Disclaimer: don't own naruto. ( I wish.


A Moment In Time.

He stared up as the dark gray clouds passed by, threatening to rain. Perfect he thought. Yet he moved not. A pain in his chest.

His thoughts drifted to this pain, the hurt, the agony it seemed to come full force at him in a matter of seconds. How, why, what, was this pain? he had never felt like this before. Slowly he blinked trying to ring his thoughts around him.

His mind cloudy, foggy, not straight. Then it happened. The only thing he could focus on was her. How long had he been trying to not think of her? That was a question even he himself could not answer. Her eyes was always what he noticed first.

The blue that he had always secretly wished was his own skies. They way they were always perfect, never yielding, so full of life, absolute beauty. How he hated her eyes, because with one glance they maid him dance to her tune. Yet at the same time they where part of her most defining features that he loved so much.

Then came her beautiful long hair. How, even when held up in a pony tail, it swayed to the rhythm of the wind. He had always thought of her hair to be like his sun. giving its bright light. So tempting to stair at yet you know if you do one way or another it only ends up getting to you.

After that he could see her smile. Oh the things he would do just to see her smile. Her perfect set of teeth followed by the glow she gave off when she did. She was beautiful that was true, but to him when she smiled all words failed to describe her beauty.

The pain in his chest grew. It hurt beyond belief. How many times had he wanted to tell her? It was now that he realized how much he truly loved her. Yet he had given it away for a year with a women he didn't even care about. Even now when he thinks about it. It pains his heart.

Why was it now that he could see her so clearly? Something was there, something was pushing him, but what? This pain in his chest? No that couldn't be it. He had to realize it was something more.

He thought to himself as he watched her face sway in front of the drake clouds. Then he heard her voice. It was like thunder, yet calm and sweet. So alluring to him. When she spoke, even if he didn't want to he would listen intently.

The pain was beyond realization now.

Everything seemed so real to him. He could reach out and touch her face. He could hear her breathing. How, why did his thoughts of her come to be like this?

He reached his hand to place it on her cheek. It was then that he noticed the water building in her perfect eyes. He smiled trying to get her to smile back.

Whispering as if talking to himself he says "don't cry. There's nothing to cry over. It's ok I am right here and I'm not going anywhere."

She smiles to his comment but the tears fall. then as if she was commanding heaven, the sky's let there tears fall.

She mesmerized him even soaking wet she was his picture of pure perfection. He thought of how he always wanted an average life with an average wife, but he had secretly tossed that dream away when he first saw her. How he loved the women who was before him. Even if she was just his own thoughts.

His chest was bursting now. It felt like it was on fire.

The things that she did to him. He realized only she could make him feel like this.

He then slowly spoke as if it was the hardest thing for him to say. " Ino I - I ….. I have l-lov" he couldn't finish even if the women before him was just his imagination. Oh how he hated himself. No he didn't hate himself he loathed himself. Why, why couldn't he simply say it. Its not like she was hear to listen to his confession anyway.

He closed his eyes thinking of her. The pain in his chest slowed down. Then disappeared.

All he felt now was the cold his mind slowly losing it sharpness. Even the fog was lifting but he couldn't think of anything but her.

The rain pounded around him as a whisper could be heard " please don't leave me. Shikamaru I need you. I love you."

After that only the tears of heaven could be heard as they cried for there lazy son. Darkness would claim him this day, and forever keep him.


Wow really sad. don't really know why but felt like I had to get this off my chest. Hope you all like it and can help me with my writing if you have any good idea's about what I should change or do to get better that would be a big help.

Read and review please. I like to hear the opinions of others even if it is a flame.