100 ways to know you are Obsessed

Hiya guys! long time no see :). This took me somewhat of a long time and took a lot of creativity. So I hope you enjoy it and laugh out loud and I hope it brightens your day. By the way it rainig right now! It's just like Forks! Ha i just got finished dancing in the rain with some friends, it was so much fun! Now we're all going to get sick haha! But so wotrth it! Anyways lets get to bussiness....ENJOY!

Disclaimer: Well...Technically I own the posters of Twilight in my room...does that count?

Chapter 3

You are obsessed if you…

1. Finished Breaking Dawn in 2-3 days.

2. Stayed up until 3 A.M. reading Breaking Dawn.

3. Want to get a tattoo that has to do with Twilight.

4. While watching movies, you name people in the story Bella, Edward, or Jacob etc…

5. Have pre-ordered your Twilight movie ticket.

6. Even though you know the Twilight movie will suck, you are still going to see it.

7. Have read Breaking Dawn at least 3 times in the last two weeks.

8. And the second or third time while reading Breaking Dawn you read really slowly in the last pages because you were so sad the saga was over.

9. Actually cried when you read the last pages of Breaking Dawn because it was over.

10. Had a dilemma between if you should read Midnight Sun or not.

11. Squealed when you heard that Midnight Sun was out (in the internet).

12. Have been looking in fanfiction for ReneesmexJacob stories.

13. Then you felt bad because someone actually hurt the grand creator of Twilight.

14. Were glued to the computer reading Midnight Sun.

15. Have created/followed/imagined an angry mob to go after the person who leaked Midnight Sun (even though you are so happy you can read it now).

16. Look in the library for Twilight when you have a one book at home.

17. Wanted to check out that Twilight book at the library when you had one at home.

18. Want the Twilight soundtrack.

19. Bought the Twilight soundtrack.

20. Have downloaded the music from the books into your Ipod.

21. Bought yourself a Twilight t-shirt/pants/jacket.

22. Wear your Twilight t-shirt/pants/jacket at least once a week.

23. Wanted/bought a Twilight the movie poster.

24. OR snorted with disgust because the Twilight actor were so out-of-character (in my opinion Edward is so NOT hot, or cute for that matter, and Bella is a REALLY bad actress and she just doesn't have that Bella vibe).

25. When you are sick your friend calls you and tells you a Twilight related story they made up in the spot.

26. Are going to the midnight showing of Twilight.

27. When someone tell you your hands are cold you say "that's because im a vampire."

28. OR when someone says your hands or forehead are flaming hot you say "that's because im a werewolf."

29. Have whole outfit planned for the Twilight movie premiere.

30. Have watched all of the Twilight previews (one came on in T.V.)

31. Are re-reading Twilight before you go see the Twilight movie.

32. Believe that if you make your scent identical to Bella's, Edward will find you.

33. Know exactly what Edward smells like (they said how in Breaking Dawn.)

34. When you hear people recounting tales of vampires and were wolves, you accuse them of being Quileutes.

35. Have done extensive research for the smallest things in Twilight (like when Bella googled vampires and it takes a while; it does!).

36. Grumble about 80 mph as "too slow".

37. Call your favorite food "la tua cantante".

38. Or "il tuo cantante" (because, of course, you have done research and know that the latter refers to a male singer).

39. Have gotten or want a tattoo on your hand, so that you could have a scar like Bella's (it also work if you use a permanent marker).

40. Held an ice cube to it so that it would be cold.

41. Made your English teacher read the Twilight series.

42. Wear shoes that are too big so that you would trip like Bella.

43. Punched a kid named Jacob.

44. Call your Twilight book 'your Babies'.

45. Say your favorite color is brown just because it's Bella's.

46. Have dedicated a while website to Twilight.

47. Your myspace/facebook/etc has Twilight in it.

48. Have taken a picture of a Twilight drawing in the computer of the Cullen family and printed out as a picture to keep by your side always.

49. Then you have gotten the picture out to show your friends you 'family photograph'.

50. When going to place with no electricity (which means no fanfiction), you have printed out loads stories and made a bonder so you wouldn't miss them.

51. For Halloween you were one of the Twilight characters.

52. Read The Host just because Stephenie Meyer wrote it.

53. Heard about a band called the Bella Cullen Project.

54. Have accidentally called your best friend Alice/Bella/Rosalie.

55. Are actually happy when people tell you that you are obsessed with Twilight.

56. Find it comical when people get mad when you make a Twilight-related comment.

57. Have a Twilight inspired haircut (I just did).

58. Have made a collage of all the Twilight pictures you have and put it as your computer's background.

59. Have also put that collage as you computer's background in your school's computer.

60. Can't wait till the Twilight movie.

61. Get energized the moment you start thinking about the Twilight movie.

62. When you feel gloomy, you console yourself by thinking about Twilight.

63. And you instantly feel comforted.

64. Have dialed out Edward's name in your phone and tried calling him (it doesn't work).

65. Squeal every time you see the Twilight trailed on T.V.

66. OR snort every time you see the Twilight trailer on T.V.

67. When you're hungry you say "im so hungry I could eat a grizzly."

68. Read Twilight (or a book from the series) under your desk during school or a meeting.

69. Don't take Twilight (or a book from the series) to school or a meeting because you know you will get too tempted to read it.

70. Know your vampire history better than the history you have learned at school.

71. Are seriously thinking about getting a therapist for your obsession.

72. Have thought about buying golden-butterscotch contacts.

73. OR green contacts.

74. OR red contacts.

75. Named your pet dog Jacob/Leah/Seth etc…

76. Tell people to call you Vampire Girl.

77. OR tell people to call you Werewolf Girl.

78. Have Twilight stickers plastered on all your binders.

79. Have your favorite parts of the books memorized.

80. Will go up to absolutely ANYONE who is carrying one of the Twilight books.

81. Have watched Twilight at least twice the first week it came out.

82. Where at the Twilight midnight premiere at least 4 hours earlier.

83. Watched the Twilight movie at least twice within the first week it was out.

84. Have watched the Twilight trailer millions of time.

85. Cried during the Twilight movie.

86. Yelled at the screen during the movie because there was a part in the book that wasn't in the movie.

87. Laughed at the silly parts in the movie the Twilight character would never do.

88. Have the Twilight movie on your wish list.

89. Talked about the Twilight movie after you saw it and about absolutely nothing else.

90. Can't wait for the sequel.

91. Want to do a Twilight spoof.

92. When feeling lonely you quote Twilight in your head.

93. Squealed when that friend that hates twilight told you that she saw the movie and decided to finally read the book (she is absolutely obsessed now).

94. Tell your friends things like "I love you like Bella loves Alice" or "You are my Jacob (best friend).

95. Use Twilight as a secret language (Ex: Emmett's la tua cantante is near).

96. Dance in the rain whenever it storms, and most likely get sick after that.

97. When in a hospital you say that the only doctor who will be allowed to heal you is Carlisle.

98. While in the hospital you follow the blonde doctors around and ask them where Edward is.

99. When people tell you "you look pale" you take it as a compliment.

100. When playing sport you always suggest that your team's name should be the Twilighters or Edwardians etc…

There you go peoples! How was it? Any suggestion? You know, reviewing is clinically proven to help me update faster :) it's true look it up!

Oh and...