Friends of the Same Kin

Chapter 7

Naruto's Farewells/Enter Bear

AN: This next chapter will be written in Naruto POV.

Me: Ha! I found meh inspiration!

Naruto: Really? Where was it?

Me: In a garbage can in Canada…I don't know how the hell he got there.

Naruto: Ah, Canada; Land of the peaceful, one of the homes to the French, were you will always be neutral…

Me: Anyways, because of a pain in the ass project during winter break, I might not update for while more, but maybe I might. But no promises…

Naruto: Why? I need to know, after all, keeping promises is my—

Me: We know! Every one knows about your freaking Nindo!!!

Naruto: ok…but why?!

Me: Because Ten-Ten sued me for when I promised her about the Neji world and made her jump out that window! I've lost half of my funding for this fanfic! Just don't get on her bad side for a while. It's bad enough she's living in the lap of luxery in a full body cast, but I fell...I don't know, killing her, since she always shows off my money!

Naruto: Uh…ok...remind me to wash off that 'kick me' sign I wrote on the back of her neck brace.

Me: …anyways…back to the story and remember everyone…


Naruto and Gaara just stared at each other. It had already been a week since Naruto and the old man got so Suna, translation; time for them to leave. The Hokage and Kazekage had built a strong peace treaty to ensure their alliance. And over the time period here, Naruto and Gaara had grown close, closer than friends, they were more like brothers.

Not to mention some were already seeing them as that (Suna villagers were more like glaring at the 'demon's' friendship).

"Come on Naruto. We have to leave before the heat becomes too intense to travel," the Hokage said, sad that he had to break up Naruto's first true friendship.

Naruto merely turned to walk with the group, but not 10 ft. away; he ran back and hugged his brother. Gaara, taken by surprise, could only hug back. Neither wanted to let go of the other, but they had to. And Naruto ran back to the departing group, leaving Gaara alone in his village again, with nothing but a hug…and memories that he will cherish for years to come.

Out in the desert, Naruto was silent, walking with his head down low. The Hokage could only stare at Naruto, filed with grief knowing that it was his fault Naruto was like this.

"Naruto…" Sarutobi started, but stopped, not knowing what to say.

Naruto stayed quiet with his head down throughout the whole trip home.

3 days later

A group of leaf ninjas were casually walking toward their home. Among them was a blonde child, who was silent the since their departure.

"Naruto, please stop this sulking. Think of that end as a new beginning. You now know that you can make friends. Now you just need to make friends in your home village," the Hokage said the blonde.


"Very well Naruto. You may stay in you bad mood, but just think about what I said," Sarutobi stated.

At the Hokage tower, the team of leaf jounin split up there mission carried out. The Hokage simply went to fill out the paper work to make the peace treaty truly official. Naruto simply waved good bye to the old man as he went home.

Later that day

Naruto was at his house, cleaning away the dust that built up the last 2 weeks in his absence. Suddenly there was a knock at the door, but when he opened it, he was veraciously pulled out of his home. He land in the center of about 10 villagers, all who had killer intent coming off them in waves.

"You got a lot of nerve showing your face around here again, demon!" one of the villagers said.

"Yeah, we might have to rough you up just to teach you a lesson, monster," another one said. Before Naruto knew it, he felt a massive amount of pain in a side. When he was about to get up he felt boot on his back.

"Not so fast scum! We ain't done with you yet!"

Naruto couldn't see there faces, but he knew that they were smiling at his pain.

"Yup, just another in Konoha. It sure is good to be back home." Naruto thought to himself in sarcasm.

In another part of Konoha, a ninja was walking around the village, looking for a place to eat. He had heard that the Hokage was back from Suna, which was good, but he couldn't help but think of Naruto. He remembered his conservation with the Hokage before he left for Suna (remembering him?). He had to see the kid. He had started to worry when he first saw him being beaten several months ago, but he didn't think anything about, thinking that maybe Naruto was just doing a little planking and he took it a little too far. Now he knew that Naruto would soon be in trouble, being back in the village. He easily forgot about his own mission to find a restaurant and went to check up on Naruto house, thinking what the villagers might be doing to the child.

(Back with Naruto)

Naruto now had a black eye, several cuts on his face, arms, and torso. And he was also pretty sure he had a few broken bones.

"This is worse than usual," thought Naruto. He was sure he was about to get another kick, but he was surprised, suddenly the beating stopped. Naruto soon heard one of his attackers to someone, "who are you and what are you doing here? Want to join us? If you do, we would gladly take some help in giving this scum some punishment."

"Leave the kid alone…or face me." Naruto heard this, and for some reason, the voice sounded vaguely familiar.

"Face you? Come on buddy. Even if you were serious, there's no way you could beat all of us."

Before anyone else could answer, the new figure struck down the man that just spoke in a single punch.

"Hey! No one strikes one of us down with out facing all of us!"

"Fine, come at me with every thing you got then!"

The villagers did as the rogue fighter said and they all charged at him together.

"Fools," the figure spoke.

Naruto was shocked at what he heard, but disappointed that he couldn't move so he could watch the beat down. All he heard was a few punches that connected and several thuds, as if some bodies fell to the ground.

Before Naruto knew it, a shadow was upon him.

"Come to finish me off? I wouldn't be surprised," Naruto said in a low tone. This caught the man off guard, but he understood why this child would say such a thing.

"Don't worry, I'm a friend," the figure said.

"A friend? H…How--" was all Naruto could say before he was picked up by the figure.

All Naruto could see was the figure's silhouette, before passing out from the pain.

"Poor kid. Never knew how cruel this village was."

With that, the figure took Naruto to the hospital.

The next day

Naruto awoke with a start. The last thing he remembered was being beaten by villagers before being saved. Studying his surrounding, Naruto could only tell that he as brought to the hospital last night. He also noticed he had a cast on his right arm and left leg, several bandages all over his body and over his eye.

As Naruto remembered last nights activities, he couldn't help wonder aloud, "Who was that last night?"

Just then, the room door opened to show the Hokage, Sarutobi. Behind him was an ANBU. From what Naruto could tell, the new ninja had short black hair, an average fatigue, tan skin, and wore the normal ANBU armor, along with a bear mask covering his face.

"Naruto, it's good to see you are awake. As soon as I heard about the incident, I rushed over here," Sarutobi explained.

"Jiji, it's good to see you to." Before Naruto would forget, he asked, "Hey old man, last night, I remember being saved by someone. Do you know who it was?"

The Hokage didn't look shocked, because he knew perfectly well who it was.

"Yes, I do Naruto; in fact he's with us right now." Naruto didn't understand right away, but he did after a few seconds. He stared back at the ANBU.

"It was you?" Naruto asked. The ANBU could only nod his head, showing it was him who saved Naruto. Before the masked ninja knew it, Naruto had flung himself off the bed, right at him.

"Thank You Thank You Thank You!!!" the ninja was obviously over whelmed at this kid's energy, even after nearly being beaten to death on the previous night.

"No problem," was all the ninja said before putting the child back in the bed.

"Who are you exactly?" this question got the elite ninja's guard down, but he recovered, and answered straight forward.

"I am ANBU number 21564, member of ANBU squad 14, my real name doesn't concern anyone but myself, but my friends call me Bear," the ANBU stated as if he was addressing a higher ranked officer.

"Bear, huh. Well nice to meet you, name's Naruto" the blonde 5 year old said before putting his arm out.

Bear hesitated, but decided to do it, and shuck Naruto's hand.

"Ok, enough with introductions. Naruto, you go back to bed and rest," the Hokage said.

Naruto nodded and went back to sleep as Sarutobi and Bear left the room.

"Thank you Bear." Naruto thought as sleep over toke him once again.

Me: and that concludes the 6th chapter of Friends of the Same Kin.

Naruto: So why add an OC?

Me: It adds more to the story.

Naruto: Ok then… I actually kind of actually like this guy.

Me: Good.

Bear: So tell me Haku, how do I contribute to the story?

Me: Easy Bear, you add to Naruto list of friends, and become a major influence in his life.

Bear: Nice.

Naruto: Ok now, back to the star.

Me: Gotcha Naruto. I will trying to update faster now, so keep a look out for this here fanfic.

Naruto: No, I meant me!!!

Me: Whatever. Oh, yeah, Naruto, before I forget, did you ever wash Ten-Ten's neck brace?

Naruto: (anime sweat drop) GOTTA GO GUYS BYE!!!

Me: Ok guys until…hey ,where did Inspiration go?

Bear: …

Me: Crap!!!

Bear: Sorry guys, but looks like Haku1013 night not update for a while.

Me: Quickly guys…To Canada!!!

Ok guys, please review. Flames will be used for a camp fire.

Also, I have a new poll up for later pairings. The Choices are...

1. NaruHina

2. GaaHina

3. NaruSaku

4. GaaSaku

Please vote.