Dear Wesker,

Hey everyone! This is my first completed fanfiction so if/when you review please don't flame me. Constructive criticism is always appreciated though.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Resident Evil, Capcom does.

Now on to the story!!

Dear Wesker,

I don't know why I'm writing you this stupid letter, for it won't even get to you. It's just so I can log my thoughts and what not. I know what you are thinking, and no, this is not a diary. If it was a diary, I wouldn't address it to you, I would address it as 'dear diary'. In a way, I'm doing what you do. Analyze and record.

I've been thinking of you a lot lately. I don't know why, but whenever I think of you betraying Jill, Berry, and me I hurt. It hurts so much sometimes that I feel like I want to cry. But I don't, because I'm not a wimp. I try to pass off that I hate you, and in a sense I do. I hate that you betrayed us, I hate that you left us, and I hate that I love you.

Yes I said those three forbidden words; I love you. I bet you are wondering as to why I love you, and for that, I have no answer. Not yet anyways. Believe me I WANT to hate you, but I can't. I know you will never return my feelings and for some reason, I'm cool with that.

It's weird loving someone, you feel so invincible…yet you know that same person who makes you feel so strong can ripe you in two. With you Albert, it's both literal and figurative. God Albert, I love you so much that I would give up everything just to be with you. I'd even give up my humanity, just like you did. I'd do that all for you.

I think I finally figured out why I love you so much. When you were my captain for S.T.A.R.S. you always would protect your squad or your 'boys' as you would say. Even though you didn't show it, you always cared for them…for me. I miss that about you. I remember one time you took me out for drinks, just me! I felt so honored and when you looked at me I could melt. You probably don't remember, but you got so drunk that night you kissed me. I didn't tell you, because I didn't know if you swung the same way I do. But that kiss has invaded my dreams keeping me up to write you a 'letter'.

I feel at peace now, and the sleep that has evaded me for so long, is finally taking over. Goodnight Albert, I love you.

With all my heart,

Your Chris Redfield.

Wesker put down the note and looked over to the sleeping figure besides it. Smiling briefly as he flipped over Chris's letter quickly scratching something down. He then turned to the peaceful man before him and quickly gave him a peck on the cheek, and left. Leaving no trace behind him except for the damp spot on Chris's cheek and the note.

Chris woke up that next morning feeling as if something was out of place. When looking about something caught a hold of Chris's eyes as he picked up the note left on the table. Quickly examining it, he smiled hugely as he dropped the note and went outside.

The note, now lying abandoned on the floor simply said:

I love you Chris. You will always be invaluable to me. Your Wesker

AN. Hope you liked it. Like I said, first story that I've ever written so be nice. I hope it was cute enough for you!