Disclaimer: I do not own Gakuen Alice

Warning: Some characters may be a little OOC

Chapter 8: Meeting the rest of the gang.

This was my third time riding on a motorcycle and I was still not used to it. I kept a tight grip around Ruka's waist, who I was riding with. Hotaru was riding with Yuu and Koko was riding on his own. Taking a deep breath I slowly began to somewhat loosen my hold on Ruka's waist. I knew that I would have to begin getting used to this way of transportation. Since it was mostly likely the only vehicle they owned. As for Hotaru she seemed to enjoy the ride.

We soon arrive at a rundown warehouse. I hesitantly follow Ruka and the others. As I took a step inside the warehouse, I could hear laughter. The place was filled with delinquents; well it wasn't surprising as this WAS a gang hangout. The place was filled with an unpleasant smell. A large amount of people were smoking and beer bottles were scattered on the cold bare floor. I could see Natsume sitting in the far corner and we began to approach him. I could sense stares from the people and I suddenly became very conscience of what I had gotten myself into.

Natsume greeted us with a usual nod.

"Yo" everybody greeted him back. I look at the people who were sitting along with Natsume. I saw Tsubasa who enthusiastically greeted me. I smiled at him, he invited me to sit beside me and so I accepted his invitation. I continue to stare at the others. One catching my attention, he was pretty good looking; he had long black hair and purple eyes. Without me noticing; he was also looking back at me. I stop analysing him when he smiled at me. I quickly turn my head from him, my heart was thumping.

'Oh no...He saw me staring at him!' I panicked.

I took a quick glance at him. He was still looking at me, and was it just me? Or did his smile get rather bigger?

"Are these the new members?" the guy asked looking more serious this time and his smile was now gone. Natsume eyed him at first but then nodded. Right as Natsume nodded; he quickly jumped from where he was sitting and grabbed Hotaru and I in a big bear hug. Hotaru smacked his hand off of her and he kindly removed his hand, but then wrapped me in a bigger bear hug; now using both his hands. I was shocked at the sudden change of attitude.

"Oh Natsume you know my taste very well" he told Natsume.

"Your such a cutie, I just want to eat you up. Don't worry I'm a little older than you but we can work things out"

I began to get nervous.

'What did he mean eat me up?' I thought.

"Akira...let go of her already" Tsubasa tugged his long hair and finally Akira let go of me to begin a fight with Tsubasa.

I took a deep breath right as he let go of me. I was able to breathe more properly.

"Who is Akira?" I asked Ruka who was sitting near by.

"You know the gang we were talking about that are in the south?" he asked me.

"Yes" I nodded.

"Akira Tonouchi is the leader of the south gang" Ruka explained.


"Yeah, so everybody in the gang is pretty much here"

I look around and I finally noticed people were staring at me rather funny. They seemed like kind people...but they were still intimidating.

After a while I began to meet several other people. Some people that I met were Misaki; she seemed like a cool person. The more I got to know her the more I began to notice that she was very close to Tsubasa. I also met Permy; but her real name is Sumire. She had been the girl I met during the party. There was also Nobara, Kaname and Hayate. Hayate seemed to have an interest towards Hotaru, which I found sort of funny.

We stayed for a pretty long time, most of the time Hotaru and I were being introduced to other members. I didn't feel as intimidated anymore once I got to know them better. But then suddenly, things began to happen. Near the ceiling of the warehouse there were glass windows, but they were soon broken by heavy rocks. The place was being attacked. Hotaru and I were quickly pulled away by Nat and the others. We began to run to the bikes, Nat pulled me on his. Nat started his bike and we were soon moving fast speed. I turned my head to see the other gang members leaving as well. I had no idea what happened. But that was very scary...

Nat didn't take us straight home; instead we were hiding out near a lake.

"What do we do now?" Koko asked.

Nat didn't answer. Instead I had spoken up.

"What's going on?" I asked them for an explanation.

"There the gang we're going against, their leader is Reo." Ruka explained.

"We used to be the only gang around here, but Reo's gang suddenly came trying to take our place" Yuu continued.

"But there horrible" Koko added.

It suddenly became too quiet; I began to look around for Hotaru. Then I noticed it. She wasn't here!

"Where's Hotaru!?" I panicked.

Everybody looked at me, then they looked at each other.

Everybody shook their heads.

"We...don't know"

"What?!We have to find Hotaru, what if something happened?" I was now yelling.

"Shit!" Nat finally spoke.

He got off his bike.

"We can't go back, she's probably with Hayate" Nat told me.

"Nat's right, I think I saw her being pulled away by Hayate earlier" Ruka tried to calm me down.

I sighed and chose to believe them.

'I hope their right' I thought.


"Why did you take me with you?" Hotaru asked monotonously.

Hayate began to get nervous. He had only taken an interest in her, because she looked similar to the girl from a game he would always play when he was younger.

"Damn, It was dangerous we needed to get out, and you weren't doing anything" he told her while trying to calm down his racing heart.

Hotaru didn't answer but instead began to walk towards Tsubasa.

"Take me to Mikan" she told him. Tsubasa looked at her.

"I can't, I have no idea where she is" Tsubasa told her.

"Fine" Hotaru replied and sat down on the cold ground. They were hiding out, underneath a bridge. It was late out and no cars were passing by. Nobody knew how long they would have to stay there. They didn't even know if Reo was still at the hang out. But one thing they knew was that they weren't safe...

Oh geez...was this chapter boring? Honestly?

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