Summary: Jou is forced to disguise as his younger sister and marry the ancient Egyptian priest as an offering. How does he endure? SetoxJou AU
Author's Note: New idea- New story- New drama. Since the plot takes place in ancient Egypt, I'll be referring Jounouchi to Jono and Seto to Seth. Not too confusing I hope, and I also hope you enjoy beloveds.
"Oh sweet Zeus," A woman ranted frantically. "Where is she?"
"She's gone."
"What do you mean she's gone?"
"Her horse, her clothes," The man's voice grew smaller. "They're all gone with her."
The blonde woman fell on her knees, weeping silently. The two men in the same room watched her anxiously, feeling pointless to comfort her. The curtains fluttered quietly against the cold night breeze, revealing the indeed empty bed where once their daughter and sister remained. The family suspected this. They knew in their gut feeling that the young girl would flee from marrying the infamous priest of Egypt. After all, she would only marry him as an offering- to only become his servant.
Finally, one of the men knelt beside the woman and helped her stand up once more, guiding her to the bed to sit properly.
"At least her burden's gone," He whispered effortlessly. "She can now marry whoever she wants."
"What about us? What about us? If the priest realizes her missing- we'll all be beheaded!" She shrieked, tears continuously falling out of her brown eyes. "Was it so much to ask?"
"Mother, she would've been a slave for the bloody priest! She would've suffered and longed to die from the moment the wedding bells rung!" The boy from the corner finally opened his mouth to speak, defending his sister from her conceited action.
"Leave me, Jono. We could've lived in wealth and power, but your ignorant sister left us in fear."
"Leave her be, son."
His father sternly spoke with his dark hair hiding away his concerning eyes. The oldest son let out a restless sigh and left the room, leaving the married couple to themselves.
"What are we going to do, Ermin?"
"I do not know."
"You won't let me die, you won't let Jono die."
"No, I would not."
"My poor daughter, my poor son."
"Listen to me Calixte. Listen to me carefully," His voice was low and ominous. "All the priest wanted was a new wife, yes?"
His wife nodded weakly.
"Then let him marry Jono."
"What are you talking about? He specifically chose her!"
"But Jono was not present when he selected her, he would not know the difference!" The voice grew in anticipation, in strange panic but excitement to the possible solution.
"The priest is not dense, Ermin! He would know!" She fought back, giving up in weary.
"Just until," The husband shushed her. "Just until our daughter returns, and when she does, we'll trade her back. Now tell me, wife, do Jono and Selena look anything alike?"
Her brown eyes shook quickly, nodding fearlessly.
"Exactly alike."
"We must inform the priest that our son, no- our daughter is very weak and she must refrain from excessive physical proceedings."
"Also to allow her privacy for her insecurities."
"Pray to Zeus at the altar tonight. I'll explain to Jono and convince him whole heartedly."
"Let him know I love him."
"Go, quickly."
She nodded and wrapped her upper body with another cloth, running out of the poor house toward the center of the village.
"F-Father? You can't be serious."
"I am, most certainly am. Do this for me, for your own mother- the most courageous act a son can do."
"If I'm exposed- we'll all die instantly!" The blond shouted, watching his father grow more desperate by the minute.
"Son, we'll all die tomorrow night when he arrives with Selena gone. We must try something instead of nothing!"
"Please, Jono, please."
The son watched his father lean forward, getting ready to bent over and fall on his knees to plead. The blond caught him before hand and quietly whispered into his ear.
"Please don't do selfless things, father. I'll do it and save you and mother."
A gentle tear formed from his father's identical iris and lingered there before his blinked.
"Thank you, Jono, my son."
Author's Note: Okay, here's the preface. Okay- I have no idea what to call Serenity in ancient Greece, so i just kept it Serenity. Sorry for the random names but yeah, Ermin is Jono's father's name and Calixte is his mother's. Hope that wasn't too confusing. Review if you want to see more, haha, and thank you for reading.
Serenity is now changed to Selena thanks to Yukiko-Angel