
Kadaj stared at Ayumi. She was carrying a large box and she had a huge grin on her face.

"Can I come in? I'm tired of standing here in the doorway," she said, cocking her head to the side. She seemed used to doing it.

Kadaj made way for her to move in. She hopped into the room and kept the box on the coffee table. "I was so bored. Mama's busy doing all the laundry and even Yuka's too preoccupied to play with me."

"Oh," said Yuffie lamely. She wasn't too good talking with kids who had a bigger mouth than she.

"Did I tell you I was Ayumi? Well, I don't know any of your names yet," Ayumi smiled broadly.

"Oh, I'm -" Yuffie noticed Kadaj's warning glance "- Toru and this person here is … is …" What name was she supposed to give him?

"Ken," Kadaj provided. Yuffie tried to hide her giggle. She didn't know why but the name didn't fit him at all.

"Nice to me you. So, are you lovers?"

"WHAT?" Yuffie shouted, blushing profusely. Kadaj's only reaction was one of mild curiosity.

"I thought so 'cause you guys share the same room, and Yuka told me if a boy and girl slept in the same room then it means they are in love," Ayumi scratched the back of her head and looked as if she didn't understand much of what she said herself.

"That's not true at all. And Kadaj and I aren't lovers."

"Then why are you sharing the same room?"

"Er – that's because…umm…" Yuffie didn't know what to say. What an embarrassment!

"I knew it! You two look so great together."

"Hey, don't assume anything so fast. Kadaj, help me out." Yuffie turned to Kadaj for help.

He only shrugged. "Do it yourself."

Yuffie glowered at him. "Thanks for nothing!" she said through gritted teeth.

"Oh, don't be nasty, Yuffie." She was taken aback that he used her name, and he smirked knowingly.

"Anyway," said Ayumi, "do any of you know how to play Go?"

Kadaj and Yuffie blinked. "Er – Go?" Yuffie repeated uncertainly.

"It's this board game that's really cool. After reading this manga series* I was all hooked up in the game. It's really fun."

"Then you wouldn't mind teaching us," said Kadaj, but he looked uninterested.

"Sure. You're going to love it." Ayumi took the box to the bed and began unloading its contents.


Yuka, Aiko's assistant, glanced through a file behind the check-in counter, once in a while making small notations with red ink on the papers, when she noticed a man walk into the lobby. He glanced around suspiciously, his hands buried in the pockets of a somber overcoat and a hat slanting down to conceal half of his face. He stopped to look at the old poetry on the wall.

Yuka looked up with a welcoming smile and said "How can I help you, sir?"

He looked at her deliberately for what felt like several seconds then moved slowly towards her.

"Are you the proprietor of this inn?"

"No, it belongs to my mother-in-law. I'm only her assistant."

He produced a business card from his pocket and handed it to her. "I'm a private detective. I'm currently investigating the disappearance of a certain young woman."

Yuka studied the card briefly. "Wait a moment." She disappeared inside, coming back moments later with Aiko at her side.

"Can I help you sir?" Aiko asked nervously.

"Did a certain Yuffie Kisaragi lodge in your inn?"

"Yuffie Kisaragi?"

"She's the daughter of Godo Kisaragi," Aiko's eyes widened in realization, "and she's been missing for some time now. This is how she looks." He gave her the photograph he had.

Aiko examined the photo studiously. "Is the girl in the picture familiar?"

"Yes. Please, give me a moment." Aiko brought a pale-blue file from under the counter containing information on all recent guests and she studied the contents carefully. The phone rang from within and Yuka went to answer it, leaving Aiko alone with the detective.

After a long while, she looked up and said wearily, "I'm sorry but none of our guests bear that name."

"What about a girl that came here with three young men, having silver hair?"

She eyed the man warily. There was something shady about him. "Her name is Toru and she came with the men from Nibelheim."

"But they are not related?"

"According to the information they are, cousins I think."

"What are the men's names?"

"That is confidential," she said firmly.

The man looked at the innkeeper. She was starting to get suspicious. It was wise not to press any further. "Thank you for your cooperation."

He turned and left without another word, feeling terribly unsatisfied.

Aiko stared at his retreating figure. She wondered why her encounter with this man gave her a strange, ominous feeling.


Loz marched through the streets at a quick pace, heading for the inn. The day had turn out pretty much as he had expected and he had gotten what he wanted. But despite trying to keep a plain appearance he got quite a number of curious stares even though he shielded his silver hair beneath his hood. Perhaps there was something uncommon about his face that attracted their attention.

As he approached the entrance of the inn, he saw a man leaving it. He walked past Loz without a glance but Loz turned back to look at him warily. There was something about the man that wasn't right. He might appear normal to any passers-by but to Loz there was an ominous aura surrounding him that was impossible to ignore.

It was then that he remembered what Yazoo had told him earlier.

He watched the man amble down the street, an evil smile on his face.


Yuffie thought she had gotten the basics Ayumi taught her about Go and was sure she could manage to do well in the game but to her utter dismay and embarrassment, she was defeated woefully by Ayumi five times in only a matter of minutes. Kadaj watched them with amusement and couldn't help sniggering whenever Yuffie turned hysterical.

"One more game, Ayumi. This time I will do better, promise," Yuffie pleaded.

"Uh-uh, you're lame."

"It's easy for you to say. I can't be an expert when I had only just learnt how to play," she shouted.

"You think so? Then maybe your lover would prove you wrong."

"Hah! I would like to see that. And stop calling him my lover because he isn't."

"Kadaj, do you want to play?"

Kadaj sighed. "Well, since I don't have anything else to do."

Yuffie smirked. She'd like to see him try and win. He'd fail as many times as she had, and maybe more.

He proved her wrong.

Yuffie watched in open-mouthed amazement as Kadaj won every single game he and Ayumi played. For someone playing the game for the first time, it was simply incredulous. Yuffie guessed he had inherited the awesome intelligence of Sephiroth.

"Oh, no! You won me again. That's seven times," Ayumi groaned after several minutes.

"Wow!" Yuffie whistled softly.

"You must be cheating. You beat me too easily," Ayumi pouted.

"It's pretty easy once you get the hang of it. I don't know how anyone could fail in this."

Yuffie glared at kadaj. "I'm sure you already knew how to play the game," she snarled.

"Not really. It's just that I'm better than you."

"What did you say?"

Kadaj was stopped from replying when the door opened abruptly, admitting Yazoo. He frowned slightly when he saw the small group playing Go on Yuffie's bed.

Yuffie had gotten used to seeing Yazoo and Loz all clad in leather (only Kadaj was experimenting with clothes so far, and whatever he wore looked fantastic on him if she might add), so she was startled when he came in dressed in a cream-colored sweater and fashionable leather pants. It looked good on him. He looked perfect.

Yuffie shook her head and stared at her lap angrily. What was she becoming these days?

"Wow! There are more of you?" Ayumi blurted out, looking at Yazoo, then at Kadaj. "My, you're all pretty," she giggled at her statement.

Yazoo looked at the girl indifferently, wondering vaguely who she was.

"Kadaj, I need to talk to you."

"Is Loz back?"

Yazoo nodded.

Kadaj rose from the bed and went towards Yazoo without hesitation.

"Ayumi, what are you doing here? Your tutor has been waiting -" Yuka, who had barged in without knocking, began admonishingly but she stopped abruptly, gaping at yazoo and Kadaj.

"Yikes! I completely forgot," said Ayumi agitatedly. "I better go before he gets mad at me."

She quickly packed up the game and hurried to the door. "It was nice playing with you guys. See you later. Yuka, are you coming?"

"Huh?" Yuka looked disconcertedly at Ayumi. Her eyes lingered for a while on Kadaj and Yazoo, especially Yazoo, and then she turned and left with Ayumi.

"What was that about?" Yuffie cocked her head to the side. It looked like Yuka was completely taken in by the silver haired brothers. Well she isn't the only one, a small voice at the back of her head said. Shut up! Yuffie thought angrily.

Kadaj didn't say anything. He was all too familiar with the awe-struck looks women and sometimes men seemed to have when they looked at him or any of his brothers, most especially him and Yazoo.

Yazoo didn't seem to notice Yuka's obvious interest in him, as usual.

"We should go now. Loz must be waiting?"

"What about her?" said Yazoo, referring to Yuffie.

"She'd stay here. We're just in the opposite room." Kadaj had said this rather casually but there was something in his voice that sounded like a warning to her, a reminder for her not to do anything stupid, like trying to escape.

When they were gone Yuffie stood glaring at the door. They thought they could manipulate her like they wanted to. They'd see. She'd make them pay one day. She looked at the window but discarded the idea that sprang to her mind. It was no use. Besides, she dreaded the repeat of the scene where Kadaj caught her trying to escape and looked like he was going to chop her into pieces.

She sighed heavily and flopped down on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

Cloud, Tifa, everyone … where were they?


Yuffie was very bored. Several hours had gone by and Kadaj had not returned yet. Outside, the sky was cloudless, blue with a hint of orange. She would have liked to go for a walk, even for a few minutes. She curled herself on the bed, willing herself to sleep but she couldn't.

Damn the silver-haired creatures! Didn't they know how torturing it was to stay indoors constantly with no form of amusement or entertainment?

She got off the bed in irritation and moved to the door. If they got angry with her so be it. She'd be damned if she stayed here any longer.

She pulled the door open, glanced surreptitiously at the hallway and moved stealthily towards the stairs. She should have taken her stealth lessons with her father seriously. She cursed softly as each step she took made creaking noises on the floorboards.

"Are you going somewhere?"

Yuffie froze and turned stiffly to look at the person behind her. She blew out a relieved breath when it was only the innkeeper's assistant.

"Er, nowhere."

"I was just doing a bit of cleaning up in the other rooms and changing the sheets. Does yours need changing?"

"Um, I not sure … not really …"

Yuka chortled softly. "Guess we'd have to check it out then. Come." She grabbed a reluctant Yuffie and led her back into the room.

After examining the beds for a moment she said, "Guess they don't need changing for now. I hope you're not lacking anything."


The brunette looked at Yuffie pensively. "The men you came with, are they relatives of yours?"

"No, no way. They're just -" Yuffie wanted to say 'some bunch of kidnappers' but caught herself and said instead "- friends."

"Oh, the information provided on the form said you were."

Yuffie looked nonplussed.

"I heard you were sharing a room with one of them. Ayumi told me you were lovers." At that moment Yuffie wished she could throttle Ayumi.

"He's not my -" Yuffie began to say angrily through clenched teeth but Yuka interrupted her, giggling.

"Of course you can't be lovers since your related. Say, I'm quite bored. Do you want to come to my room and watch a movie with me?"

How could she refuse such an invitation? "Of course!"

"What's you're name?"


"I'm Yuka. Nice to meet you."

Yuffie followed Yuka out of the room, down the flight of stairs, across the lobby to a narrow corridor that had four rooms. Yuka opened one of the doors and motioned for Yuffie to step in. It was a small room, nicely furnished and unlike the room Kadaj and she shared it had a TV set.

"Have you ever watched My Tender Years?"


"It's a romance movie but it's quite humorous. I'm sure you'd love it."

"I'd like to see it."

Yuka set the movie and as it was playing she went out momentarily to get cookies and apple juice (to Yuffie's delight).

It was going to be an interesting hour and a half.


"Something's not right," Kadaj said in the middle of a conversation with Yazoo and Loz. His and Yuffie's room was suddenly quiet, too quiet. Only moments ago he could hear Yuffie's fidgety movements, sighs of anger and twice, her kicking against something hard like furniture that was followed almost immediately by an Ouch! Then there was noises in the hallway that sounded suspiciously like she was trying to make a stealthy escape out of the room but she was only discussing with the innkeeper or her assistant, who was gone by now. But in the last thirty minutes everything had gone still, which disturbed him.

"What's wrong, Kadaj?" Loz asked, noticing Kadaj's discomfort.

"The other room is quiet."

"She can't have escape?" said Yazoo darkly.

"No, she wouldn't be that stupid." Kadaj pulled the door open. "I'd go look for her."

Kadaj stepped out of his brothers' room and went into the opposite room. He was right. Yuffie wasn't there. Kadaj swore under his breath, a black coming over his face.

He tore away from the room, walking furious through the hallway, down the stairs and into the lobby. He glanced around wildly, seething with rage and thinking what kind of punishment he'd inflict on her worthless body.

He heard a fit of girlish giggles coming from the door to the left. He went towards it, emerging into a small corridor. He opened the door from which the giggles were coming from and gazed, his mouthing hanging slightly open, at the two females sitting on the floor, munching cookies and laughing over a moive.

They looked up with curiosity at his sudden entrance.

"Hello!" said Yuka, her eyes gazing at Kadaj intently.


"What are you doing here?" Kadaj asked Yuffie coldly, ignoring Yuka.

Yuffie scowled. "I should ask you the same question."

"Get up."

Yuffie glared at him then shrugged and got to her feet. He looked absolutely enraged and this wasn't the time to provoke him.

"Thanks so much for the movie. It was fun," said Yuffie gaily.

"You're welcome."

Kadaj didn't wait for Yuffie but walked right out of the room. Yuffie shrugged and followed him. He moved ahead without glancing back, almost as if he didn't notice that she was right behind him.

"Why are you so angry? I was only watching a movie with Yuka."

He said nothing.

"Oh, by the way, the movie wasn't so good. Really, the love story was déjà vu. It was just some poor imitation of Romeo and Juliet." Yuffie didn't know why she was provoking him with her gibberish. He looked fearsome, like he was about to loose control any moment, wheel around and strangle her to death.

But Kadaj moved on without a glance or a word to her.

Yuffie felt annoyed and, unwisely, said loudly, "Oh, what's wrong? Is the mighty Kadaj so furious that a little slip of a girl managed to defeat that complete awareness of his?"

Kadaj loosed it at that moment. He turned around and slammed her against the wall, bracing his arms and each side of her head. Yuffie gazed with fright at those malevolent feline eyes.

"You don't seem to understand your position here," Kadaj hissed in her ear.

"That I'm your prisoner?" Yuffie couldn't keep the edge of anger out of her voice.

"I can't let you blow our cover. I'm responsible for you."

"And what made you think I want you to be responsible for me? If you're tired of me then let me go."

"Don't ask for the impossible."

"Then I would do whatever I want."

Kadaj grabbed her shoulders and shook her roughly. "If someone noticed you we'd have a big problem and I would have no choice but to eliminate you then and you don't want that," he snarled.

Yuffie was so tired of this angry match between them. It was just so pointless. Prehaps it was time to try a different approach.

"You're not afraid of humans now, are you, Kadaj?" she said mockingly, gazing directly into his eyes, trying to mask any hint of her fear.

"That's not what I mean."

"Okay, I understand," she said, her eyes narrowed slightly and a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

Kadaj stared at her, taken aback by her sudden change of character. "Understand what?" he asked suspiciously.

His eyes widened in mild shock when Yuffie raised her hand to touch his cheek just like he'd done before to her. "If you offer me something in exchanged I might do whatever you ask," she smiled softly and Kadaj couldn't help both think how adorable and irresistible she could be sometimes. It was seriously dangerous for him to think in that way.

But he wasn't a fool.

"Really?" he asked huskily. His eyes narrowed and he smiled mysteriously. He'd play along and see how far she would go.

Yuffie tried to keep the falsely sweet smile plastered on her face. The change in Kadaj's face was making her downright uncomfortable. "Yes, if you offer me enough," she responded somewhat timidly.

There was something fierce in Kadaj's eyes. Was it passion or something of the sort? Yuffie averted her eyes and instead looked at his hair. It looked like a sheet of polished metal, so silvery and shiny. In spite of her she reached out to touch it, wanting to feel the texture but Kadaj caught her hand before she could. She looked back at his face and was alarmed to see a mischievous smile on his face.

Yuffie felt a thrill course through her as Kadaj leaned towards her so their bodies was almost touching and his face hovered only inches over hers.

"If you become obedient, then I promise I'd give you anything you want," he whispered in her hair. A blush diffused over her face and she locked her knees to keep them from trembling. This wasn't happening!

Kadaj grinned and his face closed over hers. Yuffie heart was thumping so loudly she wondered if he could hear it. She stiffened and squeezed her eyes tightly shut. He was going to kiss her. She knew it!

But he pulled apart at the last moment and laughed loudly, too loudly and hysterical for Yuffie's liking.

"Huh?" said Yuffie, nonplussed.

"You're original but your act wasn't that good."

"What the hell?"

"Next time, if you're trying to draw me in try to be a little more convincing."

"Who said that I was trying to draw you in?" said Yuffie hotly.

"This is going to be interesting," Kadaj continued laughing as he made his way back to their room.

The laughter grated on Yuffie nerves and she blushed furiously. She may be angry but she had to face the fact. Somewhere deep down, she was disappointed that Kadaj had stopped, had not gone further. And what scared her was that she didn't know if Kadaj had noticed.

She knew she had made one fatal mistake.

She should have never stopped hating him.



*The name of the manga series is Hikaru no Go and it made Japanese kids go all crazy about the game. The movie My Tender Years, does not exist (well, kinda). Anyway, this story is still far away from being finished so keep reading!