A lovely morning in the hyuuga compound…

A lovely morning in the hyuuga compound…

Or at least that's what Hanabi was calling it in that sarcastic tone she used when Hiashi wasn't around.

"Honestly, why do I have to go to meetings? I'm 8! I'm missing out on school! Stupid elders…"

Neji rolled his eyes and continued with the consumption of his cereal.

"Did you have to go to meetings when you were 8? No, of course not! You got all the time you needed for your schoolwork—"

Hinata cut in, "Hanabi, I had to go to meetings when I was your age too. It's not that unusual."

"None of my classmates have to skip school to go to meetings on what shampoo we should get this month and whether the current brand of toilet paper is soft enough. Why do I even have to be there? I don't get to help make decisions or anything!"

Neji sighed. "You're there to learn how a meeting is run. So that you can run proper meetings when you're head."

Hanabi blinked, trying to comprehend the idea there might actually be a good reason she had to go to these meetings. She did not succeed.

"Nah, that couldn't be it. The Elders just do that to be annoying."

Neji ground his teeth but didn't say anything, and instead focused again on his cereal.

"It's like they lie awake at night thinking of ways to make life miserable for anyone who isn't an Elder. They're always making up new rules and calling meetings for everything," Hanabi stopped to gasp dramatically," It's a conspiracy!"

"Hanabi, the Elders are not conspiring to make your life miserable. It only seems that way." Hinata said gently.

Neji, however, did not take the gentle route. "You're insane. They're too busy with their power struggles to bother with something as petty and insignificant as the quality of your life. So quit being paranoid."

Hanabi pouted. "Well, you're paranoid. You always insist that the main family is unjust and scheming to keep the branch family out of power. Where'd you get a ridiculous idea like that anyway?"

Neji twitched. "Just go to your meeting," he said evenly.

Hanabi rolled her eyes. "Fine, I'm going. But only because I want to, not because you told me to."

She flounced off after that.

Hinata watched her go then glanced over at Neji.


"What?!" he snapped

"Y-you're going t-to b-break that s-s-spoon if you k-keep bending it l-like that."

A peaceful morning indeed.