Bear with me, as this is my first venture into a Vincent/Tifa pairing. Please do review, whether you like this or not. It'll tell me how to improve, or if I've done a good job. If you don't, pay no mind to the ninja I just placed in your closet. -Spiritslayer

Another thing. I don't own any of the characters, places, etc. within this story. I do, however, own the story. Also, there IS one character who's original; that character is mine too. -Spiritslayer

A bleak air hung around Tifa as she looked upon the night sky, eyes dancing among the stars. So much had happened in the last few days, most notably the recent addition to their small group. She focused her attention for a moment on the sleeping form of the aforementioned addition, then turned back to the stars.

I'm not sure what to make of him, she thought to herself, clasping her hands around her knees and leaning back slightly. He's mysterious in every aspect of the word. Just thinking about it... She shivered slightly, owing only partly to the chill of the night air. It's almost as though he doesn't really want to be here, as though he's only here to get revenge on someone. After he does that, then what?

She closed her eyes, allowing the sounds of the Nibel area to distract her, turn her thoughts away from him. Her previous experience as a guide through Mt. Nibel had seen them all safely through the mountain, although their fight against the Materia Keeper had left them all hurting.

She shook her head. There was no point dwelling on it much longer; they had beaten the beast down with his aid and learned what he was capable of. She began softly humming a tune she remembered fairly well from her past, one she played on her piano frequently.

"You mind?" she heard a dark voice say, making her jump and stop humming. She turned to face the now-awake Vincent Valentine.

"You're awake?"

"No thanks to you."

She was almost positive he was glaring at her. It sent a chill down her spine, but she did her best to avoid showing it. "Well, sorry if I'm trying to keep myself from going crazy! I'm only bored here!" She looked up at the sky again, agitated.

"Sleep, then." He smirked slightly. "Or can you?"

She scoffed. "If I could sleep, I'd be asleep right now. Guess you wouldn't exactly know what that's like, though. What with being asleep for that long and all."

He remained silent, his eyes fixed on her. She could almost tell he was absolutely glaring at her.

"Sorry. I got a little... carried away." She released her knees and turned to face him. "Even though I can't sleep, I'm really tired right now."

He grunted slightly, possibly to demonstrate understanding.

"So..." She wondered if she should ask the question that had just barely cropped up in her mind. "Who was it that stuffed you in that coffin, anyway?"

"None of your business," he responded curtly, crossing his arms.

Friendly much? "Fine. Not like I really cared anyway. Just thought I'd try and pass the time while we're both awake." She looked skyward again, assuming the conversation over.


"Hm?" She looked down at him quizzically. "What about him?"

He closed his eyes and shook his head, disbelieving. "You just asked who sealed me in the coffin."

"Wait a second. Hojo did that to you?" She felt her eyes widen. "Cloud had mentioned that he, Barret and Cait Sith had found you in a coffin, but..." She paused. "Did you tell them that too?"

He simply nodded. "More or less."

"More or less...?" she repeated, mulling the words over. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Forget it. It's none of your business."

"Sheesh. Then why even bother telling me about Hojo...?" she muttered to herself.

Silence settled between them, and Tifa wondered if he had fallen asleep again. She grinned softly and began humming again.

"Again, do you mind?" he grumbled.

She giggled. "A-ha! So you are still awake."

"And? What's it matter?"

"None of your business." She wondered how he liked getting his own line thrown back at him.

"Very funny."

She glanced at the tent that Cloud was asleep in. "How can everyone else sleep so soundly? Are the two of us the only ones awake right now?"

He said nothing.

"I mean, Cloud's pretty much our leader; of course he's tired. Barret's getting older and older by the day, too."

A sneeze erupted from Barret's tent, but didn't seem to interrupt his sleep.

"Aeris is... well, there's not really much reason for her to be exhausted, I think. I mean, sure, it was a long hike through the mountain. Yuffie's a ninja, but only complained while we were hiking through. And Red... well, I'm amazed he was tired. Animals tend to be more active than humans, and that's mainly because they live in the wild. And Cait Sith..." She hesitated. "I don't really know his deal. He doesn't really do much that'd tire him out easily, but his big Mog is another deal."


"Huh?" She looked at Vincent expectantly. "What's up?"

"Shut up. I'm trying to sleep here."

She opened and closed her mouth, trying to find words to toss at him. All that escaped her were muted protests.

"Thank you," he sighed, trying to get comfortable again.

"W-w-what was that?!" she finally shouted at him. "I'm just--"

"Being annoying, yes. If you're working on it, stop. You've got the act down to an art form."

She fumed silently, not exactly eager to wake everyone else just because Vincent was being...

"Prick," she mumbled. "I'm just trying to pass the time..."

He raised an eyebrow. "Complaining's not the best way to pass time at night."

"Oh? And what would you suggest?" she sneered, fed up with his attitude.

He held up an arm. "You hear that?" he asked quietly.

She stood slowly, listening intently. "Hear what?"


She stood, frozen in time, straining her ears to hear what he had heard. "Vincent..." she whispered. "What are you hearing?"

He didn't reply.

"Vincent?" She turned her head to face him, and resisted every urge to clobber him.

He had managed to get her to stay quiet long enough for him to fall asleep again.

"Son of a bitch..." she grumbled, plopping down. "I swear, he tries to get under my skin..." She reclined as best she could, cursing him. The insults she thought up slowly died away as she fell asleep.

He listened to her fall asleep, then opened his eyes slowly once more.

About time she fell asleep. Gaia knows she needs it. He felt a smile play at his mouth, and figured there was no harm it letting it through; it wasn't like she would see it.

He began losing himself in thought, and the smile slipped away. Lucrecia... Hojo... Two names I'll never forget for as long as I live. He did horrendous things to further his research, using Lucrecia's own son as a test subject for his own twisted desires. He used me, too, but for what purpose? Why didn't he just let me die? Why did he bring me back to life as I am now? He clenched his golden left claw, a faint clinking noise ringing as he did. To spite me? To spite Lucrecia? Or am I just another experiment in his eyes? Whatever the reason, I'll make him answer for what he's done to me. He may not be able to reverse it, but he'll certainly pay for the atrocities he's committed not just to me, but to her as well.

He was brought back to reality as Tifa's sleeping form stirred slightly, then relaxed again. We've all been through a lot today. I think I overdid things as the Galian, but as long as we made it through alive and well. He recalled faintly his time during his transformation earlier. It was certainly fuzzy in places, but some parts stood out more than others. He closed his eyes, trying to force it from his mind. Something else had stirred deep in his mind.

You enjoyed every moment of it, every moment of ripping your target to shreds. It brought pleasure to you, a beastly voice taunted him.

No. I never enjoy it. I never enjoy losing control like that.

Don't lie to yourself. What'll that accomplish for you, eh?

Shut up. I wish you were never a part of me. Why Hojo did this is beyond me, but--

Heh heh heh... Hojo is a brilliant man, you know. Why, he was better than you in every regard...

I said shut up!

He also stole her from you, and what could you do? All you did was watch it happen. You're pathetic.

"I said shut up!" he seethed, unaware he had said it aloud. It wasn't often the voice of the Galian Beast taunted him, but he always felt his blood boil when he did argue with the beast.

So you think you're better than he is?

I know I'm better! I'm not as twisted as he is! I don't use other people as experiments!

And that's why you are inferior. He's not afraid of pursuing his goals, no matter the cost. To uncover the mysteries of science, one must be willing to--

Vincent wrenched his rifle from its holster and pointed it at his chest, where the beast's core resided.

Hah. You intend to kill me, even if you sacrifice yourself?

He hesitated, right arm moving slowly down toward the trigger.

Do it, if you're so bold. But know this: if you don't kill either me or yourself instantly, I'll simply take control and slaughter your new friends!

Bastard... He lowered his rifle and groaned, holstering it and sitting again.

You see? You can't do anything about anything. You're weak, you're useless.

Vincent didn't respond to the beast's newfound taunts. He simply rested both elbows on his legs and rested his face in both hands, the cool metal of his left arm pressing against his cheek.

Give in, Valentine. Let me take over for good. The world's better off without you, seeing whereas you're of no use to anyone. I, on the other hand, am capable of so much more than you'll ever be.

You want control that bad? Vincent finally retorted. Kill me for control, then. See if you're really so much better than me.

He suddenly clutched his chest as the Galian Beast began raging inside him, attempting to force itself out to the surface, to overtake Vincent's body. He resisted it with all his might, but felt his control waver slightly. You... bastard...

This is proof that I'm better than you! the beast roared. You can't even contain a transformation like this!

Vincent's eyes squeezed shut, wondering if he could keep the Galian Beast sealed inside. He clutched his chest tighter, his left claw digging into the flesh...

He suddenly felt hands upon him, and he felt the beast calm down slightly. He made the most of this vulnerability the beast had opened up and managed to seal it away, to contain it once again. His breathing was heavy, his grip tight on his chest. He slowly opened his eyes to see who had laid hands on him.

Tifa was looking at him, concerned. It seemed as though all traces of their earlier fight were gone. "Vincent...?" she asked.

He released his chest and brushed her hands off him gently, trying to steady his breathing.

She sat back, eyes still fixed on him. "Are you..."

He looked up at her, his red eyes half-open. "I suppose thanks are in order," he panted, eyes moving to his left claw; blood was glistening on the tips of his digits. He looked to his chest and closed his eyes, chuckling softly. "The Galian... He's trying to overcome me..." he muttered.

"The Galian? You mean that beast you changed into earlier?"

Vincent nodded. "The Galian is one of three entities trapped in my body, but he's the only one who tries to constantly take me over. The other two seem to have accepted it, but..." He leaned back, his right hand shooting to his chest. He heaved a sigh. "Tifa."


He could sense the former apprehension from earlier coming back to her tone, but paid it no mind. "I'm not sure if you had a direct effect on the Galian or not, but..." He opened his eyes and locked his with hers. "Thank you." He removed his right hand from his chest and looked at the palm. His own blood stained his bare hand, as well as a greenish tint that was unmistakably the Galian Beast's blood.

It'd seem as though I quelled him, but is that the case? he wondered, eyes still on the bloodstains on his hand. Or did Tifa have some effect on him, too? He felt his breathing stabilize, and he dropped his right hand carelessly. He faintly heard a deep, low growl rumble from within him.

Either way, that's not the end of it. The Galian will keep trying and trying until he manages to take over my body. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep once more.

Well, that's the prologue. Reviews pending, I'll hurry with the next part of the story, although I'm working on the next part all the same. Again, review and let me know how I did. I accept criticisms as well as compliments, as they let me know what I'm doing right and wrong. And again, if you don't review, then don't worry about it. That ninja's only sharpening his ninja sword because he's bored. -Spiritslayer