"That's impossible

"That's impossible! How did you Digivolve without your crests?!"

"Nothin' impossible, 'specially when ya got yer friends helpin' ya."

"That's right! Now, it's time to fight!"


Everyone jumped onto their partners, ready for battle.

"So, you want to fight? Death Claw!"

"Vulcan's Hammer!"

"Nice shot, Zudomon!"

"Hang on, Judie!"


The green-banded turtle was thrown up.

"Flower Cannon!"

Another claw was destroyed before Lillymon caught her partner.


"Vulcan's Hammer!"

"Leo! Raph! Go for his body! We'll distract him!"

A claw went for Zudomon and Lillymon from behind.


"Gate of Destiny!"

"Celestial Arrow!"

"Don't worry, Annie! We're watching your shells!" Mikey assured.

"Go for the other claws!"

"Death Claw!"

The attack went straight for the two Mega-level Digimon.

"Flower Cannon!"

Apocalymon used another attack like a machine gun.

"Megakabuterimon, protect Rosie!"

"Got it!"

Garudamon flew up.

"Wing Blade!"

Rose jumped back onto her partner as she flew by.

"Let's do this! We've got him on the ropes!"

"Giga Cannon!"

"Horn Buster!"

"GET 'IM!"


"Metal Wolf Claw!"

"Terra Force!"

Now, Apocalymon seemed like a harmless cube, his body and 'claws' destroyed, and it started floating away.

"Still think yer tough?"

"Is that your best shot?"

"You know you're beaten!" Leo countered.

"You think so? I may be beaten, but I will not go down so easily. I'll take you and both worlds with me! You still haven't seen my ultimate attack. TOTAL ANNIHILATION!"

There was a bright light as it threatened to explode…

'He's gonna destroy everythin'!'

'No! He can't!'

'I can't let him hurt my family!'

'I want sensei!'

'There's got to be a way to stop him!'

'We won't give up!'

'We're stronger than he is!'

'We're a team…Family…'

'This is destiny!'

'We can't fail…We're...'


Lights escaped their Digivices, creating a cube around the explosion, and making it so small it became almost nothing.

"What happened?" Judie questioned.

"The explosion were completely contained…By the power of our Digivices…" Don answered.


Rose grinned.

"Leo, we won!"

Hugging the blue-banded turtle, she kissed him.

Poor Leo nearly fell over in surprise, and Don, Raph, and Mikey turned to their girlfriends.

"…Uh oh…"

As they were glomped in excitement and kissed, their Digimon laughed.

Their friends ran up to congratulate them, Ogremon and Andromon in the lead.

"Guys! You did it!"

"Thanks, guys." Judie admitted.

"It was nothing." Anne added.

With Apocalymon gone, it seemed everything was falling back into place…

"Sorry I'm late, I forgot to set my alarm. Is it over?"

They turned to see Gennai in a Mekanorimon, along with Centarumon.

"Yeah. And we kicked shell!" Rose answered.

"What's going to happen to the Digital World now?" Mikey questioned.

"See for yourselves. Look down."

Obeying Centarumon's order, they sixteen of them looked down.

It looked like a film, showing File Island and Infinity Mountain.

"It said that after the great darkness, the first thing to be reborn would be the island, and after the island came the land and seas."

"…What does that mean?" Leo asked.

"It means that the Digital World will start over from the beginning."

"What's going on down there?" Terrie asked.

"The whole Digital World is being reborn, including all the Digimon from the past. We're going to need a lot of diapers."

"…Alright. Let's go." Raph stated.

Leo nodded, and everyone agreed whole-heartedly.

They went down to Primary Village, Digimon Dedigivolved, and Judie grinned.

'I never realized how nice this place was…I only saw it when it was destroyed…'

Digieggs were raining from the sky, ready to be reborn.

'Leomon…Chuumon…Whamon…They're all coming back…All our friends…'

Mikey and Patamon ran out to rub the eggs, and Elecmon followed to make sure they were careful.

"Wait! Those eggs are my responsibility!"

"Are you going to count them all?"

"Are you crazy? You NEVER count your Digieggs before they hatch!"

Terrie smiled, stepping forward and picking up a white and yellow-striped Digiegg.

"Are you gonna hatch them all?"

"What do you suggest? We make an omelet?"

The pink-banded turtle smiled sheepishly.

"No, nothing like that…"

"Of course we're going to hatch them all! The fate of the Digital World depends on it!"

"You can help! Just rub them gently!" Patamon added.

Smiling, the pink-eyed turtle rubbed the egg in her arms.

"We should be done in about sixty years."

"We should take a picture. To commemorate this special occasion." Andromon stated.

"That's a good idea." Anne agreed.

"I'll get Mikey and Terrie." Don volunteered, running to get the two 'youngest' turtles.

Everyone got in front of Andromon for the picture, Terrie still holding the Digiegg.


Right when Andromon took the picture, the Digiegg hatched in a burst of smoke, and it receded, allowing the android to take another.

Everyone crowded around the little baby Digimon, and Terrie smiled.

"He's so CUTE!"

Ogremon left in his strange 'evil loner' fashion, but Judie didn't seem to mind.

'He's such a softie…Like Raph…'

Free to roam the island they knew so well, they went to a familiar lake and laid down on the bank.

Cuddling with their partners and boyfriend or girlfriend, they were content in the bright sunlight.

"This is where Gabumon first Digivolved ta Garurumon…" Raph informed the younger turtle in his arms.

"Really? Against who?"


"We even spent our first night in the Digital World here." Rose added.

Anne nodded, her feet in the water as Gomamon swam around.

Mikey was cuddled against her side, hugging Patamon to his chest.

"Do you guys think we'll be like superheroes when we get home?" Mikey asked.

Judie gave a sad little smile.

"Probably not…"

Don smiled.

"Well, we can stay here as long as we want! It's not like we have school or anything!"

"Yeah!" Leo agreed.

"That'll be great!" Rose added.

Agumon looked up at the sky, a bit confused.

"Is that a solar eclipse?"

"Yes it is. And there's something very special about it you all need to know."

The turtles turned see Gennai and Centarumon, looking confused.

"That you shouldn't stare at it?" Terrie questioned.

"True…but that's not all. This eclipse could cost you your lives."

Everyone stared at him, worried.

"It's not an ordinary eclipse?" Judie asked.

"That shadow is the gate that connects your world to the Digital World." Centarumon answered.

"I'm afraid the eclipse will only last for two more hours."

"That's no problem. We'll just wait till it opens up again." Leo answered.

"Besides, we have years of fun left!" Mikey stated.

"Actually, when Apocalymon appeared, the flow of time between your world and this one became synchronized."

"Well…We still have a few weeks!"

"Well…Actually, you only have the two hours. Once the gate closes, it'll be closed forever."

The words struck their hearts like a volley of arrows.

"No…" Anne whispered, gripping Gomamon tighter.

"Sorry…It's time to say goodbye…"

Gennai watched the turtles split off with their Digimon, going to say goodbye, and wished, at that moment, that he could keep them all together forever…


"…I'm going to miss you, Rosie…Tell your father hi when you get back…"

"I will, Biyo…"

Rose looked down at the ground below, feeling the bark against her skin.

"…I want to thank you…Before I met you, I didn't get along with my sensei much…He wouldn't let me do anything…But now I see how much he really loves me…"

"You mean it?"

"Of course."

"It makes me so happy to hear you say that! Sometimes, I thought I was just bothering you and getting in the way all the time…"

The orange/red-banded turtle hugged her partner, tears in her eyes.

"Never…You could never bother me…And you could NEVER get in the way…"

The tears started falling.

"Because you're my best friend…I'm going to miss you so much, Biyo…"


Anne was walking through the lake's shallow water, Gomamon on her head and eyes closed.

"…I know it'll be hard to make new friends, Gomamon…But I know we should…"

"Not a problem. I took an ad out in the personals. I have five interviews lined up for next week!"

She smiled weakly at her partner.

"I should've known…"

She sniffled.

"…You're such a great friend, Gomamon…"

"Annie, don't cry…"

"I-I can't help it…"

She tried to stop the flow of tears, sobs starting to grow in her chest.

"Annie, it'll be okay."

"I-I know…But…I-I'll miss you…"


Don stopped, looking up at the trolley cars windshield.


"Yes, Donnie?"

"I…have something I need to tell you before we have to say goodbye…"

Tentomon seemed interested.

"What is it?"

"…Okay…I love you."

The poor Digimon fell over, and Don went to catch him.


"Yes, I'm fine, but I was a bit surprised by your sudden display of emotion."

"I'm sorry I startled you…"

"It's alright…"

"It's just…I've never had a friend besides my brothers…This relationship is really special to me…"

"I know. It means a lot to me, too."

The purple-banded turtle hugged his partner, tears welling up in his eyes.

"…I'll really miss you, Tento…I'll never forget you…"


Their crying echoed through the empty valley, tears falling from blue eyes to wet grass.

"Mikey, please stop crying! You're making me cry!"

"I'm crying because YOU'RE crying!"

"Well, if your crying because I'm crying, and I'm crying because YOU'RE crying, then neither of us needs to be crying!"

Mikey stopped, thinking it over.


"Besides, I'm sure we'll see each other again one day."

"Yeah. Like we saw each other again after that thing with Devimon!"

Mikey grinned, hugging his partner.

"And no matter what happens, you'll always be my guardian angel!"


Raph seemed to glare down the hill, the silence eating at his heart slowly.

"…I'm sorry, buddy…"

"There's nothing to be sorry for."

"…Ya know how much this has meant ta me…I…I never wanted ta lose this…"

"I know, Raph…I know…"

"…I'm gonna miss ya, Gabumon…"

"And I shall miss YOU, my friend…"


Leo stood on the island, looking out at the lake.

He was trying to keep the tears from his eyes, and nearly failing.

"Leo…are you crying?"

The blue-banded turtle shook his head, even as the tears started falling.


"Aw, Leo…You big softie…"

Agumon hugged his partner around the waist, tears starting to fall as well.

"I'm sorry…I just…"

Leo hugged him back.

"…I'm really going to miss you, Agumon…"

"Same here, buddy…"


Terrie pulled something out of her belt, and Gatomon looked curious.

"For me?"

The pink-banded turtle smiled, showing a thin silver chain and pink stone pendant.

"Yes. I thought you should have something to remember me by."

"I could never forget you…"

"I know, but it's so a part of me will be with you. Here, I'll put it on."

The pendant hung over Gatomon's heart, and she looked at it curiously.

"Thanks, Terrie."

"It looks good on you."

"Gee, thanks…"

Gatomon averted her eyes.

"I guess this is…goodbye…"

"I suppose…" Terrie admitted, kneeling down to her partner's level.

"But I'm sure we'll see each other again. I can feel it. And as long as we keep the memories of each other in our hearts, our light will never go out. Promise never to forget me?"

"I promise, Terrie…"

"…I'll miss you, Gatomon…And I promise I'll never forget you…"



"Yes, Judie?"

Sniffling, the green-banded turtle held back her tears.

"…I-I…I'll be really sad without you…"

"Me, too…"

"We've been through so much…"

"I know…"

"I'll miss you so much!" Judie admitted, the tears overflowing.

"I'll miss you, too!"

They both cried, hugging each other and sobbing their hearts out.

"…I'll never have a better friend than you, Palmon…"

"Me neither, Judie…NEVER…"


"Have you all finished saying your goodbyes?"

They all nodded.

"You can take this cable car home on one condition. You have to promise to return it to San Francisco where I borrowed it from."

The gate was almost closed, and they all piled inside, opening the windows to look out at their partners on the lakeshore.

They were all in tears, though some tried to hide it while others clung to their loved ones to help the pain.

Electricity coursed through the cable car, and it turned on, revving to go.

Everyone chorused goodbye's from both sides, tears fell and shouts were made as the cable car started leaving.

Come stop your crying
It will be all right
Just take my hand Hold it tight

I will protect you
from all around you
I will be here
Don't you cry

Terrie felt her heart start breaking as she watched them all run to keep up, to keep them in sight…

She cried into Raph's arms…

For one so small,
you seem so strong
My arms will hold you,
keep you safe and warm
This bond between us
Can't be broken
I will be here
Don't you cry

'Cause you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more

Rosie sniffled, gripping the windowpane until she felt sure something splintered…


She closed her eyes against the hot tears…


She cried into her boyfriend's arms…

You'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be here in my heart, always

Why can't they understand
the way we feel
They just don't trust
what they can't explain
I know we're different but,
deep inside us
We're not that different at all

Anne and Mikey were crying and blubbering, hardly able to yell what they needed out to their partners…

And you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more

Don't listen to them
'Cause what do they know
We need each other,
to have, to hold
They'll see in time
I know

Judie felt her eyes sting and burn, gripped Don's hand tighter…

"I…I don't think I can take it, Donnie…"

"We're together…We'll make it…"

She nodded.

'But…I wish I could be together with HER, too…'

When destiny calls you
You must be strong
I may not be with you
But you've got to hold on
They'll see in time
I know
We'll show them together

'Cause you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on,
Now and forever more

Everyone was crying, their voices hoarse from sobs.


Oh, you'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be in my heart, always

And then they were gone…