A/N: this is a new story called injured love. Just like most stories it is romance and humor. Usually I write about Jeff Hardy but this came to me randomly and it was perfect. The ending is hilarious but you have to wait awhile for that…sorry. Please R/R thanks! This story will mostly be in Maria's POV unless otherwise noted.

Chapter one: how it all started


"Hey John, where you going?" Maria asked the WWE Champion

"Oh hey Ria, my match with Randy is up next." He answered. John and Ria have been friends for a very long time, but ever since he had first met her, he fell in love.

"Oh cool well good luck"

"Thanks. Hey wait Maria…" He paused biting his lower li. He took a deep breath…"will yo-"he was interrupted by his own entrance music "sorry I have to go" he said running to the ring. Randy Orton was already in the ring ready to fight.

After about twenty minutes of heavy, hardcore, extreme fighting, John went for the FU. Randy elbowed out pushing John to the ropes and set up for the RKO. When he grabbed John's neck and threw him down, instead of John's face hitting the mat, his knee hit it popping the joint out.

End Flashback.

I stood there in the same spot as last week thinking "what was John going to ask me, I could barely hear him then he had to leave?" I thought the same thing over and over again

"Hey Maria" a familiar voice broke into my thoughts.

"Hey Randy" I replied, my voice a little sad and confused

"I saw John today; he said he should be back in a month or two. I feel horrible."

"Oh Randy it's not your fault. How is he?"

"He's been better"

"Oh well I have to go, my match is next."

"Okay, bye Ria"

"Bye, wait before I go, can you drive me to go see John later?"

"Yeah sure, no problem"

"Thanks bye bye"

After my match I went to Randy's room and we left to visit John. When we got there the nurse told us…

"No visitors for Mr. Cena right now, he's sleeping and his knee is in a little pain, come back tomorrow or some other time please." So we decided to go back to the hotel and get some sleep. I went to my room that I shared with one of my best friends, Ms. Mickie James.

"Hey, Ria, did you see him?" she asked in her perky voice

"No, he was sleeping"

"Aw, well you'll see him soon right?"

"I hope. You know last week right before his match he wanted to ask me something but he had to go fight. I still don't know what he was gonna ask."

"Ask him when you see him later"

"I would but I don't want to bother him while he's hurt"

"True, well maybe he was gonna ask you out" she said laughing. Mickie was the only one who knew I liked John since I first met him.

"I doubt it, were too good of friends, he wouldn't ask me out."

"You never know"

"Whatever, I'm going to bed, night Micks"

"Aight, night Ria"

"Micks, don't say that…"

"Ah, you're so hurtful" she said slapping her hand on her chest

"Ria get up, RIA!" I heard coming back from a deep sleep.

"Huh, Mickie get off me. What do you want?"

"Your phone was ringing"

"The machine will get it"

"It was John" she said. I jumped up rummaging thru my purse for my phone. I couldn't find it then Mickie tapped me on the shoulder. I looked over and saw her holding my phone "looking for this"

"Yes give me!"I said reaching for the phone but she pulled away

"What do you say?"

"Ugh, please"

"Now was that so hard?"

"Ugh" I said taking the phone. I dialed John's number and listened to his ring back

Your time is up my time is now. You can't see me my time is now it's the-




"Who else would scream your name over the phone?"


"So how are you feeling?"

Eh, I've been better

"So I've heard" I turned and looked at Mickie. Of course, she was making a kissy face. "NO!"


"Sorry I was yelling at Mickie"

Ah ok makes since now

"So, how's you're knee?"

Eh, it will be in a brace for a little but I'll be fine

"Good, I guess" I said with a giggle

Well I have to go, no cell phones allowed and a nurse is coming

"Ok bye John"

Bye Ria. I hung up the phone and looked at Mickie

"You so love him