towards the arena however when an emotionless voice spoke.

"Tell me Uchiha? What do you know of my family?" Shino asked making Sasuke scoff.

"Who cares about your second rate family!" Sasuke said making Shino smirk.

"Let me tell you a little story Uchiha. Two hundred and forty seven years ago one Aburama Kai came across the hive of a very rare breed of insect. This particular breed of insect had survived for centuries by living off the natural chakra surrounding it. However with humans coming in and destroying trees and other such greenery the natural Chakra supply had diminished and such as had their food source. Seeing this Kai had taken pity on the insects and started flooding the area with his own chakra. Feeling this new source of energy the insects swarmed towards Kai started eating his chakra. Just as Kai was about to suffer from Chakra exhaustion the insects stopped and flew back towards their hive. Every two days Kai would repeat this process. One day however Kai did not return. Worried that the one who was feeding them was in trouble the queen sent out the insects to find Kai. They found the man being chased by wolves into the forest. The insects quickly swarmed the wolves and started draining them of their chakra instead. After draining the Wolves of their chakra the insects lead Kai back to the hive. As Kai walked into the clearing he was greeted with a very honored sight, there hovering in front of him was the queen of the hive. Kai quickly thanked the queen for saving him and asked how he could ever repay her. The queen flew away from him and indicated she would think of something. Two years later Kai appeared at the clearing with a two-week-old baby in his arms. The queen again greeted Kai and he couldn't help but smile. 'This is my new baby isn't he precious?' Kai said to the queen. The queen hovered above the baby in silence for a minute before flying quickly into her hive. Kai was confused until a moment later the queen returned with a small larva in her arms. Kai was confused as the queen dropped the larva into the young child. Kai watched in amazement as the larva burrowed it's way into the child's skin. That larva was a queen larva. That child would eventually grow to become the first of the Aburama Shinobi clan, Aburama Shino. The man I was named after." Shino explained making Sasuke raise an eyebrow.

"What does this have to do with anything?" Sasuke asked making Shino chuckle.

"You see Uchiha unlike your larva of a clan mine has been around for longer then most and we have records of your clan before they had their precious Sharingan." Shino said making Sasuke go wide eyed.

"No…" Sasuke said making Shino chuckle.

"Yes Uchiha. You see before the Uchiha abandoned them the Uchiha had a bond with the Ravens. Your Sharingan was gift from your partners to show who you worked with. They allowed you to copy the call of others just as they do. After finding out the power of the Sharingan however your clan abandoned your avian partners just for your eye. We Aburama watched this in confusion and slight jealousy as we saw your partners' gift you with an ability and ours did not. We asked about it however all we got was confusion from the Kikai we work with." Shino explained making Sasuke glare.

"Does your little story have a point Bug-boy?" Sasuke inquired making Shino smirk.

"Yes, it does have a point. You see the reason that our Kikai were confused when asked was simple. They already gave us their gift. However because of our inability to use chakra it was never activated. Now however because of Kemuri-san I have activated the final act of partnership that the Kikai have left me." Shino explained making Sasuke raise an eyebrow.

"Oh and what's that?" Sasuke asked making Shino chuckle and pull his sunglasses from his face. Everyone gasped at the sight of Shino's eyes. There in Shino's eye sockets were domes made one hundred small reflective lenses. Shino smirked at the surprised look on Sasuke's face.

"That's right Uchiha. Behold the sight of the Aburama clans new Dojutsu (Eye Technique). Stare into the eyes of the Miragan (Mirror eye)." Shino said making Sasuke scoff.

"It doesn't matter. It can't compare to the Sharingan" Sasuke said activating his prized eye. Shino chuckled and turned his head towards his fallen insects. Everyone in the crowed stared in amazement as the once fallen insects started to move. Sasuke went wide-eyed as the swarm that he just killed returned to life and swarmed around Shino.

"You are right Uchiha. The Miragan by itself would pail in comparison to the Sharingan however with the power gifted to my clan and I by two of our closest companions. Even your Sharingan doesn't stand a chance. Katon: Hibashiri!" Shino said sending out a large stream of fire at the boy. Everyone went wide-eyed at the sight of an Aburama doing jutsu. Sasuke dodged to the side only to let out a yell of pain as the fire did a ninety-degree turn and still hit him. As the fire died down everyone was amazed to see Sasuke covered in solid black beetles. Shino smirked at the red-eyed avenger.

"I will admit, Uchiha, that your new lightning technique is impressive and would have given me a run for my money, but you got arrogant and relied on the powers of your eye alone, and for that you loose." Shino said and then turned his back on Sasuke. Walking away and putting back on his glasses a light whisper left Shino's mouth.

"Finish it." At those words screams echoed through out the arena.

"Shousha! Aburama Shino!" Hayate yelled making the crowd go wild. As Shino ascended the stairs he was wrapped in a hug and a head of fiery hair rested its self against his chest.

"Alright Shino-kun! I knew you'd kick his ass!" Aiko said making Shino smile and laugh lightly.

"Yes and I have to thank you for that." Shino said making Aiko blush lightly. A light airy chuckle broke the two apart. Turning towards the person who chuckled Aiko glared.

"What the hell do you want Demon!" Aiko yelled making Naruto roll his eye.

"Several things. One I would like to congratulate Shino on his newest victory." Naruto said making Aiko glare and Shino smile.

"Thank you Kemuri-san." Shino said making Naruto chuckle.

"Think nothing of it Shino, and secondly our match was just called." Naruto said and then walked passed them and down the steps. Naruto stared at the red head that stood on the opposite end of the arena floor to see two cerulean blue eyes glaring at him. Hayate looked at the blond in worry but continued his job.

"Namikaze Aiko V.S. …Namikaze Naruto…Hajime!" Hayate said gaining a glare from both of the genin. Everyone in the audience gasped at that. Naruto's eye drew into a harsh glare as murmurs broke out through the audience. Aiko glared at the blond.

"Are you happy Demon! First you take my brothers form and now you're taking his name! When will you be satisfied!" Aiko yelled slight tears showing in her eyes. Naruto dropped his head at that. Everyone in the audience grew quiet as a loud roar filled the arena. Looking towards the source of the roar everyone was surprised to see Naruto roaring at the sky.

"What is it going to take before it gets into everyone's head! I'm not a demon!" Naruto yelled anger showing in his eye. Lowering his head Naruto's bangs covered his single blue eye.

"I'm tired of it. I'm tired of having to look over my shoulder in my own home. I'm tired of being called a demon. I'm tired of being blamed for all the shit I didn't do. But most of all I'm tired of being called Namikaze!" Naruto yelled drawing a gasp from the gathered people. Aiko glared at the blond.

"What are you blabbing about demon? Isn't this what you were after? The life of my Aniki!" Aiko yelled drawing a growl from the blond.

"You don't get it do you! I want nothing to do with your Aniki! Namikaze Naruto died the day his mother decided to abandon him in hell and train his baby sister to kill him! That day Uzumaki Naruto was born! Uzumaki Naruto died the day this fucking village decided to turn their backs on a fucking child! Now all that's left is me! Kemuri Naruto…no…not Naruto…you all wanted your demon…well then how about a Phantom! I am Kemuri no Gen'eigan!" Naruto yelled making everyone gasp. Turning his glacial glare towards the red head that stood opposite him Naruto smirked menacingly under his mask and disappeared. Looking around for the blond Aiko went wide-eyed as she felt a strong grip encircle her throat and a light airy voice whisper right in her ear.

"I win." The voice whispered before the hand and voice disappeared. The blond reappeared in his original position on the arena floor and gave the red head an icy stare.

"I could have won just now. I could have pulled your throat out and sprayed your blood on all those watching this little match, but I'm not that mean. You wanted your chance to kill me?" Naruto asked making Aiko glare and nod. Naruto chuckled at the redhead.

"Then give it your best shot!" Naruto yelled making the red head smirk. Quickly bighting her thumb the young Namikaze swiped her blood on a small tattoo on her wrist. As she channeled Chakra into the blood a poof of smoke indicated a summoning of something. Across the arena Naruto raised an eyebrow as the young woman now held a long Katana in her hands. The Katana was sheathed in a dark red sheath and had a ray-skin grip. Aiko unsheathed the sword and threw away the sheath. Aiko held up the sword and smirked.

"This was the sword that helped my mother gain the name of 'Shiku Shin' (Crimson Death)! Now it's going to be the sword to kill you!" Aiko said making Naruto raise an eyebrow.

"Great so not only are you going to attack me with a weapon you have no training in, but your mother's nickname was pathetic. I mean really who's going to be scared of a sink?" Naruto said making both Aiko and Kushina go red. (A.N. Shinku can mean both crimson and sink.)

"It means crimson!" Aiko yelled making Naruto raise an eyebrow.

"Well…that's slightly better…" Naruto said making Aiko grit her teeth in anger.

"Shut up Demon!" The young woman yelled and rushed the blond. When the blond was within distance of her attack the red head swung her sword. A gasp rang out as Aiko felt her sword connect with something.

"Did I get him?" Aiko asked and opened her eyes only to gasp at the sight. There standing loosely was Naruto, with his left hand wrapped lazily around the blade of her katana, stopping any movement. Naruto's single blue eye rolled lazily over towards the blade held in his hand.

"If you were to attack like that, then you'll die much to soon for this to be any fun." Naruto said in his usual wispy voice.

"But…but how? Your hand should have been cut by the amount of power I put behind that!" Aiko yelled making Naruto glare at her. Naruto pushed the blade upwards and snapped a kick into the girls abdomen, sending her flying. Aiko stood up from her spot and ran at the blond. Taking another slash at him she couldn't help but go wide eyed at the sight of his merely dodging it like it were nothing. This process continued until Aiko had enough.

"Damn it! Draw your blade's Demon!" The young woman yelled only for a quick snap kick sent her back to her starting position. Naruto slowly raised his hand up and pushed his forehead protector onto his forehead. Naruto crossed his arms over his chest and glared as he saw the redhead stand from where she was kicked. Just as Aiko was about to rush the blond again, a powerful wave of killing intent was sent at her. Looking towards the source Aiko could hardly breath as she came face to face with a solid blue swirling ball of chakra.

"The sheath, pick it up." The hard glacial voice said. Aiko looked at the red sheath and reached towards it. Picking up the sheath again the voice said.

"Put your sword in the sheath." Aiko couldn't help but scream in her mind. 'Why…why am I listening to him…' Sliding the blade into its sheath again the voice spoke.

"Tie the sheath to the left side of your belt." Aiko acted without thinking and followed his direction.

"Angle your body slightly to the left." She shifted.

"Bend your knees slightly." She dropped slightly.

"Shift your weight to your back foot." She shifted her weight.

"Grip the handle of your Katana one and a half inches away from the pummel." She grabbed the handle.

"When you swing, shift your weight to your front foot, spin your body towards your target, and draw your blade, keeping your wrist loose. You will make all of this one solid motion…prepare yourself…here I come." With that Naruto shot towards the girl. The girl shifted her weight only to be sent flying by the heel of a foot.

"Wrong." Was the only explanation she got as she stood back up. Finally regaining control of her body Aiko glared at the blond only for her to go wide-eyed when he came at her.

"Again!" Naruto said as he shot towards her. Aiko tried to draw her sword only for a knee to find it's way into her gut.

"Wrong." Naruto said bored. Aiko got up again only to gasp as Naruto ran at her again.

Up in the stands the Whirlpool team stood confused as the process repeated itself continuously.

"What's going on? What kind of fight is this?" The young brunet girl asked in confusion. The young boy could only shrug at her question.

"I don't know. Do you Kushina-sensei?" The young boy asked making the older redhead glare her eyes.

"I do, but I don't see why the demons doing it?" Kushina said making her team raise their eyebrows.

"What do you mean Kushina-sensei?" The young girl asked making Kushina glare harder at the match as Aiko was sent flying by another kick.

"He seems to be trying to get Aiko to do a proper Battojutsu. He'll keep coming at her and hitting her until she finally gets it right. However why he's doing it during a match for his life is ridiculous." Kushina explained making her Genin to 'oh' in amazement.

Back in the arena floor Aiko was once again pulling herself out of the dirt. Getting to her feet Aiko watched as the blond rushed at her. Looking into his eye's time seemed to slow for the girl and a voice whispered in her mind.

"Angle your body slightly to the left." She shifted.

"Bend your knees slightly." She dropped slightly.

"Shift your weight to your back foot." She shifted her weight.

"Grip the handle of your Katana one and a half inches away from the pummel." She grabbed the handle.

"When you swing, shift your weight to your front foot, spin your body towards your target, and draw your blade, keeping your wrist loose." She swung. A cry of happiness rang out from the whirlpool team as the sound of liquid hitting he ground hit Aiko's ears.

"Congratulations." A wispy voice said from behind Aiko. Turning to face the voice Aiko smiled in victory as she saw the cut across Naruto's Gi.

"Looks like I got you Demon!" Aiko said full of pride causing Naruto to chuckle. Reaching up Naruto ripped the Gi from his chest. Everyone in the stadium gasped at the sight of Naruto's body. On his chest were scars most wouldn't find on a torture victim let alone a rookie Genin. It was a vibrant red scar across his chest however that drew everyone's eyes. Aiko stared at the scar in confusion.

"Demon…how…how did you get that scar?" Aiko asked making Naruto chuckle. Naruto brought his hand up and lightly touched the vibrant red mark.

"This…this is the day Uzumaki Naruto died…this is the day this village turned it's back and branded a child!" Naruto said making all the foreign dignitaries go wide-eyed.

"It seems even the Kyuubi couldn't heal these burns…would you like to know what happened?" Naruto asked with a light chuckle. Before Aiko could answer Naruto continued.

"You see it was around three years ago…your fathers birthday if I remember correctly…I staked down to the ground as the villagers placed magnesium on my chest. As they lit the magnesium I was made to look at the face of your father on the Hokage's mountain…and beg…beg for forgiveness for what the Kyuubi did…Oh I held out pretty well they had to replace the magnesium three times before I broke, and after that they laughed and spit on me…yes it wasn't the loss of my eye that made me this way…it was this branding…" Naruto said rubbing the burning red scar that spelled out two words…'Hells Spawn'. As Naruto finished his story white feathers started falling from the ceiling. Naruto looked up at ceiling Naruto cursed.

"Fuck…it's starting…" Naruto said and quickly gathered chakra into the ram seal. Quickly canceling the Genjutsu on him Naruto looked around the arena as a mass of Oto and Suna nin rushed into it. Naruto smirked however when he saw his team jump down to meet them. Naruto quickly summoned his blades and jumped into the fray, completely ignoring the red head.

"To me Enmaku!" Naruto yelled making the red and white fox appear beside him. Naruto smirked under his mask and, along with Enamku, started tearing through the opposing forces. Hana smiled as she and her mother decimated the opponents with their Gatsuga attacks. Quickly spinning out of her attack Hana smirked at her mother.

"How many do you have?" Hana asked making Tsume smirk.

"Forty-eight you?" Tsume asked making Hana smile.

"Fifty-three, getting old there mom?" Hana said and then spun back into her attack. Tsume growled at her daughter.

"Old my ass!" Tsume said and then spun back into her attack. As the invasion drug on Naruto quickly noticed something.

"Hana-san! Where's the old man!" Naruto yelled at Hana, who threw her opponent into a wall.

"He's fighting Orochimaru on the roof! I hear there's some type of barrier stopping anyone from getting to him!" Hana yelled making Naruto curse. Taking a quick look around Naruto spotted his red and white companion.

"Enmaku!" The red and white fox perked up at the sound of his name.

"Yes Sir?" Enmaku yelled back as he dodged another attack sent by a sand nin.

"The roof, help me take it out!" Naruto yelled and started doing hand signs.

"Hijutsu: Hitsu no Ryu!" Naruto yelled and blew out nine dragons. The leaf nin's watched in amazement as nine black dragons flew around taking the opposing forces as if they were nothing. After taking out the majority of the opposing forces around him brought the dragons together and sent upwards.

"Now Enmaku!" Naruto yelled gaining a smirk from the fox.

"Hijutsu: Kyuubi no Gufuu!" Enmaku yelled sending a large vortex of smoke and ash at the ceiling. Up on the roof Orochimaru and Hiruzen both couldn't help but go wide eyed as the floor was taken out from under them. Orochimaru couldn't help but curse as he landed in the arena. He couldn't help but smirk however when four blue walls erupted around him and the old man in front of him.

"It seems that your Shinobi's plan to get you out of your cage was a loss old man!" Orochimaru said making Sarutobi glare.

"It doesn't matter Orochimaru because you die here! Enma Hold him!" Sarutobi yelled making Orochimaru go wide-eyed. Orochimaru couldn't help but growl in anger as he felt himself being immobilized by two furry arms. Orochimaru struggled against the arms.

"Damn you Sarutobi!" Orochimaru yelled making Hiruzen smirk and start doing Hand seals.

"No Orochimaru…damn you." Sarutobi said finishing the last hand seal. All the leaf nin gasped at the sight of the giant blue specter that appeared behind the Sandaime.

"No Sarutobi…I'll not by you!" Orochimaru yelled only for a wispy voice to answer.

"You're right Orochimaru…I'll be the one to end your life. Hijutsu: Chuuburu Kemuri: GoroGoro! (Secret Technique: Secondhand Smoke: Scatter)" As those last words were said the Sandaime went up in a puff of smoke, and standing in his place was a shirtless blond with his head band tilted over one of his eyes. Sarutobi appeared up in the stands where all the leaf ninja were pushed when the barrier was created. The blond smirked.

"Enma-sama! Even though I'm not the old man…will you still hold him for me?" Naruto asked making the old monkey smile.

"Sure kid…just this once." Enma responded making Naruto smile.

"That's all I ask." At those words a cold chill ran down everyone's spine as the feeling of death filled the arena and Orochimaru froze in fear. Sarutobi leaned over the railing and yelled.

"Naruto-kun! What the hell are you doing!" Naruto smiled and looked up at the old man.

"This village still needs you old man! I can't have you killing yourself now!" Naruto yelled making Sarutobi gasp.

"NO! Naruto-kun stop!" Sarutobi yelled making Naruto chuckle.

"What was it you told me old man about people like us? We were made so that no one has to feel loss. You have a family son…a grandson…hell the entire Sarutobi clan…you would be missed by to many people for me to let you die." Naruto said, sadness showing in his voice. Turning his blue to the left of the Sandaime, Naruto smiled.

"Hayate…you are an amazing Shinobi…you're engaged to a beautiful woman…you're as healthy as anyone in your family gets…cherish your life…have those kids you've always wanted…and make sure to be there for them huh?" Naruto said drawing a tear filled nod from the sickly Jounin. Turning to the right of Sarutobi, Naruto saw Kiba.

"Mutt believe it or not I think you'll become a legend in a few years. You're strong, brave, and a little brash…I think that you and Haku will be perfect together…You and Akumaru are going to be best pair to ever come out of the Inuzuka in a long time…I wish I'd be around to see it…take care mutt." Naruto said Kiba squeeze the railing of the stands tightly. Looking to the right of the youngest Inuzuka, Naruto saw Shino with his arms wrapped around the younger Namikaze.

"Shino…you have terrible taste in women…but she makes you happy…happiness is something not all of us have Shino…cherish it…and cherish those that bring it to you…You, like Kiba, are going to be a legend…I ca feel it…and with Namikaze-san at your side…it'll be the happiest years of your life…make the world remember your name Shino…take care…" Naruto said making Shino turn his head and squeeze Aiko to his chest. Looking right behind Shino's shoulders Naruto saw the young mans parents.

"Aburama-sama I did as you asked…your son is safe…take care of him huh?" Naruto asked gaining a soft smile from both of the adult insect users. Looking towards Hayate's left Naruto saw Inuzuka Tsume.

"Inuzuka-sama…you are the one who took my eye from me…for that I should hate you and Kuromaru…but I understand why you did it…I've never had any family to loose…You've raised your children to be powerful and proud Shinobi…I forgive you for this eye…I did as you asked and kept Kiba safe…now it's your turn…Keep your kids and your self safe and we'll call it even huh?" Naruto said making Tsume smile through her tears and nod. Looking to the person on the right of Shino and his parents Naruto gave a sad smile.

"Namikaze-sama…I'm sorry that your husband died sealing the Kyuubi into me…I can't say I know how you feel…but…I'd give anything to be able to give you your son back…even though I know you hate me…I wish you happiness…You've raised one hell of a daughter Namikaze-sama…I wish I could see her and Shino's future…Your son maybe dead but you still have her…please…take care of her." Naruto said to the older redhead. Kushina couldn't help but gasp as she looked into that single blue eye.

"Naruto-kun…" Kushina whispered with wide-eyes.

"Aniki…" Aiko whispered into Shino's chest. Realization hit Kushina and Aiko like a ton of bricks. Looking at the person on the right on Tsume, Naruto raised his hand to his face. Hana gave a sad smile as Naruto lowered the mask from his face.

"This time you don't have to steal my mask Hana-san…you are the first one on this team to really want to know me…you are going to make a very powerful Shinobi one lucky guy one day…of that I can tell…Wish I could be there…" Naruto said getting a tear filled cry from Hana.

"Naruto-kun please stop!" Hana yelled making Naruto give her a sad smile.

"I'm afraid I can't do that Hana-san…not this time." Naruto responded making tears flow heavier down the feral woman's face.

"But…but what about us…what about our team!" Hana yelled making Naruto give a somber chuckle.

"I told you before Hana-san this isn't a team it's a suicide job waiting to happen." Naruto said making Hana grip the bar in sorrow. All was quiet for a minute until a light whisper erupted from the feral girl.

"We'll see each other again someday right?" Hana asked in a whisper making Naruto's blue eye gain a solemn look. Hana's head flew up at his silence.

"Right Naruto-kun! We'll meet again…in heaven!" Hana yelled making Naruto turn his head away from the girl. An old saddened voice answered.

"I'm afraid…the deal Naruto-kun struck…won't allow him to pass the gates of heaven…" Hana went wide-eyed and turned towards the voice.

"What! Please Hokage-sama please tell me you're kidding…please!" Hana yelled making Sarutobi show his age.

"I'm afraid not Hana-san. You see Naruto-kun isn't using the Shiki Fuuin so unlike the Yondaime, Naruto-kun won't have a chance at redemption." Sarutobi said making Hana go into hysterics.

"But Naruto-kun hasn't done anything to deserve going to hell right? So it shouldn't be a problem?" Hana said hopefully only for Sarutobi to shake his head. Making Hana break out into sobs and fall to the floor. Tsume leaned down and pulled the girl into a tight hug. Looking up at Sarutobi with tear filled eyes Tsume asked.

"What is this deal you were talking about?" Sarutobi looked into the single blue eye of Naruto with sadness.

"Tsume-san do you remember when I said that Naruto-kun's eye had four powers?" Sarutobi asked making Tsume nod.

"I lied. You see when Naruto-kun stole the Kyuubi's Yokai the gate holding him started leaking power. Naruto-kun's eye, sensing a new power, sucked in this energy. In doing so however Naruto summoned the Shinigami to his mindscape. During that time Naruto struck a deal with the Shinigami. 'In return for you taking the soul of my opponent, no matter if I die before he does, you can send my soul to the darkest pits of hell, but in return I want hope, by my definition, to return to the village.' This was the deal Naruto-kun struck with the Shinigami." Sarutobi explained making everyone gasp and start crying harder.

Naruto steeled himself and turned towards the captured man.

"Orochimaru…for crimes against Konoha you are found guilty…your punishment…death…" Naruto said and touched his hand to his forehead protector.

"Behind this band of loyalty is a lot of things ill's, disease, burdensome labor…all these this that men know nothing of…but behind this band holds one last thing…hope…these are my final words in this world Orochimaru so hear them well…" Naruto said. As the crowed heard Naruto's speech everyone lost it.

"Naruto-kun please stop! You don't have to do this!" Hana yelled through her tears.

"Yeah come on brat! Please this isn't funny! Stop!" Tsume yelled tear slowly falling down her face.

"Naruto-kun please stop! Please we could be a family again! Please!" Kushina yelled tears flowing down her face.

"Aniki Please! Stop!" Aiko yelled and buried her tear stained face into Shino's chest. Naruto gave a sad smile and said five words.

"Hijutsu: Hako no Pandora: Kaitsuu! (Secret Technique: Pandora's Box: Open)" With that Naruto raised his headband to show a solid black eye swirling in his socket. A flash of light appeared blinding all those watching. As the light died down the crowed became aware of three figures and their jaws dropped. The first had straight brown hair and slit like pupils. She was wearing a white vest over a long sleeved blue shirt and spandex pants. She had her shins taped and her feet were stuffed into ninja sandals. At her side stood a large white and brown full-grown Akita with piercing green eyes. The last figure however was what most people were staring at as standing there alive and pissed was one Namikaze Minato.

In the darkest pits of hell all motion stopped as the Shinigami strolled up to a maximum-security torture cell that had laughing coming from inside it. The Shinigami opened to door to the cell to see a blond soul. The soul was nailed to the wall with whip marks covering his body. The strangest thing about the soul though was the fact that he had a smile on his face and his eyes closed.

"Namikaze." The Shinigami said making the blond chuckle.

"I believe I've told you before…it's Kemuri." Naruto said making the Shinigami glare.

"Regardless I'm not here to argue with you over your identity." The Shinigami said making Naruto quirk an eyebrow of his closed eyes.

"Oh? Then tell me what is it the god of death want's with little old me?" Naruto asked making the Shinigami glare.

"I just came to inform you that the sacrifice you made was in vain. Someone has resurrected Orochimaru…I'm sorry." The Shinigami said drawing a chuckle from Naruto. The chuckle evolved into full-blown laugher as the Shinigami disappeared back to his post.

"Well now Orochimaru. Three months to escape from death…impressive…but you're wrong Death god…this was not a sacrifice…this was a vacation." And for the first time in three months a single solid blue eye opened and three words sent any order hell had ever obtained…into chaos.

"Kiri no Senka."