A/N: Well, here's my piece of the I Wanna Go Home series, started by Kateness777, who I have permission from to write this and continued by Lizardios. They're currently way ahead of me story-wise, let's see if I can catch up.

Yes, this is a Self-Insert, so the character is basically me, but you can't expect me to be totally honest about myself, now can you? I've taken the 'virtual life' idea to a whole new level, my character has blood relatives in Ivalice, but they don't look much like my real family, I'll tell you that much. My real maternal grandfather is Portuguese though, that's close enough to a Rozarrian, isn't it? Whatever. And my other relatives are a mix of English, Welsh, French, German and something.


I wanna go home 3! Are you listening?!

Chapter 1

Screen-flash-warp . . . PS2!

On the computer, Razecha Sylblade failed to neutralize a Kournan Guard Post once again and drew the attention of the Garrison, siege fire obliterating the already weakened team before the new Sunspear Leader could order them to run.

Scowling at the screen, I immediately click log out and close Guild Wars down, that was the third time tonight I'd failed that mission, maybe I should try a different Hero combination or join a real player team . . . . no, that'll be my last resort . . . Inbox?

Nope, no new chapters to read, glancing at the time I find it reading 11:58, an hour or two of game time left . . . blissfully silent night owl game time.

No more Guild Wars, what should I play? Puzzle Pirates? Nah, got enough puzzlish stuff from the Mission. Definitely not portal for the same reason, that leaves the PS2.

"Come on, fuzzbutt," the white fuzzball of a dog picks up his head and looks at me blankly, "Upstairs."

He grudgingly rises to his feet and stretches, leaving me to watch impatiently until he finally decides to jump off the couch and follow me . . . Slowpoke.

Upstairs, I make a face as I catch an earful of my dad's snoring, no wonder that mom usually sleeps on the couch nowadays, I have a hard time sleeping through the living chainsaw and I'm a heavy sleeper! I close both bedroom doors securely and turn the radio on low to block out the sound, mostly that is.

On the bed, the seven-year-old Bichon has already curled up on the far corner and gone back to sleep, lazy mutt. I quickly shed my synth socks and free my hair, sitting down on the mattress and taking my time to brush out my hair while I actually can remember to do so.

Despite constant efforts to clean my room, it only keeps a bare semblance of that, just enough to walk through it somewhat easily. After all, I really don't spend much time in here, except to sleep, play on the PS2 or avoid my dad's personality flaws. True, there is are over two hundred novels littering the shelves and random nooks that I could read, but those I actually like, I've already read multiple times, what's the fun in that? An example? I read Harry Potter 1, 2 and 3 at least twenty times each, probably closer to thirty, number 4 about a dozen times, 5 three times, 6 twice and 7 once. The last three are less covered since we never owned them, only borrowed. Myeh.

Glancing around the room, I locate a few scattered game cases. Atelier Iris 2? nah, it's fun but I'll save it for later . . . Final Fantasy VII? I don't think my eyes would be able to stand the low-level graphics at the moment. . . What the heck in Herdy Gerdy doing in here? I thought I hid that last month . . . empty case . . . not that one . . . oh, this'll work, Final Fantasy XII Collector's Edition, haven't played this for awhile, I can start my 'perfect' game.

I retrieve the PS2 and set it up, snatching my card from where it lay on the floor, the disk quickly finding it's place inside. Next came the channel adjustments, VCR settings . . . there.

Already bored with how long it takes to get to the start menu, I pull out the booklet and flip through it, not really reading it, simply examining the background pictures.

"I wonder what it would be like to be a Sky Pirate?" I muse, looking over the bios once again. "Always moving, searching for a thrill. Much more exciting than here, for sure."

Shrugging, I realize that the intro is finally far enough to start the game and pound the X button to start a new game, not paying much attention until the screen falls into fuzzy blackness.

Sighing, I smack the side of the aging television to clear the static, but a fraction of a second later it's back, with a major vengeance, "You've got to be kidding me!" Another smack did nothing. Now thoroughly disgusted with my hand-me-down electronics, I rise to my feet and yank the plug from the wall.

Returning to my bed I reach over and pet Snowball, who merely stretches out a little and continues to snooze away. I snatch the pilfered Nintendo DS from under my mattress and look back towards the fuzzy screen as I turn it on

. . . Wait

Fuzzy Screen? I thought . . . It's still ON!? What the Flying Ultima Crystal Kingdom!? I reach over and hit the power switch on the TV, which apparently wants to prove it's stubbornness by not reacting to even that simple act.

Scowling at the screen, I freeze as it suddenly turns white, the white doesn't stop there though, hearing 'Fuzzbutt' yelp behind me, I try to avoid the spreading whiteness by standing up. By the time I reach my feet, my room is gone, plain flat whiteness beneath my feet.

What, is a little girl or a black panther gonna show up now? I don't want to mess around with Wolfram and Hart right now.

Spinning, I spot a familiar slim silver box on the floor, a matching controller plugged in and a completely clear memory card stuck into the first slot. Um . . .

I approach the exact duplicate of my PS2 Slim Platinum and frown suspiciously, where's the card in the memory card? It's empty. The PS2 abruptly flips open and another flash, this time black, erupts from the location of the disk.

Then everything went black, literally and figuratively.


A/N: So . . . how was that for a starter? Kateness? Lizardios? I do already have Chapter 2 close to done, should be posting it fairly soon and I've got a start to Chapter 3 as well. More of a prologue really than a chapter with it's length, but whatever . . . the other chapters will be a good deal longer, C2 is already 9 pages long as it is and it still has chunks missing from it.