Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

I know that it was to be a one shot but I got a review from Kayshey and she got me thinking about writing a sequel. So hear it is this time its about Ino I hope you all enjoy.


Her would had gone silent. Her eyes lost there luster. Her life meant nothing now. She no longer cared about the world around her. It hurt to much. Everything was there as a reminder of what happened.

It was her fault the day he passed. Had she been paying more attention then maybe just maybe he would still be here.

Her family and friends try there best to help. They assure her that it was not her fault, but she knows. Everyone of them that tries to talk to her is turned away, except for Choji.

She accepts him because he had been Shikamaru's best friends. Though Choji reminds her of him more then anything she finds comfort in the story's that he tells of him.

The only thing that keeps her from the edge is the memory's of him. She knows that the one thing that cant be taken is the legacy he left behind.

He was the one that kept the team together and strong when there beloved teacher had been lost.

He was the strength of the team, that allowed them to move on when all hope was gone.

He was the hope for Konoha's future. Many had believed that he would become the next Hokage.

He was a geniuses beyond measure.

Secretly he was everything in a guy she had ever dreamed about.

His hair all though seemed so spiky and threatening, was always soft to the touch.

His carefree attitude was in the worse way contagious.

His lazy smile somehow always brought a smile to her face, even when she thought it impossible to smile.

Her mind lingers on him longer and longer everyday. The only thing she regrets is not telling him.

Its true she had managed to say she loved him in his final moments, but still he may not have heard it.

She thinks about the time when he told her he had accepted Temari's feelings for him. How long and hard she cried that night? Still to this day she can't answer that question. For that entire year the two went out she felt like she was in hell.

Her happiest moment was when he told her they had broken up. She wanted to tell him then what he meant to her but she feared the idea of being a rebound girl. So she observed him secretly for the next two weeks after his brake up.

The first week she noticed how often he ended up going to the flower shop. She believed that he was thinking of Temari the whole first week after. However she noticed and remembered how happy he had seemed after the brake up. Was something like that normal?

No the only reason she could think would make him happy is that he got out of an abusive relationship.

After deciding this she then made up her mind to hate Temari for the rest of her life.

She was mad that Temari would have the best man in the world and try to abuse him, or at least these where the conclusions Ino had come to.

Ino lifts her head off her desk. How many days had it been since his passing? Looking over to the calendar on her wall she notices that today is circled in red.

Her blue eyes fill with tears of dread, fear, and most of all pain. Today was the first month anniversary of his passing.

The memory of him slowly letting his life pass as he stared at her.

The memory of him whispering to her that there was no reason to cry.

The memory of how cold he was when he finally closed his eyes.

It was all coming to her as if it had just happened not more then 3 hours ago.

She knew it would be hard but she had promised herself that she would go to his grave on the first month anniversary.

She wipes away the tears as she begins to dress herself in black. This would be the first time in a month that she would leave her house.

She walks in silence as the streets where devoid of any sings of life.

The sky seemed the exact same they had that day.

This brought her down more then before.

She arrives to the top of the hill under the tree where he had spent all his time cloud watching.

It had been decided by his best friend that this was where he was going to be berried.

She remembers how Choji fought the whole town to get his friend berried there, the only reason he won was because he had gone out and started to dig the grave himself.

Letting the memories flood her now she begins to quietly cry.

Falling to her knees, she begins to trace the name that was written on the cold hard stone.


Here lies a beloved son, friend, teammate, and leader.

She leans against the stone, feeling how cold it was to her touch.

She cries harder as the cold touch of the stone reminds her how he had felt when he closed his eyes for the last time.

Whispering to the stone she says "at that time even the heavens cried for you my love."

At her words the sky lets out a crash of thunder as rain once more falls around her.

Lifting her head Ino lets her tears join full force with the rain. As she yells out "and even now they still cry for your loss."

Falling to ground now she begins to ask herself "why, why did it have to be you who was lost?"

In that moment time stops once more as the wind picks up.

During this moment Ino swears she had heard his voice call to her. She closes her eyes as the wind and rain run over her body and she hears him say

" I was the one who was taken, because I refused to let my teammate, my friend, my joy, and most of all my love be taken from the world. Ino live on."

Listening to his words, his voice, and his love she knows that somehow even with the pain of his loss she can live on. She would live on, for him. To carry on his legacy she would do everything she can so others would remember him.

Now she was sure in her life there where to moments that meant the most to her. One when he passed and was taken from this world. The other, was when he came back to remind those who where left what should be done.

Now she knew more then ever that he would live on and that a single moment in time, can and will last forever.