Disclaimer: I do not and sadly will never own Death note or any of its characters.

Warnings: Yaoi! If you don't know what that is I suggest you find out before reading, or you might be severely traumatized friends. Please don't flame me! This will be rated M for later chapters including smexy LxRaito-ness. Yes, it will be LxRaito. I might do m-preg, maybe… I wouldn't get your hopes up or down yet. Maybe I'll take a poll… Bondage, Bloodsucking, etc. I'll warn y'all when it gets to said chaps.

McFuzzy: Hey y'all. Okay, so this is my first Death Note fic, and I'm really interested in seeing the response I get!

Light: Please don't let her do this…

McFuzzy: Bwhahahaha! You are my slave man meat, so shut up and deal!

L: Raito-kun, I believe she just called you man meat…

Light: I'm aware of this Ryuuzaki.

McFuzzy: Don't worry L; you can be man meat, too.

L: Is man meat sweet?

McFuzzy: Yes. Yes it is. Myeeesssss.

L: I find this to be acceptable.

Light: I hate all of you!

Chapter 1 My Hobo

Of all the days to get off late from work, today just had to be the day. Light walked through the empty suburban street listening to his feet click on the damp sidewalk. Above all it was raining -- it was not Light's day.

Unfortunately Light had hoped for a pleasant day. Earlier that day he was late for his bus arrangement; he ended up having to walk five blocks. That was ok, but he hadn't been sleeping enough lately which made the task difficult.

While he was walking he had almost been mugged by some guy running out of a drug store. Honestly, Light had thought the neighborhood was better than that. The man didn't have a gun, but a finger in his pocket of which he thought would suffice.

Light laughed when the mugger told Light to give him his wallet. Apparently the guy knew that Light knew he was bluffing, so he blushed and ran off. How about that; a blushing robber. Light didn't feel like arresting him.

Honey brown eyes gazed up to the sky as the weather let up a little. He was thinking about the case that he had just got off from.

It was disturbing to him, if not all of the members of his crew. Recently in Tokyo there have been random killings in what seemed like no substantial pattern, all of the same death; heart attack.

He couldn't help but grimace at the complexity of the case. He was sure that he could solve it with proper help, but for some reason his team just didn't seem up to par with his expectations.

Surly it was no coincidence, either, (don't call me surly), because the deaths seemed to happen to only those of whom were mass murderers. Light chuckled to himself. If there was the most twisted form of judgment out there, this was it. He cracked his knuckles and sighed.

Ten hours of work! That had to of been a record. He was sore and his eyes hurt badly from staring at computer monitors all day. It was worse because the tensions at the office were high, especially because Light is the chief detective.

If it wasn't one thing, Matsuda and Aizawa were fighting, or Mogi wanted something to drink and his damned sister Sayu was ALWAYS calling every hour for some god-unknown reason. Stupid people and their stupid opinions, he thought to himself.

He kept a steady pace as he walked, but stopped suddenly when he heard a sigh in the alley beside him. Was he being followed? For a minute he just sat there to see if the person was still there. No footsteps… then he heard another sigh.

He flung himself to the wall in a very James Bond-like pose as he poked his head around the corner to get a good view of the offender. Light sighed in relief as he saw a simple Hobo.

He crept silently as to not wake him while he got a good look at the man. He gasped in surprise. For some reason, he looked nothing like a hobo. He was very young first of all, very thin, and had skin as pale as the moon.

Light was pretty sure that hobos would be a bit tanner during the summer in Tokyo. He was also wearing a white sweater and light blue jeans. This was strictly not hobo-like at all. Light leaned in a bit to smell the man's breath for alcohol, then checked his pulse. The last thing I need is a dead man...

He went to put his fingers to his neck when the man below him shifted and sighed. Yes, he was very much alive and not drunk either. But hell, the man looked practically dead. As he could feel, he was very cold as well. Light groaned to himself. His conscious was yelling at him like it normally did. Light like to call it "mini-Light."

People took this as a sign of politeness or kindheartedness in most circumstances, but Light only did it to make his mini-Light shut the hell up.

Reluctantly, Light picked the man up and delicately positioned him on his shoulders. He began to walk home with a sleeping hobo on his back. This is going to be a long night.

Light was exhausted by the time he got up the THIRD story of his apartment complex. The man was heavier than he seemed, and Light decided to exercise more.

He stumbled inside of his complex and practically flung the corpse on his couch to lift the burden. The figure shifted and squirmed on the couch. Shit!

As light thought about his situation, he really didn't want to wake the figure up because he really hadn't prepared an answer as to why he abducted him.

Besides, Light was too tired to gain any sense of rational thought, so he might sound like a complete creeper. However, his thoughts were eased as the man stopped squirming and cuddled himself into the fetal position, seeming to sleep.

Light didn't want to take any more chances, so he turned threw a small blanket over the body and stumbled into his bedroom. He crept into bed and closed his eyes. Then the paranoia kicked in.

He started wondering, what if he is a complete creeper? He imagined the man using his utensils in the morning and eating the food out of his fridge, and all of those messes he would make!

He also wondered what would happen if he was a killer. Light didn't want to wake up dead, or worse, a stranger using his toothbrush!

Light opened his eyes as he realized he forgot to shower. He looked at the clock next to his bed. 2:00 Am. and Light had to get up at 6. He reluctantly got out of bed and went into the shower.

He let steamy water flow over his body and let his muscles relax. Too tense. I am way to tense for a 20 year old. Then he heard the door to his bathroom open.

His head flung toward the direction of the door in shock. No, nothing was there, and the door was closed, too. He was a bit freaked out at the thought of this stranger roaming his apartment.

He sat there in the shower for a minute, and then heard banging from the kitchen area, right next to the living room. He turned off the water and threw on his pajamas.

When he had dashed to the couch where his guest was sleeping, he couldn't believe his eyes. The man was in the exact same spot, deep breathing like sleeping people do, and nothing was out of place.

He sighed in relief. It seemed as if his nerved got the best of him. As he walked back to his bedroom, the stranger opened his eyes and rubbed his elbow from where he had tripped on it. That was too close.

That morning Light woke up with very bloodshot eyes. He wasn't dead yet, though he wished he was. He got absolutely no sleep with the thought of the unknown guy in his apartment.

When he walked to the couch, the guy was still asleep, though in a different position, but breathing steadily. Light got a better look at his face in the light from the window. He wasn't actually all that scary looking, but a bit weird.

For some reason, Light almost laughed at thinking he was scared of this. He looked so innocent while sleeping. Then he remembered his "courtesy" and wrote the stranger a note for when he woke up.

At work. Feel free to use any of my commodities till I get back. Stay if you like. Light

When Light had written "Stay if you like," it was actually code for "get the hell out you moocher." But unfortunately, he didn't feel that he would get the hint. So begrudgingly, he went to work, and looked back at the stranger one last time.

Light practically ran home to his apartment out of fear, yet again, from his guest. He fumbled with the keys and flung the door open. He stood there and observed the surroundings. He wasn't sure if he was just tired, or if it was really dark in his apartment.

He stepped in and looked to the couch. The man wasn't there! In an instant, Light began to panic again and decided to continue searching the apartment. He wasn't just tired, he noticed, as his apartment was never this dark. He wondered if this was why the stranger was so pale.

He lurched into the kitchen starting to wonder if he should pull out his gun, or if that would completely freak out the stranger and turn the creeper sign onto Light. He smacked himself on the head. This wasn't the time to think about appearance!

"Raito-san shouldn't hurt himself like that." Light's eyes widened incredibly as he turned around to face the stranger. The man simply gave a shallow smile and held his hand up in a wave like motion as Light simply stood there gaping.

Didn't I just look there…? Light stuttered for a moment not being able to say anything as he gaped at the gangly figure in front of him. Say something Light! He watched while the stranger brought a thumb up to his mouth and gently nibbled on the nail.

His eyes were coal black and showed absolutely no emotion. His gaze mad Light shiver, and then he noticed the horrendous bags under his eyes. It looked like he hadn't slept in years.

"I see you're awake…" Light practically tripped all over himself in the response.

"Indeed. I thank Raito-san for his hospitality, but unfortunately I must part." He smiled again, making Light cringe in fear, and turned for the door. Light was pissed at this notion. He let this creeper practically ruin a good night's sleep and for a simple "thank Raito-san." Bah!

"W-wait a minute! Can I at least know your name?"

"Ryuuzaki." The stranger turned around and walked very close to Light. "Raito-san can call me Ryuuzaki." His gaze never left Light's eyes at this, making Light blush a bit. Then he did something unexpected.

He took Light's hand gently, still staring at Light intensely, brought it to his mouth, then bit Light very hard, just enough to draw blood.

"Gah! What the hell is wrong with you?!" Light drew his hand back in pain and watched the blood slide down his hand.

"We will meet again, Raito-san." With that, he turned and slid out of the door, disappearing into the night. Light just stood at his doorway his mouth practically to the floor. He lets a man sleep in his house, and then he gets bit?!

He grimaced at the small puncture wound on his Right hand. He slightly wondered if he should get it checked for rabies. What a weird week.

Light felt the effects of sleep overtake his body, and realized he was probably hallucinating, and when he woke up in the morning none of this would have happened. He nodded with determination the fell onto his bed. Slowly, he sunk into sleepy bliss.

End of chap

McFuzzy: I hope you liked it. I will try to update regularly since I have no life ;)