
Omi as always
The BTN8rs - with apologies
The Numb3rs dot org crew - since I did the whole alphabet inspired by their challenge


"A vague disclaimer is nobody's friend" - Willow, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
I do not own any Numb3rs characters nor do I have any rights to
anything related to the TV show Numb3rs. I plead fair use and claim
only my own writing and characters.

Don biked home with his school progress report stuffed in the bottom of his backpack alongside a note from his teacher, saying if he didn't shape up he might fail.

Charlie hid in the garage, knowing his parents would ask to see the teacher's glowing praise and wondering if it was possible to die of embarrassment.

When Don walked his bike into the garage, Charlie looked up and saw a mirror of his own miserable expression.

"Progress report?" Charlie asked.

Don nodded, then took in Charlie's frown.

"What's your deal? Mom and Dad always fawn over your teachers' comments." Charlie mumbled something Don didn't catch so he went over and sat by his little brother, who looked dwarfed by the big papasan chair. "What was that?"

"I'm failing PE, okay?" Charlie said, dejected. "I sucked at football and now I suck at basketball. I don't even want to dress for it anymore! Everyone just laughs and says 'Air ball!' whenever I try to make a basket."

Don bit back a smirk and tried to be sympathetic.

"That sucks, buddy. Hey, if it makes you feel any better, I'm close to failing math. Gotta love that, huh? The one thing you kick ass at, I can't even manage a C in."

"And the thing you do well - sports - I get laughed at for."

They sighed and fell into silence for a moment.

"I'd help, you know," Charlie said quietly. "Mom and Dad don't have to know. Nobody at school has to know. I bet you'd pass if I helped you."

Don was touched by the sincerity of Charlie's offer. He'd half expected Charlie to gloat or ask him how he could not get math.

"That'd be cool," Don said, nodding. "If I don't pass I might not be able to play baseball and that would suck."

Charlie gave him an encouraging little smile, which Don returned with a grin of his own, making Charlie smile even bigger.

Don got up and found their basketball in one of the storage bins.

"Basketball's kind of tricky, but there's a few drills that might help you shoot better. I can show them to you if you want."

Charlie's eyes lit up.

"Really? Cool!"

Don found the bicycle pump and inflated the ball, testing the bounce until he was happy with it.

"Come on, buddy. Let's go shoot some hoops so you can show your gym class nothing but net!"