Chapter 27 the slut and the apple

A/N: I know I know long update! I'M SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This chapter is dedicated to RKO.I.F. so yeah um. I apologize and I hope this chapter makes it up! THIS IS GOING TO BE A SHORT CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Disclaimer: I own…no one…sniffle…that sucks!

Randy's POV

I was walking to my room after I had lunch. I decided I would spend the night with Trish before she had to leave. I walked to her room instead and noticed the door was slightly open. I opened it all the way ready to surprise her when I saw her and Carlito…together…about to rip his shirt off.

"You Whore!" I yelled. She looked up and jumped off the bed.

"Randy, I can explain!" she said walking to the door. I shut it in her face.

"I don't want an explanation!" I yelled walking away. She ran up behind me as I walked down the hall.

"Randy, I'm sorry-"

"Sorry!" I yelled turning around to meet her gaze "Sorry! What the hell does that word even mean anymore? It's just a word people say when they don't want to hurt someone…but still will do it again after wards because they this everything is better now that they apologized!" she didn't say anything. She just looked up into my eyes, tears filling hers. "Look Trish, I figured this was going to happen. It was true, what everyone said, I guess I just didn't want to believe it. But now…well we're through!" I said walking away. I walked into my room, calling up Adam. "Adam?"

"Hey Randy, whats up?"

"I was wondering if I could talk to you for a minute?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Well, long story short, you know about me and Trish right, how were together?"


"Well its over, she cheated on me, and well I was wondering if you could give me some advise…I want to make up with Ria. I have for awhile now. But I don't know how to approach her and tell her everything."

"Just try to talk to her. Go up to her and just spill out the truth. Tell her everything, how you're sorry, you wish this never happened, that you know how it feels, and everything."

"Thanks man, I owe you one"

"No problem" he said. I hung up and left to find Maria.

A/N: told you this would be a short chapter!!! Ha I wrote long first and then I was like wait no….! but uh, review please!!!!